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5 Powerful Secrets On How To Be Persistent To Get What You Want

Do you want to know how to be persistent?

If so, read on because I will show you the 5 secrets of persistent people that will instantly skyrocket your success to levels you haven’t seen before!

Secret #1: Have Your Mind Onto Something


Achieving greatness starts with having your end goal in mind.

Without it, you can’t focus your efforts and it’s like you are captaining your own ship without knowing the destination.

Let me paint you pictures of 2 different scenes to show you what I mean.

Have you ever been out with your friends and/or family for an outing and all of you decided to go out somewhere in the city?

Let’s imagine that you all get in the car and you all start talking about ideas as to where you all should go.

You talk about the ideas and you are still undecided.

All of a sudden, 15 minutes passed by and you are driving around somewhere that you didn’t plan on being.

Then, you all keep talking and talking for 15 more minutes and you are all still undecided.

Another 15 minutes passes by.

Then for 30 minutes, your mama and your girlfriend get into a debate as to where to go and you are thinking “Oh my god, this is obnoxious.”

And you are all still undecided.

As a result, your girlfriend blames you for the mess (which, let’s be honest, it was all you and everyone in the car’s fault for not deciding).

For an hour, you are all driving around the city wasting time.

Be real, this isn’t what persistence looks like.

It’s what clowning around looks like and this will get you dumped or fired at your job.

Now let’s paint a different picture.

Let’s suppose you REALLY crave a chocolate ice cream for dessert (a yummy and delectable one that is).

In the restaurant you are in, you smell this creamy, delicious, out of an ice cream parlor smell that makes you crave that chocolate ice cream and makes you say “Where’s that smell coming from? We want some of that!”

And you can’t WAIT to leave the restaurant to go to the ice cream parlor and get some of that creamy, sweet and heavenly chocolate ice cream.

And lo and behold, the moment you left the restaurant, you went straight to the ice cream parlor without hesitation.


Because you already knew what you wanted in your mind and you went after it.

That’s the difference between success and failure.

You need to have a vision in your head of what you want so that you properly focus your efforts.

Which lends itself to the next secret, which is:

Secret #2: Really Want Something

uncle sam

You don’t really put forth the effort to achieve something unless you REALLY want something.

Let me ask you, have you ever tried to get up and help another person you didn’t really care for?

Now, did you ever feel the need to get up and go do something either because you really had to or because you REALLY wanted that new (fill in the blank of your favorite thing)?


As a result, you became persistent in getting the thing you want to get.

And this is the difference between actually being persistent in achieving something versus sitting around all day doing nothing about it (aka: Corporate America).

Let’s go back to that chocolate ice cream example earlier.

When you smelled that chocolate ice cream, the first thing you did was decide it was time to get out of the restaurant as soon as possible.

You HAD to have that ice cream.


Because you CRAVED it.

As a result, you became persistent about wanting to get in that line to get that ice cream.

And even though you couldn’t afford it (of course I’m making this part up, but it’s to prove a point), you decided to purchase it on the credit card.


Because you wanted it so badly that you’d do anything to get it.

And the way you’d get that ice cream (again, going into debt for ice cream is a REALLY bad idea) is the same exact way you’d go about achieving your goals.

Let me prove this to you with this point.

I came across an article that mentioned 5 historical figures and their previous failures and how they developed persistence in order to accomplish what they wanted.

You might’ve heard of Thomas Edison and his accomplishment with the light bulb.

But did you know that he failed 10000 times before he achieved success?

I’m sure you’ve heard of that one since it’s common.

But have you heard about Walt Disney getting fired for “lack of imagination?”

I’m sure that one caught you by surprise.

Now here’s another one for you.

Did you know that Abraham Lincoln lost 8 elections before becoming president?

And on top of that, he had ENORMOUS setbacks in his life that the average person would deem insurmountable?

In fact, he spent YEARS paying off a debt associated with a business he and his business partner started.

On top of this, he had enormous setbacks in running for Congress.

But then in 1860, he got elected president.

And of course the rest is history.

But he had to endure A LOT in order to become president.

You can see verification of these stories here if you wish.

All of these stories prove one thing:

If you want it bad enough and you keep going, you will achieve what you want just like these people did.

And you can only do this if you are persistent in going after what you want to go after.

Now once you really want something, you have to do thing next thing, which is:

Secret #3: Work Everyday


You heard that right.

No Sunday Fundays.

If you want to get anything done in your life, you have to work every single day.

There is no way around.

If you take a look at the advice of anyone who was successful at what they did, they all say you should work on achieving what you want every day (or at least almost all of them).

It is true.

Putting more time than everyone else with the correct education at your disposal will put you far ahead of everyone else who lazes around at their job.

This proves the necessity to outwit and outhustle everyone in what you are doing since there will be someone who will try to outwit and outhustle you to get where you want to go.

Imagine a job interview for instance.

You are going up against, roughly, around 250 candidates for only 1 spot.

Do you think there is a prize for showing up?

There isn’t even a prize for 2nd place!

Therefore, if you want this particular job, you have to outwit and outhustle the competitors to get that job.

And the motivation to get that job starts from wanting that job more than anyone else.

Then the rest falls into place since you’ll be motivated to put in the work required to outwit and outhustle them.

But you have to want it and you have to show up every day in order to get it.

Otherwise, you’ll get eaten.

Now here is another point to keep in mind:

Secret #4: Don’t Get Discouraged


It’s a right of passage to any success whatsoever.

You will have to go through adversity.

You will be criticized, you will be bullied, you will get rejected somehow, etc.

Basically, anything undesirable can happen to you and at least 1 of these undesirable events will happen.

When it happens, it is not necessarily the time to hit the panic button.

It’s the time to stay calm, regain your composure and move on forward.

You don’t want to succumb to dwelling on the past just because some punk criticized your work or criticized you in some way even though it isn’t true.

What you DO want to do is reassure yourself that you are on whatever path you are on because you are meant to be on that path and that you believe in yourself SO much that you will not be stopped in whatever you are doing.

This is when you know you shouldn’t quit what you are doing.

When you have that fire to achieve something regardless of people telling you that you aren’t good enough or that you are (whatever criticism you receive), you push through those barriers and come out victorious.

That’s the sign of a true champion in what you do.

And true champions never quit in what they want to achieve.

So I encourage you, if you are thinking about quitting (aside from medical or legal reasons of course), get rid of that thought and focus your attention on the road ahead.

The road ahead will still have many obstacles, but with your head held up higher than ever before, you will push through the finish line and you’ll take over the world.

Many have done it before.

Will you? 😉

Now here is another point you need to realize when pursuing any for of success:

Secret #5: Be Patient and Be Persistent


As much as persistence helps, you are going to have to wait sometimes.


Because success doesn’t happen right away.

Success, as cliché as it sounds, is a process with many steps.

A lot of times, these steps send you back to previous steps for many reasons beyond the scope of this post.

That’s why it’s important to eliminate the temptation of expecting success now because it’s not going to happen anytime in the near future.

You will have to wait in line like everyone else before it’s your turn to get your order taken.

That’s just how it goes.

If you try to cut the line, you’ll get sent back to the back of the line.

But if you get through the line, you’ll never have to wait in line again for what you want..

This isn’t to say delay getting in the line.

The sooner you get in line, the faster your order can be taken.

And the sooner you start getting to work, the faster your success can come.

So get in line as soon as you can and you’ll be able to ride the roller coaster to your dreams!

And this is almost everything you need to in order to be persistent in everything you do in life!

What’s missing?

Taking action.

Reading blog posts about things only help to a certain extent, but one thing is for sure:

Nothing beats experience.


So start doing the thing you want to do and more will be uncovered for your specific situation.

You will be surprised by how much you will learn.

I promise you that.

Some things will be downright disappointing, but a lot of things will be surprisingly pleasant.

So start today.

You won’t regret it 😉

If you got a lot out of this post and you want more posts sent to your inbox that will massively improve your productivity and help you reach your full potential so you can take over your own world, definitely subscribe to Join the Island, the world’s greatest blog, below with your email!

Go get’em you lion!

Until then,

This is Evan signing off.

PS: Comment below with any results you got out of this post. It would be great for you to have tried out the secrets to make a difference in your life!

Evan Cruz
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Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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