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7 Life-Altering Reasons To Just Start Now

7 Life-Altering Reasons To Just Start Now

Do you want to know what you must do to get the most out of your day every day?

If so, here’s the short answer:

Just start now.

If you desired the short answer, this post is over.

But if you are wondering “How do I start now,” “What do I need to do, “Why do I need to start now,” read on to know these answer. It’ll be worth your while to do so.

You’ll Procrastinate If You Don’t Start Now

7 Life-Altering Reasons To Just Start Now

Procrastination is the murderer of all creation and momentum.

Read that sentence again so you drill it in your head really well.

When you procrastinate, you waste time, nothing new there.

But what you DON’T know is that this time is costing you a lot more money than you think.

Think about the last time you had that item on a “to do” list and you said “I’ll deal with that tomorrow” and you didn’t deal with that thing the next day.

Then you say “I’ll deal with it next week.”

And then you said “I’ll deal with it in a month from now.”

And what happened?

You never did it.

How sad.

I bet there was an aftermath of some sort. Your wife or girlfriend complaining to you, your parents or friends nagging you over your decision and last but not least, your inner instincts saying “I told you to do it now.”

The feeling of regret is the worst feeling in the world.

The best way to overcome that is to start with whatever you have right in the moment.

The reason for this is because humans are lazy by nature.

Naturally, we want to settle for the thing that sounds gratifying right at the moment.

For example, with all things being equal, would you want to eat broccoli or a delicious Ben and Jerry’s freshly churned cookies and cream ice cream?

It’s going to be the ice cream.

We don’t want to do “the hard stuff.”

But in most cases, “the hard stuff” is the most rewarding at the end.

That’s why if you start right away, you will build momentum while you do it and naturally, you will figure out what needs to go into making your task successful.

You are engaging your mind here instead of letting it pass through the wind like a bag of potato chips.

When you take action immediately, you are the wind controlling the circumstances and breezing every bag of potato chips on the street to what you want instead of letting the wind take you where it wants you to go.

In other words, you control your life when you take action now.

So do yourself a favor and start with whatever you have today. You’ll thank yourself later.

If you are still not convinced, I’ll give you an incentive to be and it’s this:

You’ll Finish Sooner

7 Life-Altering Reasons To Just Start Now

If you are like most people, you want to get to your Netflix as soon as possible and be done with your work.

Guess what? You can get to your Netflix as soon as possible if you just start.

Once you finish studying for your test or that job for a client or your employer, no one in the world will care what you do. It’s all about you.

And who do you need to respond to after the job is done?


You want more time for yourself, don’t you?

You don’t want to spend more time working on what other people want you to do, correct? That sucks!

So the best way to get more time for yourself is to get the job done ASAP!

As a famous song once said, if you don’t eat your meat, you can’t have any pudding!

Take care of the meal before getting to dessert!

Now, what if you are in the situation where you have to get the job done or you will face severe consequences?

A consequence like not having the rent due?

This is what will happen when this happens:

You Develop a Sense of Urgency

7 Life-Altering Reasons To Just Start Now

When a potentially fearful event is threatened upon you, you naturally feel a need to do the activity.

Hence, you become motivated to do it and you do whatever it takes to get the job done.

You know deep down in this scenario that you have a deadline to meet and if you don’t meet it, you will suffer the negative consequences.

You will say to yourself “I better get started so I have as much time as possible to complete the task. If I procrastinate, I will not be able to pay my rent or (insert your negative consequence).”

One thing about sales is you need to develop a sense of urgency in a prospect before you get them to break through the inertia of not buying.

In other words, in order to motivate the prospect to buy, you have to arouse the fact that a significantly negative consequence will occur if they don’t buy your product.

If you can’t do that, they won’t buy.

To prove my point, let’s say you are in school and you know that you need to buy the textbook to do well in the class.

Now that you need to buy the textbook to do well, what’s the first thing going in your mind?


You must buy it ASAP while getting it at the lowest price possible.

There is a motivation.

You need to find your motivation and start acting on it ASAP.

This is the heater under your seat warming up to burn your butt if you don’t decide to act on a moment’s notice.

Because if you do not act now, the seat will get warmer and warmer and eventually, you will burn your butt.

Imagine the medical bills and inconveniences associated with burning your butt.

Surgery, not being able to sit, being in debt for years, missing out on work because you can’t perform the job, etc.

You see, fear is a great motivator in sales.

You need to sell yourself that if you don’t go after what you want or need to do, you will miss out on what you wanted to do and live your life with:


I can tell you for a fact that regret is the #1 worst feeling in the world by far.

You don’t want to regret not completing that task and getting all of those negative repercussions as a result.

That would sting!

Let that be enough sense of urgency to take action on what you need to do starting now.

Now what happens when you take action immediately?

This is what happens:

Your Ideas Will Still Be Fresh

7 Life-Altering Reasons To Just Start Now

Do you remember when you had that light bulb moment where you had something you could act on and your gut was telling you to act on it, but you let it sit for a while and it eventually faded away?

Later on, you would try to recall it, but you couldn’t retrieve it from your head?

This is enough reason to get started on what you need to do now instead of wait.

Let me explain.

Our brains are forgetting machines.

They do not remember the vast majority of the things that come across them and when they leave, it’s very difficult to get those memories back.

A lot of times, the ideas that come into our heads at the most unexpected moments are the best ideas.

That’s why you should, at a minimum, write everything down as you think of them so when you forget about something, you have something to refer to when you try to recall it.

It’ll make that process go a lot smoother.

If you can act on that idea right away, do so. It will allow you to get down what you need to get down the moment you think of it instead of being “rusty.”

When you are “rusty,” you have to waste time trying to recall key details of what you want to express or create versus writing it all down or actually implementing this idea where you have everything that you need instantly and you can build off of this momentum the next time you work on it (or be done with it in general).

And this leads to my next point:

You’ll Protect Your Time

7 Life-Altering Reasons To Just Start Now

Have you ever heard the phrase “time is of the essence?”

The more time you have to spend on one task, the more money you are giving up.

That’s why companies and clients have deadlines and they need their employees to complete work by these deadlines so they could make money.

When you finish a task quicker, you can take on more work and do more things. As a result, you earn more money and you get more out of your life.

Time involves opportunity cost and you don’t want to give up opportunities because you refused to get this or that done by a certain date.

This will spiral into regret.

As we’ve already discussed, this will backfire on your life if you let it.

Don’t delay on things that you know shouldn’t be delayed. You must move or someone else will move you to where they want to go.

And that’s another thing I want to touch on with you.

Finishing things quicker (if you do things correctly and provide results) will force people to want to do business with YOU instead of the other guy.


Because you deliver the goods in the most cost effective way with the best quality. This is the essence of a truly unique proposition to future clients when you are selling your services to them.

Have you ever heard of someone in business who doesn’t want something completed as soon as possible?

That’s right.

If you can tap into that emotion and deliver on it with tremendous results, you will crush your competition and force them into being hamsters on the hamster wheel running exorbitantly fast just to keep up with your consistency.

And because they are running on this hamster wheel, all of the time in the future is yours to create provided that you deliver the goods.


Because everyone will be familiar with you, they will know you and you get all (if not all, almost all) of the business. From there, you can create a system where you can pay others to take on more work to the point where you increase your profit margins.

More winning for you.

I bet you want that, don’t you?

And when you start now, you develop a key trait for success and it’s this:

You’ll Develop Discipline

7 Life-Altering Reasons To Just Start Now

Discipline is the key to a prosperous and productive life.

That’s the answer to almost 90% of your problems.

Anyone who has achieved anything great will tell you that they were disciplined in everything they did from the moment they started to the moment they finished.

This stems from great sports teams, great businesses, great students, great (insert a title here).

They all have a sense of urgency to get things done now instead of waiting until the last minute.

They all know that great things take time to build and when time is spent on stuff that doesn’t matter, no progress is made and they lose time.

This is something you obviously don’t want.

Additionally, when you take the approach of starting everything immediately consistently, work doesn’t feel like work.

It breezes by and you actually have fun when you work. It’s like a show inside of your brain.

Why is this the case?

Because you get good at something. And when you get good at something, it becomes fun. You naturally become passionate about it and you enjoy the process and you ride it to victory. These are extremely unique vibes that you experience relative to everyone else.

And because very little of your competition does this, you win WAY more often than you lose.

This is the secret of championship teams and great organizations.

They stick to their values, they repeat their system year in and year out and lo and behold, they are number one in their industry and they win championships.

And that is how you get people talking about you without showing off your new handbag purchase on Instagram or you hanging with the bros.

You get results and people will notice.

They can’t but recognize your greatness at that point.

That’s why in sports, when a team who wasn’t on the radar suddenly becomes excellent, everyone pays attention to them.

Why? Because you can’t ignore greatness.

Greatness start with a decision to be great.

After that decision is made, you research and plan what you will do and you set your goals.

Once you set your goals, you go.

And you pound the drum 24/7.

You don’t stop until you get what you want.

Plain and simple.

And even then, you shouldn’t stop because you’ll get so bored very quickly.

When you recognize this important point, you will sense this:

You’ll Feel and Become More Powerful

7 Life-Altering Reasons To Just Start Now

When you control your own destiny, you become powerful.

And I mean, very powerful.

No one will come close to what you do when you take action on what you want immediately every day.

I can give you countless examples of those who took action immediately every day and they became the best at what they did.

It’s a tried and true approach.

It works every time when you are trying to accomplish something, whether it’s big or small.

I encourage you to start now with whatever you are doing and, depending on the task, get it done today.

Write it down on a sticky note if you have to and live by it. Punish yourself if you don’t meet that standard.

Hold yourself accountable. Don’t settle for the Netflix.

Go for an awesome life. One where you run the world and you live on your own terms (with a few strings attached since there are clients, but not like an annoying boss).

It all starts with starting now wherever you are at and doing what you set out for yourself consistently.

If you do that, watch those championship banners go up left and right. I promise you this will happen.

So start today.

If you got a lot out of this post and you want more championship winning content sent straight to your inbox, subscribe to Join the Island, the world’s greatest blog, below with your email and you’ll receive championship winning blog posts sent straight to your inbox the moment they’re published.

Until next time,

This is Evan signing off.

PS: Comment below with what you’ll do as a result of this post. It’d be great to know!

Evan Cruz
+ posts

Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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