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There Are 24 Hours In One Day. What Will You Do With Them?

There Are 24 Hours In One Day. What Will You Do With Them Today?

You want to hear a good story?

Ok, here it comes.

Picture yourself in your dream destination wherever it might be.

Envision yourself doing what you want to do there.

Grab a sheet of paper from your desk or wherever you are and write down how you would feel when you get to that destination (yes, you will get there; read on and I’ll tell you how).

Write down what you want to do there and why you want to do it.

Is it the dream story for yourself?

If so, then listen closely to what I’m going to tell you.

You can get there.

However, you must realize one thing and that is:

The value of your time.

Time is your most precious asset on this planet, more so than dollars.

Let me explain.

When you have time, you can do things that you want to do or should do in your life to get where you need to go.

However, with SO many things to do, it might be confusing to narrow down what you need to do.

In this post, I am going to narrow down exactly what you need to do with 24 hours in one day to get you to your dream destination.

Without further ado, let’s get right into it.

Learn Something

There Are 24 Hours In One Day. What Will You Do With Them Today?

This is the one that you should be doing every single day.

I don’t care if you are a dummy or a genius building something going to Mars, you are going to learn something every day.

Now why is this?

Well, for many reasons that you might not have even thought of.

  1. It’s proven to make your brain active instead of passive

When you watch TV or use your smartphone for recreational purposes, your brain is extremely passive in what it’s doing.

In other words, it’s not being stimulated and it is settling for the things that it is being provided with instead of creating the circumstances around it.

This is what makes you lazy fast.

When you learn something, you are building your brain to use the information that it is being given to make new things happen.

You can read that study here if you wish.

This is one of the many secrets that geniuses across the planet use to create new things.

I bet that you’ve heard of this one before or you’ve asked yourself this question before: “How the heck is he doing that? Is he a genius or something?”

Well actually, the answer is that this person is not a genius and all this person did was apply what he learned to creating this new thing that the world now loves.

And all of that stems from just sitting down and learning until you get it.

If you want to get out of the nasty situation that you are in, whether it’s at a job you hate or you are living in your mom’s house, it’s up to you to just get your ass up and pick up a book or just go to the library or YouTube and start learning something.

You can learn the process of doing so here if you wish.

And now when you finally learn something new, it’s time to do what I’ve said the geniuses do and that is to:

Go Somewhere

There Are 24 Hours In One Day. What Will You Do With Them Today?

That’s right, go outside somewhere and don’t even think about what you are trying to accomplish.

This is what’s called incubation and it is the process of your subconscious using what you learned to create something unique and applicable to what you are trying to accomplish.

Many of the great geniuses on this planet use this process and it works wonders for them.

In fact, Thomas Edison attributes this process to generating many of his greatest inventions.

You can read more about that process here.

Going somewhere fits perfectly well with this. In fact, let me tell you an elusive story as to why.

I just got back to my desk a few moments ago as of this writing and I went to the park for a quiet walk.

There was no one around. It was just me and my thoughts here in sunny South Florida on a mid-August day.

I swung on the swings and looked out on the water thinking about what I am going to do next today and where I wanted to live in the future.

Of course, I was sweaty and thirsty, but it’s a whole lot better than being in an office all day.

I came back to my office to write this post and then I heard this song right here for the first time.

Immediately, I thought “What the heck is this song?!”

So then my mind began to think of several places on this planet like the Caribbean, México, Hawaii, Southwestern Florida and The Florida Keys.

The reason was because the song’s key was F sharp minor, which I associate with tropical destinations.

How odd right?

But what if I told you that I could use that to create something and get you down reading the page here?

I can and I just did.

If you got down here, the writing hooked your interest and got you reading to where you are now.

That is creativity at its finest and that is the power of incubation.

I was able to take something completely unrelated to what this post is about and turned it into something that conveyed my point.

That is the approach that you should take in order to create and provide value in this world.

You have to do something completely unrelated for a certain amount of time before you get to the solution.

That is how genius works.

If you want to see how this works in more detail, I’ll attach a few more posts that I’ve written that demonstrate that. You can see them here, here and here.

When you read those posts, did they instantly hook you to read all the way to the bottom of the post?

Comment below if you did read all the way to the bottom of the page.

I’m sure that if your answer is yes, then you now understand what I mean by learn, create and go somewhere.

If you are thinking, you should recognize that the order is wrong.

Do you know why?

It’s because you should learn, go somewhere and THEN create.

That order was just to get you reading to the bottom of this post here, nothing more and nothing less.

Now with the information that you have in your hand, here’s what you do.

Create Something

There Are 24 Hours In One Day. What Will You Do With Them Today?

Learning alone will not make the cut in this world; it’s only a start.

You must use what you learned and innovate, create and provide for the world somehow (aside from your job) or you will keep your problem.

Have you ever heard of the phrase “Eat or be eaten?”

It’s true in human civilization because the provider of some good or service is the only one able to command the money required to live on this planet.

And you know who rules the world right?


When you create, you get rewarded. And when you get rewarded, you can spend the money on whatever you want.

It’s that simple.

You don’t want circumstances to create you.

Create the circumstances so that you can do whatever you want.

Why would you want it any other way?

Now if you are having trouble creating something, I have a very strong recommendation for you and that is to:


There Are 24 Hours In One Day. What Will You Do With Them Today?


That’s what you need to be doing.

Not sitting around all day and/or being on your phone all day like a bum.

Because let’s face it, how long is 24 hours and how long is a day on Earth?

However long you make it my friend.

If you move, it’ll go faster and you’ll achieve what you want faster.

In other words, you control time and you don’t let it control you.

You have to get going in your head like a drill sergeant ready for battle and preparing his troops for going to war, not sitting around in the cabana on a nice summer day with a lot of drinks.

That latter one will do you no good in life until you win at what you want.

So get moving and start hustling.

Use your 24 hours wisely and don’t look back.

If you got a lot out of this post and want more extremely insightful content sent straight to your inbox the moment that it’s published, definitely subscribe to Join the Island, the world’s greatest blog, with your email below!

Until next time,

This is Evan signing off.

PS: Don’t forget to comment if I got you to read all the way down the page for the 3 posts that I gave you. I genuine appreciate any feedback!

Evan Cruz
+ posts

Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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