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NEWSFLASH: Save Your Precious Time For Free With the 3 Best Productivity Hacks for Achieving More Like Superman Fast

NEWSFLASH: Save Your Precious Time For Free With the 3 Best Productivity Hacks for Achieving More Like Superman Fast

You are feeling burned out at work.

You are stressed, tired, hungry and eager to go home.

I bet you might want to know why that other guy is doing so great at the things you both are doing, but he doesn’t seem tired nor does he work a lot.

What if I told you this person has a secret arsenal of the best productivity hacks known to man- kind that he isn’t exposing?

That would make you wonder, wouldn’t it?

But that’s not all.

What if someone told you these hacks for free in a very straightforward manner from experience and trial and error alike?

Would you be interested to know?

What if I also told you that they are easy to learn and implement and all you need to do is do it to receive all of the benefits?

Would you be interested in that?

Well, if you are, then this is the post for you.

I’m going to share with you the hidden treasures of these top performers through thorough research and my personal experience.

I’ve used this research myself to do exceptionally well in university, studying engineering and in building this blog to make money.

As a testimonial, when I used this research I am about to present to you, I literally became Superman on steroids inside and I know you will become the same when you implement what I’m about to tell you.

Trust me, these are productivity hacks that actually work.

If you are excited and ready to learn these exceptionally neat productivity hacks, let’s dive right into it.

The 90-30 Rule

NEWSFLASH: Save Your Precious Time For Free With the 3 Best Productivity Hacks for Achieving More Like Superman Fast

This is a productivity rule that many of the world’s greatest in their fields use every time they work and every time they practice.

Let me explain.

According to research from Florida State University, top performers in fields like music, chess, sports and the arts worked in 90 minute intervals followed by a series of breaks between 20-30 minutes.

Why is this significant? Because this research proves that when top performers go by this rule, they get the most out of their day and avoid burn out as a result.

Your burnout might be a result of working 3-4 hours with no rest in between and wondering if there is a better way to go about your day.

Guess what? This is the better way and the research I’m referring to is right here to back it all up.

Of course, if you are working at a job and your boss is nagging on you to work during a preset number of hours and with only a certain time for breaks, as ill-informed as he or she might be, you just have to bite the bullet and do it or else.

However, if you are given the option in some capacity to break out of that routine and try a more effective way to work during the day and get things done efficiently, this 90-30 rule and your discipline is something to deeply consider.

Of course, it might not work for you, but given the research, it seems like it’s worth a shot.

Now there has to be a way to organize all of that time, so read on to find out a quick, handy and easy way to do this instantly.

Make a Sticky Schedule

NEWSFLASH: Save Your Precious Time For Free With the 3 Best Productivity Hacks for Achieving More Like Superman Fast

This one is very different than an agenda in this way:

First, you break your day into increments in a way that’s efficient for you, whether it’s 90 minute intervals, 30 minute intervals or even 5 minute intervals.

Then, instead of the agenda, you write your schedule on a sticky note with these increments and stick them on the side of your wallet (or in your wallet) where you know you won’t lose that list.

Now, if you are woman, you might tell me “That’s too dirty and disheveled. I like the planners that the Pinterest girls who rock it are showing off.”

It’s true their planners are visually appealing, but have you considered the fact that since it’s a relatively large item that’s easily misplaced?

And do you ever consider that you are extra protective of your wallet more than anything else?

Because of this, don’t you think it’s ideal to consider something that might serves a crucial need for your day-to-day life, but can easily be accessed with little chance of losing it?

Now speaking from personal experience, I’ve never needed those planners once.


Sure, I’m biased because I am a man and us men are not very fond of the cutesy things, but the facts tell the story.

I have never lost my sticky note schedule.


Well not only because I am responsible with it (which you must be to make this work), but it’s in a place where I can store it without fearing the possibility of losing it.

Think about it, are you extra protective of your wallet?

I hope you said yes.

Would you dare to lose anything in it?

I hope not.

I don’t think I need to tell you why.

When you have your wallet, you are basically hiring the Secret Service to protect your schedule at no additional cost aside from your awareness.

With a sheet of paper or planner, you don’t have this treasured protection.

This is the primary reason why using a sticky note attached to your wallet or in your wallet is the best way to go for keeping track of your day.

So at the very least try it out to see if it’s for you. If it is not for you, ditch my plan. There is no one size fits all.

I am just speaking from experience when I suggest this to you, so please do not mistake my pressure for persistence in telling you what you can do to make your productivity better throughout the day.

A Secret, but Obvious Hack

NEWSFLASH: Save Your Precious Time For Free With the 3 Best Productivity Hacks for Achieving More Like Superman Fast

If you have a rough boss, you might have plenty of experience with this one because they are quite a pain in the neck.

However, when this little hack is done correctly, it will relieve a lot of the fear you might experience when you are making decisions about anything.

The hack is:

The deadline.

This infamous thing is the secret code for overcoming procrastination for students, professionals and entrepreneurs alike.

Here’s how it really works.

First, you must commit to not procrastinating on whatever it is you are working on and to taking proactive steps every day to finishing your tasks by this deadline.

So if you are on your smartphone, you have to turn it off ASAP (or throw it away in the garbage for that matter).

If are overindulging on Netflix, it’s time to turn off the TV for good.

If you talk on the phone too much or watch too many sports, you have to turn them off when you have to work.

Discipline is the key to all of your success. It is really a blessing in disguise since you are taking control of your life.

And when you take control of your life, you can get anything accomplished on your own terms.

And that is the true foundation of the deadline.

If you need any assistance regarding this concept, I wrote another post entitled “How to Redirect Sexual Energy to Become a God” that explains how you can draw your attention to your goals like a god in order to get everything that you want. Read it immediately before you forget!

Second, you identify what your deadline is and you make no excuses to reach that deadline.

This is your end goal. When you have your eyes on it, you will be narrow minded into it and you will block out all of the distractions that deviate you away from achieving that goal.

This is easier said than done because most people will get distracted at one point even though they know they shouldn’t get distracted.

So when you are working towards your deadline, focus exclusively on the goal and nothing else. The only other things you can think of are things that contribute towards you accomplishing your goal like getting that file in on time at work.

So keep that in mind when you are working towards your deadline.

Third, you look at your task. You conceptualize what you need to do and why you need to do the things you need to do (aside from meeting the deadline).

You break up that task if need be and you schedule over the duration of the time you have at your disposal.

This gives you room to complete the task at your own pace given the discipline you have to what you are doing.

For instance, let’s say you have 3 tasks to complete over 5 days.

The three tasks are as follows:

  1. A technical proposal to a client needs to be drafted and sent within 2 days and you must complete the outline, executive summary, conclusion and the scope of work along with appropriate graphics.
  2. You need to prepare for a meeting with your boss regarding your performance and you need to present why you deserve a raise. This might include presenting other job offers, request for interviews and maybe client testimonials of your performance.
  3. You need to make 10 phone calls to different clients to sell them on your services.

Ideally, you want to get rid of the easiest task first so you have more time to spend on the harder and more demanding tasks.

Gauge as to how much time it would take for you to complete each task (you really do have a range in your instincts that can tell you).

Or if appropriate, ask for someone to give you an estimate as to how long a task will take to complete.

Then, on your sticky note checklist, write out what you need to complete for the day and the time intervals in which you will complete those tasks.

For instance, let’s say you have 7 90 minute tasks within the task that needs to be completed. You would write down those 7 90 minute tasks with each time slot slated for a different activity (like 11 am -12:30 pm for writing the executive summary and 5 pm – 6:30 pm for writing the scope of work).

Then simply put, follow the schedule and ask for help when needed.

That’s it.

As for the next few days, you can write down on the back of the sticky note what needs to be completed the next few days.

As you go through the week, you can make more sticky notes designated for each day and repeat the process.

Granted, you might argue that a planner is more effective for this and that doing this same activity on a sheet of paper will make your desk cleaner.

It could, but from my experience, you have a lower chance of losing the sticky notes than you do losing the paper.

I’ve lost plenty of papers, but never the sticky notes.

Keep that in mind.

And the fourth and final step is just do it.

This is the step almost everyone gets to, but never does.

It separates those who accomplish great things and those who wish and dream all day.

Do you want to be the latter one?

Only if you want to go to the land of make believe.

Other than that, I hope not.

I hope you crush it and you just slay that dragon without giving anything back my friend.

Because to have it all, you must first seize the day.

And then, you can all of the bottles of rum (or beer if you are not a pirate) you want!

Thank you for reading this epic blog post today and if you enjoyed this post and want to get more action-packed content sent straight to your inbox that will make you a productivity superman or wonder woman, make sure you subscribe below with your email to Join the Island, the world’s greatest blog!

Until next time,

This is Evan signing off.

Evan Cruz
+ posts

Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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