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Should You Make Your Own Empire? Here's the Easy Way to Know

Should You Make Your Own Empire? Here’s the Easy Way to Know

Are you looking to get more out of life or you are not convinced that you should get more out of life?

What if I told you that you need to make your own empire and dominate the world in whatever you work in to get whatever it is that you want in life?

Well let me tell you something about that.

You need to.

Do you know what happens if you don’t?

Read on and find out how to build your empire starting today.

You Need To Control and Dominate

Should You Make Your Own Empire? Here's the Easy Way to Know

Let’s face it for what it is:

If you are competing, you are not doing enough or you need to up your efforts more than they are.

It’s that simple.

Let me tell you the story of Ricky Bobby from a movie called Talladega Nights.

One day, Ricky’s dad came into the career day at Ricky’s school and told the class a lot of WOW things like “It’s the fastest who gets paid and it’s the fastest who gets laid.”

And it’s true.

But here’s the big line that I want you to pay attention to:

“If you ain’t first, you’re last.”

Read it again so that it sinks in.

If you ain’t first, you’re last.


Because imagine yourself competing against 1000 other job applicants for a job.

You might give a really good performance in the interview, but if you are 2nd, you are still on the street looking for a job.

And that means you’re broke.

I hate to break it to you, but that is what it is.

It’s only the person who got hired who can enjoy all of the benefits.

2nd gets nothing.

You can watch the clip of the Reese Bobby line here.

Now I want you to see what happens in the rest of the movie up to the point where some other guy took over being first.

Ricky Bobby literally won every race since then and got ALL of the attention and nothing less.

All of the endorsements and all of the press wanted to talk to him and feature him and no one else.

That is when you know that you have it made.

This is the same way that LeBron James dominated basketball and how Donald Trump got all of the attention in the election and throughout his career.

Now how do you dominate?

You know what? It comes down to 2 things really.

  1. Find out what you want
  2. Do it

There are steps within the steps of course, but in reality, that’s what it is.

Now, if you REALLY want to dominate, read this post here and do what it says.

Here’s another reality that you must know.

People are going to take advantage of you.

And they will try to do everything that they can to make sure that you don’t get ahead.

That’s just what it is.

And as a result, you need to be prepared for that.

Luckily for you, I’ll tell you what to do to lower the possibility of those people taking advantage of you.

It’s this:

Get People Scared Of You

Should You Make Your Own Empire? Here's the Easy Way to Know

Let me ask you something.

Would you want to fight the US Military?

Would you want to fight a guy who’s 6 foot 5 inches and weighs 250 pounds with a boatload of muscle?

Would you want to fight against a master at his or her craft without the prerequisite knowledge?

Would you want to fight a big fat corporation without legal help?

I don’t think so.

But, does that mean you can’t become the dominant one and turn the tables and get everyone asking “Do you want to fight this guy?”

Absolutely not.

You CAN become the dominant one.

Let me show you how you can do that depending on your situation.

In business, here’s the answer:

Get a damn good lawyer (or an agent if you’re in entertainment) and get smart.

Let’s face it. People break laws every day.

It’s not so obvious on the surface, but they do.

The best way to protect yourself from being taken advantage of is to hire a lawyer from the get go to serve as your business military and to vet anything that you are considering doing business with, including buying a course to increase your skill set.

Now why is the lawyer effective?

Because once the lawyer talks to the person that you are considering doing business with, that other person is going to immediate stop with their antics if they are doing any and they will give you everything that you need to see under consumer protection laws if they follow the law.

And if they don’t stop with the antics, then you know they are just not good to business with and you can move on.

In short, the lawyer can provide you clarity and you can relax in your decision making since you don’t have to wonder whether this person or program is a scam or not or if this person is going to deliver or not.

Believe me, when a lawyer gets involved for you, you have control over the deal and you can leverage that to find out everything that you need to know and get the most out of what you are doing.

That is true power and dominance in negotiation.

Never negotiate without strength. That lawyer (and/or your skills and results if a lawyer is not applicable to your situation) is your strength. Use it.

You can read more about the benefits of having a lawyer here and if you are in entertainment, you can read about the benefits of having an agent here.

However, I must tell you that you shouldn’t take out a loan to go get this help.

Work, earn, and save to invest in them with cash.

If you pay them with a loan, you have to trade your time to go pay off the debt with uncertain circumstances.

Not good and you are not in control there!

Now the next thing that you have to do is to get smart in whatever you are doing because if you don’t you’ll get eaten up alive.

And by get smart, I mean get the specialized knowledge that you need with the mindset that you already have in order to know what to do with everybody and yourself.

This specialized knowledge can come in many forms depending on what your goal is.

It can be a combination of self-study, university, vocational training, on the job training, taking action, etc., or it might be just one of those.

Basically anything that is going to help you achieve what you want to achieve.

Let me give you an example of this specialized knowledge at work.

Let’s say that you want to become a software developer.

What you would do after mindset is say “Ok, what knowledge do I need to become one?”

Clearly, you would need to know programming and the different programming languages in demand so that you can become marketable to companies and/or clients.

Additionally, you need to know personal branding, sales, entrepreneurship and marketing in order to position yourself to be known for something in the software development sector.

And furthermore on the topic of branding, you would want to know what niche you want to specialize in so that you can narrow in on an audience and capitalize on your expertise.

Hence, you can drive more money for you and increase the enjoyment of your work.

That’s just one example, but there are plenty of others that apply to any field that you can think of.

You can read another one here if you’d like that’ll show you the importance of specialization.

That’s one example for you. Think about how it applies to your situation and then take action on it. Comment below with what you’ll do to take action on this.

That’s Just Reality

Should You Make Your Own Empire? Here's the Easy Way to Know

Look, with the exception of a handful of people in the world, no one cares about you and your future.

And that is not going to change whether you like it or not.

Because of that, you need to take 100% ownership of it or you will get crushed in this real world that we live in.

You can read this article here for a more in-depth explanation about that concept.

You need to realize that 99% of people on Earth are pieces of crap that are not going to help you at all and want to try to see you suffer for as much as possible.

And this is what they are really thinking because they would be helping you or at least thinking about helping you if they actually cared about you.

Let me prove to you that this is true with an example.

I was at a dinner one day with guys from a company here in Florida called Florida Power and Light.

They are the only suppliers of electricity and power across the state of Florida.

In other words, they are a monopoly.

The guy working there told me and the guys that we talking to him something like this: “Oh we don’t give a damn about the customer; we are a monopoly man! We charge people as far as we can go and we rack it in!”

That proves right there that people barely have sympathy for others.

You got it?

So if you are not tough, get tough and get tough fast.

Now having said that, it’s all about crushing people and making people feel inferior.

It’s all about being genuine as to who you are and what you stand for.

If someone impacted your life in a positive way somehow or if someone went above and beyond with what they did to you, please write to them and tell them.

They would greatly appreciate it and you will be rewarded for it.

This is how you form alliances and build bridges because if you just burn bridges, let’s face it, you’re going to get burned to.

It’s very rare for people to compliment each other since everyone is SO focused on themselves and not for the well-being of others.

It really makes the world a better place and it brings peace in a chaotic world.

And believe me, you’ll get a lot out of life when you genuinely compliment others.

Read that sentence again.

It’s true.

So do that and watch your network and power skyrocket.

But as for everybody else that treats you unfairly, just know these two words:

Steve Jobs.

That’s what they’re getting.

Because that’s what they deserve.

Watch this here for some reference.

Yes, you’re going to have to be that guy sometimes.

Of course, if they didn’t treat you unfairly, don’t do that to them. That’s unnecessary.

Do it in any way possible when they do treat you unfairly and with a lot of strength.

Believe me, they’ll stop fast.

If you are new to the real world, welcome to the Thriller.

If you enjoyed this content and want more extremely insightful content sent straight to your inbox, definitely subscribe to Join the Island, the greatest blog on the planet, with your email below where every new blog post will be sent to your email right when they are published.

And don’t forget to comment with what you’ll do with specific knowledge in case you forgot. It’d be great to know and see you succeed with it.

Until next time,

This is Evan signing off.

PS: Be a shameless self-promoter. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Evan Cruz
+ posts

Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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