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Why You Should Be a Superstar Starting Today

Why You Should Be a Superstar Starting Today

Are you looking for a spark in your life?

Or better yet, a spark that will allow you to be a superstar?

If that’s you, then you are in the right place because this post will show you how to do all of that.

And if that’s not you, then I bet your mind will be changed after you read this post.

Let me explain.

Just start with this:

You’ll Actually Be the Somebody

Why You Should Be a Superstar Starting Today

Now you might be asking “What is it like to be a superstar?”

Well here’s the answer:

When you are a superstar, you are not just a somebody.

You are THE somebody because people will direct their time, energy, and money directly to you because you produce a lot of value in the marketplace for what you provide.

So when people ask their entourage about who is a guy that you recommend for this and that, they’ll say “Oh, I recommend (your name) because the guy is an amazing (insert occupation) and he’s just a baller at what he does man. He is the f****** s***.”

This is what you want people to talk about you behind your back because they will like you as a result.

Note: If you are 18 and watching this, yes, this is how adults REALLY talk at those settings like going to the bar when they are talking to each other.

So whether you want to know how to be a superstar at work, at your home, at the party or whatever occasion you might envision, this is the basis of all of that knowledge.

A pure understanding of what happens behind closed doors when you are not there.

I’ll give you a few examples of what I mean here:

But I’ll start this off with a story that REALLY depicts what I’m talking about here.

Let me explain.

One day, I went to my dentist for an appointment to check my teeth and my dentist happened to see something very strange in my mouth.

That something strange was a receding gum that was pulling one of my front teeth forward.

Immediately, he said to me “You can’t be having those issues at your age. You’re not gonna die, but you need to get that fixed.”

So then my dentist refers me to this periodontist (gum dentist) who they highly recommended to take a look in my mouth.

Immediately after they recommended the periodontist, I started to notice why:

5 star reviews left and right on the internet with everybody who was a patient basically bowing down like the doctor is like this heavenly god!

You can read the reviews for yourself right here.

So then I go for my appointment and the moment I walk into the office, it was like I was entering this oasis of a spa in which at that moment, I couldn’t even believe that this was actually a dentist’s office.

It really was that shockingly great.

And then, when I go into the consultation with the doctor, I was even more shocked about the tone of voice that the doctor had because he was talking like he was making me feel extremely easy and that I would instantly relax in his office.

In my mind, I was like “What the heck? What kind of dentist does this?”

And then I go into my surgery and the first thing that they did when I lied in the chair for the surgery is they played this extremely relaxing music like in a way that I have never been relaxed before and it instantly made me feel like I was in heaven.

At that moment, I was in my mind, “I would pay them just to put a footstep inside the place.”

It was really that majestic.

But there’s more.

This next one was more of a business trick on the dentist’s end, but that’s a story for another day.

To my complete surprise, the periodontist himself sent me a get well soon card in which in my mind I was like “WTF is this?!”

Business aside, I was like “Who the hell does this?!”

No one!

Now that is you separate yourself from the pack from everyone else.

Follow up in the kindest manner possible to make them loyal to you.

This was a great example of that.

But the story doesn’t stop there.

A few days after I had the procedure, my mother, who knew I was getting this procedure, has lunch with one of her friends and they started talking about the periodontist.

The moment that he was mentioned, my mom’s friend stated something along the lines of “Oh yeah, we all know about him. He’s brought up at all of the parties in Coral Gables (the upscale part of Miami) as being this guy who magically repairs teeth for my friend’s clients, and even my son. He’s amazing.”

And with that comment combined with the experience that I had, I’m like “BANG!”

THIS is a great example of a superstar.

He is known as the authority in his line of work, in this case periodontics, and when the topic of finding a periodontist in Miami is brought upon, an extremely narrow niche (make note of that), YOU are brought up by everyone at the exclusion of everyone else.

And combined with the presentation, it puts him ahead of the pack.

And it’s not even close.

THAT is superstardom at its finest.

And that’s exactly what you need to be to become the most well-known person in your line of work.

And on top of that, combined with years of practice, he is now a master to the point where it is now perfect.

I can attest to that statement based on how the surgery went.

At that point, you dominate.

As you see, when people in Miami think of a periodontist, they don’t think of everyone else except for this guy.

As for everyone else, nowhere to be found.



No business.


Because they are not first.

If you are not first, you are last.

Let this story be a great example of that and how YOU could model what you will do after this particular periodontist.

Be the somebody or be a nobody.

Your choice.

What’s it going to be?

If you are still not sure about becoming a superstar, keep reading because I will give you plenty of reason to say yes.

So read on.

You’ll Feel Extremely Confident About Your Work

Why You Should Be a Superstar Starting Today

At the very moment you become a superstar, your confidence in your ability to do things skyrockets.

Let me explain why this is the case.

Any superstar is going to develop their skills and abilities to the point where there are no mistakes.

As a result, they can predict the outcome before even doing the thing that they are doing.

That’s why they don’t have any fear because if you know something, you will not fear it.

You will just take it down.

And when you see the task itself, you are like “I am above this. I will take it down completely and no one can stop me! I’m the best!”

That is the point of being undefeated and never losing.

Let me give you a perfect example of this.

You in school.

Have you ever walked into a test and you were like “I’ve practiced this a bunch of times and I have made all of the mistakes possible and I got everything right in practice. I cannot get anything less than an A on this test.”

And then when you actually get the A, you are like “I am above this stuff.”

That was the point where you became the superstar of that test in which you were the most skilled person on the planet to handle that task and you felt extreme calm under pressure knowing that you knew EVERYTHING that you were doing.

You had extreme pride in yourself for taming all of that stuff and you became unstoppable.

Now let’s look at this from the other side of the coin.

Listen to this while you are reading; you’ll get the picture in your mind.

You’ve probably experienced this one more often than not.

You have 3 days before the test and you pull all-nighters all the way through until the test without any clue as to what you are doing.

You freak out and panic as you sip on loads of Starbucks coffee to keep you awake so that you can know about the material as much as you can.

You go into the test and you are still panicked and freaked out because you still have no clue as to what you are doing.

You are not calm.

You are internally sailing in a category 5 hurricane with 170 mph winds and no life in sight with extremely tall 120 foot waves that give you the thriller of your life.

Your career.

Your dream job.

You source of happiness taken away in a flash with just 1 question that can send your résumé away to the trash.

For good.

And with no remorse.

And let’s not forget the $50,000 student loan bill when you graduate.

The biggest one of them all that you need to conquer to achieve your dream life.

Gone like the wind with just one question all because you did not have the confidence to tame the test.

And wouldn’t you know it?

50% of the class fails the test.

No, I’m sorry, 80% of the class fails the test.

BUT, you survived.



Because you got lucky and the gods wanted to save you.

But don’t bank on that happening in the future.

Save yourself.

Now why save yourself?

Because when you put in the time to save yourself, you are able to predict things.

You can claim certainty.

This is earned, not given.

You can eliminate fear for good and not be subjected to circumstance and, oops, a curve.

And when you eliminate uncertainty, you evoke fear into everyone else.

You become the category 5 hurricane that they have to deal with when they go against you.

At that point, you are unstoppable and you become the central body that everyone must gravitate towards and revolve around.

Hence, you become the superstar.

And after you read this, you become the ULTRA STAR in the galaxy that’s 1000X times more powerful than Darth Vader!

Does that make sense?

I hope so.

And that leads into my next point.

You’ll Become the Boss. Period.

Why You Should Be a Superstar Starting Today

When you become the superstar, everyone must go through you and no one else.


Hence, you set the tempo for how the game is played and the rules that everyone else has to follow.

And when this happens, you become the boss of your circumstances.

No one is the boss of you at that time.

When you are the superstar, you control the negotiation while everyone has to please you like you are some sort of god.

Do you wonder why NBA superstars command those ridiculously large max contracts and the owners, no pun intended, have to succumb to their demands and in some cases, allow the players to tell THEM what to do so now that the player is figuratively the owner and the owner is now figuratively an employee?

Well the reason why is because the superstar players have an enormous amount of leverage because of the abilities they bring to the table and that they can generate more revenue for the owner than the owner would have if the owner did not pay the superstar.

Hence, this is why they command those super max dollars.

Because they use the confidence in their abilities to become the bosses of the negotiation.

That’s it.

In simple terms.

Or of course, a company that delivers extremely great results for clients relative to what they are charging are going to get extreme leverage in the marketplace.

For instance, a great restaurant that delivers a lot of quality food for an extremely fractional price.

If that’s the case, don’t you feel compelled to go there?

Of course you do!

For $5-$10 per meal and you get a big fat steak, 2 sides, and the most delicious bread that you’ll ever have with oooohhh so lovely butter.

And do you know where you can get that?

Well, at least in 2 places in Miami, Florida (where I live):

1)      Pollo Tropical

2)      El Rinconcito Latino

Every time I go for the most affordable and high quality lunches and dinners, that’s where I go because they are SUPERSTARS AT A LOW PRICE!

By the way, if you ever come to Miami, those 2 places are some of the local favorites.

When you go to Pollo Tropical, order:

  1. A) A quarter chicken, brown rice and black beans, and French Fries with Cilantro sauce. You can’t find this anywhere else in the country for such a cheap price and high quality. Try going to South Beach and paying $40 for the same meal.

When you go to El Rinconcito Latino, order:

  1. A) La Vaca Frita y moros y maduros (fried cow with rice with black beans and plantains).

The best food in town!


Since these restaurants do that, they have the leverage over me.

I have to go to those places at the exclusion of all others.

Hence, they are the bosses.

Let that sink in for you.

Having said that,

It’s Not Too Late To Become One

Why You Should Be a Superstar Starting Today

This is the truth.

If you think that it’s too late, think again.

I want you to look at the timeline in this article right here and see how many people that you know of got going later in life. It’s a fascinating read.

Quite a fascinating list wasn’t it?

It just goes to show that all it takes is self-belief and nothing else.

When you have just that one quality, you will find a way to make it happen.


There’s no way around it.

If you not convinced by that, I invite you to read this post here that I wrote about that very subject and sink it in very clearly so that you comprehend its entire message.

So now it’s up to you?

What will you do?

Comment below with your response.

It’d be great to see you take action today, even if it’s just one little small step forward that can pave the way for the life of your dreams.

Also, if you enjoyed this post and got a lot out of it, make sure to submit your email on the form below so that you can receive more extremely insightful posts sent straight to your inbox.

See you next time.

Until next time,

This is Chief Islander Evan signing off.

Evan Cruz
+ posts

Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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