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"How To Become the Prime Example of Consistency With 7 Easy Secrets"

“How To Become the Prime Example of Consistency With 7 Easy Secrets”

Do you want to know what it takes to become the prime example of consistency?

If so, read on because it will show you the 7 secrets behind every successful champion in what they do that makes them great.

And yes, they all play a critical role in becoming extremely consistent in what you do.

I pinky promise this right now:

If you do these 7 things every day, you will become the god of whatever you do.

You will become such a badass that no one will ever take you down from your throne of greatness.

Picture yourself as this confident driven person for about 30 seconds and ask yourself:

“Do I really want to be that?”

If you said yes, let’s get going with the 1st secret.

1. Showing Up Every Day

How To Become the Prime Example of Consistency With 7 Easy Secrets

This is the first step towards being a consistency machine.

You must come in every single day ready to work and ready to perform at your absolute best.

The reason?

For starters, most people leave the process or are just flat out undisciplined and don’t do what it takes.

The second is because there WILL be at least one other person coming in every day and trying to take what should be yours if you don’t outwit, outplay and outlast him.

It’s just a law of nature.

You’ve heard of survival of the fittest, right?

It’s Darwinism; it’s the basis of evolution.

If you don’t outlast the circumstances longer and better than the other person, this person will eventually beat you, especially when it comes to getting a job.

And here’s another thing about showing up every day:

People will notice you if you do this.

Whether you produce results or not, people will take note that you are committed and that you are doing what you need to do to achieve what you want.

Yes, you still need to produce results which we’ll talk about later in this post, but showing up is the very first step towards that.

And by just showing up, you’ve eliminated over half of your competition.

Now here’s the next thing you need to do to ensure consistency:

2. Being 110% Committed

How To Become the Prime Example of Consistency With 7 Easy Secrets

This is key.

If you are not committed, you have no chance.


Not being committed is like showing up for class only once per week instead of every day.

Have you ever seen a student who just goes to class and he/she sits in the back and just plays around on the computer?

That’s someone who is not committed.

Now picture this:

Have you ever seen someone in your class who sits in the front row of class and goes hard every day and clearly knows why he/she is going to class?

And you see this person get the highest scores on the vast majority on his/her tests?

This is someone who is committed.

Being committed means that you will go hard every time and you are laser focused on what you want and doing what you need to do in order to get that thing.

In short, you need to want it BAD enough.

Let me tell you a story to prove a point.

There was a duck in front of my house in the ever so humid South Florida.

The duck was gasping for air ever single second it could.

Then, something magical happened.

The duck saw a BIG carton of water and what did it do?

It SPRINTED to the carton of water and it drank the whole thing like he needed to drink the entire water.

Why did he do this?

Because he wanted it BAD enough.

When you want something bad enough, you come in with a fire that no one has ever seen before.

People will think “Is this guy crazy?”

“What’s up with this guy?”

“What is his problem (hint: you’re not the problem; they have their own problems.)?”

And if people are asking that about you, you are doing things correctly.

It means that your force is being felt and everyone is on pins and needles as to what you are going to do.

What also happens when you are 110% committed is you come in with the belief that you can’t lose at what you do.

When you do this, you motivate yourself to do whatever it takes to win and you come in with a no quit mentality.

You force yourself to push beyond what you think you are capable of and you exceed all expectations put forth on you.

It happens every time.

I’ll give you an example to prove my point:

There is this basketball player named Jimmy Butler who is by all accounts the most ambitious player in the NBA.

He always comes into work every day ready to win at everything he does and to do everything he needs to do to help the team win, even if it means he isn’t the lead scorer one night.

However, a lot of the teams he was on did not adopt this culture and he was understandably disgruntled with playing for those teams.

That all changed when he joined the Miami Heat.

He was now on a team that let him hold those accountable who weren’t making the cut with their game and/or effort.

Now here’s the part where he exceeded expectations:

The Heat were projected to qualify for the playoffs as an 8th seed and get bounced out in the first round.

In short, it means that they were projected to have no shot at the championship.

In his first year with the team, the Heat made the NBA Finals.

Far exceeding expectations.

What does Jimmy Butler’s story prove?

If you come in with the belief that you can’t lose, you will go places that you never even dreamed you were going to go to.

And you certainly won’t quit at what you are doing provided that you are 110% committed.

Now here’s something else that you need to do in order to stay on track every day:

3. Having The End In Mind Every Day

"How To Become the Prime Example of Consistency With 7 Easy Secrets"

This is extremely important.

You need to formulate what it is in your mind that you want and every day, envision it happening.

Every moment of your life in everything that you do, you need to see yourself with what you want.

This is what will truly motivate you to do what you need to do.

This is what they mean by keeping your “eyes on the prize.”

You view your future self with what you want and you keep your eyes on it 24/7.

Specifically, this is a psychological concept known as “future self-continuity.”

It involves you viewing yourself in the future as a result of making certain choices today.

Picture it this way:

Let’s say that you view yourself as this ripped and shredded Greek God.

You want a 6 pack to attract more women.

What you would do is you would picture yourself with the 6 pack and with a pretty woman by your side waiting to kiss you or snuggle with you or whatever suits your fancy with her.

Then, you will also envision yourself doing what you need to do in order to get this kind of woman to be your girlfriend.

Once you do that, you will force yourself to do what’s necessary in order to become this type of person and you will be committed to following through on everything on a consistent basis.

Eventually, what will happen is you will achieve this goal somehow someway.

It might not be in the timeframe that you hope, but the goal will eventually be reached.

The reason is because you continuously build up momentum with what you are doing and you the work gets easier as you go along.

This is fundamental to habit building because we are creatures of habit.

What we do on a daily basis consistently will eventually dictate our results.

Since doing what you need to do becomes easier, your body will want to keep on doing it because of this phenomenon.

In this case, you are using the laws of physics on your side.

A body at rest tends to stay at rest and a body in motion tends to stay in motion unless a force of a greater magnitude acts on the body itself.

In this case, you being committed is the force increasing your momentum over time.

As you do this, you will become a freak of nature at what you do and you’ll become invincible to your circumstances.

In short, you’ll become a powerhouse at what you do.

Now this next thing is obvious, but not so obvious at the same time:

4. Doing What’s Necessary Every Day

"How To Become the Prime Example of Consistency With 7 Easy Secrets"

Most people know that they need to do this, but they don’t do it.

Most people will say that they want to do XYZ thing and partially do it, but they don’t follow through with everything that they need to do, even if their gut tells to do those things.

This is why most companies don’t get things done and achieved.

Everybody (or most people) slack off or put in a lackluster effort.

This is also why most people don’t reach their full potential; they allow procrastination and easy temptations get the best of them in otherwise redeemable circumstances.

Here’s a great example to prove my point:

There was this episode of SpongeBob SquarePants where SpongeBob had to complete an essay by a deadline.

The problem?

He procrastinated and procrastinated until the very last minute.

Heck, even Patrick Star, one of the most intellectually dumbest characters in TV history, had to tell SpongeBob to complete his essay.

That is how much he was procrastinating.

In addition, there was a special news media report that made it publically known that SpongeBob had to complete his essay.

Even the clock said “Time’s up, SpongeBob!”

In short, he wasn’t doing what he was supposed to do and he got very angry and upset at himself.

Eventually, he had a revelation in the experiences he was having that there were certain things you shouldn’t do at a stoplight and he got it all down on a sheet of paper.

Now, this process of doing seemingly unrelated tasks to come up with an idea is actually correct because it’s a process known as incubation where you think outside of the box.

But SpongeBob did it in a way where he didn’t know what he was doing.

In short, he got lucky and that is a problem.

Most people want to be lucky and hit the jackpot and have some magical force come down to save them and do all of the work for them.

That’s not how it works in the real world.

Success comes from doing everything that you are supposed to do with intention every single day.

You have to know what you are doing and why you are doing it.

The reason?

To have realistic expectations and deadlines as to when your success will come.

And that is when you can fully utilize future self-continuity to reach your goals.

And you do what is necessary every single day until you achieve that goal.

Here’s how you know that you are doing things correctly:

People are asking you how you are doing it.

Now please note, this is not you trying to seek their attention like an insecure and needy attention seeker.

That’s not what this is.

This is natural attention stemming from people noticing your success and wanting to experience a piece of it themselves.

Every person that has done something great and is achieving great results with what they are doing always has at least one person come up to them and ask them how they are doing what they are doing to achieve the results they are achieving.

This is why sports players and sports teams that produce great results always get the bulk of the media attention.

A winning franchise becomes the best headline in sports.

To prove my point, tell me if you recall any of these teams:

Who are the Washington Wizards, the Florida Panthers, the Detroit Lions and the Texas Rangers?


Now let me ask you this:

Who are the Los Angeles Lakers, the Tampa Bay Lightning, the New England Patriots and the New York Yankees?

You might not know about hockey well enough to know that the Tampa Bay Lightning have been the best franchise in hockey in the 2010 decade, but the other three?

Oh you know who they are.

Why do you know who they are even if you don’t watch sports?

Because they win.

And this winning starts from doing everything that you need to do every single day, even if no one else is doing it.

Now to really be consistent, you must preach the following every day:

5. Having a “Big” Mindset

"How To Become the Prime Example of Consistency With 7 Easy Secrets"

This means thinking big in everything that you do.

Picture yourself as this god in whatever capacity possible.

If you are a student, picture yourself scoring 100 on every test.

If you are a businessperson, picture yourself acquiring some of the biggest companies and receiving all of this cash flow month after month.

And if you are someone in your job, picture yourself as a major shareholder in the company and becoming on one of the biggest businesses in your niche.

In short, dream big and act on it.

In doing this, you will naturally push yourself to achieve everything that you set out to do and then some because you have set the bar super high for yourself that anything less is an utter disappointment to your potential greatness within.

Of course, you still have to follow everything in this blog post in order to get there because after all, you can’t just have gas and win the race!

But this “big” mindset is the gas to the car of consistency on the road to success.

Without gas, the car won’t start.

It’s as simple as that.

Now here are the tires, the chassis and the new car engine ready to power the latest and greatest model:

6. Attacking Your Goals Like This Every Day

That’s right.

You need to approach it just like that.

This should be the reaction in people’s minds,

(Insert video embed here)

If this happens, trust me when I say this, you are doing something right.

You have to get people scared to go against you.

The reason?

So you can lock them down and beat them up to take what’s yours.

In reality, you are not actually beating them up.

Rather, they are beating themselves without even knowing it.

And this is what showing up every day and being consistent with what you do will do for you.

The competition wipes itself out and you take the grand prize at the end of the day.

It’s as simple as that.

And last but not least:

7. You Are Persistent As F***

"How To Become the Prime Example of Consistency With 7 Easy Secrets"

Persistence is the thing that separates those who are great and those who are mediocre.

It is the driving work horse that gets you out of where you are and gets you to where you want to go.

People will think that you are crazy and that there is something wrong with you.

Some people will tell you that you are persistent.

However, if the results show up on the scoreboard or you are making positive progress towards your end goal, that’s the only thing that matters.

You can only get to a certain level of consistency if you are persistent enough.


Because you want it BAD enough; plain and simple.

And because you want it bad enough, that’s the appropriate way to describe consistency in a sentence.

Now, being persistent should not just be used when you want to achieve something.

It should also be used to get things resolved when they need to.

To elaborate on this point, let me tell you a story about how I needed to be ultra- persistent in getting a grade overturned in college that the professor completely got wrong.

So there I was receiving my grade for class and I knew that I did what was necessary to ace that test.

In fact, I knew I aced the test.

The professor gives me the test back and I was surprised.

I got a C.

Or did I?

After looking over the results in detail and comparing it with my notes to see what went wrong, I concluded that there were several discrepancies with the grading of my exam.

Two fill in the blank answers were marked incorrectly when I know that they were correct and an entire written problem that I knew I had correct was marked 100% wrong when it was 100% correct.

I was outraged inside.

So I became extremely determined to get this grade overturned.

At first, I did some research on the appeals process for grades.

During this time, I discovered something extremely interesting.

I learned that there was a process called an academic grievance process whereby you go through a formal process to challenge a grade.

With this in hand, I knew what I needed to do.

At first, I contacted the professor to give him the opportunity to explain his grading.

He refused.

So then I moved to the next step, which was to contact the department chair to present my case.

After scheduling the meeting, I gathered all of my materials to present and I went to present.

The result?

The professor settled right away.

I attacked aggressively from the get go, taking down every objection thrown my way and the professor looked intimidated and scared of me.

He didn’t have an answer.

Just an immediate settlement.

And then, he gave me the results of my second test.

What happened?

I realized he was trying to screw me over again.

I appealed that and I got that overturned right away.

He called me “unprofessional” and that he “wouldn’t want to shake my hand again” and that “this will not matter in the real world.”

I already knew I won when he said these things because he was insecure.

He felt the need to be superior to me when he knew deep down that I dominated him.

And that is what people will try to do to you when you are successful.

They will throw their insecurities onto you so they can make you insecure and take advantage of you.

And also, ask yourself, how is what I did unprofessional if what I did got the job done?

After all, he was the one trying to screw over my grade and he was the one condescending me for, frankly, doing my job.

And then he went on to say that I didn’t give him a shot to explain himself.

That goes to show the excuse making culture that we live in where people don’t look within themselves to see where they were wrong and what they should correct about themselves.

And saying that the grade would not matter in the real world in completely naïve because, ask yourself, how many students in the world are searching online right now for help with their grades?


You just open up YouTube and Google and you will see a multitude of videos and articles about how to improve your grades.

And what do these people make from giving you this advice?


So do grades matter in the real world?

Exactly (even though experience trumps grades in a lot of cases).

Especially if you want certain opportunities in life for careers that require college.

So what should this story teach you?

Not as a bragging right story, but to teach you that persistence leads to success in anything you do.

And you have to do some out of the ordinary things to get the job done.

And this will drive up your levels of consistency to where you will do what you need to do in order to get what you want.

It’s that simple.

So, do yourself a big favor:

Print this post out and read it over and over again.

Write notes on it if possible because it will serve you well in the future.

And know this line really:

If you ain’t first, you’re last.

Watch this clip right here to get the message.

It’s an all-time favorite clip that gets everything across perfectly.

I hope you got a lot out of this post.

If you want more content that’ll help you become massively productive and reach your fullest potential so you can take over your own world, definitely subscribe to Join the Island, the world’s most kickass blog, with your email below to receive fresh new posts out of the oven full of warm and delicious Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookies sent directly to your inbox the moment they are published!

Until next time,

This is Evan signing off.

PS: Comment below with what you got out of the post. It’d be great to hear what you got out of it!

Evan Cruz
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Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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