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Fluid Mechanics Notes for Success: How to Get an A in Fluids the Easy Way!

How to Pass Fluid Mechanics The Easy Way

Are you wondering how you are going to pass Fluid Mechanics?

Have people been complaining about how hard it is at your university?

Would you like to know everything that you need to pass and get an A and not have to worry about retaking Fluid Mechanics?

Well I’m here to tell you that you are in the right place at the right time because I am going to give you my fluid mechanics notes for success for free and you’ll be able to earn an A in one of the most challenging engineering classes in the curriculum.

Let’s skip the introductions and get right into things here!

Here’s the first prerequisite for success in fluid mechanics:

Problem Solving Wins The Game

Fluid Mechanics Notes for Success: How to Get an A in Fluids the Easy Way!


Let me start by saying that this is the most important step for acing Fluid Mechanics.

Let me explain why.

Engineering problems are very conceptual-based.

If you try to memorize each problem and cram them into your head, you are going to get lost very fast and you will be very disappointed with the ending.

The best way to go about this is to understand problem-solving in great detail.

That means taking a concept and using the concept to create a solution to the problem.

Yes, you need to be creative in your reasoning of the knowledge order to pass.

In other words, everything in your own words.

There’s no way around it.

There will be procedures in order to solve the problems, but the conceptual knowledge and the creativity that stems from it will propel you to find out the truth of the intricacies in each problem.

That is what is going to get you to pass and, ultimately, get an A.

Now how do you develop this problem-solving ability if you don’t have this already?

My recommendation is to take a problem-solving class.


Yes, a problem-solving class.

Here’s why.

Because this type of class will develop your conceptual ability and get you to understand how to apply concepts to various types of problems and not just simply memorize a problem with the hopes of magically getting every other problem right on the test.

I want to share a statistic with you to make this clear if you are not sold on it yet.

In the class that I took, the class average on the first test was 65%, which is a D average (or a C depending on what university you attend).

On the second quiz that we took, the class average was a 50%.

On the second test that we took, the class average was a 60%.

That’s really bad.

Now I’ll bet my hard-earned dollars that the reason why all of those people got those scores was that they did not know how to problem-solve.

And they did not know how to apply concepts and creativity to solve problems.

That’s what this problem-solving class will do.

It will fix that for you and give you a fresh ad new perspective of looking at things and actually make it useful instead of looking up Chegg for all of the answers to your problems.

This was what got me through Dynamics, Mechanics of Materials, Fluid Mechanics and many others with A’s all because I learned how to become a conceptual thinker and how to problem-solve.

You can read about how I used it to get through Dynamics here (share with those who are taking the class, please 🙂).

Now if you can’t afford to take a problem-solving class, then I have an extremely useful recommendation for you.

You might have heard of this professor or you might not have, but the guy’s name is Professor Leonard.

He teaches calculus and puts his videos up on YouTube for you to view at your leisure.

Let me tell you something about those lectures.

They are the most amazing lectures that I’ve ever seen from anyone on this planet.

He has a unique way of delivering the material such that you will understand the concept and you will be able to apply it to solve a problem instantaneously.

There is second-guessing the correct way to go about things.

Every time on a test during calculus, it was so automatic answering those questions it felt like I was a genius and that it was so effortless to do the tests.

I would say that the secret to acing engineering is to watch Professor Leonard.

Not so much for the calculus (even though you’re gonna need it for the FE Exam and it is a cool subject), but for the problem-solving ability and the ability to understand concepts and not just memorize stuff that you will learn that will be applied to anything that you do, in and out of engineering school.

He really is a special instructor and I highly encourage you to watch his videos to develop these skills that are SO crucial in engineering and the real world.

You will definitely pass Fluids if you watch even just a few of his videos and you do the rest of the things that I say to do in this blog post.

Go watch a video after this post right here.

And then move onto my next point.

Pick Your Professor Carefully

Fluid Mechanics Notes for Success: How to Get an A in Fluids the Easy Way!


There are no exceptions to this one.

The professor MUST give you a fair shot to succeed.

If you have the slightest doubts about the professor making it hard on you, then you are in for a rough ride.

Make sure that the professor that you will take if you can choose between professors does not do something like put topics on the test that were not supposed to be covered or is known for an enormous amount of pop quizzes (after all, you do need time to comprehend this stuff).

That WILL ruin the plan here.

The plan that I’m about to give you depends on your conceptual and problem-solving abilities being developed and the professor giving you a fair shot at doing well in the class.

Note: I didn’t say that the professor needs to be exceptional.

They don’t have to be.

However, the professor cannot be a jerk and they cannot be over the top nuts with what they are doing.

A professor who thoroughly delivers the material in class and has office hours to help you out and has a grading scheme where it’s just tests or tests announced quizzes, and some homework to be counted towards your grade should do the trick for this plan that I’m about to give you.

So make sure that everything is down before continuing.

Here comes the game plan for acing Fluids.

Here’s The Recipe For Acing Fluids

Fluid Mechanics Notes for Success: How to Get an A in Fluids the Easy Way!


Yum yum!

Step 1: Watch John Biddle YouTube videos. This step is absolutely recommended for those with a really bad textbook, especially for those with the book titled “Engineering Fluid Mechanics” by Donald Elger.

If that’s your textbook, save your money; it’s not worth it.

This guy is amazing for Fluid Mechanics.

The way that he explains the material allows for any conceptual-based learner to quickly understand the material so that you can directly apply that knowledge to solve any problem given.

He was the primary reason why I got an A in fluids.

And of course, you have the luxury of re-watching parts of the videos that you did not grasp over and over again.

You’ll grasp it eventually 🙂

I mean just take a look here at his reviews on Rate My Professor. They are through the roof great! 

That’s verification already that you should watch his videos in order to succeed in your class.

So much for the extra fee that your university might charge for in-class lectures!

You can access Dr. Biddle’s lectures on YouTube right here. 

Step 2: If your book is great, use it.

This is the most underutilized resource of any class.

If you have a great book, it is your best friend and you should take full advantage of its magical powers.

You will learn the basics of everything in the class with it.

This step is strongly recommended by those who prefer to read the book and are bad with videos.

However, if you do have a bad textbook and you prefer reading over videos, I’m sorry to say that you are going to have to watch the John Biddle videos to get the job done here.

There’s no other way around it.

Here’s a great idea for you:

If you can use a combination of a great textbook and the John Biddle videos, that is the number 1 best way to get an A in the class because you will get the conceptual training and the guided problem-solving training in the videos while after watching the videos, you go into the book and you fill in the gaps in your knowledge while understanding everything that it’s saying.

If you can do that, I have no doubt in my mind that you will get an A in Fluid Mechanics and nothing less.

Now on a side note, if it’s too expensive to buy the textbook, here are your options:

A)     You can do side hustles to buy the textbook (or the other textbooks that you need to buy and the tuition). You can start here for information on that.

B)     You can just watch the John Biddle videos and just ask a friend or Chegg for the homework problems that you need to do.

Step 3: Use your professor, tutors, and useful classmates

This is a fantastic step to do once you have the other two steps down.

This is because, with these steps, you’ll be able to fill in the gaps of your knowledge while knowing what those gaps are.

For the professor, it’s great to go to his or her office hours because for starters, you can build a relationship with them and you can get recognized in their minds for a potential grade boost for extra effort.

Secondly, if there is a conceptual question that you need answered, they’ll be more than happy to answer that for you and you’ll be able to solve certain problems as a result of that.

It’ll make your life a lot easier and it’s a secret weapon that most students don’t utilize.

For tutors and useful classmates, they are more helpful for problem-solving.

This is because they are more sympathetic with you in that you need to solve the problems and not just understand the concepts and they’ll tell you what you need to know to solve particular problems.

And on top of that, their explanations will typically make more sense than the professor’s explanation since they tend to teach.

Wrap Up

Fluid Mechanics Notes for Success: How to Get an A in Fluids the Easy Way!


And with that, that’s your 3 step recipe for acing Fluid Mechanics!

I hope that this guide was helpful to you and that you use it well.

Remember, there is no substitute for hard work because hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard.

So you have to work hard at it and not slack off on your smartphone all day.

But I assure you that if you follow this plan to the tee, you will get an A.

I can 100% guarantee that.

You got through Dynamics, so if you got an A there, this class should NOT be a problem for you.

And with this guide in your back pocket, you should be unstoppable!

Thanks for reading and clicking on my link and make sure that you share this with those that it could benefit!

And if you want more college tips that will help you conquer college and beyond, input your email down below and subscribe to Join the Island, the greatest blog ever created, for blog posts to be sent to your email every time a new post is out!

Happy studying!

Until next time,

This is Chief Islander Evan signing off.

PS: If you REALLY want to blast your grades through the roof, buy a book called “Think and Grow Rich” via this link here on Amazon. It is deemed the 2nd bible by many successful people and yours truly used the concepts in this book to earn an A in Fluid Mechanics.

I encourage you to purchase it today to give you the foundation for success for college and for the real world.

Many testimonials about “Think and Grow Rich can be seen here.

Give it a shot today!

Note: I am an affiliate for Amazon and I will earn an affiliate commission if you purchase through my link. However, the price you pay will not change.

Evan Cruz
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Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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