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The Darth Vader Poster: Why Your Life Depends on You Having It

The Darth Vader Poster: Why Your Life Depends on You Having It

Darth Vader. We all know the man who was the most powerful Sith Lord in a galaxy far far away and was feared by many as the brute force that would not succumb to anyone’s demands to rule the galaxy over him!

But what is it about Darth Vader that you, the future islander, must pay attention to in order to get what you want in life?

A lot. Worthy enough that it merits you having a Darth Vader poster and sticking it on your bedroom wall! Music please!

Here are several things:

1. He is the UNQUESTIONABLE authority

2. He really is the symbol that anything is possible

And a bonus,

There is a real life Darth Vader that you should know about. You wanna know who it is? I won’t tell you right now; you’ll have to read to the very end to find out; you’re gonna be surprised today!

Here’s what you should pay attention to with Darth Vader and why your life really does depend on it.

1. He is the UNQUESTIONABLE Authority
​The Darth Vader Poster: Why Your Life Depends on You Having It

Let’s face it, every time that you have seen Star Wars, don’t lie to me when you say that you didn’t I double dare you, you would always become attentive when Darth Vader shows up in the movies. You’ll be like “Who the heck is this guy?” or “Why the hell would I wanna go against him?”

The reality is that when Darth Vader goes anywhere, he projects himself as the biggest baddest force out there. He lets other people know that when he walks into the room, they will be losing today and that there is nothing that they can do about it. I mean just take a look at this clip here and you will CLEARLY see why that is the case!

He has extremely brute strength and force that if you even make a flinch, it’s game over.

You literally can’t deny his power!

When he chokes you and says “I find your lack of faith disturbing,” you know for rea that you have underestimated him and that you just got mentally and physically schooled.

Would you like to do that to your enemies and people who are just flat out annoying to you all of the time?

I can show you how today.

When people are just pounding to try to underestimate you and to make you feel that you are inferior to them, naturally you might succumb to that based on groupthink, or conforming without intimidating yourself in front of other people.

Here’s you do instead, and I know that you might have heard this a million times and all from different famous successful people, but the question is do you REALLY know it?

A) Know in yourself that you are the best and that no one can deny that.

The Darth Vader Poster: Why Your Life Depends on You Having It

You better believe that Darth Vader did that!

You better believe that I did and am doing that now!

“I find your lack of faith disturbing!”

When you do this, you are NOT inferior to anyone. You are immune from any negativity because it is simply not true that anyone can criticize, unless constructive to get better, nor dethrone you from your personal summit because you have established yourself as the man who won’t be brought down by anyone and anything.

And that’s a fact.

B) Prove it

The Darth Vader Poster: Why Your Life Depends on You Having It

Yes, there is no way around that. You must prove the reasons why you are the best. Because the world will not give you the respect that you command without proving it either physically, mentally, authoritatively, etc., by whatever lawful means necessary.

Everytime that you present anything really, you must have what’s called a proof of concept, or rather, evidence as to why your solution is the most effective solution to the problem, or in this case, the most effective AND substantial answer to the question “Why are you the best in your space?”

With no evidence, you can’t convict someone of murder.

With no evidence, you will not believe the legitimacy of a product.

With no evidence, you can’t make the best business decision for yourself.

And with no evidence, you can’t prove to the world that you are the best in the world at what you do.

It’s as simple as that.

Now am I the best?

Heck yes I am, but in terms of providing value, you be the judge for yourself. However, let this​ seal the deal for ya.

“I find your lack of faith disturbing!”

When you have that poster, do not forget that he is watching you and let it be known that he is indeed the authority every single day.

Now onto number 2.

2. He Really is the Symbol that Anything is Possible
​The Darth Vader Poster: Why Your Life Depends on You Having It

You might not see this already, but it is very true.

If you’ve seen the first 6 Star Wars movies (I’m a big Star Wars junkie; Star Wars fans unite!), you know that Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader) went through many phases of his life to rule the galaxy.

He was a born a slave on the harsh desert planet of Tatooine, succumbed to an owner that possessed his life. Although he was lucky to have been found by Qui Gon Jinn, he was able to build his own pod (a Star Wars car) and win the pod race that got his freedom at age 9. What a marvelous engineer for his age!

And then for years after breaking out of his freedom, which was very slim even for his midi-chlorian count of 27,000 (higher than Yoda), he became one of the most if not the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy, leading the Galactic Republic to win many wars, specifically the Clone Wars, and established himself as the hero in the galaxy and would hype up the prophecy laid upon him that he would bring balace to the force.

And after years of such great triumph and so much victory, his weakness was finally revealed. His fear of losing Padme from a dream led him to the path that even though was quite evident from the audience, in the galaxy far far away, one word:


Literally unheard of from a man who was so compassionate and kind to everyone, except for whining to Obi Wan, and to turn into this ruthless menace killing all of these innocent children.

And his punishment for that piece of crap?


Please, don’t let that be you.


But yet, he survives.

And with that, he has a new mission:

Take over the galaxy.

While only surviving on an artificial respirator, he manages to do what most people would not have even gotten to if they were him:

Conquer the fuckin’ galaxy.

Notice the f word is there for a reason.

And he also fulfilled the prophecy at the end and restored balance to the force. Hence, the chosen one.

Now Darth Vader is a cold-blooded murderer who on all accounts is the epitome of pure evil at its finest. One who deserves to rot in hell for the rest of his after life.

But you cannot deny this reality of Darth Vader though:

He didn’t quit, he had the inner will, and I mean inner, will to move on after getting burnt like that and getting his legs chopped off and his arm cut off, and persist to become the most powerful man in HIS galaxy (granted it’s fiction of course).

Darth Vader is in essence the true meaning that anything is literally possible, no matter what the odds are. Would you ever think that he would survive getting burnt like that with the lava?

I didn’t think so.

But he thought so and he did.

And you have got to respect that about him.

Darth Vader is really a classic in every way. Let that sink in every time that you see him; and hang him on your wall.

3. Who’s the REAL Darth Vader?

The Darth Vader Poster: Why Your Life Depends on You Having It
So you are curiously asking, “Who is the REAL Darth Vader?”

You probably scrolled down to the end of this post and skipped everything else. That’s fine, however, the other parts are heavily recommended. Please check them out. For your personal safety.

The REAL Darth Vader in the room is, if you read through the entire blog post since I really gave it away, is you.


But dont think that you are the child murderer, of course not!

BUT, you ARE:

A) Someone who can choose to be the best at anything that you want

B) Someone who can walk into any room and claim authority in your own unique way

And CAN:

C) Manipulate the circumstances to make anything possible for you

And most importantly,

D) Rule the fuckin’ galaxy

Just know that you can do this if you put your mind to it; I know that you’ve heard of that one before, especially those Back to the Future fans out there, but do you REALLY know it?

That’s one for you to answer.

So comment below and tell me, how will you be Darth Vader today and what steps will you take to make sure that your vision becomes a reality and that you will rule the fuckin’ galaxy?

Also write it down on a sheet of paper and if you need help with that, click here.​

Be candid with this since it will change your life.

And don’t forget that poster; your gonna wanna see it from time to time on your wall; I know that I do!

And lastly, the most important one of them all:

May the force be with you my future islander.
​The Darth Vader Poster: Why Your Life Depends on You Having It
Until next time,

This is Chief Islander Evan signing off.

Evan Cruz
+ posts

Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

10 thoughts on “The Darth Vader Poster: Why Your Life Depends on You Having It”

  1. Hey Evan! What a kick-ass way to re-tell Anakin’s story and make it a practical example for our daily lives. Always thought Vader was the ultimate villain. And even though the story, if I recall, goes that his control of The Force allowed him to overcome his terrible wounds, deep down, it’s Anakin (the man) and his will to live that allows him to not only survive but become the greatest Sith Lord of the galaxy (or something like that!). Awesome stuff Evan. Well done!

  2. I loved that twist at the end. “Rule the fuckin’ galaxy” – totally love it. I have written down on a piece of paper how I will be Darth Vader today. In my case I’m calling myself Lady Vader 🙂 but for now I’ll be keeping it to myself.
    May the force be with you, Chief Islander!

  3. I love this, it was really fun to read and it made me laugh.

    Yeah, I’m familiar with that guy in the black mask and black clothing. And I did say, “who the heck is that guy?” But, now I know, his name is Darth Vadar. And he does not mess around 😂

    Funny though when I was little I used to call him, “Dark Vadar”.

    It seems that no matter how many superhero movies we watch, we always seem to remember the villain. I wonder why that is…

    This was a great read and I really love the ending. And yes, I AM the master of my own life and I WILL rule the galaxy!

    Awesome article, thanks for writing this Evan!

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