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Why a Military is a Necessity for YOU

Why a Military is a Necessity for YOU and What to Do About It

Do you ever wonder if you need to protect yourself even more from the stress that life brings you?

Have you always wanted an easier answer to solve that problem?

Well, this post will give you instant answers to that problem. However, they won’t be easy to implement perfectly right away.

These answers will take time for you to develop and to mature with and to develop a genuine understanding of how they work.

Specifically, how they serve to be your own personal military.

“My own military?”

Yes, that is correct, and this post will explain to you why a military is a necessity for you and what you need to do in order to have it work for you.

Before you can proceed onto the secrets of your personal military, I need you to do one thing right now.

Grab a pencil and paper and right down your biggest nightmare.

Maybe it’s your boss, the job market, your mom (I hope this one isn’t it), a test, etc.

They are driving you nuts and you want to GET THEM OUT and SHUT THE FRONT DOOR on them.

Now use that as motivation to build it and to successfully knock it out.

Once you are finished reading this post, start thinking of ways that you can create your own personal military so that you can knock those guys OUT of your life or BEAT THE HELL OUT OF THEM and get your way.

Now here is the first reason that you should develop your own military.

You Need to Defend Yourself from Bad Guys

“Why thanks Captain Obvious” is the first thing that you might say!

But do you REALLY know that it is obvious?

Not just the big fat guys out of prison who are just there for your money?

How about anyone that you might know yourself?

Maybe your mother?

Your father?

Your girlfriend/boyfriend?

Your teacher/professor?

Maybe some stranger?

Have you ever thought that many things that you have been told are sometimes, but not all of the time, outright lies and are extremely deceptive to your future decisions?

Have you even recognized some of them after the fact?

Go ahead, comment below if you have.

Now after seeing what happened in the past, have you ever thought to yourself “Wait a minute, might I need to change how I approach things?”

Well, in a lot of cases, the answer is yes.

Why is that the case you might ask?

If the approach was wrong the first time, you might want to fix it up and not repeat the same thing over and over again.

In fact, Einstein calls that the definition of insanity.

The new way that I propose to you and that works is you don’t just do what the other people say just thinking that it is the correct thing to do.

Instead, you have to be independent of everybody else.

You have to observe everything from an objective and unbiased point of view and you can’t let anyone influence the way that you think in a destructive way.

This means that if you receive advice that you know for a fact isn’t good advice and those people try to steer you in a direction that “seems” good but isn’t, you have to ignore them, even if it’s your parents.

A good book that I recommend that you take a look at is a book called “The Intelligent Investor” by Benjamin Graham. In fact, this was the book that Warren Buffett based all of his investing activities off of, and you know what happened to him.

You can purchase the book right here if you wish on Amazon.

And note that this is an affiliate link and I do receive a commission off of your purchase if you do decide to buy. HOWEVER, I highly recommend this book and it’ll immensely change your outlook on things for the better. Guaranteed or your money back plus interest and a $100 Amazon gift card sent to your doorstep.

There are two particular chapters that I want to point in your direction to pay close attention to.

The first chapter is Chapter 8 which is about “not following the market.”

What this basically means is that you shouldn’t follow the crowd and their opinions just because they are the crowd.

Everything must be extremely well-researched before implementation and invested and that you must know everything that you can about something before getting into that something.

Now of course you might be asking “Well that sounds great, but isn’t that a book about investing in stocks?”

Yes it is; primarily.

However, the hidden meaning of chapter 8 can be translated into other parts of your life like knowing who to listen to, knowing when to listen to your gut about something, and understanding investments outside of stocks.

All of these things add up over time to knowing that just listening to the market, or rather the crowd/masses, for the sake of the fact that they are the crowd is a REALLY REALLY bad idea.

And this leads to the next chapter that should get your attention, which is chapter 20, the margin of safety.

In this chapter, Graham emphasizes the need for eliminating your downside prior to investing in something.

The reason for this is because if at any time you assume an unknown scenario, you are subject to risk.

And the less risk the better before entering any deal because if you control the circumstances as much as possible, you can dictate your own destiny and not be subject to someone else controlling the ship.

And by the way, if someone else controls the ship, in most cases, they don’t have your best interest at heart.

So you might as well take control of your own situation and create that margin of safety for yourself so that NO ONE can squash you!

Now how do you do that exactly?

Normally someone would just spit it out to you on an article, but this is better for you to read the book and find your own answers with your own perspective. That way you can have an independent understanding of what is happening.

But I’ll give you a hint.

If you were running for president against Donald Trump, how would you deal with him and ultimately beat him or at the very least, stay in the race long enough to go to the end of the primary?

I challenge you to think about that.

And if you happen to be a candidate in 2020 and are reading this blog post, if you don’t understand Chapter 20 perfectly, you will lose and Donald Trump will be reelected.

Comment below with your answers to that challenge. Or you can keep it to yourself and apply it to your own life since that is a political reference.

And here’s another thing about margin of safety that is EXTREMELY overlooked in many facets of life whether it’s in business, politics, sports, going to your favorite restaurant in town on a Sunday afternoon, etc. and is the cause for most failures in these arenas.

Poor research.

That’s right.

Poor research is perhaps the number 1 cause of failure in any endeavor, not just starting a business. You can read the significance of quality research right here if you wish.

Just think about it for a second.

Say that you want to go eat in town somewhere and you are just like “Let’s just get in the car and go! We’ll decide as we go!”

So you jump into the car with your friend(s) and you drive around the city, chatting and going around the entire city until someone asks the question “Where should we finally go eat?”

And then, you realize that you just drove around the city with no clear cut plan and you perhaps wasted (maybe not if you guys had a blast in the car) your Sunday driving around only to get back to the question in which you got into the car in the first place.

If you researched, decided and focused, you would have gotten to eat your food in an extremely short amount of time AND still have the fun associated with going to eat with your friends.

Talk about the full package instead of just settling for 1 thing.

And that is the power of research. You KNOW the situation, you have clarity in the situation, and you can make that situation work for you with the whip of your magic wand that is your brain.

And at that point, you will have your complete margin of safety.

That is true beauty.

Riding a roller coaster and having a blast while knowing that you won’t get sick and fall!

And with your complete and indestructible knowledge serving as your margin of safety, you can execute the next most important step of your military, which is:

You Need to Take Control of the Negotiation

Let me tell you something about fear.

The only reason that you fear something is if you don’t know something.

That is the only reason to not do something and be indecisive.

And that’s when all of the crippling within happens.

You definitely don’t want that to happen.

Which is why you should do the following:

A) ALWAYS make the most conservative decision when in doubt. Sure, there will be gurus who will tell you to do things like “quit your job” or something else that just doesn’t make sense.

Whenever you do not have enough information to decide on something, always go with the most secure option. That way you can have peace of mind and you won’t be subject to the downside of the deal while also working on the process of eliminating it.

While you are in your secure position, kind of like your bunker, in your free time you can build up the infrastructure necessary to do what you desire, which could be like researching a new business opportunity, learning a skill, etc.

And when you have enough power to eliminate the downsides that could happen to you, THEN you come out of your bunker and attack.

In other words, that’s when you can quit your job or whatever else your desire is because now you have the infrastructure to permanently protect against any downside that could harm you if you make your move.

And that’s a KEY point here.

You need to win the fight before you fight.

What good is it to be subject to something that could be more powerful than you and eat you up alive?!

I mean try putting your head in an alligator’s mouth if you are not trained to be around them.

Or try go and build a building without having a clue on how to compute nominal moment capacity.

The bottom line is know before you go and if you do that, you will win. Hands down.

And when you are dealing with any situation, understand that it is ALWAYS a business transaction even though it doesn’t seem like it.

In other words, you are trading something of value in exchange for something else of value.

An exchange of currencies per se.

So when you do that, you need to do everything that you can to make sure that with whoever you are negotiating with, whether it’s someone else or even nature, you do what you need to do in order to provide them something that they value in exchange for what you want.

And knowing this will allow you to understand that you can’t be messed around with and that you are a force in the world.

It would be best if everybody thinks that you are weak because they will underestimate you and nature will reward you with being the most fit to outlast your competitors. And of course in this particular situation, you are doing a camouflage in which you are showing up as one thing but instead, you are a totally different animal.

Hence in this scenario, you are providing nature, aka your negotiating party, value in demonstrating that you are the most intellectually, and/or physically I must say, the most fit amongst your competitors and hence it will reward you with the status of being the only one surviving since that’s what it wants. And right there you have closed the sale.

And just some food for thought.

If you know how to sale and you know how to close, you can solve any problem and get what you want.

Read that sentence again.

Now how do you justify and investment of that magnitude?

Try it and you will see.

And here’s another thing for you to notice.

If people are desperate to want to do something with you, you have the leverage and the power in the negotiation.

Hence, you run the show.

If followed correctly, that line might just get you to the top.

Hence, you will build power.

Read that article if you must. It is a must read and it is crucial for you to understand it. Open the link to it and read it once you’ve finished this article.

And now for what I would say is the most crucial one of them all:

Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick

Oh boy if you follow this one, I am going to kiss you on the lips like we are making out in Paris!

OK well if you are a pretty lady and you are awesome, we might actually do that some day 🙂

This is the one in which many people screw up on and it leads to a miserable life as a result.

Everybody LOVES to hear information.

They want ALL of the information that they can get.

In fact, do you want to hear a “secret?”

That got your attention didn’t it?!

Well you are getting one here!

When you keep your mouth shut when it needs to be, no one will know what you are up to and no one will be able to use anything against you.

You are basically protected from the evil devil that is scrutiny.

Your life will be peaceful and you will let your actions speak louder than words.

And by the way, that’s what really counts at the end of the day. How much you achieved rather than what you said you were going to do.

In all honesty, the only time that it is good to talk are in any of these two scenarios:

A) When something is wrong and you need to speak to someone who can actually HELP you

B) When you have achieved something significant

That’s it.

And the reason why is because no one can criticize you in those situations and you are promoting yourself to help yourself.

And that is the key.

Now promotion when there is a problem?

Why yes. That IS a real scenario.

You have to advertise the problem to the person who you want to help you.

Otherwise, how will they know?

And that’s the truth.

Other than that, it’s time to zip that zipper or pay for dinner.

And by the way, that dinner will cost you the big bucks.

So save that stone crab dinner for later.

And don’t leak ANY information to the enemy.

The enemy will use it against you in order to eat you up alive and to have you pay for his dinner.

Instead, do it the other way.

Zip it, listen, use the information that you are given, and ATTACK LIKE A ROARIN’ LION!

And make them pay for dinner tonight.

That is the real military strategy.

If there is one thing that you learn from this blog post, it’s that everything in life is a war.

You have to strategize to win and you always have to play to win.

And also, everything is a business decision even though it doesn’t seem like it.

You buying ice cream is a business decision with an Return on Investment (ROI) attached to it.

You walking outside is a business.

You getting a job is a business.

Everything is a sale and everything is a transaction.

So treat it as such and you will be ahead of 95% of the population.


And always remember this:

Speak softly and carry a big stick.

And also remember this:

Never rat on your friends, and always keep your mouth shut.

Read that again so that you won’t forget it.

And that is all that there is to it.

That is your military.

Remember your motivation from earlier?

Use it to develop your OWN military and start TAKING THEM DOWN and start conquering your goals.

It’s your mindset and what you do with your resources and how you handle your surroundings.

And also another thing that you should keep in mind:

Never take no for an answer.

Because if you do, you automatically lose the war.

Always find a way to get a yes and you will at least give yourself a chance in getting what you want.

Because you do miss 100% of the shots that you don’t take.

Yes, you have heard of that quote a million times, but do you ACTUALLY know it?

Really ask yourself if you do.

And then know it by heart and head.

And there you have it.

That is why you should have your own military.

And that is also what you should do with it.

Use it for you and you will be OK, good, great, dominant, and everywhere beyond it.

Feel free to comment below with any questions about the post and/or what you got out of the post.

And also input your email and subscribe to the greatest blog on the planet Join the Island where you will get the best and most ACTION packed content sent straight to your inbox that you could immediately implement to achieve what you desire the most!

Happy doing and achieving!

Until next time,

This is Chief Islander Evan signing off.

Evan Cruz
+ posts

Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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