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Are You a Strong Person?

Are You a Strong Person?

Are you a strong person?

No really, are you?

Do you wake up every day in the morning thinking “I’m going to do something about this today” and you actually do it?

Or are you so stressed out in the morning thinking “What am I doing here? Can I just go to bed today?”

If you are the first one, great for you! You can just keep doing what you are doing and close this post right now!

For the rest though, if you’re reading this, WAKE THE HELL UP RIGHT NOW!


When you wake up, do you even think about the positives of your day or only about the things that you are letting go wrong?

If you are not thinking about the positives about the day, you are a weakling in the making!

YOU have absolutely no direction about what YOU are doing and YOU are lazy, incompetent, and YOU are someone else’s dog.

YOU are losing your power as we speak! AHHHHHHHHH!

But you can change that.

Starting today.

Starting with this post.

Starting, well, right now actually.

Do yourself a favor, go drink a glass of water and come right back here.

Are you back?

OK, here’s the deal.

You have got to change you mindset, like, right now.

Seriously, right now.

You have to drop that negativity of yours and replace it with an action oriented, positivity mindset that says “I WILL take action towards what I want, no matter how big or small, every single day until it is achieved and I will NOT stop until I get there! YEAH!”

Now you might be asking, “How do I actually change my mindset to be that?”

The rest of this blog post today will show you how to do just that.

Follow these steps below.

1. Drink Water
Are You a Strong Person?​

Let me ask you, how did it feel to you when you drank the water?

Did you feel relieved somehow?

I bet that you did.

Now try this.

Identify the one thing that you want to do, don’t drink water, and then do it.

Are you back?

Write down how it felt to you and what you actually got done.

Now, go drink some water and do it again.

How much did you get done and how it did it feel to you?

Write that down.

Did it feel great? Did it feel stressful? Did it feel like you actually achieved something even if it is just a raindrop of an activity?

Write that down as well.

Did you notice that you performed better when you drank water?

I bet that you did!

In fact, a bunch of research backs that up.

Did you know that when you drink water you retain more information and you can perform better on exams, meetings and talking to friends?

Oh yeah that’s right!


It is really amazing, yet it is truly underestimated!

So in a nutshell, the very first step to becoming a strong person is to stop, drink water, and collect yourself. Once you’ve done that, please proceed to step 2.

2. Identify What is Wrong and Why It’s Wrong
Are You a Strong Person?​

This is a EXTREMELY crucial step for you and your well-being.

If you take anything away from this post, let it be this:

If you don’t identify what is wrong, you will never improve.

I’ll say it again:

If you don’t identify what is wrong, you will NEVER improve!

Because the definition of insanity according to Einstein is repeating the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome. And if the outcome is a terrible one and you don’t identify the root of it, how can you get rid of that root and how in the world are you going to fix that BURNING PROBLEM?! THE LAWS OF PHYSICS ARE AGAINST YOU!

I want you to now go sit still very quietly in a chair or on your bed with no sounds at all and quietly reflect why things are happening the way that they are. Take a moment for this and write your response down on a sheet of paper.

Are you back?

Once your back, identify whether you are in control of that root or not. Take a moment for this and write this response down on a sheet of paper.

Are you back?
Please note that unless there is some sort of government law preventing you to do that one thing, you are indeed in control of it even if it is very indirect.

Now identify why the root is there. Take a moment for this and write it down on a sheet of paper.

Are you back?

Is it anger? Is it lack of faith? Is it “I can’t put any time into it today?”

Be honest with yourself and don’t lie.

Be honest with yourself and don’t lie.

Be honest with yourself and don’t lie.

Now write down how you will eliminate this root starting today. Will it be controlling your emotions?

3. Zap out ALL Negativity From Your Soul

Are You a Strong Person?

This one is crucial for you to survive. In order to not be weak, you can’t be negative.

Now that doesn’t mean not be skeptical, but this means don’t you EVER doubt your abilities and belief in what you can and will do.

Because if you lose THAT, you lose everything.
When was the last time that you heard some successful person in their field attribute their success to negativity?

I thought so.

It’s because negative thinking successful people DON’T EXIST!

It just doesn’t work that way.

So if you are thinking negatively right now, right this second, it is time for a mental wake up call.

Starting today, say to yourself over and over again when you might be feeling down “I will never think negative. I will find a solution for this obstacle.” And find that solution. And don’t look back.


Keep pounding until it is complete.

Now to step 4.

4. Believe that You are the Best

Are You a Strong Person?
This is where greatness literally happens.

When you believe that you are the best, you have an unwavering stand on who’s the boss in the room.

And the best part, you can’t deny that it IS you!

True, you might not be the actual boss now, but with this belief, you are destined to take action on becoming the best and not looking back.

Because if you believe it, how in the world are you not going to take action to achieving that?

Impossible! Of course you are going to if you believe it!

Take a look at me for instance.

I wake up every day believing, 110% goddamn true, that I am the best in what I do, PERIOD, even if I suck at it!

Every day, I put in the work to what I want in life, which is to have the greatest blog in the WHOLE world serving millions and billions of people worldwide with my blog posts and influencing their lives somehow. So influential, oh SO INFLUENTIAL, that you cannot deny its power baby!


With this action, I am working towards the other thing that I want in life, which is indestructible wealth for myself and my family, my islanders, and everyone who wakes up and puts in the work towards what they want in life!

Oh and to be the richest goddamn man in the world!

I see kids and adults my age saying that all they want to do is “go home” or “go to sleep” or “go play Naruto” all day. If they don’t read this blog right here, I KNOW in my mind that I’ll crush them. Literally.

Look doing that all of your life feels good, but it ISN’T good you butt head!

You are literally sabotaging yourself with that garbage that isn’t conducive to your future!

Why would you want to spend the rest of your life wasting it on virtual reality that isn’t going to bring you anything but dopamine that is just a temporary shot?

You gotta KNOW that you are the freakin’ best in the world and that you are going to become it in reality!

You see me doing it?

Oh heck yes you do!

I might not be there yet, but I know that I WILL be there.

Unless a judge says “The court has ordered you to shut down your blog and you are banned from the internet and employment,” me having the best, most influential, the most lucrative, and the most powerful blog in the world AND becoming the richest man on the planet is INEVITABLE!

I know that I am destined to make it happen.

So if that doesn’t wake you up, what will?

“Oh I gotta think about it”

I see why, this might be new. Think about an elephant though, how long did that take?

Think about your student loan payment, your car payment, your house payment, etc., how long did that take?

Look the bottom line is that your business and your brand is CRUMBLING and you need to take action to get it resolved now. You’re not going to get there believing someone is better than you.

So make the decision sooner than later about becoming the best because there will be one man at the top providing everyone with everything, and you wanna know who that will be?

You guessed it. So yes or no? I’m fine with either one.

Just know the eventual consequences of your decision.

Become the best today.

And now to step 5.

5. Commit and Mean It
Are You a Strong Person?​

This is the absolutely, most important step of them all because without this, you honestly get nothing.

You must commit to getting what you want and being honest with yourself about it.

Read that again.

And again.

And again.

Because if you don’t commit and if you are not honest with yourself, you are not going to be the best.

You’ll be a hypocrite.

You don’t wanna be that don’t ya?

When you commit and you are 110% honest with yourself and you take action on it, you have a firm stance on your destiny.

In other words, you know your “Why” in what you are doing.

That is the extremely important part.

And that is what’s going to resonate with you and your audience or whoever you will eventually be selling to.

So commit and be honest with it.

And now to step 6.

6. Execute
​Are You a Strong Person?

Do it and achieve it.

Learn, grow, become a maniac​ at what you do, and just don’t give up.

It is that simple.

And also know another thing.

The 26th President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt, ​once said a very famous phrase that you probably know about that goes like this: “Speak softly and carry a big stick.”

This was in reference to his foreign policy when the United States was fighting in the Spanish American War where he called for peaceful negotiations, but at the same time, having the military capability to protect the union if something didn’t go as planned.

When executing on your goal, this philosophy would spin like this: “Don’t talk when it isn’t needed and just provide value, but if someone screws around with you, you know what to do.”

In other words, work, work, work, but if someone doubts something that you accomplished or doubts your ability to achieve what you want, make the actions the big stick that proves them wrong.

That’ll put the enemy to sleep.

Commit and then execute what needs to be done.

Above and beyond.




And now to the final section.

Are You a Strong Person?​

So for the takeaway, do either 1 or 2 things:

1) Comment below and say what things you’ll use from this blog post to create the “strong” you and how nobody will destruct it and take action on it.

2) Keep it to yourself and write this same thing down somewhere safe and repeat it in your mind numerous times until it sinks in and take action on it.

And just remember the most famous phrase from this post “me having the best, most influential, the most lucrative, and the most powerful blog in the world AND becoming the richest man on the planet is INEVITABLE!”

Let that sink in and remind you of what there is to come if you don’t take any action and you don’t become the best and the strong person FAST!

Just FYI.

And remember this like always,

May the force be with you.

Until next time,

This is Chief Islander Evan signing off. ​

Evan Cruz
+ posts

Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

4 thoughts on “Are You a Strong Person?”

    1. You bet Jessica and don’t forget to let me know how it goes; I’d be very delighted to hear about that! Also, don’t forget to check out another study about the importance of water; pay close attention to number 2. You might feel a great sense of urgency!

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