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7 Common Mental Excuses You Have Right Now Preventing You From Crushing It In Your Life

7 Common Mental Excuses You Have Right Now Preventing You From Crushing It In Your Life

Are you wondering why things are just not working in your life?

Things like “What should I do?”

“Am I too old?”

“It’s just too hard for me to do!”

“Can I afford to do this?”

“I’m just not good enough, ok?”

If you have any of these common mental excuses to not achieving what you want, then this post is for you.

I am going to completely dispel all of these mental myths right now and immediately after this post, you will have everything you need to go start working towards and ultimately achieving what you want to do in your life.

So let’s get to it.

First, grab a pen and paper.

Take a lot of notes.

Print this post out if you have to.

And comprehend everything that I’m going to tell you because you’ll need it sooner than you think.

You Are Not Good Enough

7 Common Mental Excuses You Have Right Now Preventing You From Crushing It In Your Life

This is a fallacy at its finest.

Let me show you something that will become extremely profound to you when you realize it.

I used to suck at school.


I remember when I used to get straight C’s all the way up to 6th grade.

I used to think it was the teachers, but it wasn’t.

It was me not applying myself.

I would not want to do any schoolwork and my grads just tanked to rock bottom.

I didn’t know what the issue was.

Until I discovered it.

When I discovered the issue, everything changed.

I remember it vividly. It was the final of my 6th grade math test and I wanted to prove to the entire class and my teacher at the time that I was the smartest one in the room.

I actually succeeded in getting the highest grade on the final and my teacher was in great shock that I did that after I went through the whole year with a lot of C’s, some B’s and a terrible budget project.

From then on, I just crushed school and college. I simply made myself think that I was good enough and I got through every class; and a lot of times in dominating fashion over the rest of the class.

I’ll give you another example of a guy who thought he wasn’t good enough and now he’s literally the king of the world.

If you’re an entrepreneur or a business owner, you might be familiar with a guy named Grant Cardone.

He is a high flying multi-millionaire who invests in a lot of real estate and gives talks around the world to people who have success aspirations. But he didn’t start out that way.

He used to be a cocaine addict from his teenage years all the way up until he was 25 years old.

When he was using drugs, he thought that he wasn’t good enough, he complained about life and at one point, he wanted to commit suicide.

He knew deep down though that he needed to fix this and to fix it fast.

As you already guessed, he did.

At age 30, he became a millionaire and from then on his personal and financial success snowballed into an enormous real estate empire, a private jet and becoming one of the most well-known names in the business world today.

All from a simple switch in his head:

He can do it.

His case was a very extreme case of depression and most likely, your situation is definitely not as bad as his was.

If he can do it, why can’t you?

You have the ability and chances are, you are not doing drugs, so you are not incapacitated.

You are good enough; society just makes it out to be otherwise.

Don’t believe them. You have it in you. Believe me.

Now this next excuse hits so many people and you’ll be screaming into your computer or smartphone or tablet when you read it:

You Can’t Afford It

7 Common Mental Excuses You Have Right Now Preventing You From Crushing It In Your Life

This one can be overcome pretty quickly, especially if you have a decent job that pays the bills and you have a lot of time when you get home.

Here’s the deal: When you get home from work, you have at least 1 hour to yourself before you have to go to bed. And that’s not all. You also get the weekend to work on the things you need to work on to get ahead in your life.

That’s a considerable amount of time.

Now let’s take a look at your habits.

You come home and you turn on Netflix for at least an hour.

You talk on the phone over some bullshit conversation that only has immediate gratification to your life.

And then, you go on social media to browse at what your friends are doing and you get sucked into the madness.

After all of this, you still say “I can’t afford it.”

Let me tell you something. You can afford it.

You’re just making up reasons for not doing it and that is what’s holding you back.

Imagine if you take that 1 hour and you put it to, say, learning an in-demand skill that can increase your earning potential.

Don’t you realize the long-term benefits you’ll be getting out of that instead of watching some ridiculous TV show that only makes the creators money and leaves you broke in the process?

I know you see the long-term benefits.

You just need to take the necessary action to what you need to do to accomplish what you want to accomplish.

Here’s what I recommend you do to fix this craziness today:

  1. Throw away your smartphone and your television
  2. Commit to being disciplined every single day for the rest of your life [Note: Your habits today dictate your future].
  3. Read this blog post to transfer your inner desires to what you really want in life.

You really need to decide for yourself what it is you want to become and work towards it starting today with absolutely no reservations.

You don’t want to live a life of regret my friend.

You want to live life with an abundance of happiness, joy, and opportunity.

But it starts with the foundation.

Let those 3 steps be it if you so choose.

And here comes the most ridiculous excuse of them all and why you should stop listening to politics once you read this one:

The Economy Is FAILING!

7 Common Mental Excuses You Have Right Now Preventing You From Crushing It In Your Life

Oh this one is such a classic!

Have you ever seen Chicken Little?

If you have, do you remember the scene where he says “The Sky is Falling?”

You cannot help but laugh when you see that scene since it’s so true when you watch the news and they say “People are losing jobs. You are ruined” or “The stock market is falling! Panic! Sell!”

Give me a break, right?

All you need to do is take the initiative into your own hands and just own the thing you want to do and go after it.

No one is going to stop you at that point when you are invincible and you can literally command the world.

What economy is going to stop you from doing what you want when you are the very best at that thing?


Every single dollar in the industry you are in will pay attention to you because you are the one providing the most value amongst your competitors.

People who want to depend on some government check or some employer to save their behinds will complain that the economy is failing.

People who take matters into their own hands and just go at life full throttle with nothing but a fierce determination and an indestructible will to succeed and a positive attitude will never struggle regardless of any circumstance.

Oh and if you believe the government should give free everything, consider this:

Imagine if you were in a country where regardless of how much you work and how much value you provide, everybody gets the same outcome.

That same outcome means things like the same standard of living and the same healthcare amongst other things.

If you are working your butt off and producing value, do you want that to happen?

The government to take away everything that you earned and worked for?

That is ridiculous if you ask me.

What is also ridiculous is if you complain that there is no equal opportunity.

There is.

There are 3 resources that even the playing field:

  1. Google
  2. The library
  3. Hustle

That last one is the most important. Without it, you can’t get anywhere in life and you will never get anyone to take action on what you want.

That’s the reality.

If you watch too much news, don’t watch it again. They’ll brainwash you and they will make you believe a complete fallacy and the false lie of needing to depend on some magical force to come and save you.

Only YOU can rescue yourself, no one else.

So get that in your head starting today.

Now here’s Ferris Bueller’s favorite one if it’s all in your head.

I am Sick

7 Common Mental Excuses You Have Right Now Preventing You From Crushing It In Your Life

If it’s not an actual illness you know isn’t there, then it is all in your head.

Look, when you’re bored, you just want to lay in bed all day or just go on your smartphone and troll all day long and eventually all your life.

This is not the way to live life.

Take a look around you. What do you see on almost every corner?

People complaining about their day!

There’s a reason for this:

They don’t believe in themselves enough to say “I am going to make the world the way I want to make the world and I’m going to do something about it.”

That’s why their sick, not because they are actually sick.

And it’s sad because everyone has it in them to be great and they know it themselves.

They just can’t unleash it.

You need to learn to UNLEASH your greatness.

You can redirect your sexual energy here when you are ready to learn from the world’s greatest blog post on mindset and goal setting to achieve what you want in life.

And now here’s that 3 pm at work excuse you might associate with every day.

I Need to Eat a Snack

7 Common Mental Excuses You Have Right Now Preventing You From Crushing It In Your Life

Have you ever been at work and felt the temptation to go get something like a bar so you don’t feel bored?

Well if that’s the case, it’s exactly what you should NOT do.

Let me explain.

Aside from the fact that most snacks contain carbs and will put you to sleep when you eat them in the afternoon, they are just an excuse to escape from reality and give you instant gratification when you reach in and grab a bite.

Most people fall into this trap like it’s nothing. The entire snack industry is designed to take advantage of this fact.

It’s even gotten to the point where traditional meals might be replaced.

Now why is this the case?

Because when these manufacturers make snacks, they put in ingredients that are like drugs and they get you coming back and coming back for more since you feel an urge to depend on them for happiness.

This is dangerous for your future.

Snacks are “junk food” for a reason.

They are made of junk. You certainly don’t want to eat junk, don’t you?

So unless you won yourself a championship in accomplishing your goals (where you can indulge yourself in a delicious bacon cheeseburger filled with juicy onions and fresh off of the grill meat and the ohhhhh so delicious super crispy fresh churned bacon), stay off of the junk food.

And don’t let Netflix and the couch get you every single night.

That’s worse than junk food.

And now here’s one that many people (and perhaps yourself) may fall into if you have the wrong approach about things:

It’s Too Late

7 Common Mental Excuses You Have Right Now Preventing You From Crushing It In Your Life

It’s never too late to accomplish what you want.

Don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise.

In fact, the older you are (in most situations), the more you are likely to succeed in achieving something.

Do you know why?

Because you have life experience under your belt.

You’ve worked your butt off for many years and you have seen the ups and downs of the real world.

You have discovered who you are and you know why you are doing something for yourself instead of just following the crowd.

Let me tell you a story of someone who did something too early and it almost cost him his life.

I was a naïve 17 year old who thought he knew everything there was to know about the world.

At the time, I felt like I was the most competent person in the world to run a Fortune 500 Company.

I was so wrong.

I went to college just like everyone else and although I chose a degree with good employment prospects, I didn’t do research into any other degree and the return on investment of those degrees.

If it weren’t for my mother saving my skin, I would’ve been over $60,000 in college debt without understanding what debt is and the consequences of them.

I also did not know that everyone needs work experience in order to be considered for a job.

I was of the mindset of “If you get good grades, you will get a job.”

If you’ve been in the real world, you know this in itself isn’t true.

It’s only one piece of the equation to being a successful college student.

Now let me tell you what I would’ve done with what I know now and what you can do to save years of your life and make an intelligent decision on how to go about college.

First, I would’ve started working at 14 or younger if I could. I would say “Screw TV, I’m going to the library.” (I used to be into TV a lot).

As I worked, I would learn about investing intelligently (which is something I did do), how to handle people and finding out more about who I am and reaching out to professionals in fields I am interested in to know what I need to do to position myself favorably when the time came to get a job or other form of work.

I would ask to shadow someone in their field to gauge my interest and to see if it is something I want to do in the future. This adds substance to my case of getting a job and creates a “story” to sell to employers and clients.

I would develop the skills for my desired field before applying to any formal education program so I can have my foundation set up for success.

I would also get the work experience before going to any formal education program so I don’t have to juggle school and work, allowing me to control the college experience and getting a wealth of time which I could use for extracurriculars or more time on academics if need be.

Getting work experience before going to school would protect myself from having to forgo work experience if I needed to focus solely on school.

I would still learn everything I can about sales, marketing, technical knowledge in my fields of interest and networking with professionals in my field to find out what the number 1 reason they would hire someone.

I would create a blog or a YouTube channel showing that I like my profession and I like what I want to do for a living and I can deliver value for employers and tell them the biggest benefit in hiring me since I prove how I can successfully fulfill the number 1 reason they would hire someone.

If I’m working, I will do the absolute best job every single day and I would do it like I’m caring for a newborn baby.

And all of this while avoiding student loans like the plague.

And if I didn’t need to go to college, so be it.

I would learn the skills that I need while I worked and I would find a way to win at whatever I’m doing.

But now here you are.

You are probably someone who has been working for a few years trying to find your way in life.

Let me tell you something.

You are ahead.

It might not seem like it, but you are.

The fact that you don’t have any debt and you have not wasted any education whatsoever and you have dealt with life (real life, not academia), you are in prime position to become the best at whatever you decide to do.

Almost all of those 18-20 something year olds are going to find a way to jack off and waste themselves, even if they have a 1600 SAT and a 4.0 GPA and got into Harvard.

In reality, if you stay true to yourself and you go with your gut when you have all of the information at your disposal, you will win, regardless of your age.

Develop the skills to succeed, execute and you will come out on top. I guarantee you that.

And of course, the most important thing: Mindset.

When you get that mindset, you will never have a chance of losing because you will always find a way to win regardless.

When you believe in yourself and you transfer your energy to what you want, you will become unstoppable regardless of your age.

Whether you are 11, 31, 51, 71 and heck, even 91, you can win at anything you hope for.

All you need to do is do it and don’t let anyone stop you at all.

Get rid of the excuses and push through. These excuses will be the main causes of mental illness in you if you don’t get rid of them.

You’ve got this and you know you do.

Just do it.

If you got a lot out of this post and you want more actionable content that’ll wake you up and show you exactly how to get what you want in life in a relatively short period of time, subscribe to Join the Island below with your email so the world’s best blog posts can be sent right to your inbox fresh out of the oven!

And don’t forget to comment below with what you got out of this post and what you hope to achieve. It’d be great to know.

Until next time,

This is Evan signing off.

Evan Cruz
+ posts

Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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