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How to Have Pride and Why It Is Extremely Important for YOU

How to Have Pride and Why It Is Extremely Important for YOU

How to Have Pride and Why It Is Extremely Important for YOU

My future islander, have you ever felt down and out sometimes because you didn’t perform your best? You didn’t get that job? You didn’t win that ball game?

You didn’t close the deal?

You didn’t your situation here?

Well, I guess you can fill in the blank.

The morale of the story is that you shoudn’t feel down and out.


Yes, absolutely.

But don’t let your emotions get the best of you.

You don’t want to break you hand like LeBron did by doing the same thing.

You can’t feel out of it or otherwise, you will get a game over.

You’ll become miserable if you do that.

And you’ll become tired, in which you’ll begin to ask yourself “Can we go home now?”

Trust me, if you ever ask that question, it’s time for a new awakening.

An awakening of your pride.

An awakening of your sense of purpose.

You will need to learn how to have pride and to maintain and grow that pride into something great that not only makes you happy, but you can win at.

But you might ask “What is pride?”

Pride is a state of having unbreakable confidence in yourself to the point where that confidence will be undeformed by any scenario and result. It also entails that you will eventually win at everything that you set your mind to.

In other words, no task is too great for you.

Now how do you get pride?

This blog post will teach you how in several steps.

1. Drop the Negativity Like It’s Hot

How to Have Pride and Why It Is Extremely Important for YOU

The first step to having pride is to realize that you cannot have any negative thoughts or a negative mindset around you to create that unshakable confidence that builds itself up to pride.

And then as per step 1a, drop it.

Drop that negativity like it’s hot.

You can’t hold onto it or otherwise, you will burn yourself REALLY badly!

You definitely don’t want that!

My suggestion to accomplish this step is to do this one simple exercise:


Specifically, you should turn off every piece of technology, except for certain lights so you can see, and just disconnect for a few minutes from the outside world and do this:

Breath through your nose in a completely relaxed manner.

Hold your breath for 3-5 seconds.

And then release through your mouth with your lips puckered in front of you.

Keep your breath released for 3-5 seconds.

Repeat this exercise until are assured that ALL of the negativity is cleared from your mind and that you have a blank canvas in your mind.

Once you complete this exercise, proceed onto the next step.

2. Have a Conscious Awareness of Your World

How to Have Pride and Why It Is Extremely Important for YOU

Understand that no one really cares about you.

No one.

Unless it’s your mom, no one gives a hoot about your future, your plans, your ambitions, and anything else about you.

They care about themselves and only themselves and their families.

That’s it.

Engrain that in your head and accept that for what it is.

Aftet you do that, understand that people want THEIR problems solved.

They don’t want to pay for your passion.

Whoever told you to follow your passion is a straight up liar.

Plain and simple.

You must solve other people’s problems in order to reel people in with what you LOVE.

It is supply and demand, not “Pay to watch me go to Disney and take a picture with Mickey Mouse.”

Those days are over.

And if you’re not an adult yet, today is your lucky day since you found Join the Island and that statement.

You’re way ahead of 99% of your classmates stuck in “It’s a Small World.”

You’re in the Big World now.

Once you complete this step, move on to step 3.

3. Create an Empire Mentality, not the “Let’s Save to go to Disney Mentality”

How to Have Pride and Why It Is Extremely Important for YOU

Yeah, you read that right.

That saving mentality for a trip to Disney is complete rubbish.

That’s for settlers; let the ones who consume your products have that mentality.

You must understand that in order to truly have pride, you must have the mentality of a king, the most powerful king in the world.

You have to be LeBron, not Kyle Korver.

You have to know that the best is what is rewarded, not second place.

With that said, do this:

Turn on the most powerful song that you could envision, preferably in a minor key like D minor or E minor and listen to it many times while dancing freestyle, and in your mind, imagine yourself making the necessary moves to literally CRUSH the competition in whatever you are doing and being the best.

Don’t listen to major keys, that’s for when you have won. Major keys like C major and D major induce a sensation of having achieved something, which you haven’t yet, so they will distract you.

Minor keys pound into you the motivation to take action.

For instance, if you’re a basketball player or a drag racer in Los Angeles, you could listen to “Black and Yellow” by Wiz Khalifa and see yourself scoring and blocking all over the opponents or going really fast and bumping cars just like in Fast and Furious to get to the finish line first.

Or if you are a salesman, listen to “Go Getta” by Lil Wayne and actually see yourself, hustling to get every deal done and closing so many clients, with the knowledge that you have learned, and getting to the top of your profession.

Or if you are a student, listen to “Another Brick in the Wall” by Pink Floyd to envision yourself doing the actions to get a 100% on that test that will give you the GPA necessary to get that interview, and then switch to “Go Getta” to envision yourself closing in the interview.

And as for getting the world, well that one is for me.

Once you complete this step, proceed to step 4.

4. Say “I Can Do It and I WILL Do It!”

How to Have Pride and Why It Is Extremely Important for YOU

And say it multiple times.

This will give you the confidence and the vision to do step 5.

After doing step 4, go on to step 5.


How to Have Pride and Why It Is Extremely Important for YOU

And no, you’re not a baby 🙂

Step 5 will consist of substeps since there are multiple parts involved with this.

Step 5a) Find out what people’s problems are and solve it for them.

This is where you ask who’s got the money.

And if that sounds familiar, you definitely know who I’m referring to.

If not, doesn’t matter, I’ll explain what this is right now in great detail.

People are generally either 2 things.

1. Lazy like Patrick Star under his rock

2. Desperate like Veruca Salt wanting another pony

Both of these people will pay you to solve their problems or provide them whatever the hell that they want spoonfed to them.

Your job is to find out what that is in a way that it can scale.

Because desperate times calls for desperate measures, and that is when the big bucks get rolled out, and if you have what they want/need and can demonstrate to them that your product fulfills that demand, you have unlimited bargaining power.


Because you have evidence.

You have a proof of concept that works out.

You have immediately justified your authority and no one is going to question it.

Hence, you own that negotiation.

Hence, you are the alpha male or alpha female.

If you don’t have the education to serve them at this time, then find a way to get the education.

Chances are, if it isn’t something that involves a heart transplant, a building that is on the brink of collapse, or defending a murderer, you can find what you need on YouTube, Udemy, or other 3rd party platforms on the web.

You’ll be able to learn fast.

And once you learn the necessary education, either reach out to the potential customers somehow and show them how you can solve their problems if education is the only thing necessary to know how to solve the problem or gain experience with someone experienced and learn how they operate and the things that are used to solve the types of problems that you have to solve.

Because chances are, your gonna have to get your hands dirty to see how things operate and so that you can find deficiencies and create new products based off that knowledge and what the customer wants.

And once your product is created, do a free sample if need be so that you establish that proof of concept.

And when you show the potential customer that your solution solves their problem, you better believe that they are going to pay up.

Mark my words.

As for objections, which will happen since people love to question themselves, refer to Grant Cardone’s The Closer Survival Guide for information on what to do in those scenarios.

You’re going to need it.

Captain’s orders.

Step 5b) This step comes after the business that you have created has been scaled to the point where you can hire employees to run the business for you so that you can increase your profit margin exponentially and scale your business to the point where you do not have to trade your time for money and you can pursue other opportunities like your LOVE.

With your LOVE, you will do this:

A) Keep saying to yourself that you will become the best at it.

B) Perfect your craft everyday until you become the best at it.

C) Once you are the best, do what you want with it. Remember, at this point, doing what people demand is no longer a requirement.

You have completed your homework and are dismissed from class.

You can craft your own narrative for yourself and put your heart and soul into it with no threat of “How am I going to eat today?”

You can create another business out of it if possible, you can pour on pure excitement with it if you want, you can brag it to the world, you can fill in the blank.

But the bottomline is that you have found and lived the pride of your life.

Hence, your confidence is unbroken.

Hence, no circumstance will deform you.

Hence, you’ve won the game.

And that is a great feeling to have.

An ownership of what you are doing.

And that is how you get pride, keep pride, and multiply pride to become unstoppable!

Until next time,

This is Chief Islander Evan signing off.

Evan Cruz
+ posts

Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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