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How to Quickly Go To Sleep With 1 Simple Trick

How to Quickly Go To Sleep With 1 Simple Trick

Drink water right before bed.

That’s what you’ll do.

For more specifics, read on.

The How To

How to Quickly Go To Sleep With 1 Simple Trick

First, you should fill a glass half way with cold water 1-2 minutes before bed.

Then, you drink the glass of water in increments so your body can take it in easily.

Right after drinking the water, go right to bed and make sure you turn off all smartphones and electronic devices.

While sleeping, don’t talk to yourself and focus on relaxing.

That’s all there is to it.

Now if you don’t have any objections to it, then it’s the end of the post. Go try it for yourself and let me know your results in the comments below. It’s greatly appreciated. Definitely sleep on your back to avoid discomfort at night!

If you do have objections like “This doesn’t work,” “What if I need to go pee after this,” “What of this impacts heart health?”

I will address these objections in the next section, so continue reading to see why they are not a big deal.

Why You Shouldn’t Be Concerned With This Strategy

How to Quickly Go To Sleep With 1 Simple Trick

If you have read other articles on this subject like this one, you might have heard that drinking water before going to bed is a bad idea and that there’s no benefit to it.

While I’m writing this post, I am writing from experience. I am not lying to you when I say that drinking water before bed is the most effective strategy to go to sleep.

It works for me. Might it work for you? Maybe or maybe not. It could vary depending on the person and I don’t know other people enough to say that it will work for you.

But let’s look at the facts here. You clicked on this post because you want instant and free answers to your problem/issue.

I just gave you a free instant answer to your issue from something that worked for me.

All you need to pay is your time, which really isn’t a payment in this case because you are investing it in fixing your problem.

Why not try something you have right now and get going with it instead of thinking about it?

You’re going to have to take action on it anyway instead of just thinking about it and letting the problem persist and becoming a procrastinator.

Like they say, a body at rest tends to stay at rest and a body in motion tends to stay in motion.

You need to get moving so you can get closer to solving your problem instead of just being wishy washy.

Wishy washy will keep you in place where you are with your problem.

So get moving with what you have at your disposal right now and if it doesn’t work, don’t use it and look for something else. It’s better than doing nothing and not getting the chance to fix the problem.

The laws of physics are against you if you don’t get moving.

Now what if you say “I have to go pee when I drink water?”

Well, let me tell you this.

After drinking water before going to bed, I have never needed to go to the bathroom to pee.


Now your body might be different on that end, but at least for me, that’s what has happened, so it shouldn’t be a concern.

And if it does happen, simply dump the strategy and find the right one for you.

But don’t let this stop you from giving it a try.

Although highly unlikely, I’ll even throw in hospital fees if you need to go to the hospital out of implementing what I am telling you.

That’s how confident I am in my belief that you should try the strategy starting today and right now if possible.

After all, it’s free to try without any downside at all.

Now another objection you might have to trying to drink water right before bed is “This will impact my heart health. Why should I trade my time for a potential problem?”

I’ll answer with this:

There is no evidence that I see where this is the case.

In fact, the opposite effect, you not drinking water right before bed, can increase your risk of getting a heart attack over the long run.

The reason (more so if you didn’t drink enough during the day):

Your body can circulate blood better as a result during the hours where your risk for heart disease is the highest.

It has been proven that when you sleep, your body prevents certain chemicals from being activated.

Without sleep, these chemicals are activated and your heart rate and blood pressure won’t be lowered.

Water is a substance that promotes this blood flow. As a result, the circulation in your body will increase.

This is the short reason as to why drinking water at night can prevent heart disease.

Now the scientific explanation would involve this here.

If you are not an equation junkie, that’s what’s called a traffic jam in disguise.

In short, drink as much water as you can. You’ll be glad that you did.

And follow your gut when it tells you to. You’ll be glad that you did that as well. It’s always correct.

If you got a lot out of this post and you want more insanely useful content sent straight to your inbox that’ll skyrocket your productivity and get you to your full potential, definitely subscribe to Join the Island, the world’s greatest blog, below with your email!

Until next time,

This is Evan signing off.

PS: Comment below with any thoughts or questions about the post. I’d like to hear them.

Evan Cruz
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Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

1 thought on “How to Quickly Go To Sleep With 1 Simple Trick”

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