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To Be Cool, Be You Starting Today

To Be Cool, Be You Starting Today

You are feeling the way you feel.

Maybe it’s because someone or a group of people are telling you to be one thing, but deep down in your gut and in your heart, you know you don’t want to do what they are telling you.

Can I tell you a little secret?

They’re feeding you bullshit.

And the worst part?

Some of those people know it deep down themselves.

Now you might be asking “Why are you saying that it’s bullshit? Some of these people are the same ones that have helped me throughout my life?”

Well, even though they might mean well, they might know deep down that what they’re telling you isn’t the right thing for you.

And that’s not cool.

In short, to be cool, be you.

You heard that right.

Who you are already is what you should be for the rest of your life.

Let me explain the secret powers of being yourself.

No One Else Can Duplicate You

To Be Cool, Be You Starting Today

This one is the ultimate reality. There is no one in this world who can be anyone else but themselves.

Read that sentence again and let it sink in for a second or a minute or a whole day if you wish.

If you still don’t understand, let me put it to you this way.

Do you know who politicians are?

Politicians, for the most part, are people pleasers.

You can see it in their eyes and in the way they behave.

You know that they are trying to hit on your emotions when deep down, they don’t really mean it and they are just doing that thing to impress you and nothing else.

They have nothing else in life but to kiss someone else’s ass to just, well, kiss someone else’s ass.

And this is truly sad because they won’t share their value in the world.

And it doesn’t just extend to politicians.

It goes for a lot of people as well.

Do you know someone who you know wants to be something else, but is just doing the thing they’re doing just to please someone else?

Write this down in the comments below; it’d be great to see what is out there.

Does the energy of these people feel extremely toxic and confusing?

If so, then you’ve hit a revelation.

These people are confused as to what they are doing and as a result, their energy projects onto others.

Do you want to be like that?

Or do you want clarity and fierce action in your life?

If you want the latter one, you can honestly have anything that you want in the world because everyone is going to sense your positivity and your decisiveness and as a result you can influence a lot of people to help you it instead of saying “What the hell is wrong with that guy? Must he be tired from kissing someone else’s ass? I’d tell him to get a f****** life!”

And it really shows.

It’s f****** painful to see.

The world can’t afford this nonsense of people trying to play actor in the real world when in reality, they should be their real selves.

So don’t be that guy.

And here is the other thing: When you lie about who you are, who would want to trust you?

People see through lies like crazy. It is so obvious when you are lying. Everyone will disgust you for it and they will NEVER help you.

Look, you are worth something on this planet. You need to see the beauty inside of you and what you can bring and never deviate from that.

Of course, learn new skills and make great choices, but saying that you should mold yourself into a pigeonhole when you have a big booty is f****** ridiculous.

And by the way, if you are fat and think that you need to “fit in” with the crowd, don’t do it.

You are really beautiful just the way you are and I really mean that from the bottom of my heart.

You shine every day on the planet and you are one of a kind and you literally deserve the opportunity to earn everything that you want in life.


That’s how much I mean it!

If you don’t learn anything else in this blog post, learn this:

People buy from those that they trust.

People buy from those that they trust.

People buy from those that they trust.

It might sound like I am being repetitive like a broken record, but when you get and understand this concept fully, you start to notice that the world caters to you more and you will start achieving what you want to achieve, regardless of what anyone else thinks.

And this concept extends beyond just exchanging dollars for goods and services, even though the good ol’ dollar is a big part of that.

And when you are true to yourself, you raise your coolness to the ultimate level with this:

You’ll Be Extremely Confident In What You Are Doing

To Be Cool, Be You Starting Today

Can I ask you a question?

What do you think of when you see confidence?


And do you know what swag indicates?


And how do you achieve that?

That’s right.

Being authentic, decisive, and not wishy-washy like most people in the boardroom.

What do you see when you hear the word “uh” super often?

Confused and a lot of times, a lie about confusion because they know that they should do the thing that they want when they are too afraid to do it.

And that is totally uncool.

And do you know what is even more uncool?

People not taking action when they need to.

This is the secret to any success.

And it all stems from being true to yourself and who you are because when you do that, you control the circumstances of the situation.

And THAT is when you become decisive like the true leader that you are and when you kick ass in life.

You can read more about this topic in detail right here.

And what’s more is when you are true to yourself, you become like a big fat boulder that people and the Earth can’t move because you are so grounded in what you believe in.

As a result, you influence a lot of people to do what you say and you change the world around you as a result.

It has been said that you must make the world the way that you want to make it or someone else will make it for you.

Let me ask you something. When someone else makes your world, what happens?

They make it for them, not you.

This is no good.

You can’t go through life like that.

You don’t necessarily control your own circumstances when you let someone control the things that you should do.

Don’t be that person.


Be the one that controls your own life.

And when you control your own life, this will occur faster than you think:

You’ll Eliminate Fear

To Be Cool, Be You Starting Today

You better believe this one.

Fear comes from not knowing the outcome of your activities.

I don’t know if this has ever happened to you, but envision this scenario:

Let’s say you are preparing for a test and it is 1 hour before the test and you are jittering and panicked like crazy.

Do you know why this is happening?

It’s because for the most part, you just didn’t study enough.

And as a result, you are a victim of circumstance instead of the boss of your circumstance.

You see, when you are a victim of circumstance, you have no control over what you do. As a result, you get hyped up in a negative way over what will happen if the worst happens.

This is not the way to go through life.

You need control.

Complete control.

And this control can come in a variety of ways from financial to your career to your health to school to whatever you might think of.

You need to control you first before you can control anything else.

This means becoming disciplined with your actions.

No late night Fridays at the bar when you should be building your business or working towards a new career or investing in something that will generate you greater ROI’s than a late night Friday at the bar.

By the way, if you are a student and you want instant and free help with studying that will give you this control in a relatively short period of time, read this article here for more on what to do. You’ll be glad that you did.

What It All Boils Down To

To Be Cool, Be You Starting Today

Honestly, to be cool, you shouldn’t even think about it at all.

It’s really just be you and nothing else.

If you are someone else that you are not, you are lying to yourself and everybody around you.

That is definitely not cool if you ask me.

You need to go on the path in life that caters to who you are and no one else.


Even if mom or dad tell you to go the path they suggest to you (unless you are doing something illegal) or your friends tell you that you are crazy for going your way, don’t just blindly follow what they are saying.

Stay true to yourself no matter what and don’t deviate from it.

Stick to this and your life will be a lot more peaceful and you’ll be a lot happier as a result.

Guaranteed or I’ll send you the biggest gift ever to your doorstep.

If you got a lot out of this post and you want more kick butt content sent to your inbox, do yourself a favor and subscribe to Join the Island, the world’s greatest blog, right below in the action box with your email.

Also leave a comment with what you’ll do today as a result of reading this post. It’d be great to see what comes out of what you’ll do.

Until next time,

This is Evan signing off.

Evan Cruz
+ posts

Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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