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7 Ways to Let Go of Stress

7 Ways to Let Go of Stress

Have you been very stressed out lately?

Are you looking for ways to reduce your stress for good?

Then look no further as this post will teach you the 7 ways to let go of stress forever.

You might have some of these or you might have all of these.

Either way though, to reduce your stress, you will have to make the decision to take these 7 ways into consideration and reduce your stress forever.

Either way, you will have an obligation to yourself to get rid of the stress once and for all.

The question is are you going to go back to the old ways or upgrade your life today and become the stress free person that you were meant to be?

This post will give you the answer to that question.


Ok, you can turn off the alarm clock, but don’t hit the snooze button!

I dare you to do so.

1. Get Enough Sleep

7 Ways to Let Go of Stress

That’s right, sleep like a baby!

This one varies from person to person, but ideally, you should be getting a minimum of 7 hours per night of sleep.

Now why is this? Why no all-nighters?

Well, because all-nighters are extremely harmful for your health and they cause a lot of unnecessary stress in your life that you can do without.

Additionally, you don’t want to wake up very late and be late to class or work or whatever it is that you have to attend to.

That’ll just make things a whole lot worse than they are.

Additionally, when you don’t get enough sleep, you tend to break off your routine and you can skip breakfast in the morning and/or skip your shower because you have to attend to very important things.

The result: You execute those things very poorly.

Talk about performing at your best right?

Read this for more insight on why 7-8 hours of sleep is important for you.

You will be convinced to sleep more when you read it.

And by the way, if you are on the phone every day, you have to read this article as well (insert the link when you are finished: This might be the answer as to why you are going to bed late.

Don’t be a zombie!

And this might be another thing that you might want to do to reduce and release your stress:

2. Drink Enough Water, NOT Coffee

7 Ways to Let Go of Stress

This one is not so obvious, but then, when you realize it, it becomes obvious.

As you saw in the article about sleep, coffee is not the answer.

If you didn’t read that article, please go read it. You will NOT understand this next point if you don’t read it.

Coffee will keep you even more awake in the evening and even more stressed out than before!

Read this so that you can see my point VERY clearly.

Fascinating right?

Who would’ve ever thought that coffee is actually a detriment to your success during the day, much more than you thought?!

Well, I guess these business executives in this article right here agree with me.

Rehydrating your body? Increasing your alertness?

Are you kidding me?

Are those things going to reduce your stress?

Of course they will!

Your body will not be yearning for more water nor will it be focused on other things that can cause your performance to suffer!

And as you saw in the article, being hydrated will not mislead your body into thinking that you need to eat instead of drink!

As a result, you will not have any more delays in your productivity and you will not have to scramble to find out why you are not performing at your best.

Problem solved there.

And if you are still not convinced, read this article for even more clarification and it will drive the point home for you.

Oh, and might I mention that when you drink water at night, you WILL go to sleep!

Let me ask you, do you sometimes have trouble falling asleep at night?

I bet that you do!

Do you want to know the solution to that problem?

Read this and it will convince you.

Are you convinced now?

I thought so my future islander (or islander if you’ve subscribed! If you haven’t subscribed, make sure that you do at the bottom of this page with your email address)!

And now are you ready for the 3rd way to reduce your stress?

I know you are, so let’s dive right into the pool of:

Chillaxing 🙂

3. Walk Outside

7 Ways to Let Go of Stress

This is probably one of the best things that you can do for yourself.

Because let’s be honest, who wants to stay inside a room all day long?

Ok, maybe some people, but everybody?

I bet the answer is no.

What’s the solution?

Don’t be stuck in the cubicle or in the office all day long.

Instead, make an effort to go outside and get fresh air and while you are on a break, which I will talk about in the 4th way to reduce stress, just relax and think about nothing.

Zone out.

Don’t even think about anything but nothing.

Of course, set a timer if you must to remind yourself to go back to work, but just think about nothing when you are outside.

And while you are at it, find a quiet place near the water if you can.

It’ll make it even more relaxing and refreshing when you do that.

Read this article if you’d like a lot more information about that; it’ll be worth a read, I promise.

And when you get back to work, you will feel like you can conquer the rest of the day like a boss!

Just don’t forget not to eat carbs for lunch; they are deadly!

Do you want to know why they are deadly?

Then read this article for more information; you will be convinced to NEVER eat carbs after this!

And while going outside is part of this next way to let go of stress, this next one is something that you should be doing, but as a result of not doing it, it is really holding you back much more than your think!

4. Take a Productive Break

7 Ways to Let Go of Stress

This one is really a must.

You should be doing this more often.

In fact, some of the most of the productive people in the world do this.

Read this article for more insight into this subject.

Quite surprising data right?

52 minutes of working and 17 minutes of not working.

Now I do it slightly different in that I work for 90 straight minutes at a time followed by a 30 minute break of doing nothing but listening to music to recharge my mind.

It’s a longer increment because I have to get a lot more done, but it works out well.

As long as the work period is no longer than 90 minutes and the work time to break ratio is 3:1, you should be fine and your performance should be optimal either way.

What happens with most people is that they work 8 hours straight with no break and as a result, they crash and the product of their work sucks.


Because the human brain is not engineered to focus for 8 consecutive hours.

The human brain is engineered to focus, at the max, 90 minutes straight.

If there is anything that you should take away from this article, it’s this:

The human brain is also a muscle.

Read that sentence again so that you clearly understand this point.

Ok, I lied on that one the brain isn’t technically a muscle, but it needs to be treated as such.

Just as you would rest your arm for instance after a workout, you will also need to rest the brain for exerting so much mental energy and effort.

Hence why sleep exists and why blood and water need to circulate inside the brain in order for it to function, just like any other muscle.

So don’t abuse the brain.

It is the most powerful muscle (not so much muscle) in the body.

Read this if you are not convinced about it.

And that pretty much solidifies it doesn’t it?

And believe me, your brain will thank you afterwards.

And you know what else your brain will thank you for?

Doing this:

5. Read a Book

7 Ways to Let Go of Stress

That’s right. Read a book.

Your brain LOVES food not just in the form of nutrients, but in the form of knowledge.

When it doesn’t know something, you act fearful.

That’s a sign that it’s hungry for knowledge to deal with the situation.

And of course, when you are in a situation where you need the knowledge but you don’t have it, you will get stressed.

And the best source of knowledge in the world is, I am sorry to say, not in the classrooms.

They’re in 3 places:

A) The books

B) YouTube

C) Reputable internet sources

But, A) is still the best one.

After all, they ARE the treasured wealth of the world.

If you want to see some fascinating statistics about reading a book and reducing stress, then read this study here from the University of Sussex that’ll give you the statistic that will change your perspective on life forever.

You will become a wiser person when you do this.

Guaranteed and you will not have to become stressed in the head when it’s time!

And speaking of stressed in the head, this next one will drastically reduce your stress by 10 X when you catch it sooner rather than later.

Here it comes!

6. Take a Shower

7 Ways to Let Go of Stress

This one has instant benefits when you do it and you definitely know this one by now if you’ve done it!

Taking a shower when you are stressed is one of the best ways to reduce stress since you get rid of that “sticky” feeling when you haven’t taken a shower for long periods of time.

And after a while, that “sticky” feeling gets quite annoying fast.

And you can’t help but want to just hop into the shower and get rid of it.

Oh and by the way, you don’t want to stink up the joint in your next meeting.

What if your colleagues say “Oh shoe, what’s that stench in this room?”

And when they identify that it’s you, you’re in trouble.

And there goes the deal!

Or that interview!

You don’t want that don’t you?

So take that shower when it’s time to take that shower!

Your brain will thank you afterwards!

And now for the finale that you’ve been waiting for!

7. Get Exercise

7 Ways to Let Go of Stress

Yes, even if it’s as simple as walking outside, you are going to reduce stress IMMEDIATELY!

You see, our bodies were not meant to stay still.

Our bodies were meant to move around and exert energy and to be vibrant.

If we are not doing that, we are not going to respond well and in turn, our bodies will become stressed out!

Plain and simple!

Are you tired of sitting in a cubicle all day long or in your office all day long?

Then simply put, just go outside and move.

Walking counts as exercise by the way and it’s probably more effective than running.


Because your body will use up less energy and your body will be more motivated to keep exercising over long distances.

Hence, you will improve your cardiovascular health and you will be able to keep blood circulating over your body, which will reduce the risk of heart disease.

You can read more about it here and here.

Those two articles must’ve sealed the deal for you.

The research and the validation are there for you to see as proof of the concepts.

If you exercise, even if it’s a simple walk, you WILL reduce your stress.


And now, as a result of sticking around for this entire article because you are AWESOME, I have thrown in a bonus way for you to reduce your stress and this one involves some doing and building on your part.

Here it comes!


7 Ways to Let Go of Stress

The bonus is this:

Start something productive!

Let me ask you, do you watch TV every time that you come home?

Be honest with yourself with this one.

I’ll tell you this and maybe you haven’t realized by now, but that’s totally ok because you’ll know after this post:

Unless you are using TV for educational or business purposes, it is the biggest waste of time in your life.

Read that sentence again.

You must understand this and when you do, you will be WAY ahead of the curve.

Try to envision how many hours you spend watching that big screen ALL EVENING LONG!

A lot of hours!

And on the weekend?

Oh it compounds big time!

Understand that time is your most precious asset and that you are spending your time unwisely if you are doing that!

You could be using that time to build something for yourself, investing in income producing assets, working on your body, fixing a career problem, etc.

The bottom line is this: You should always be productive with your time and not consuming stuff that isn’t going to be of any value to you.

In fact, if you consume a lot of stuff, you will definitely become more stressed out and your health will deteriorate.

This has to be one of the reasons that crime is high in inner city neighborhoods because if you consume a lot of stuff and you have nothing of value to offer to the marketplace and you need money, you first thought is “How do we rob a bank?”

To fix that problem, you have to stop consuming and start producing.

No wonder that every fish needs the shark in the water because the shark is the one that provides all of the nutrients to the coral reefs and in turn, the fish themselves.

And humans too. Read this for more information.

If you become the main producer, you have the power and everybody must depend on you.

And you’ll have more choices and you will be happier in the process.

Be happy, be wise, and enjoy your life.

Have a great day!

Until next time,

This is Chief Islander Evan signing off.

Evan Cruz
+ posts

Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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