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How To Own It All In Today's Crazy World Starting Today

How To Own It All In Today’s Crazy World Starting Today

Are you struggling with everyone telling you to be this or be that, but you know you don’t want to be those things?

Do you want a full breakdown of what you need to do to own up to who you are and take over your world?

If so, you’re in the right place.

By the end of this post, you will know how to own it in life and become the person you were meant to be while kicking everyone’s behinds like the badass girl boss who is super determined to take everything for herself or that big man who is the CEO of his life, regardless of what people think of him.

Read on to know the full scoop of things (like a delicious, mouth-watering and delectable Ben and Jerry’s Cookies and Cream Ice Cream; yum).

Take Full Responsibility for Who You Are

How To Own It All In Today's Crazy World Starting Today

This is the key to becoming the person you want to be in life.

Don’t lie to yourself because you have probably done it your whole life up until this point (unless you’re 18 and you’re here).

Look within yourself and answer this question: Who are you?

Really, who are you?

Are you a chef?

Are you a lawyer?

Are you an entrepreneur?

Are you a corporate drone (I hope not)?

Are you a YouTube superstar?

In short, what drives you and why?

Take a moment to answer this question honestly.

Now when you answer this question, do this:

For every day of your life, make it a point to envision yourself as the best version of your true self when you achieve what you want in life.

Let this drive you, let this make you go places, let it light a fire under you to stop snoozin’ and start hustlin’.

On a side note, if there is one thing that you should take away from this post, it’s this:

The one who hustles and strategizes the most will ALWAYS win.

This is the secret of every successful person who has accomplished anything.

They hustle, they strategize and as a result, they win.

And this is what you need to understand after you sell yourself on who you are and why you want to become that person.

Now here’s another facet of full responsibility you should realize that 99.99% of people know they should do, but they don’t:

Accept responsibility for their mistakes.

Let’s be honest, we are human.

We make mistakes.

But most of the time, we are afraid to accept responsibility for them and become better as a result.

These people are secretly boys and girls in disguise.

They will never get anywhere since they block themselves from improving.

But, when you accept responsibility for your mistakes and educate yourself why they happened and actively seek ways to improve from those mistakes, this is where you become a champion and establish a dynasty.

Do you know why?

Because men and women bounce back from their mistakes, not hide from them.

This is when you face adversity head on and you just pound right into its face like a super large freight truck running over the car of the FBI’s most wanted criminal.

And yes, he got arrested since he is a terrible person.

When you do this, you become fearless, you become determined and most importantly, you become super damn hungry for whatever it is that you want.

And this is exactly what you should be striving for, exactly what you want and doing what you need to do in order to get it.

If you had trouble with the first part of this post, I highly recommend you read the post I wrote quite a while ago on redirecting your sexual energy to what it is you want in life and finding your “LOVE” in life.

This activity will take you from where you are right now to superman inside when you complete it in its entirety.

I highly encourage you to click on the link attached and do it before you forget because I truly believe it’s going to help you tremendously in getting you to where you want to go and just crushing in life with your “LOVE.” So click on it ASAP.

Now you have your LOVE and you know you have to be a man or woman, but guess what?

You don’t know how to do it!

So how do you know how to do it?

I’m sure you know part of the answer, but not the complete answer.

Read on to know the complete answer.

Get the Education You Need

How To Own It All In Today's Crazy World Starting Today

You might be thinking “Oh great, I need to go get another degree. Yay me (not so much).”

In some cases, the answer is yes. For careers you already know need that piece of paper.

But what about other career paths you want to take?

Not so much.

A lot of times, all you need to get to the next level is a good book or a set of good books.

Let’s say you are in sales and you want to become a better salesman (in fact, you should be paying attention since you are selling something regardless of what you are doing).

All you need to do is read some of the best sales books you can find, implement them and you will become a lot better at what you do.

In some cases (now we are deviating from sales), you might need a mentor to guide you along the way since you want experience on your side to prevent you from making mistake after mistake.

But either way, knowing what type of education you need instead of simply following the traditional route is a wiser approach to things that’ll get you results in the long run.


Now regardless of what career path you pursue, one education you are going to need is you’ll have to deal with people.

There are 2 books I recommend that will definitely help you address this issue. One will help you deal with them in good ways and the other will help you deal with them in a strategic way.

For the good way, the book is called “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie. Let me tell you why I recommend it.

Have you ever met someone who made you feel special in some way?

Like, really special to the point where you couldn’t forget this person?

And from that moment on, you feel personally obligated to do anything for this person by whatever means necessary?

This is what this book will teach you to do.

Additionally, numerous business leaders and successful politicians used this book to become likeable around people, which helped them win voters and land clients left and right and get promoted in the corporate world.

One in particular declared it the book that changed his life.

That’s a pretty resounding statement if you ask me.

And take a look at the 13346 5 star reviews on Amazon right here. Doesn’t that get your attention. You tell me. How many books have that many 5 star reviews?

Probably some, but not many.

And that is what you should trust.

Get your copy here on Amazon and start perfecting  your skills with people today. Your future self will thank you later.

And please note, I am an affiliate for Amazon so I will be making a commission off of your purchase, but it doesn’t change the price you pay.

Now for the strategic book:

One day, I was approaching a stop light on my way home.

The light turns red and the guy in front of me made an abrupt stop in less than 1 second.

I had to react quickly. I slammed on my brakes trying to stop the car and:

Oops, I crashed the car.

I got bummed out since I didn’t want to crash it.

Now here comes the interesting part.

The guy I crashed walks out of the car to me and I roll down my window to talk to him. I expected him to cooperate and talk about what happened, but then he did this:

He said in an aggressive tone “You are going way too f****** fast. You could’ve killed someone if they were in the back of your car seat.”  And then he calls me names like jerk, fool, d word, etc.

Basically, this guy was someone who was really mad and if I picked a fight, he would’ve won since I would be viewed as the one who initiated the attack.

Now what is my point here?

My point is I was fighting him since the moment he started to verbally abuse me. He just didn’t realize I was tricking him into thinking he was in charge when in reality, he wasn’t as long as I controlled myself.

One of the lessons I used from “How to Win Friends and Influence People” in this situation was to let the other person do a great deal of the talking. Do you want to know why that works? Because people LOVE to brag about themselves. If you can give them that limelight without interfering them, they will love you for it or, like with this guy, you can trick them into thinking they are in charge when in reality, you are manipulating the situation to your advantage.

And here’s another lesson you can learn from this: Deception is the key to successful warfare.

I was at war with the guy because I was fighting against him to get out of the situation without any harm at all.

If I did not deceive him and if I showed my true emotions, I would’ve gotten harmed in some capacity whether it’d be legal, physical, etc.

And this is what “The Art of War” can teach you.

The Art of War can show you ways to deal with people when they throw many things in your face that you would normally be indecisive about or you’d make a poor decision about.

Now I will not disclose everything in the book in this post because it’s for you to discover yourself.

But I promise you this: Everyone is your enemy in disguise, even me (though you can trust me on this point; I’m not lying).

And the absolute best book to deal with these enemies is buying “The Art of War” right here on Amazon. Grab your copy right now and if you weren’t excited before, the link for How to Win Friends and Influence People is here for you again.

And note again: These are Amazon affiliate links and I will make a commission off of your purchase if you decide to purchase from them, but the price you pay will not change.

Be Extremely Disciplined and Dominate

How To Own It All In Today's Crazy World Starting Today

This is the secret sauce of everyone who owns their space and conquers the world.

They have a system in place and they don’t deviate away from it.

This is where discipline comes in to save your butt from procrastination and self-humiliation.

Once you find knowledge and a way of doing things that works, it’s easy to get caught up in getting complacent about leaving this off until the next day and taking your foot off of the gas when things are going well.

When you do these things, this is when you start losing when you know you shouldn’t be.

Almost everyone on the world does this and this is why they do not get anywhere in life.

Do you want to be one of the majority who lacks this self-discipline?

Or do you want to become one of the few who achieves their goals in dominating fashion with virtually no competition at all?

You want to be the latter one, of course!

But how do you become self-disciplined?

Here’s what you do:

  1. Commit to what you want
  2. Decide to do it
  3. Turn off all of your distractions
  4. Just do it
  5. Repeat the process

It’s that simple.

And yet, most people can’t figure that out.

Of course, there are specifics you need to learn as well like making a to-do list and sticking with a schedule so you can predict your results with ease (you can develop this skill by the way; comment and I can let you know how).

But the fundamentals are extremely simple to follow, but not easy.

You must develop the mental muscle to make this work.

How do you develop this mental muscle?

Honestly, go with your gut.

Let me ask you. How many times did your gut tell you one thing but you didn’t follow it and when you reflected on the experience, it was right?

Plenty of times, right?

You see, your gut is your natural instinct developing an informed opinion about the situation around you and making a judgment call as to what you need to do in the situation.

When you ignore it, you are overthinking the situation when you have the answer inside of you.

This is something that can lead to disaster and it is why most people aren’t disciplined.

They know inside themselves they should be doing A, but they continue to do B instead.

Let this be your step number 1 to becoming self-disciplined:

Go with your gut, no matter what.

Read that sentence again and engrain it in your mind because it is true and it will change your life if you act on it.

Now let’s go deep down into the abyss of your brain:

What do you know to be true?

Write it down.

Are you back?

Good. Now read this next line:

What would your inner child do to make this work?

Do you want to know the answer?

He/she would dominate the entire show because he/she loves to have fun.

And you really do know that to be true whether you realize it or not.

Look, in order to truly win and get what you want, you must commit to beating the living shit out of everybody.

When you are in a competition, you have to constantly look out for everyone else following your backs and you have to tailor your game accordingly.

While it is true you must account for your competition when you are pursuing what you want, you shouldn’t have to be constantly worried about them.


Because you have the correct habits and you are pursuing what you know deep down is true.

Most of your competition are not doing these things and this is advantageous to you since you can knock them out with ease. This eliminates 90-95% of those you are competing against.

Now, there will be somebody else that is really good and will stick with their habits and what’s true to them and you must respect them as a quality opponent.

This, along with yourself, is your true barrier for getting what you want.

But all of the time, if you just stick with who you are and your habits long enough, you will become number one in your field. I guarantee you that.

I remember when I was in college and I was committed to scoring in the top of my class on all of my exams.

In the beginning, I was pretty good, but not great at what I was doing since I was learning the process of studying and how to hack learning.

But I kept learning and learning and I remained committed to that goal.

And sure enough, I persisted for a while and the goal was realized in my last 2 years.

I consistently scored the top grades on almost every exam I took and everyone was looking at me like “Who is this guy doing this? How the heck is he able to do all of this by himself? That’s impressive.”

Of course, I wasn’t trying to seek this attention. I was just doing my thing.

But the fact that I got this attention meant something:

I knew I was dominating at what I was doing.

If I wasn’t dominating and I was just good enough, they would never have come up to me and ask how I was doing it.

When this scenario happens and people start to naturally come up to you and ask how you are doing it, you know you are dominating and you should keep doing what you are doing while improving each and every day.

And this is the secret of these championship organizations in sports.

They consistently carry out habits that work, they do not deviate from them at all, they internally envision domination and championships and they do not take their foot off of the petal.

One organization that embodies this well is my hometown Miami Heat, arguably the best all- around organization in the entire NBA.

One phrase they carry out every single day goes like this: “The main thing is the main thing.”

This means your focus and your attention should be focused on what you are trying to accomplish no matter what. And every action you take must get you closer to this goal, which is the main thing.

Any action not aligned with your goal is unacceptable and should be removed immediately.

This is not “the main thing.”

Whatever “the main thing” calls for whether it’s showing up to work every day or going to run laps or going to meet with your boss is what you must do at every situation until your goal is achieved.

And when you do this consistently, I guarantee you from experience you will start dominating and becoming the best.

Why can I make this promise?

Because like I said earlier, people will start to become undisciplined and angry when they do not get results. When this happens, they will quit or they won’t put in all of the work required to achieve their goals. No question about it.

And this is great for you since your competition is almost none in the long run.

And as long as you stick with it and don’t quit, you will become first and win your championship.

Or championships or however many you like at that point.

When you get to that stage of the game, you control your destiny since you have the system, you have the habits, you have the discipline and you have done what you’ve done so many times that you can predict what the results will be.

And as a result, only you can destroy your empire and domination.

And this is what you have to do with respect to your goals.

Take it and run with it with no end in sight.

Don’t make it an unnecessary contest. Do what you know is the correct thing to do and everything will fall into place as they should.

Don’t take a trophy for showing up.

Take home every trophy for finishing 1st and you will feel happier at the end of the day.

Because like I said, if you are not first, you are last.

If you got a lot out of this post and you want more kick ass content sent straight to your inbox, subscribe with your email below to Join the Island, the world’s greatest blog.

Until next time,

This is Evan signing off.

PS: Leave a comment below with what you got out of the post. It’d be very interesting to know.

Evan Cruz
+ posts

Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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