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"7 Insanely Powerful Benefits of Reading Daily"

“7 Insanely Powerful Benefits of Reading Daily”

Do you want to know the 7 benefits of reading daily?

If so, read on because I’m going to show you the powerful secrets that very few people possess but are open to all through books.

Let’s get going you badass adventurer 😉

1. You Never Stop Learning

"7 Insanely Powerful Benefits of Reading Daily"

Here’s the thing with reading:

When you read, you are always learning something.

Every time you flip a page, you are acquiring new information that you can use to improve your skillset and overall knowledge of the world.

And doing this every day will only help you expand on what you know and you become bigger in your mind.

Hence, you grow and grow and grow to something very powerful.

You could read anything you put your hands on (provided the book is not ridiculous) and come away with valuable lessons that you can apply to your own life instantly.

It works every time with any kind of book.

Let me show you an example.

I was reading a book about getting ripped and I was on the part about getting your mindset right about getting shredded like a Greek God.

In that chapter, the author talked about marketing concepts, which I didn’t anticipate he would talk about.

He talked about McDonald’s used one psychological phenomenon to influence people to eat healthy so they could increase Big Mac sales (I kid you not).

He also talked about in the book as to why lower priced items sell more, particularly when people have already spent so much money.

It goes to show that most of America is incredibly undisciplined.

Don’t fall for the same trap.

And that’s another thing:

Reading can help you become more disciplined because it takes you out of something  tempting, but will hold you back in life, like watching TV.

You’ll get into the routine, every day, to do something that you know you need to do in order to have a better life.

This is the essence of self-improvement.

If you read every day, you improve yourself every day.

There is not one day where you will hold yourself back.

And that is why you will never stop learning and growing.

If there is one thing TV is good for, it’s to never watch it since everyone else does it (unless it’s part of your job like watching film if you are an athlete to see where you went wrong and seeing what to improve).

It is full of propaganda and brainwashing that it’s unbelievable.

You will literally waste your if you bear to see that thing.

2. You Become Better at Conversations and Can Relate To More People

"7 Insanely Powerful Benefits of Reading Daily"

Reading gives you perspectives into what other people care about and enjoy.

This gives you a base for relating to them and setting the foundation for a strong conversation with them.

People like to talk about things that they are interested in.

They don’t like it when someone brags about themselves without taking into consideration what they want to hear.

This makes way for a terrible conversation and you getting booted out of their lives.

Books give way for an interesting conversation because the person you are conversing with will have something to learn from you that is of value to them, particularly if this subject is something the other person is interested in.

You will automatically signal out that you are someone who knows a thing or two and people will want to be around you to earn those things.

I’ll give you an example.

Let’s say that you are traveling to another country.

These people have a different set of values and different things they know about and perhaps read about (on top of the different language in the vast majority of cases).

You learn a language and you read something they enjoy in that language.

As a result, when you get to the country, you can actually have a conversation with them and you can talk about the things they enjoy, which will result in them wanting to keep you round more.

Hence, you can relate to them.

This is what reading can give you.

Yes, there are other mediums like the internet that can help in getting you acclimated to what other people like to watch and what other people like to talk about, but a lot of times, particularly if you are learning a foreign language or visiting another country, books are the best place to start since you get insight without rushing yourself immediately and scrambling to learn things on the fly.

Everything becomes easier when you get there.

3. You Get To Live Longer

"7 Insanely Powerful Benefits of Reading Daily"

There is research that shows this.

According to a study from Yale University, those who read books for at least 3.5 hours per week (30 minutes per day on average) lived 23 months longer on average than those who did not read, regardless of health, age or whether or not they completed college.

Why is this the case?

Most likely, it’s because reading helps you keep your cognitive functioning high, which facilitates your ability to perform tasks like memorizing, making decisions and paying attention better.

When you read, you are actively using your mind to take in new things and to see how they work instead of passively accepting information as it is.

This is why watching television is a bad activity.

TV makes you passively accept things for what they are instead of forcing your mind to create things.

As a result, you become tired, bored and just want to go to sleep instead of going outside or creating XYZ thing.

In this scenario, people generally lose their sense of purpose of living life since there is no activity in their brain and because they don’t use their learning skills often, their cognition falls and they become obese, they eat unhealthy foods and they die early.

You don’t want to be like that!

In fact, that’s what the media wants you to do because the more people they prevent from reading, the more people they can get lazy, unimaginative and hypnotized to what they say.

No wonder people blindly vote for the candidate that Super PACS put out there.

What a coincidence.

You don’t have to be like this.

You can do something more with your life than just watch TV or play on your smartphone.

Just picking up a fiction novel can stimulate your mind more than watching Netflix all day or taking pictures with your friends on Instagram for “some random reason.”

Believe me when I say that.

Try it and you will thank me later.

Yes, you can even read Harry Potter and be more stimulated than with Dancing With the Stars.

And not only will you live longer, you will become this:

4. You Enhance Your Imagination

"7 Insanely Powerful Benefits of Reading Daily"

Simply picking up a book and reading it distracts your mind in a good way.

The reason?

“Come with me and you’ll be in a world of pure imagination.”

Their imagination becomes your imagination.

Let me explain.

You take in thoughts of someone else and you rationally question in your mind what they mean.

You read on and read on until you have a lightbulb moment about what this idea means.

As you get this lightbulb, you start to investigate in your mind how these things work in real life and how they could benefit you.

As you start to see these benefits, you get ideas about how you could apply these things into reality because you understand why these things work instead of what they do.

This is the essence of imagination.

You take seemingly abstract details and you somehow make up a way to solve a problem with what you know that, at the maximum, only very few other people can do.

And the best way to do this is to simply read books.


The research says so and successful people say so as well.

Research done at Emory University shows that those who read stimulate the right side of their brain, which is the side of the brain associated with creativity.

This in turn translates into increased imagination.

Specifically, imagination is the practice of using a combination of thoughts, data and any idea one can think of to create something or solve a problem.

To show you an example, imagination might involve using sports to closing a business deal.

Imagination might mean taking what you saw in a movie to create a product that sells to people.

In short, imagination is limitless once your brain is exposed to it.

Successful people agree with this statement.

Albert Einstein went on to say that imagination was far more important than information because with imagination, you can take on something from a totally different angle than everybody else can’t do.

In a lot of cases (not all cases), this unique angle is the solution to many problems that are not obvious in hindsight.

Many successful people published quotes about using their imagination and saying what happens when you don’t use your imagination.

One particular quote that stuck out was one made by Muhammad Ali that goes like this:

“The man who has no imagination has no wings.”

It is so true.

If you can’t imagine things, you can’t go anywhere since there is nowhere to go!

And the best place to start imagining the future you want:

Picking up a book and reading it.

You might be pleasantly surprised by what it comes up with.

5. You Become a More Thoughtful Person

"7 Insanely Powerful Benefits of Reading Daily"

Reading gives you insights as to what other people consider important.

You’ll learn about what gets them excited, what motivates them and what makes them happy.

In turn, you can frame the conversations around the person’s interests and they will be more motivated to pay attention to you.

As a result, they will like you more and they will want to be around you.

In addition, because you considered their needs, and provided that you do it consistently, these people will generate a positive opinion about you and they will naturally do more things for you subconsciously.

This is because when you do this, you take advantage of the law of reciprocation, which says that when you do something good for someone, you will receive something good in exchange.

Reading gives you ideas to which you can use this on other people (in a genuine way of course).

Imagination anyone?

In turn, more people will want to be your friend because you considered their side of the story and did not make the conversation about you.

You made it about them.

Here’s the thing:

Everyone wants to get something for nothing.


If you can do this successfully, you will eventually get paid.

It’s bound to happen.

Everybody wants to keep around a person who was thoughtful to them.

So read so you can relate more to others and get them on your side without falling victim to making the conversation about you.

Now this thing is just one of the things you can use books for to do this next thing:

6. You Get Ahead

"7 Insanely Powerful Benefits of Reading Daily"

There is a saying that all leaders are readers.

It is true.

There has not been one leader who didn’t read books to increase their knowledge.

Well, at least those born after the invention of the printing press.

The reason for this is because more knowledge makes you capable of doing more things.

If you do this every day, you become more capable every day.

Read that sentence again so you understand it.

Also, have you ever noticed that a lot of times when you leave a class, you don’t get much out of it?

Well, there is a reason for this.

When you go to class, you only have so much time to comprehend what the lecturer is saying and you are forced to be quiet most of the time while they are talking, which is actually against what research says how you are supposed to learn.

Research actually says that in order to effective learn anything and to increase your imagination, you have to read books with a method called lecturing to the wall (aka: active recall).

This method involves immediately taking what you are learning and reciting it in your own words as if you were teaching an imaginary class in your mind.

Essentially, you become your own teacher.

You can easily do this with books since you are controlling the pace at which you are learning along with the setting, whereas in a class, you can’t do this since the lecture goes at a predetermined pace and since the lecturer is talking, you can’t talk, which interferes with your ability to use the research backed activities to learn things.

That’s why those who learn outside of a classroom setting and take action on this information get ahead.

You can see research on the topic of learning effectively here.

Now experience is an excellent teacher in of itself. It engrains in your mind what to do and what not to do.

But, the best way to save time from performing common mistakes in what you are learning is to read books.

As many as you can so you are becoming more capable every day.

Now here’s a benefit to reading that might not be obvious on the surface, but becomes apparent when you actually engage in reading:

7. You Concentrate More

"7 Insanely Powerful Benefits of Reading Daily"

When you read a book, you become immersed in the author’s world in such a way that you don’t even pay attention to the outside world.

It becomes nonexistent at that point.

In your mind, you will only see what is going on in the book and your own inputs of the experience.

This is when you truly know that you are laser focused.

Additionally, because you have to create the experience in your mind, you are forced to actively engage your brain in the activity, which makes your mind filter out everything around it.

This is otherwise known as creating a vision of what’s happening.

As you do this more often, you will know when to filter out the outside and focus in on what you need to do.

This is when you achieve super power maximum focus that everyone else on the planet does not have.

Try it, along with some deep breathing exercises, and you will instantly see its power in helping you focus throughout the day.

Guaranteed or I’ll send you a $100 Amazon gift card in the mail to your address.

And there you have it my newly found acquaintance!

All of the magical secret powers from reading have been exposed to you today so you can take advantage of them!

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I hope you have an awesome day 🙂

Until next time,

This is Evan signing off.

Evan Cruz
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Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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