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How to Get Over the Fear of Failure and Why it's Important

How to Get Over the Fear of Failure and Why it’s Important

How to Get Over the Fear of Failure and Why it's Important

What is wrong? Why are you hesitant? Is something bothering you? Do yourself a favor and get a glass of water and then come back.

Are you back? Great.

You have something my future islander that is holding you back. You wanna know what it is? It’s the fear of failure. And it’s a devil. Devils are horrible for your life.

So you must know how to get over the fear of failure so you can absolutely crush what you are doing. This fear comes from not knowing what to do. It’s extremely paralyzing. You overthink things and it lets the devil eat you alive.And it’s time to cut it out.

The following sections will tell you how to cut that fear and start overcoming it and kicking its ass so that you can take over the world.

Start Doing Actions in Small Increments

How to Get Over the Fear of Failure and Why it's Important

It’s very difficult to go full on if you don’t know. So the best thing to do is to start with small actions everyday to see your vision become a potentially real thing with the understanding that to become massively successful, you must eventually go at it full time. That way, you can find a proof of concept without gambling your current status and potentially making your situation worse, which is the root of your fear.

And I get it, gambling is a losing battle. And you have to know what you are dealing with in order to win. That’s why if you are not doing because you don’t want to quit your job or school or whatever it is, that is a very realistic concern. However, if you want to see if your ambitions are potentially real for you, you’d want to take action at some point or another. And that will eliminate the analysis paralysis in your mind.

Now how do you take action? When you find time off duty from your primary position, grab a sheet of paper and pen and make an inventory of how you spend your time every day. List it hour by hour and be extremely honest with yourself. What you will do with that list is this:

Cut anything that you might consider “fun.” That means TV, hanging out with friends, video games, or anything aside from breakfast, lunch, dinner, and sleeping that doesn’t make you MONEY! Those activities are considered liabilities and they are not necessary for you. In other words, time wasters instead of time creators. Eliminate those activities right away. Throw away your TV and exchange your smartphone for a flip phone if you have to.

Instead of doing those time wasters, you will work on what you are fearing to do, whether it’s a business venture, wanting to go learn a new skill, learning how to fight, networking, etc. You will do that instead. And no, I’m not recommending that you go into a cage full of lions. That’s stupid since you have no control over what the lion is doing whether you think so or not.

It’s something that you fear doing or are procrastinating on and you have complete control over how the situation plays out. And if you replace those time wasters with time creators, you will have a lot more options for yourself.

Watch. Compound interest is the most powerful force on this planet.

Read these books

How to Get Over the Fear of Failure and Why it's Important

The time wasters are gone. You have set up you new “time creation” schedule.

Now what? It’s time for some knowledge. A big overhaul that is.

You might have been used to school, but that’s only one form of education. Chances are that you haven’t been exposed to the treasure chest of education. You will scratch that surface today. You might’ve heard of Harry Potter and Hamlet, but they won’t compare to what you are going to see right now. Here’s what you are going to read.

1. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

This is the book in the success realm that is considered the standard, or rather the code that we live by.

This book has many points that must be taken into consideration, but the two parts that you should pay attention to are the chapter with auto suggestion and the questionnaire in which Hill will ask you to list your fears and what you will do to get rid of them. This part is in Chapter 14 “The Five Ghosts of Fear” and in the self-analysis questions, they are questions 25 and 26.

You must do what it says every day and live by the book’s code. Implement what it says immediately.

Buy the book here with my affiliate link (I do receive commissions off of your purchase, but it will not change the price that you pay).

2. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

This one you have heard of, but you probably don’t know the significance of it. In short, it’ll tell you how to deal with people. All of the rules are extremely important, but the one to know for a fact is the golden rule. That one is sacred. And it is a law. Without this, your business and your brand will go down the tubes of doom.

Also, while you are at it, look up “The Golden Rule George Jenkins” and click on the article from The Lakelander and read it and it’ll show how using the golden rule led to one man creating the company and life of his dreams and how it will prove the same for you if you do it. And by the way, if you live in the Southeast United States, you know what I’m talking about.

Buy the book here with my affiliate link.

3. Sell or Be Sold by Grant Cardone

This one is a must after you read the first two books. Essentially, Sell or Be Sold will take what you learned in the first two books and use it with new information and techniques that will teach you how to effectively sell your product and yourself so that you are in the position to close people on what you want.

It’ll tell you the mindset of the seller and the buyer and very important misconceptions about selling that must be addressed. Probably the oxygen for your career if you ask me.

On top of that, Grant Cardone is a fantastic author who will amuse you with his uniquely blunt writing style and is an even better salesman to emulate.

Buy the book here with my affiliate link.

4. The Closer’s Survival Guide by Grant Cardone

The follow up to Sell or Be Sold takes what you will learn in Sell or Be Sold and will show you how to handle objections so that you can close the deal so that you can acquire what you desire. It’ll take you through 126 closes that you can use in many situations where you must convince people to accept your services or do what you want and it’ll provide the blueprint for creating your own economy and why you must do it.

It really is an extremely applicable book and one that’ll relax you quite a bit when you know how to use the information in there.

Buy the book here with my affiliate link.

5. The Best Book in your Field of Study/Line of Work

Here, you will get deep into specialized knowledge. You will learn the foundational knowledge that you will need for success in your desired profession or any information, even if it’s not a book, on how to effectively deal with your specific fear. This will set you apart if you take action on these books since many people won’t have the slightest clue on where to get information on succeeding in their line of work.

This move puts you ahead of the game and allows you to build your résumé of achievements and the significance of them.


How to Get Over the Fear of Failure and Why it's Important

You have the information that you need. Now, it’s time to just go do it with that deliberate plan of yours. And do it with a purpose and a lot of drive. Just make sure that you don’t go into debt to do it.

If going into debt is the case, go earn the money needed to do that time creator. And then go do it.


How to Get Over the Fear of Failure and Why it's Important

Since you now know the process of conquering your fears and eliminating time wasters, all you have to do to get rid of the other ones is to simply repeat the process specified in this post again.

That’s all there is to it. You’re the Winner, not the Devil

You’re the Winner, Not the Devil

How to Get Over the Fear of Failure and Why it's Important
You must understand this:

You are not a loser.

You are a winner.

You know that you deserve to control the world and that you must control the world. You know that nothing is going to stop you from conquering your fears and achieving what you want in life. It’s all in your mind and that you have the authority to control your thoughts and actions (unless you’re in debt). It really starts with you, not the devil nor the economy nor your boss nor whomever you believe is controlling the situation.

You are the one who has to decide whether or not to conquer you fears and to stop wasting time. The winner will take advantage of this information and use it. You don’t want to go through life like a lump of crap. You want to be the golden man or the golden woman. Unleash your inner hero and go do your thing.

Until next time,

This is Chief Islander Evan signing off.

Evan Cruz
+ posts

Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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