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5 Powerful Secrets to Having an Abundance Mindset Starting Today

money that's folded and sorted

Do you want to know the secrets of adopting an abundance mindset?

If so, this post is for you.

In this post, I will share these secrets so you can accomplish the BIG things you want to accomplish.

With that, let’s get right into them.

Secret #1: Think Big

air force one flying

Like him or hate him, you have to admit that Donald Trump is one BIG thinker.

This was a philosophy of his recommended in his book “The Art of the Deal.”

He said that whenever you think, you might as well think big.

And it’s true.

One of the reasons that he became President of the United States was because he wasn’t afraid to think big.

Had he thought small, his chances of becoming President would be, heck, less than zero percent!

No one becomes President thinking small!

Another example is Elon Musk.

If you do not recall, he wants to put humans on Mars.

And he has already put humans into space!

How do you do that thinking small?

And the list goes on and on and on of those thinking big and achieving big results.

You can’t get everything that you dream about if you just think small.

If you think small, you can only envision yourself getting small results.

That’s not what you want!

If you want to, say, own a Gulfstream G650, you need to be thinking about building a business or investment portfolio of, at least, $100 million.

And it should be MORE than that!

If you want to become that doctor or become the best that you can be, you have to think that you’ll get 100 on every test or that you’ll score 35 points and have 15 rebounds and 10 assists on a nightly basis.

THIS is the first step in believing that you can accomplish anything you want in life.

Without thinking big, you can’t go anywhere and you will be left to simply live with what someone else gives you for the rest of your life.

In short, if you don’t think big, you lose control of your life to someone else who does think big.

Don’t become a victim of living someone else’s life forever.

Do something for yourself for Christ’s sake!

And do so with an abundance mindset so you can TAKE OVER THE WORLD!

Now here is another thing you must do to accomplish anything you desire:

Secret #2: Think CAN, Not CAN’T

smile checked off

Ok, let’s face it.

We have WAY too many Debbie Downers in the world today.

The 2020s are a far more miserable decade than, say, the 1950s and the 1980s.

That’s why we do not have as many productive people today compared to those times.

Hence, why our society isn’t as productive as those decades and great decades of world history.

And that’s good news for YOU.


Because if you simply think that you CAN, you will be far ahead of the competition when it comes to achieving your goals.

Most people will be complaining and whining about this, that, and the other.

As a result, they will simply drag down to the point where they will never be able to accomplish their goals.

And if you just keep your head held up high, have a positive attitude, and learn from your mistakes while not quitting, you’ll eventually get to where you need to go.

A lot of things in life are simply a matter of who has the most grit and who wants it more.

Having everything you want is one of those things.

Aside from the tactical things you need to do in order to get what you want, deciding that you can do it makes up for any lack of skill that you have.

The skills come with time to those who want it bad enough.

It all starts with a simple question:

Do you want it?

And when you answer this question, you’ll be ready to execute this next point:

Secret #3: Don’t Settle For Less

picture of the white house

Too many people settle for less than what they want.

It’s a shame because there is so much more potential for a lot of people if they simply believe in themselves enough.

What happens with a lot of people is that they get overwhelmed with what they need to do in order to become successful and they burn out and quit as a result.

This is NOT what should happen if you are extremely keen on achieving your goals in some way.

If you have an abundance mindset, you should be thinking of achieving your goal no matter what and ways to get there.

Sure, sometimes, you might need to get a job to pay the bills while you work on your goal on the side and that’s ok.

In fact, research recommends that.

But to give up on it and settle for less the rest of your life?

No way sir!

That’s not how champions come into this world.

Champions go into life thinking that they WILL achieve what they want no matter what.

And to achieve what you want in life, you simply cannot settle for anything less than that in the long term.

It doesn’t work any other way.

So, understand this concept if you want abundance.

Now here’s something else you need to know to get everything that you want:

Secret #4: Give a 100% Effort

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Nobody ever becomes great with a lackluster effort!


Anyone who has everything you desire and is at the top of their field gives their blood, sweat, and tears to everything they do in order to have those things.

You cannot find one person in the world who did not give their blood, sweat, and tears to become the very best at what they do.

Just think of anyone who has accomplished anything great.

Did you think of them as somewhat psychotic or over the top?

You might have thought of that person to be “doing a bit too much?”

Well, sometimes, no scratch that, every time, a “doing a bit too much” effort is required to get to where you need to go.

I recently came across this article here that says that a 100% effort is easy and that a 100% effort leads to massive results.

The reason why it’s easy?

It’s because you just do it.

You don’t have to adjust or accommodate for anything or do some BS work schedule to get around it.

You just do it.

That’s why the results are there for those who do it.

Of course, there is a multitude of factors that go into success like having the correct training and having the money to do something, etc.

But assuming all of your basics are covered, putting 100% effort into what you do should eventually lead to some type of result.

And this result overtime should be something that translates into something fantastic for you.

This is a product of you following the principle of putting maximum effort into what you are supposed to be doing.

So, if you put a 100% effort consistently, the rest of the competition should naturally tumble and you will come right out on top at the end.

This is how it typically goes with most things.

So do it.

Now here is something else to keep in mind if you want everything you desire.

Secret #5: Know Your Worth (The Big Secret To Having an Abundance Mindset)

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This one is VITAL.


Because people will try to take shortcuts and try to pay less for what the item is worth.

They are smart for doing that and they should do that (you should too, by the way ;)).

But NOT when they do business with you!

You MUST make sure that you are ALWAYS getting paid your worth no matter what.

You only have one life, so you must get every piece of value that you can get out of it.

And charging for what you are worth in the marketplace is one of the first steps towards accomplishing this goal.

Now, here’s one thing you have to realize:

You have to be tough in order to get exactly what you are worth.


Because people will put a lot of pressure on you to act soon and to sell yourself immediately even though they are underpaying you.

This is a sales tactic intended to arouse fear on your part in order to act now, specifically those messages that have deadlines.

The best way to resist this:

Get tough and stick to your guns.

If this means pushing back and confronting them head-on, you are going to have to do that.

People will do everything to eliminate you from any consideration, be it a new job, business, relationships, etc.

They want to see you crack under pressure and watch you blow up.

They don’t want to have to deal with you.

They only want to deal with you if you give them a discount.

But with this in mind, you can attack and push forward.

You can say no and negotiate a better deal on your own behalf, you can walk away from something unpleasant, you can punch back if someone punches you hard in the face, etc.

Of course, there are certain situations where you have to take less than what you hoped for, but you always need to try for more or you’ll get shortcutted.

YOU should take the shortcut, not let them use you as a shortcut.

One book I heavily recommend is “The Art of War.”

Personally, I have used the techniques in this book to get out of a fight with a man trying to insult me and I’ve used it to read a hiring manager’s mind and score a job.

It’s an incredibly useful book that has applications across many disciplines, not just wartime affairs.

Many business executives and sports coaches have used this book to achieve outstanding results in what they do.

The reason why it works?

It’s because it gives you another perspective as to what you must do to get exactly what you want.

The truth of the matter is that everyone is acting on his/her own self-interests.

They don’t care about giving you what you want.

The only time they’ll give you something you want is if what you are offering is going to be of at least equal value to what you are giving up.

And to accomplish this goal of obtaining what you want, you need to know their weaknesses and what drives them to take action.

You also need to do this without arousing any conflict if at all possible in your situation.

This is where “The Art of War” comes in handy.

Here’s a good example of this in action:

I was once interviewing for a job.

I answered in a way that didn’t reveal what I already knew about them.


In another job application, I was rejected.

I then approached the hiring manager for feedback as to why it was rejected.

The answer:

For the civil engineering discipline I put on the application (it was for a civil engineering job), there was a Master’s degree requirement that wasn’t on the job description.

Immediately, a lightbulb went off.

Knowing the tip with regards to using spies to get information, I was able to use this information to score the next interview I had.

The interviewers didn’t know that I already read their minds!

And that’s a key point from this book that you have to understand:

Deception is the key to all successful warfare.

Read that sentence again so you understand it.

Because I was able to read their next move without them knowing that I already knew their next move and how to approach it, I was already set up for success when it came to the interview.

As a result of following the plan from the data I gathered, I had a gut feeling that I was going to score the job.

And I did.

A large part thanks to a book called “The Art of War” and the lessons that it taught.

Another thing about business is that it is a war.

It is an everlasting fight to acquire resources, whether people see it or not.

So if you approach it that way, you’ll be in a better position to win in business since let’s face it, it’s cutthroat.

With that said, if you’d like to purchase “The Art of War,” you can do so here from Amazon.

It’s an affiliate link, so I will receive a commission off of your purchase today.

However, the price that you pay will not change. 

And that is all that you need in order to adopt an abundance mindset in anything that you do.

Just remember to dream big AND to go for it ALL!

It’s the dreamers who take massive action who accomplish anything they set their minds to.

Don’t be afraid to be one of them.

Now if you’d like more blog posts that’ll help you accomplish your dreams while helping you achieve massive productivity so you can reach your full potential, definitely subscribe to Join the Island, the world’s greatest blog!

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Until next time,

This is Evan signing off.

PS: Comment below with how you’ve used this post to help you accomplish what you want to achieve. It’d be great to know!

Evan Cruz
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Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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