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How Can You Know Your Future? The Hidden Answers Revealed

How Can You Know Your Future? The Hidden Answers Revealed

Have you always wondered what your future would be like?

Have you always thought to yourself “What do I want to do?”

Have you always believed that you can do something if you just knew what the answer is to what you wanted to do?

If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, then you’ve come to the right post titled “How Can You Know Your Future? The Hidden Answers Revealed!”

This post will tell you the secrets to unleashing the crystal ball into what your future will be like.

Before we get into things here, I want you to know something very important.

And that important thing is this:

You are the master of your soul.

This means that you are the captain of your life.

It is a hidden secret, but it is true assuming that you live in the United States.

You can be anything that you want to become.

You just have to know it to be true to you.

Does that sound crystal clear?

OK then.

Let’s get going with the secrets of knowing your future!

Secret 1: Know Yourself

How Can You Know Your Future? The Hidden Answers Revealed

This one is the biggie for your life.

If you do not know this, then you are going nowhere.

You must know what it is inside you that is going to motivate you to wake up in the morning with no internal voices saying “Can I go back to bed now?”

Because that thing will make you a monster for the rest of your life.

This is the thing that will make you CRUSH it in the real world.

If you need guidance as to finding what that thing is, I invite you to read this article right here. It will really pound into you what you need to do in order to find that thing that motivates you every day.

That way, you can get going on the correct track immediately and not waste any time with silly mistakes that could hold you back.

In other words, you can implement that post immediately.

So get to it if you haven’t found yourself already.

It is CRITICALLY important for your future and your prosperity on Planet Earth.

So let me give you an example.

Let’s say that you are read that post and you decide that your LOVE is being a computer programmer.

You are obsessed with computers and you love to code games, apps, programs, etc.

Well on top of the fact that this skill is in high demand, you would literally spend all of your time on that skill and when you do, you will show a portfolio that clearly displays your abilities and your love for it. It will be results driven since you put your heart and mind into it.

In fact, research shows that if you commit yourself to what you want to do, you can predict your future with great accuracy.

There’s this concept called future self-continuity that says that if you envision yourself in a certain place and you put in the work required to get to that place or become the thing you want to become, you are most likely going to get there.

This is a documented principle that many people have used to achieve their desired results and it’s been replicated multiple times by students, athletes, businessmen and any other person of influence and achievement that you can imagine.

You can read into this research here if you wish.

After that display and the proper networking and with the correct credentials, I would imagine that a lot of companies and freelance clients would be after you hunting you down like a wolf (in a good way).

And that’s when you know that you have the leverage and the power in the marketplace.

Now, if the LOVE is NOT in demand in the marketplace, I have a separate recommendation for that which is this:

Do what the market wants first.

It might sound odd, but it is a fact. The customer is always right.

If you are not sure about what follow the market means, watch this. This will clearly show it to you.

And after you did those 2 things there, know this:

Secret 2: Be Convicted With Who YOU Are

How Can You Know Your Future? The Hidden Answers Revealed

And don’t look back.

You are the only person who knows yourself, not anyone else.

As long as no one else is paying you, you need to follow what YOU know to be true, not someone else.

Because when you do this, you control your destiny.

And when you control your destiny, you can control your world.

And when you control your world, anything can happen.

It really doesn’t matter as to how smart or dumb you think that you are.

Everybody, unless they have a learning disability, is on an equal level intellectually.

Of course, economics might change things up with the access to resources part, but intellectually, every common person is on the same level.

It’s just about the application of the knowledge and the resources to achieve what you desire to achieve.

If you want to become the greatest mathematician, the books are there for you to soak it all in (of course, you need to go to university to close the deal, but in terms of just learning the material, books in the library and YouTube videos would suffice).

If you want to be the greatest magician, the books and YouTube videos are also there for you to soak it all in.

If you want to be the greatest salesman, the books and YouTube videos are there for you to soak it all in.

And the list goes on and on and on as to what you can do.

You’d be surprised as to the number of people who aren’t convicted as to who they are and they just go through life like lumps of crap.

Please don’t be like that.

Be a truffle instead of another piece of salt.

It’s the world’s only hope.

And remember this, it’s the relentless that always win and the procrastinators who always lose.

So be relentless and nothing less.

And when you are relentless, you will do this to the most aggressive level that you can:

Secret 3: Take Action on What YOU Want

How Can You Know Your Future? The Hidden Answers Revealed

And this is the golden ticket to your majestic palace.

You MUST take action on what you are learning and implement it to the greatest extent that you can.

You have to be like an animal out here even though no one tells you that.

Just know this:

Yes you have to follow the law, but to the extent to where you have followed every law that you can, don’t be “civil.”

Be a wild animal inside your mind.

Because we are just like the other animals in the animal kingdom in that regard.

The most aggressive will win.

Now, if you have to be quiet to achieve what you want, so be it.

But, the action and execution must be done like a lion chasing down the prey.

Because that will get people to notice you and that will draw their attention to you.

They’ll be like “Who the heck is this guy? I do not want to go against him.”

And that’s what you have to make other people believe.

Make them fearful of you somehow with your abilities and how you have cracked the code to securing what you desire.

And watch them drop out like flies to try to compete against you.

Sure, there will be like 1 or 2 people who try to compete against you and are relentless as well, but at least you know that you will be the one who outlasts them.

And as a result, you will win in the end.

If there is anything that you get out of this post, let it be this:

If you don’t give up, you will win.

Read that again.

It’s a time-tested truth.

Because as long as you have a goal in mind and you seek the answers, they will eventually come to you in due time.

The universe eventually rewards those that persist, don’t quit, and have an unwavering drive to succeed, with the talent and abilities to be the best in their desired field of work (unless it’s any sport aside from golf).

And that is an indisputable fact.

So take this post to heart and live it, breathe it, and prosper from it.

You’ll be glad that you did.

Comment below if you have any questions or statements about this post in any regard. I am more than happy to help you out.

If you liked this post and got a lot out of it and you want to see more post like this, do yourself a favor and go to the bottom of this webpage and write in your email to subscribe to Join the Island where we will send to you a new blog post every time that they are published. It’ll be the greatest email list that you get yourself on, guaranteed or a $100 Amazon gift card sent to your doorstep.

Thanks for reading.

Until next time,

This is Chief Islander Evan signing off.

Evan Cruz
+ posts

Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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