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6 Ways To Make Yourself Unforgettable Starting Today

6 Ways To Make Yourself Unforgettable Starting Today

You want to be known.

You want people to know you for who you are and as a fun loving individual who is super cool to be around and as a professional who treats others with respect and achieves so much for your clients and employer.

But the question looms in your mind: How do I become someone worth being around?

You are in luck because in this post, I am going to show you 6 ways to make yourself unforgettable regardless of your situation, so read on to know what they are.

Be Kind

6 Ways To Make Yourself Unforgettable Starting Today

Have you ever forgotten the person who has been the kindest to you?

Do you ever feel an obligation to do something in return for this person all because he or she treated you like you were the most important person in the world?

This person gives you a warm fuzzy feeling every time you think of them and you get nothing but good vibes and affection when you are around this person.

People will never forget this because most people are cold and not proactively being kind to others.

A lot of times, they are rude and obnoxious to be around.

You almost always forget these people since they don’t provide you any value whatsoever.

But when someone makes you feel warm and they make you kinder and they are concerned and care about your well-being unlike anyone else, you always put them on the top of your mind.

And this is something you can do very easily today.

You can do something as simple as genuinely complimenting someone or even offering this person a hug when they are down.

This gives you instant attention as someone who is thoughtful and actually provides value in some way to people.

Oh, and don’t forget this:

You MUST provide value to people to give them a reason to care about you somehow. If you provide more value than what people are asking (or paying) for, you will continue to get business.

If you don’t, they will find a reason to boo you off of the court or stage.

Let me give you two examples to illustrate this.

Every day, I think of one of my professors from college because she is the nicest, sweetest and the most caring individual I have ever known. She never criticized me for who I was, when I needed help and she genuinely wanted to help me in anything all because she has a passion for helping people and making everyone the best person they can be.

Everyone felt the same way about her and when she left for a new job, she was given a farewell party without her even asking for it all because she provided value to everyone she was around. This is actually a business transaction in disguise because if she didn’t pay the price of being kind to everyone, she would never have gotten this party, her new job or the appreciation and love from everyone who ever knew her.

In other words, she provided something the market (people who were around her) wanted and in exchange for that, she got what she got.

If you are kind like her, you can expect some reward somehow (aka: a payment or receipt of goods and services) in the future.

Now let me give you the antithesis (the opposite) of the loveliest woman on Earth.

This was another professor that I had and this professor was extremely rude to everybody, criticized you the first chance he got and would refuse to help students even if the ask for help was totally justified.

He would belittle you and condescend you during exams and he would call you out if you got an answer wrong.

Even professors would say “Who the heck is this guy? He’s super confusing.”

Because of his behavior, every student hated him and wanted him fired at the earliest convenience.

Now here’s the business transaction that went down.

He eventually got fired because he failed to pay the price to keep his job, which was to simply help his students learn the material.

He was like an employee at work who only slept on the job and was rude to his boss and everyone in the office the whole time at work.

You know what happens to these employees at evaluation.


They did not pay the price required to receive the goods and services of keeping their jobs.

This is what you must understand. Everything is a business transaction in disguise because you are (depending on how you look at it) paying people something in terms of what motivates them to give something to you which can wither be money, having a skill set or just being kind to others.

And this brings me to my next point.

Give, Give And Give

6 Ways To Make Yourself Unforgettable Starting Today

When you give, give and give people what they want, they feel naturally obligated to give you something in exchange back in order to balance the playing field.

This is supported by a phenomenon called the Law of Reciprocation, which says that when someone does something nice for you in a sincere way, you feel an urge to give something back to them in return.

This is why my professor got all of those things and she earned the trust and respect of everyone around her. It was because she sincerely wanted to help people and she had a burning desire to do so, even to the point where she would be the first one in ad the last one out.

This is how all of business is operated and how you are going to determine whether to trust me enough to subscribe and, eventually, buy whatever I’m offering you in exchange for your hard-earned money.

When you give, give and give, you tap into the inner workings of the brain that trigger the feel good feelings and as a result, people must continue going on this “high” to keep feeling good. This is why we are obligated to return the favors done to us because we keep feeling good as a result.

So when you are determining what to do in order to market yourself, giving without expecting anything in return with a true desire to help is the very first step.

Don’t expect anything and just go in there with everything they are asking for and they will want to keep you around. That’s just how most people work.

Now the first two sections covered the “good guy” part of things. The “bad guy” part of things get interesting and it’ll give you a good perspective as to how you can establish yourself as an authority (or a celebrity). So read on for the show.

Be the Center of Attention

6 Ways To Make Yourself Unforgettable Starting Today

I’m sure you know who Donald Trump is, correct?

He’s the 45th President of the United States.

Most people see him as the bad guy. Sometimes though, being the “good guy” is not the best way to get attention because everyone could be doing it and everyone could be “too nice” for you to use the “good guy” trick.

This is when you have to go outside of the box and say something people do not want to hear but must hear.

If you saw his campaign, do you remember when he was making his speech the first day of the campaign that he mentioned the word “rapists?”

He did it because he raised an issue that wasn’t on anyone’s minds at the time that needed to be addressed and he addressed it in a way that forced the media to cover him since it was a news worthy story.

This eliminated coverage of anyone else and this got him on the top of minds of people.

Of course, some people hated him and labeled him as the “bad guy,” but this did not stop him from getting into everyone’s heads and ultimately winning the election.

In fact, coming in controversially was the only resort for him to even be considered by the masses for election. Had he not done this and just talked the same way as everyone else, people would’ve viewed him as unqualified for the job and the media would have no reason to over his campaign aside from “Donald Trump is running for president and he’s unqualified.”

They couldn’t do that. They had to write something along the lines of “Donald Trump is running for president and said Mexico is bringing in ‘rapists’ on the first day.”

Now people tuned in.

When you do something out of the ordinary and it does not please a lot of people, you get people to tune into you and what you have to say.

Now, they will check on the facts of what you are saying, but if you tell the truth, your audience is going to trust you like they did with Trump and start questioning all of the sources criticizing you.

So to say you have to be nice is completely false. Being nice gets you squashed over like a bug.

You have to be kind and say what is true, whether it pleases people or not.

You can see the Trump clip here if you wish.

Now when you clearly stand out and tell the truth, you will do this:

Dominate All of the Time

6 Ways To Make Yourself Unforgettable Starting Today

This is really what you need to do in order to become unforgettable.

No one forgets the guy or gal who dominated all of the time.

Do you forget who Michael Jordan is?

Not even if you watch basketball you’ll still know his name. Why? Because he dominated the game.

Do you forget who Napoleon was?

No. Why? Because he was dominant.

Do you ever forget who Julius Caesar was?

No. Why? Because he was dominant.

The common factor of who you remember are dominant people of some way or another, even the kindest and sweetest person on Earth. You remember them and when someone strikes up something similar in a conversation, you think of them.

Now let’s try this for an experiment.

Do you remember the person who finished in 14th place at the last tournament you went to?

No. Why? Because that person did not dominate.

Do you remember the guy who got the 21st best test score in class?

No. Why? Because that person did not dominate.

Do you remember the team who got an 8th seed in the playoffs and got swept in the first round of the playoffs?

No. Why? Because they didn’t dominate.

But you’ll remember the team that went undefeated that year and swept everyone in the playoffs and made headlines everywhere even people who didn’t follow sports noticed.

And this is when you know you have a great product or service and people will not lose sight of it.

It’s like you walk into a trendy ice cream parlor with the smell of a deliciously delectable chocolate fudge recipe being freshly made inside and a long line of people waiting to go inside and indulge in its heavenly goodness.

You can’t beat that if you are competing with that parlor!

And I bet that owner would say “Man, I put my heart and soul into making this fudge. It’s the greatest fudge in the world made with only the finest ingredients, starting with the most exclusive chocolate in the world, the Tessieri Cru Madagascar Extra Dark Chocolate. Did you know the chocolate is used on a $27,000 cupcake? It’s that rare pal and you’re getting the Sundae with it for only $5.99. And not only that, you put my fudge on top of my fresh out of the oven brownies made from my great grandma’s recipe with freshly churned peanuts and you get the award winning Original Island Style Ice Cream Brownie Sundae featured on the New York Times!”

Talk about a sales pitch, eh? That guy was REALLY dedicated to his Sundae!

And this is why he dominated the space and everyone lines up to his restaurant.

He finds a way to dominate the atmosphere and create an ambiance that he has the best desserts everyone is looking for.

So in everything that you do, dominate and don’t compete. Your future self will thank you for it and you will not miss out on life as a result.

And while you are at it, you must

Be True To You

6 Ways To Make Yourself Unforgettable Starting Today

This is the big one here because most people do not do this and as a result they have self-image issues that make them extremely miserable.

Regardless of what anyone says, always know who you are and live it. This is what will make you happy in life and if you try to be anyone else, you will live the rest of your life as a weeping soul inside who didn’t make the most of it.

That is a shitty feeling you never want to have. Aside from the fact you’ll feel shitty if you don’t live your true self, you will lie to not just everyone around you, but you will cheat yourself out of what you want to do.

This is a devil’s curse.

If you lie to yourself, you just became the biggest evil bitch you ever dealt with. And that’s the truth.

Never do this and know what you want and most importantly, why you want what you want. Because you will be motivated like none other when you do this.

Read this article about how to redirect your sexual energy to what you want where I take you step by step through a process of finding out what you want in life and the initial steps of what you need to do to achieve those things. Of course, it doesn’t have everything you need to know, but it’s your foundation to begin building the skyscraper of your dreams.

And most importantly,

ALWAYS Follow Through On Your Promises

6 Ways To Make Yourself Unforgettable Starting Today

You know those politicians who say one thing, but do another. You get annoyed by them and they are the fakest people on the planet.

Don’t be like these people. Be a f****** badass and follow through on what you say. It’s really sexy and awesome.

And not only is it sexy and awesome, you are truthful and you achieve things, which makes life worth living.

People will admire you for it and they will feel in awe when they are around you. You’ll be respected and your image will be timeless as someone who did what they said they would do when no one else did.

This is achieving the great life at its finest and no one will forget you when you do this.

And not only this, you’ll feel great about yourself and the fact you created the life you wanted to live instead of someone else’s.

And this is the power you will have if you take action on this post.

Do it for your own good and watch the rewards follow when you put in the work. They will come. I promise. You will achieve what you want.

But decide right now you’ll do it so you don’t procrastinate on life!

If you got a lot out of this post and you want more superpower and ultra-kick ass content for super powerful people like yourself, put your email in the action box below so you can receive these posts from the world’s greatest blog the moment they get published!

Go out there and be an unforgettable rock star!

Until next time,

This is Evan signing off.

PS: Comment below with what you got out of the post and what you plan on doing to become unforgettable. It would be delightful to know this!

Evan Cruz
+ posts

Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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