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Be the Lion

Be the Lion

So you wanna be the lion?

The king of the jungle?

The unquestionable ruler and authority over the land?

If you said yes to any of those questions, then I’ve got some great news for you.

You’ll learn to become one in this blog post.

Let’s first define what you are not.

You are not a sheep.

You are not a coward.

You are not a villain.

You are not a loser.

You are not a moron.

You are not a nobody.

Now let’s define what you are.

You are a winner.

You are a somebody.

You have the world’s most unlimited potential locked inside you.

You are inspiring.

You are influential.

You are unstoppable.

And most of all,

You are impeccable and invincible.

You simply need the correct guidance.

And today, we will correct that.

You will become and be the lion forever.

You might be asking, “What is the lion?”

The lion is the indisputable authority over the land in which he rules.

Everyone bows down to him and everyone admires him for who he is.

A leader.

A warrior.

A conqueror.

He does not start a fight, but when someone provokes a fight with the lion, the intruder is going down.

He is also well-informed and correctly educated with all of the facts at his disposal.

This makes him a fearless king.

That sounds extremely awesome doesn’t it?

But how do you become one?

Here’s how.

You must first ask yourself “Do I have control over myself? Do I know what I want? Do I know my purpose? How can I assist others so that I can be the decision maker in the room?”

Take out a sheet of paper and a pen or pencil and answer those questions honestly and thoroughly.

Please take your time answering these questions, you must get this correct!

Once you have answered those questions, know this:

Remember that the lion does not follow orders forever.

He knows what he wants and does whatever is necessary to obtain that desire.

If your answers do not satisfy the above two conditions, you must dive deep into yourself and search yourself and to answer the questions only when you have concrete and truthful answers to those questions.

Post Activity

Be the Lion

Have you answered yet?


Now, since we have answered these questions, we will now do what the lion does, which is:

Look around for food.

In other words,

Time to research what needs to be done.

And then,



As a lion, you must do everything that you need to do to create the infrastructure necessary to make that kingdom as strong as possible.

Which brings us to the next question:

“Who do I need to speak to bring my dreams to reality? What education do I need to fulfill my desires?

What do my prospective targets want in exchange for me getting what I want?”

These questions mark the basis of creating alliances and this mastermind that you must have and trust.

Because without them, you can’t anywhere.

You need people just as much as they need you.

These people will provide you the education that you need to build the kingdom.

However, in order to acquire the education, you must provide them something of value, because it won’t come free.

And no, not just education found online.

That’s incomplete.

I’m mentioning the Secret Garden.

The place filled with hidden wonders that you can’t unlock anywhere else.

How do you obtain it you might ask?

In simple terms, you need one thing:


What is it you might ask?

Leverage means having something that has greater bargaining power than what the suppliers (your targets) are asking for and that will essentially force the suppliers to accept your new form of payment (your abilities skills etc.) in exchange for what they provide.

In essence, you are controlling the negotiation with your asset and your value proposition to the supplier.

And remember, the lion controls the circumstance and the outcome. At the minimum, if he’s not in control at the moment, he’ll answer “How can I manipulate my circumstances to gain control?”

Building Leverage

Be the Lion

So, how do you build leverage?

Well, you have to answer a few questions first.

The first one being “What are the eager wants and desires of the supplier aka targets?”

Because this will determine what you need to provide or offer in order to motivate them to provide you the education at your price.

I’ll give you an example.

Do you know why universities set the tuition extremely high?

Because they have the power of the law behind them combined with the demand for getting into certain professions to essentially block anyone from entering those professions that require a degree who don’t comply to those demands.

So basically, they are a monopoly and can send the tuition extremely high without suffering any real consequences.

Thus, they have the bargaining power to do it.

Realizing this power that the universities have, the lion who seeks to go to university must ask himself those same questions to get an idea of his game plan to get in on his own terms.

Typically, the answer to this question would be to get great grades in the most rigorous classes in high school while obtaining the highest test scores and getting involved and excelling in extracurricular activities in which you are interested in and excel at and focuses in on who you are; your brand.

Or the other answer would be “Military or disability?” If you’re one of them, congratulations, you can have the tuition obstacle solved in a relatively short period of time! I got it with the disability I must admit plus the first answer 🙂

Or a more far out question to ask would be: “Do I have some asset that I have built that would make the university crave for me to be there?

And would they be worse off without me?”

If that were you, or if that is you, now all of a sudden you have the bargaining power to negotiate yourself in on your own terms in which the universities must succumb to.

Because let’s face it: You are successful already and they need the most talented students and success stories to promote their universities to more applicants and the world. If you’re already one of them coming in, then them charging you would be absolutely foolish since you now have all of the bargaining power. Them charging you with all of these other universities offering full rides would potentially cost them 10X, 100X, or 100000X dollars in the long run as a result of your success and as a result of not using your story to acquire more students and increase prestige.

Think about it from that perspective and implement it.

That is what the lion does to acquire his education.

Once the education is received, the lion now does this:


Be the Lion
He hunts, he fights, he executes his plans and does them without any reservations whatsoever.

He builds his kingdom that will last for ages.

How must the lion do this?

First, you must understand that the lion remains fearlessly committed to what he wants.

There is no victory without the commitment.

The next thing is that the lion doesn’t walk to the prize, but he explodes to the finish line until the mission is complete.

In other words, he is relentless.

For the lion, there is no tomorrow.

He works to the bone until that kingdom is completely built.

In the lion’s mind, it’s like “It will be me and no one but me who will achieve the utmost success!”

In other words, if I’m not first, I’m last.

So, in general, for everyone with any goal, to be the lion, work and don’t stop.


What you do specifically will strictly depend on your situation and your desires.

And in working, I mean both working smart and hard.

That’s why you got the education right?

You have to be tough enough to withstand any difficulties and to push through when it might look daunting, but you must have the wisdom and the knowledge of realizing any traps and trickery that could harm your path to the island.

So, once you put in the grunt portion of the work, you must maintain and elevate every relationship that you have.

Because that will elevate you to the ever so famous position that you crave so dearly:


Be the Lion

The ability to influence the way of life to accommodate YOU my future islander.

All of the pieces to set up your throne and to protect your kingdom and to create the system that YOU envision.

YOU will become the unquestionable authority in your profession, your society, and your world!

Now, with great power comes great responsibility.

You cannot abuse it.

Which means no power trips, no calling people derogatory names (don’t even try it on Join the Island), you must continue to help people, and you have to be personally grounded enough to recognize the value of it.

If you violate any one of those power rules, you will lose your power in a heartbeat.


Because nobody likes taking orders from anyone and people will sense that you are mistreating them and they will eventually overthrow you.

So if you feel that you would misuse power, please do yourself a favor and do not try to be a lion yet.

And to add, if you do not fit any of the descriptions of the lion, please do not try to be the lion yet until you fit every condition.

It’s gotta be like that for it to work.

That’s the law.

However, if you are ready and you are extremely confident in yourself and in your abilities (you are, believe me :)) go be the lion.

I’m waiting for you.

Be awesome!

This is Chief Islander Evan signing off.

Evan Cruz
+ posts

Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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