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Abundance Mindset: A How To For Beginners

Do you want to know how to adopt an abundance mindset guaranteed to help you make explosive gains in your life to become the best at everything you do?

If so, read on because this post will literally take you from A-Z in what you need to do to get to where you want to go in life!

1. Have an Imaginative Mentality

Abundance Mindset: A How To For Beginners

There is this thing going around many people to stop doing things and to play it “safe.”

They want you to save money, cut down on things, go with the safest and most secure thing.

In a lot of cases, this is true.

You should be as safe as possible.

The problem with this thinking in every scenario is that you don’t see the big picture of what you CAN do.

You don’t see the possibilities that can exist if you just let your imagination run wild.

This is where most people trip up on things like making money, fixing problems, thinking of things to do, etc.

They don’t imagine.

Let me give you an example to prove my point:

Let’s say that you are doing a project and there happens to be a presentation coming up for it.

A person with a limited mindset might think “Ah, we just need to show up, say our thing and go home.”

This is the incorrect approach.

The person with the abundance mindset would wonder “What is it that I’m really doing? Am I just making a presentation or am I doing something else?”

This question makes you open minded about the task at hand.

It takes you places where you might not even realize would be necessary to go to, but they are.

And lo and behold, when you think about what you have to do, you realize that it is a sale.

Like everything else in life.

So then you think “How do I present it so I can give them what they want to hear and how can we deliver on that?”

And those questions snowball the entire thought process to making the whole thing a sale.

And guess what happens afterwards?

You close the sale.

You set up the whole thing so that you tap into the problems the prospects want answers for and you find out their real questions and their real wants and you get them answered.

Why did you do this?

Because you had imagination.

This is what happens when you let go of these limiting beliefs that most people have and you start thinking outside of the box.

You come up with real solutions to real problems.

Fundamentally speaking, imagination is what distinguishes a scarcity vs abundance mindset.

Abundance involves a lot of imagination whereas scarcity involves no imagination at all.

When you realize this, you begin to create the life you desire.

When this happens, you also do this:

2. Have an Entrepreneurial Perspective in Everything You Do

Abundance Mindset: A How To For Beginners

Entrepreneurs and great salespeople are the ones that control the planet.


This is the group of people that can imagine things you can’t even dream of imagining.

And here’s the other thing about entrepreneurship:

Everyone is one.

That’s right, you are an entrepreneur.


Because you yourself are a product/service that the marketplace looks into doing business with in order to solve a problem they have or give them something they want.

Companies hire employees for a reason.

Employees are businesses.

Employees (at least the good ones) offer something that can add value to a business.

Because of this, they are worth money.

Someone with a limited mindset will not even think of this.

They will think “Oh, I’m just an employee. Someone who just shows up to work and does what I’m supposed to do.”

It’s a very unenthusiastic approach that can backfire quickly.

But if you come in and thoroughly think about how you can improve the business of the person you are serving and generate results for them, you will become an extremely valuable asset whose value can trump others in a flash.

This is what entrepreneurs do and this will provide you a world that no one can even imagine.

Think about it this way:

Does the boss admire just another employee or does the boss admire the guy who brings in the dough?


You need to be that last guy to stand any chance in the world.

Otherwise, you will get eaten up alive.

Now here is something else you must do to adopt the correct mindset that can catapult your success in life:

3. Have a “I Can” Way of Thinking Instead of an “I Can’t” Way of Thinking

Abundance Mindset: A How To For Beginners

Let me tell you an interesting story.

I guarantee you’ll find it fascinating.

So in sports, there are these “analysts” on TV who analyze the games they are watching.

Basically, they comment on things that they haven’t even done in their lives.

For instance, you have guys on ESPN who are hired as “analysts” and they haven’t even played a basketball game in their lives. 

They feel they have the indisputable right to criticize how any NBA player plays the game.

They never think in terms of what they can do, but rather of what they “can’t” do.

Many of these professional athletes listen to the media and as a result, they fall into the trap of this “can’t do it” mentality that plagues their careers.

As you can tell, listening to the media isn’t good for your self-esteem.

Now let me put this into context of a situation you are in.

Let’s say that you are at work and you have a bunch of employees that complain all day long.

They only think of problems instead of solutions and they only see things they can’t do for XYZ reason and as a result, they remain stagnant.

This gets you into the trap of becoming a loser.

Winners do not think like this.

Winners think of how it can be done and only see these “can’ts” as obstacles to their success that can be conquered.

Granted, there are certain ways you can’t do things because that’s just how life is.

But to completely shut out the task and say that it’s impossible without going through all of the possible evidence, that’s retarded at best.

This means that you remain fixated on something that’s not true, which is extremely frustrating number one and two, means you will never get to where you need to go.

So only thinking about the things that can’t be done is already the incorrect answer because you will never win that way.

That’s why many people with SO much potential never see the light of day.

It’s really a shame.

Now, when you think of the “I can” in the situation, you give yourself a chance to win.

Remember, you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.

When you think of “I can,” you question the situation and you give consideration to all of the options on the table to reach a particular goal.

You see which one makes the most sense based on the situation and you proceed without any reservations.

If you make mistakes, you learn from them and you improve next time.

But in the end, you will accomplish way more than you would otherwise if you remained fixed on this “I can’t” mentality.

Let me show you an example to prove my point.

In the 2019-2020 NBA Season, the Miami Heat were regarded as one of the biggest underdogs ever.

They were a #5 seed (not a favorable position for the postseason) and were projected to get eliminated in the 2nd round of the playoffs.

They got through the first round just fine, but the 2nd round was their biggest test.

In their way?

The best regular season team that season, the Milwaukee Bucks.

The Bucks were projected to take out the Heat in 5 games.

What happened instead?

The Heat took them out in 5 games.

The basketball world was shocked.

Everyone couldn’t believe how it happened.

In the next round, the Heat went up against the Boston Celtics, who were projected to take out the Heat in about 6 games.

The result?

The Heat took out the Celtics in 6 games to capture the Eastern Conference Championship.

In the NBA Finals, the Heat went up against LeBron James and the Los Angeles Lakers.

After injuries to 2 of the Heat’s most critical players, the Lakers were projected to sweep the Heat.

To everyone’s surprise, the Heat pushed the Lakers to 6 games before running out of gas in game 6.

Why were they able to do this?

The answer is one man:

Erik Spoelstra, the head coach of the Miami Heat.

If there is one guy in the NBA who preaches a “No Excuses” mentality more than anyone, it’s him.

It’s the single ingredient that got him to think of ways that he can get the team to the NBA Finals even though they only had only 1 top 15 player on the team, 2 guys who were really good, but not stars and then a bunch of role players and rookies.

To make a comparison, the Bucks had Giannis Antetokounmpo, who was the league MVP that season, a bunch of All-Stars and way more size than the Heat.

The Celtics had 5 guys who you would consider All-Star players at the minimum.

In a star driven league, to get a team with all of these constraints all the way to the Finals even though they were banged up says something.

And it’s not primarily because of smarts or anything magical.

It’s all a mindset of “I can” instead of “I can’t” and making the most out of what you are given.

And rightfully so, Erik Spoelstra is regarded as the best coach in the NBA.

This is according to a recent survey of general managers across the NBA who saw Spoelstra’s performance as a miracle.

And that goes to show the power of the “I can” mentality versus the “I can’t” mentality.

If Spoelstra had the “I can’t” mentality, that team would’ve missed the playoffs.

Think about this scenario with how it pertains to YOUR situation.

If Spoelstra got far with that mediocre roster (it really was a mediocre roster), how far do you think you’ll get if you just apply yourself and figure out ways to win instead of complaining about your situation?

If you are having trouble with this question, let me show you a team that had all of the talent, but came up with more excuses than “How can we do that” thoughts.

The Los Angeles Clippers were predicted to win the NBA Championship after acquiring Kawhi Leonard and Paul George, 2 of the top players in the NBA.

That combined with a solid roster of role players made them very hard to beat.

On paper.

On the court?

Different story.

All of them were complacent, they complained about their circumstances instead of finding ways to win, they just wanted to go home and their coach had zero imagination at all and looked absolutely depressed.

They had far too many “I can’t” moments than “I can” moments.

It was arguably the worst performance in NBA Playoff history.

A team with so many expectations and so much talent to fall short only because of:

The mental game.

This goes to show that you can have all of the talent in the world, but if you don’t have the right mindset, you will never go to where you anticipate.


I hope you understand this because this trait alone will make you do everything else you need to do in order to go where you want to go.

Now, here’s the next thing you need to do to reprogram your mind to aim to another universe:

4. Have a “Yes” Attitude Instead of a “No” Attitude

Abundance Mindset: A How To For Beginners

Let me introduce you to an entrepreneur you have probably heard of before.

Richard Branson is the founder of Virgin, a brand you have probably heard before.

Around his company, he is widely known as “Dr. Yes,” a title he earned from saying “yes” to any opportunity thrown at him.

What has this brought?

Not only a mind-blowing business empire, but a lifetime full of experiences that anyone in their wildest dreams would trade their life for.

How does this sound?

The first to cross the Atlantic Ocean in 1987, setting the record for crossing the Atlantic, kitesurfing the English Channel (not an easy task; it’s quite big for what he had to do) and hiking to the summit of the Matterhorn.

What if he said “No” to all of those things?

Not the same lifestyle.

And that’s what most people do when adventure offers an opportunity to do something extraordinary.

They say no when life offers a clear path to success.

And that’s a shame because life has so much more to offer than just watching Netflix all of the time.

All you have to do is say “Yes” when the opportunity comes about.

And when you do this, you can do THIS:

5. Build a Thriving Empire, NOT Just a Happy Life

Abundance Mindset: A How To For Beginners

This is what it’s about.

Contrary to popular belief, you CAN own the world.

You CAN be everything you desire (yes, even a guy who puts men on the Moon; I can assure you that).

You just need to seize it and run with it.

With the exception of a handful of people (and I mean, a handful), you can literally run the world around you if you just reprogram your mind to think and vision that you can conquer everything.

It’s just a matter of believing.

You just have to do it.

Your gut knows already.

If you happen to be stumbling around and looking for what you want to do in life, I highly recommend you read this post here about channeling your sexual energy to what you REALLY want most in life. 

It will guide you through all of the steps necessary to not only find out what you really desire and hope for, but to identify the steps you need to take to get there.

I also encourage you to check out the most famous abundance mindset book of its kind, “Think and Grow Rich,” which many of the world’s most successful people have called it “the bible of success.”

The sexual energy post I am recommending to you is based off of “Think and Grow Rich.”

The reason is because I have used the book myself to build this blog, generate consistent traffic on a monthly basis and monetize it (even though that one isn’t consistent yet, but I’m working on it daily).

I have also used this book to earn a 4.0 GPA during my last semester in college along with considerably great test scores in subjects that many people would not have even dreamed they could have aced.

In fact, let me tell you story to prove my point.

There is a class in engineering school that a lot of students dread taking.

In fact, they dread it so much that they predetermine in their mind that they’ll fail it, no matter what they do.

It’s a class called Dynamics, which basically covers mechanics, a branch of Physics.

I happened to take the class with the professor who many students avoid because she fails many students.

Everyone told me that if you take it with her, you are guaranteed to fail, you have no chance, etc.

Let me tell you something, the moment I cracked open the homework, I realized that was a bunch of b*******.

I already set my sights on acing the class and doing what ever I needed to do to ace it.

If I needed to go to office hours, I’d do it.

If I needed extra tutoring, I’d do it.

Everybody else, except for one other guy who also aced the class, just went into it with this limited mindset of they can’t do it and that it’s impossibly hard, etc.

That’s scarcity.

“Think and Grow Rich” gets you out of that trap.

It helps you break these conceived notions that you are not skilled enough, but rather, you can if you follow the correct blueprint that Napoleon Hill, the author, prescribes to you in the book.

The first principle that applied here was desire.

You have to want it.

If you don’t want it, everything else falls apart.

The second thing you need is faith, which was KEY for getting an A in Dynamics, especially with this professor.

This made way for an abundance mindset of what I could do to ace the class and using the various things I mentioned already.

And yes, sexual energy was definitely involved as well from drive and energy to visualizing my eventual success.

Anyway, so the first test comes around and I take it and I knew right away that I did well.

I didn’t know if I got 100, but I knew I did well.

Lo and behold, the moment I first see the grade, it was a job well done.

It was an 86.5%, good enough for an A-, even though I was a bit bummed out that I made a few unit errors and didn’t follow my gut in doing one more problem that showed up on the test and would’ve gotten me the 100%.

However, compared to the class average, 31.3%, I whooped their butts.

That’s the noticeable difference that mindset can make.

So then the next test comes around and I also do well on that one, scoring 85% while the class still performed considerably worse  (don’t know that average).

A few weeks later on a Saturday afternoon, the final comes around.

I prepped like a madman for that final. I literally put all of my effort into making sure I got a 100% on that final.

The result?

Abundance Mindset: A How To For Beginners

Combined with an excellent performance on the in class quizzes, that catapulted me beyond the 90% threshold to get an A in the class.

And it all started with following the principles from a simple book called “Think and Grow Rich.”

I even wrote a post about it that ranked #1 in Google for the keyword “how to pass dynamics.”

I am just one story. There are plenty others that have come before me and testified their success to this book and you can read these testimonials here.

If all of this convinced you that “Think and Grow Rich” can help you reach any level of success you think of, be it big or small, purchase it right here on Amazon. You will not be disappointed. Guaranteed.

Please note, I am an affiliate for Amazon and I will receive a commission for your purchase through my link, but the price you pay will not change.

Sometimes, especially in a situation where you are broke, you need to do other things to achieve your goal.

But keep that vision.

It’ll push you to achieve what you want to achieve.

And you will build something spectacular in the process.

I promise you that.

If you got a lot out of this post and you want more content guaranteed to increase your productivity while helping you reach your full potential to take over your own world, definitely subscribe to Join the Island, the world’s greatest blog, below with your email!

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Until next time,

This is Evan signing off.

PS: Comment below with what you got out of the post and/or how its helped you in any way. It’d be great to know!

Evan Cruz
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Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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