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How to Find a Good Book to Read. Click Here!

How to Find a Good Book to Read. Click Here!

So you wanna know how to find a good book to read?

You’ve come to the right place because in this post, I am going to show you how to find a good book to read.

No really, I am going to show you how to do just that.


I know you are, you’ve been yearning for answers on Google for SOOO long!

Well the wait and pain is over because here’s how to find it:

Go grab a copy of “How to Win Friends and Influence People.”

I know, I know, you might be thinking “Ah gee, another sales pitch, uuuuuughh, just like getting out of bed, here we go again!”

Hear me out now, when I’m writing this, I am being 100% completely honest with you about things. Really.

In fact, I am being so honest, so darn honest that I am going to share with you a mind blowing story about how I used this book to get myself out of a traffic ticket and a fight and how you can use the same principles that I am about to share with you today to get yourself out of a rough situation at work, school, or any every day place that you can imagine.

Are you ready?

I can’t hear ya, ARE YOU READY?!

Here we go!

The Story of a Red Car, a Silver Car, and My Intuition

How to Find a Good Book to Read. Click Here!

So one day, I was leaving my university after kicking the behind out of my differential equations test, and I was going home in my silver car, blasting the radio up so loud to celebrate.

I was listening to Toto’s “Hold the Line” (or something similar, but it’s a super bad ass song, check it out here when you can), really getting immersed with that guitar solo that my mind literally went into another world.

And of course, was I playing the radio too loud? Yeah I was and I learned my lesson (I don’t play the radio on in the car at all; I suggest that you do the same as well).

And then, while getting to a stop light, I noticed that an old red car stopped abruptly in front of me, even with a lot of great space between me and that driver.

So then, of course, I hit the brakes very hard.

However, my car wasn’t far enough.

So I rear ended the red car (no airbag though, it was a simple hit-and-run, but I’ll talk about that a little later, wait and see).

Initially, I was prepared to try to resolve the situation with the driver, but what this guy did when he came up to my car surprised me so much that I was literally shell shocked when I saw what he did.

I roll down the window to speak with him and he said something along the lines of this:

“You were going way too f****** fast. You could’ve killed someone if they were in the back of your car seat.” And then basically whatever else the guy said, calling me a jerk, a fool, and, whatever else.

“Ah Evan, the guy was right, you crashed him, he must be right in what he said You were the fool.”

That’s what it might seem on the surface, but in the inside, I was working some magic with my handy dandy book that I am recommending to you today.

Here it was.

The very first principle that I immediately recognized was to let the other person do a great deal of the talking.

Let me explain this in detail.

People love to talk.

Specifically, people love to talk about themselves and they subconsciously love to talk down onto others to have a feeling of superiority.

I immediately recognized this and using this, I just sat there, I shut up, I just stared at him, and I didn’t move a muscle.

I knew that he was going to get nothing out of criticizing me unless I defied his presence and tried to combat him (Hint: Never criticize and always try to avoid an argument; two other principles that I used to my advantage there to not get the guy to fight me).

In short, I used this book to make a mental trap on him to keep talking as if he won even though he was losing the battle that he started since he sparked the argument.

And then you are not going to believe the next thing that he did.

He just left the scene before the police arrived.

Had I actually taken a picture of him at the time, he would’ve been in jail, according to the officer who came after the accident.

Essentially, with this book, I would’ve successfully put him in jail.

Isn’t that unbelievable?

Using a simple book to keep your cool out of a fight and to make others fall for their own traps (assuming you know everything that you have to do, which I know now).

Talk about the art of fighting without fighting.

And that’s exactly what I want to articulate to you today.

If you can master the art of fighting without fighting, you can win any nonphysical fight that comes your way.

It can be at work with a boss trying to make your life miserable or a professor who wants to write the test to see you fail.

Or it can be with an angry customer who doesn’t know what he’s talking about and wants to rip you apart.

Either way, your ability to deal with people will determine how you will master the art of fighting without fighting.

And hey, even Bruce Lee himself agrees. Have you ever seen this? Comment below if you have, I’d like to know; it’s a great movie.

And to do that, Dale Carnegie’s “How to Win Friends and Influence People” is second to none in its ability to give you the secret tools that you need to get people to follow your agenda.

And with that, here comes the link (Yes, I’m an affiliate selling this product. I do receive a commission for selling this product, but it will not affect how much you pay for the book):

>>> Click HERE to purchase “How to Win Friends and Influence People” on Amazon<<<

Buy it now.

Take ownership of your situation whatever it is starting today.

Yes, this is an order and even though Carnegie says not to give orders, I feel inclined to do so today because this is like a life threatening emergency situation and your life really depends on buying this book.

You will thank me later. Money back guarantee and a $100 Amazon gift card sent to your doorstep tomorrow.

That’s how confident that I am that this book will make your life a lot easier and that you will experience, at the minimum, some small changes in your behavior that this book will correct and massive differences for the better in your daily life with people as a result.

Mark my words on that.

You’re welcome.

Until next time,

This is Chief Islander Evan signing off.

PS: I forgot one more thing.

How to Find a Good Book to Read. Click Here!

And no, it wasn’t that bucket, even though that would be pretty bad considering that it holds everything that I know 🙂

I didn’t just use “How to Win Friends and Influence People” to battle the guy that I crashed.

I also used “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu.

There was one principle in particular that I used out of it.

It’s what I like to call the true element of surprise.

It’s this: If the enemy is making a mistake, let him.

Expose their weakness.

So when I used the stay still tactic on the guy, I literally set a mental trap right away exposing his weakness and he fell for it.

Or almost did because I didn’t realize that I could take a photo of his car, but you get the idea right?

There are many more tactics in “The Art of War” that you can use to influence people to act the way that you want them to act.

Now let me say this, there a bad reviews of this book like this one that might steer you away:

“VERY misleading of Amazon. This is a thin booklet overview. The reviews here cover many versions of The Art of War and are all combined here. It’s a complete joke. Get it together AMAZON.”

Or this one that makes the book seem overly simplistic:

“I read the foreword and first groaned a little with the god talk. I continued to read. I couldn’t make it to book three. This the first time in a while I couldn’t finish a book. Judging by how much I agree with many of the other 1 star reviews, I can only expect a greater degree of suffering and discomfort as the book “goes off the rails” in book 3. I find it interesting the five star reviews that say this book is motivating. I actually found it depressing and full of negative energy. It’s riddled with feelings of guilt (the Christian kind), xenophobia, intolerance, disarray and just plain ignorance. It’s full of strong opinions and weak on coherence and logical reasoning. I found the author contradictory in many cases. Also, the format is terribly annoying.”

And I get that you would be turned off by it. It’s justifiable.

I’d just like to assure you that all you have to do is pay close attention to what he is saying and really attempt to understand “why” Sun Tzu is saying what he is saying. And to think about how you can apply that into your own situations.

For me, it was the line in Chapter 9 titled “The Nine Situations” that simply said this:

“If the enemy leaves the door open, you must rush in.”

In other words, I visualized in my mind what Sun Tzu said and I understood that leaving the door open means opportunity. An opportunity to do something in my favor. I also realized that if someone exposes their weakness like in a fight, that’s a chance for me to elevate their weakness even more and take them out with a “punch” on their open side.

So with that guy in the crash, I realized his weakness of criticizing me, let him talk more to add substance to my case if we went to court, and basically gave him nothing so that he could do nothing to me. And realizing that he left the scene and I didn’t argue with him about anything, I just told the officer that story and he agreed to not write me a ticket for hitting him.

So basically, I used that one line in the book along with some critical thinking, which I explain in the post that’ll appear when you click on this link, to get out of a traffic ticket and a fight.

So that’s what “The Art of War” can do for you if you apply it correctly.

Here’s what one reader said about the book in a positive light:

“I want to tell future readers of this book in this way. I read it first when I was 14 or 15. I thought it was a book on how to smartly fight a war. Then I re-read it when I was 28 and it occurred to me that it may be an instruction book on how to navigate an honorable life. Years passed and I recently found it at the bottom of a box in my closet. I read it again at age 56. I realized it has more to offer. If you read this book, you will actively have to replace Sun Tzus’ ancient terms and placement of hierarchy and apply them to modern situations and people. Family, bosses, neighbors, employees and the list goes on. It is my belief that this “manual” can help solve minor and major disruptions in life if used correctly. It is a book meant for good.”

Drop the mic.

Read those last three sentences again and let it sink in.

Does that apply to you?

I thought so.

So when you’re ready, do this:

>>> Click HERE to purchase “The Art of War” on Amazon <<<

Your life depends on this as well.

You’re welcome.

Until next time,

This is Chief Islander Evan signing off.

Evan Cruz
+ posts

Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

4 thoughts on “How to Find a Good Book to Read. Click Here!”

  1. I read “The Art of War” my first time in jail because that was the book to read I guess, I never got anything out of it at 18 years old. I was just like you and re-read it again in my first rehab at 24, got the idea of it and forgot everything because I just wasn’t ready to understand life yet. I started reading it again my last time in jail and finished in my last rehab at 37 years old. I understood what it really meant and applied the modern day to it. It’s helped in my life tremendously and hope it will change other lives as well, “be open and think to understand”. Unfortunately, I’m still a knucklehead at times and forget. I’ll be getting “How to Win Friends and Influence People” to help not only influence others but make others my friends as well. Great article and hope more people read this to start their changes in life as well.

    1. Thank you very much for your thoughtful comment Jason. I’m glad that you got a lot out of the article. Please check out another butt-kicking article right here that’ll give you a sense of how to feel like a king even when all seems lost. Great comment.

  2. Thanks for the book suggestions and a great story! I’m always looking for good books for self improvement and have actually heard about both of these before. I’ll have to add them to my reading list!

    1. You will enjoy them really well; money back guarantee! Don’t forget to click here where I will show you how to actually read the book so that you can retain all or almost all of the information that you read and using a trick to make you the supreme master of the material!

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