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How to Grow Up To Be Who You Are

How to Grow Up To Be Who You Are

You are here.

You want to know what it takes to make something out of yourself and to crush it in every aspect of your life.

Do you want to know a fascinating secret?

Read on to find out what it is.

Own Your Mistakes

How to Grow Up To Be Who You Are

This is the very first step in learning anything about yourself and getting better.

The only way that you will ever get better at what you are doing is to look deep within you and ask yourself “What did I do wrong today?”

And when you do that, replay everything that happened in your mind and pinpoint every little detail in which you could’ve done better.

You will see that behind all of your anger and frustration is a little tweaking in your game plan to set you straight and on your way.

I remember when I started to do this technique of “looking over film” in my studies in college and the results were outstanding.

My semester GPAs jumped significantly from what they were before; specifically from averaging a 3.7 GPA every semester to averaging a 3.9 GPA.

By the way, if you are in college or you know someone in college who needs a lot of help, definitely have them read this post on 85 college tips where I cover everything that you need to know when it comes to college from whether or not to go in the first place to how to study and how to take the tests and steps to negotiating tuition and putting yourself in the best position to get a job when you graduate.

It is over 25000 words, but I guarantee you, it’s worth every bit of your attention or your money back, so click on it if you need to.

So as I was saying, it’s so easy to blame others, but they are not responsible for fixing you. You need to fix yourself.

And when you do that, you will see the results that come to you like magic.

So try the technique of “looking over film” and comment below with the results that you got out of it. I would love to see what you thought of it and what happened as a result of doing the activity.

And when you look over the film from what you were doing, you have a sudden realization that strikes you in the heart and serves you well for a life time. That thing is the next step in this post:

Find Out Who You Really Are and Stick To It

How to Grow Up To Be Who You Are

It is so easy to just do what everyone tells you to do just because it is the thing to do.

But yet, it might not be the best thing to do for yourself because it violates your morals and values and because it just doesn’t make sense.

And that’s okay because this is the first step to maturity and being an adult.

When you become something that you are not, you are telling yourself the biggest lie in your life.

And when you lie to yourself, you don’t live the life that you truly want to live.

This is something that you NEVER want to do.

Most people are miserable today because they simply do not trust themselves to live out who they are and as a result, they get stuck in careers that they hate, they go into debt to impress people just for the sake of impressing them and they do drugs just for satisfaction when they know it won’t solve anything.

I mean just take a look around you. Do you ever see some people (notably people you might’ve graduated college with) who just buy things they can’t afford to impress people they don’t like?

And as a result, just look at their credit card bills!

It’s horrendous!

Do you really want to be like that?

No way.

How do you not get to that point?

You find out who you are and you stick with it to the very end along with conscious decisions about what you are doing.

In fact, I wrote an entire blog post about how to do this very process.

In a nutshell, you take the sexual energy that you would normally use to think about attractive men and women and you switch it to any of your goals.

Trust me when I say this: You will see MASSIVE results when you do this activity the whole way through.

These results might include masturbation reduction if you are a man, increased discipline and more dominant behavior in whatever you are doing.

You can read the sexual energy post in the hyperlink.

It’ll be the wisest and most enjoyable investment of your life when you read it.

And this next section covers a very important topic that if you clearly understand, you will never be the same again, so read on to know what it is.

Stop Complaining

How to Grow Up To Be Who You Are

This one holds you back more than it pushes you forward.

Let me explain.

When you complain, you give yourself a reason to feel good when in reality, you are going to feel terrible down the road.

As a result, your productivity will drop and you will not see the results that you want.

I can tell you many stories of sports teams who complain and complain over “bad calls” and as a result, they lose their dynasties and they lose momentum into the future, but there one story that hits this point right at home and I’ll share it with you so you can see what the consequences of complaining are.

If you are a college football fan, you most certainly know the Miami Hurricanes football dynasty.

If you are a Hurricanes fan, you definitely know the infamous 2003 BCS National Championship Game against the Ohio State Buckeyes.

If you are not familiar with this game, this is going to hit home fast and save your life to when you apply it to your life.

It was the final seconds of the game and Ohio State had the football on a 4th down drive when they had to score a touchdown to stay alive in the game.

The cornerback for Miami covered the receiver for Ohio State in the end zone and did not touch him at all before the ball came into the receiver’s hands.

However, a flag was thrown for pass interference on the Miami cornerback.

See this clip here and tell me in the comments if you thought this was pass interference.

He definitely didn’t touch him before the ball got into his hands.

Very questionable call and one where you might be understandably frustrated if it happened to you.

However, when this bad call came, the Hurricanes completely lost momentum.

Not only did Ohio State score the touchdown to continue the game, they eventually won the game and the national championship.

What were the long term effects of this for the Hurricanes?

They have not appeared in the championship game since, they’ve had only 2 seasons with 10 wins or above and they have been involved in a notorious scandal that almost got the football program shut down completely.

Why did these things happen?

Complaining and dwelling.

Had the entire team just moved on from the call and looked within themselves and said “OK, what did we do wrong and how can we improve,” they would still be the dominant team that they were in the past.

This is what’s known as a self-inflicted wound and it is a wound that traumatizes you for the rest of your life when you let it happen to you.

This is completely unacceptable.

This little wound is what kills dynasties and is what creates disarray within yourself.

So the moral of the Miami Hurricanes story is this:

If something unfair happens to you, don’t dwell on “It’s not fair! I should have that overturned!”

Either fix it if you can or move on if you can’t and start assessing what you did wrong if anything.

Because if you let it get to you, you will become an evil son of a bitch and it will haunt you for the rest of your life, just like the Miami Hurricanes.

So don’t complain, learn from your mistakes and move on.

It’s the best thing that you can do for yourself.

If you are not sure of what to do to get rid of the complaining habit, I highly suggest you read this post right here for additional suggestions on how to fix the complaint problem. It’s spot on.

And here’s the most important step of them all:

Take Massive Action on What You Want


How to Grow Up To Be Who You Are

Massive action is the key to getting anything that you desire my friend. Without this, you can kiss your dreams bye-bye and out the window.

Now you don’t take massive action on anything though. You always take massive action on what you want in life.

Do you know why?

Because you are doing the one thing that’s going to make you happy and fulfilled and hopefully, what’s also in demand in the world. As a result, you have no choice but to CRUSH IT and to conquer what you desire.

This obsession is what will get you to be great and what will force you to get out of bed every morning and work work work until you get everything that you desire.

Have you ever heard of famous geniuses and the best people at their jobs?

What if I told you that someone like Elon Musk is NOT a genius?

This might come as a surprise to you considering that men like Elon have achieved great things from outstanding intellect, but was it natural?

Or was it his choices and habits that got him there?

If you peel through the layers, it’s his habits and choices and just taking massive action.

Let me compare a typical kid and Elon in the same years and you will see what I mean.

Since he was 9 years old (or 11), he read books and started to program because he decided that he wanted to put people on Mars.

He became furiously passionate about his desire that he poured over every bit of attention that he could to learning what he needed to learn to make his dream a reality.

Now let’s stop Elon’s story there for a second and look at the profile of a typical 9 year old boy.

A typical 9 year old boy has the same identical brain as 9 year old Elon, curious, fascinated and always wanting to do something.

But this something is not books and coding or anything else that serves to increase knowledge in a particular area of interest.

It’s video games, toys and “Mommy, can we get that big fat TV for Christmas?”

Oh, and let’s not forget the mom’s credit card bill!

Definitely not Elon and a noticeable difference in habits.

Now let’s move on to the next stage of Elon’s life.

He became an excellent student in grade school and went to the University of Pennsylvania to study economics and physics. He even got into Stanford’s PhD program.

However, he dropped out to become part of the Internet boom.

During that time, he founded a company that provided content for various media outlets.

He sold it for $307 million dollars in cash and $34 million dollars in stock options.

But he didn’t stop there.

With his burning desire, he started more companies such as PayPal and Space X and Tesla and he eventually got to launch a rocket into space and the International Space Station.

At 48 years old as of this writing, he is still going strong with the burning desire to get to Mars.

Now let’s see where the 9 year old video game boy went.

He went to school, didn’t like it for the wrong reasons and kept playing video games all the way until he graduated from high school.

He went to college and he worked a job, but he took on $40K-$50K of student loan debt and majored in business administration because it was the most common college major and figured he could just pass his classes and be done with it.

Sure enough, at the end, he was still at the same job, but now has student loan payments to make and he can’t do anything with his degree.

So for the rest of his 20s and 30s, he goes to the bar.

He wastes time on the computer watching porn videos of girls that he wished he had.

He masturbates in bed because he can’t get anything in his life.

And he becomes extremely unhealthy.

He smokes occasionally and he resists books like the plague, claiming that they are “boring.”

Sure enough, he eventually finds a job that requires his degree, but low and behold, it’s the dreaded corporate cubicle; not fun.

He wishes and dreams that his life was better only to realize that he wasn’t doing anything about it.

And this continues for the rest of his life where he has nothing to show for it.

It turns out that if we assumed that he went after everything that he wanted, he would’ve been a 3 time Oscar award winning actor and he would’ve had a hot wife and a private jet with a $500 million dollar net worth, all in part thanks to his real estate investments.


What a trade off!

Let me ask you, what was the difference between Elon and this guy?

Massive action.

Elon took action and the other guy didn’t.

Same type of brain and same potential although they had different goals, but the fundamentals remain the same.

Massive action beats dreaming and wishing all day long.

Now that you experienced this story, let me ask you this:

What will you do today?

Will you take action on what you want or will you blow $500 million dollars on nothing?

I hope you make the correct decision for yourself because if you make the wrong choice, you will regret it and your future self will suffer.

Big time.

If you got a lot out of this post, definitely make sure you subscribe to the Join the Island, the world’s greatest blog, down below with your email in the action box for more mind blowing content to be sent straight to your inbox the moment it’s published.

Also comment below with any takeaways from this post and what you will do as a result of reading this post and taking action on it. I would so happy to know your results.

Until next time,

This is Evan signing off.

Evan Cruz
+ posts

Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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