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3 Simple Reasons Why It Is Dangerous To Go To the Dark Side

3 Simple Reasons Why It Is Dangerous To Go To the Dark Side

You’ve seen Star Wars correct?

You know there are two sides of the force: the light side and the dark side.

What if I told you these 2 sides exist in real life and in order to stay out of trouble in life, you cannot go to the dark side?

If you were intrigued, read on and you will see why the dark side must always be avoided at all costs for your own safety.

The Dark Side Is the Easy Way Out

3 Simple Reasons Why It Is Dangerous To Go To the Dark Side

Let me tell you the story of a guy who is extremely insecure with himself and it led to his downfall.

Anakin Skywalker was torn.

He did not have direction.

He knew what he wanted, which was to save his wife and to become the most powerful Jedi ever.

However, he received too much noise from everyone around him.

A group of Jedis, known as the Jedi Council, believed that Anakin was being misled and they wanted him to conform to their standards.

This did not sit well with Anakin because it didn’t fulfill his inner desires for control and power.

Meanwhile, the greatest salesman of Star Wars history, Chancellor Sheev Palpatine (Darth Sidious), saw the potential to tap into Anakin insecurities and wishes and offer him a path that fulfill his desires.

Or so it seems.

As you can see in the two clips here and here, he simply harmonizes with Anakin and since he has developed a rapport with him over the course of knowing him, he gains Anakin’s trust and Anakin begins to believe what he is saying about these “powers” to save his wife.

However, deep inside, Anakin’s gut tells him that the Chancellor might be lying.

When the moment of truth came to decide on what story to buy, Anakin chose to go against his gut and as a result, he kills Mace Windu and becomes Darth Vader.

Immediately afterwards, he kills younglings which he said as a kid he would never do and he killed his wife.

And in case you didn’t catch it, saving his wife was why he turned to the Dark Side in the first place.

This is a scam at its finest.

Anakin was being deceived without even knowing it.

And this is what happens when you choose to take the easy way out.

You become a victim of sales pitches and scams that provide no value for what you are paying and as a result, you become extremely dissatisfied with your life.

You get fed the idea that if you just “relax and take it easy” for a while, you will be successful.

Well guess what?

That’s the dark side knocking on your door.

It’s some guy with a smiley face and a hidden agenda.

Do you trust those guys?

Those are the biggest liars on the face of the Earth.

Don’t trust them when you see them.

And if you fall for their sales pitches, this is what happens next:

The Dark Side Fills You With Anger

3 Simple Reasons Why It Is Dangerous To Go To the Dark Side

Anger fuels your unhappiness in life.


When you get angry, you have 2 options:

  1. Dwell on it
  2. Do something to fix the situation and go Beast Mode

With the dark side, you dwell on it.

Why? Because you take the easy way out with it.

This means you complain, you whine, you moan, you make excuses, you (fill in the blank).

In short, you don’t do anything to fix your situation and you let it linger for a moment and then for a day and then for a week and then for a month and then for a year and then for:

You get the idea.

The best way to get rid of your anger is to take action and fix your situation.

This means getting off of that Big Comfy Couch of yours and doing anything to improve yourself in some capacity.

Your anger must be channeled towards a goal of yours and it must be UNLEASHED to give it your all.

Remember, when you do something, you are always trying to buy out of a problem.

Otherwise, you wouldn’t be doing that thing.

Would you be obtaining any type of education if you didn’t need it to get out of something (aside from amusing yourself)?

I figured.

If you still don’t understand, let me tell you the story of LeBron James when he was with the Miami Heat.

LeBron James was the epicenter of the most infamous decision in the history of sports when he chose to join the Miami Heat to form what was known as the “Big 3.”

In his first year with the team, they went to the NBA Finals and they lost the series for one reason only:


And this was after, as a Miami Heat fan, their ridiculously silly parade to celebrate forming the Big 3.

So he already on the hot seat to perform next season.

In game 5 of the 2012 Eastern Conference Finals, the Boston Celtics, their opponent, came into Miami and won game 5, going up 3-2 with the series returning to Boston for the Celtics to clinch (hence, home court advantage).

If the Heat lose game 6, their experiment would be deemed a failure and they would become the laughing stock of the entire sports world.

In short, a complete embarrassment.

So LeBron said to himself “I have to take this matter into my own hands.”

In an interview done late with fans, LeBron himself said that his legacy was on the line.

It was a do or die moment that would define the rest of his life.

So he could not sit there and complain about the situation because he would play the game lazily.

What did he do?

Arguably, his greatest performance ever.

He shot 45 points on 15 rebounds and 5 assists while scoring 19 out of 26 shots he took in the game.

That is 73.07% shooting.

That is absurd!

The Heat won the game 98-79 and they eventually won the series and the Finals, hence making the Big 3 experiment a success.

Now why did LeBron have this performance?

Because he didn’t sit around and complain about the situation like most people would.

No, he took control of the situation like this guy here.

He basically used his anger to DOMINATE the competition and prevent the uncertainty of missing out on what he wanted.

This is what happens when you make no excuses.

You just BLAZE through the competition with zero remorse whatsoever.

Now when you sit there and make excuses about the situation, this is what happens:

You lose.



You’ll Lose Control Over Yourself

3 Simple Reasons Why It Is Dangerous To Go To the Dark Side

This is why complaining doesn’t work.

You don’t focus on solving the problem at hand and you let the situation control you instead of controlling the situation like LeBron did.

Sure, when you need to seek help to solve your problem, you ALWAYS seek it, but doing nothing about it will only force you to become succumb to more sales pitches that will trap you like Palpatine did to Anakin.

You need to take action to remain in the light.

Your anger if and when you get it must be channeled towards solving your problem instead of remaining static and doing nothing about it.

Listen, like Gary Vee said (a real life Jedi), your opponents secretly want you to suffer.


Because that means it makes their job easier to get what they want.

And if they get what they want, you have to live under their terms.

Is that what you want?

Or when everyone comes to play against you they are like “That’s it; it’s over. Let’s get out of here.”

You might have heard of Bernie Sanders.

He proposed ideas such as “taxing the rich” and “making college free.”

Let me show you why this doesn’t work.

Ever since the beginning of time, there has always been a dominant species on the planet controlling how everyone must adapt to their surroundings.

This is known as Darwinism aka, survival of the fittest.

Only the fittest will survive on the planet.

The ones who don’t adapt will die.

Under Bernie Sanders’ proposal, he is saying “Even if you are the fittest on the planet and you have done the most work and the most earning potential, you will have to pay it all back to be shared equally with every citizen.”

In short, everyone, regardless of how hard they work and how much they accomplish, will not move up in the food chain.

So what happens?

Nobody has any incentive to work.

There is no diversity in this kind of life and eventually, everyone becomes very unhappy.

When you have capitalism, you are paid in accordance to the value you bring to the marketplace.

If you bring a lot of value, you will be heavily rewarded.

If not, you will not be rewarded.

In Bernie’s world, if you do not bring value, you are still rewarded.

That’s like failing tests and still getting an A and the guy who got A’s on all of his tests get A’s.

Even though you both got A’s, which one actually earned it?

This world doesn’t work this way and complaining doesn’t solve it.

You get what you pay for (provided you bought a great service).

And once you realize that, you will change drastically.

Don’t be like Anakin and fall for false promises. That’s what happens when you join the dark side.

Do it the correct way and your success will follow.

I promise.

If you enjoyed this post and you got a lot of value out of it, definitely subscribe below to Join the Island, the world’s greatest blog, below with your email to receive more epic content on how you can reach your ultimate potential and improve your daily productivity!

Until next time,

This is Evan signing off.

PS: Comment below with what you thought of the post and what you are going to do to not fall for the dark side of the force. It’d be great to hear.

Evan Cruz
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Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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