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How To Make Important Decisions Starting Today

How To Make Important Decisions Starting Today

Are you struggling with making important decisions?

Do you want an in-depth, yet simple explanation of what to do to make the right choice for yourself?

Well, if that’s you, then you’ve come to the right place at the right time because all of that and more will be covered today.

After this post, you learn every facet of making the important decisions in your life so that you don’t trip up and you dominate and crush the world.

I invite you to keep this guide with you at all times when you have doubts about making important decisions because this guide will definitely direct you to the correct direction.

This post is about 2800 words long (give or take) and the vast majority of articles that you find on this subject won’t even come close to this level of depth on the subject.

So that alone already speaks about the quality of the material.

And if you found this on page 1 of Google, then that right there tells you the quality of this post.

It’s pretty good or otherwise, it wouldn’t be on page 1.

So let’s get to it.

Define Your Goal

How To Make Important Decisions Starting Today


This one is the most important step to making any important decision.

What are you going to get out of it?

That is the final destination for you in your quest to achieve what you want.

Because if you don’t have that, you do not have any direction.

And with no direction, you are wasting a lot of time and money.

Do you want that in your life?

I don’t think so.

And when you define your goal, you are going to do the steps necessary to achieve it without questioning what you are doing, especially if you are sexually aroused to achieve that goal Read more about that here.

That means that you are going to achieve this goal without any reservations and without any doubt in your mind.

And you will achieve this goal voraciously and with an attitude like no one has ever seen on this planet since great grandma from the south gave you a great big beating with her big fat cane!

You want to make people RUN AWAY from you when they see you.

You might want to read this article here for more specifics about the subject of domination.

That’s how dominant YOU have to be when you are achieving your goal. And that is the truth of this world.

Be the alligator in the swamp; don’t be the guy running away from it when the alligator is chasing that guy (and out running him I might add).

Because let’s be honest, you don’t want to be scared to do what you need to do.

But having said that, you can’t be stupid because as a legendary character once said, “Stupid is as stupid does”.

And you can’t get away from that reality.

Here’s why you want to achieve the goal:

Do It For the Right Reasons

How To Make Important Decisions Starting Today


This means don’t do things just because people tell you that it is the right thing to do.

Because more often than not, when the crowd tells you to do something, they’re wrong.

So you must investigate what everyone is saying and determine for yourself if it is the correct course of action for YOU based off of your interests and your analysis of the situation.

Now of course, the crowd will most often than not be right in a case like “Evacuate because there’s a fire in the building.”

In that case, get out of the building.

But in something like “You shouldn’t start that business! It’s too risky,” most often than not, if they are not qualified experts in the field that you want to start the business in, than they are probably wrong and you should start that business.

In addition, if you are extremely determined to do something because you love it SO MUCH and it’s in demand, unless you are going into debt for it, don’t anyone stop you into doing it.

In fact, if that is you, than you just figured out what your career should be.

Because the criteria for a great career is

1)      Do you have intense interest in it

2)      Is it in demand

If you desired career meets those 2 criteria AND you don’t have to go into debt for it, than the mystery as to what route you should go is over and the answer is clear.


And as a result, that is what you should pursue.

And believe me, with thoughtful planning and informed choice as to what you are doing, you will go very far in that field and you will have more money than you can spend!

You’ll have to invest it eventually, but that’s the topic of this post and that will be saved for another day.

But the point is to only do things for the right reasons and NEVER for the wrong reasons.

If you do things for the wrong reasons, you will waste time and money in that venture and you will regret that choice BIG TIME.

So if there is one thing that you should learn from this post, it is to NEVER make any important decisions without thoughtful consideration (unless it’s an emergency of course) of the factors in play.

Or else, get ready to pay the big bucks in time and money.

You definitely don’t want that.

Now here are some tips for you to be responsible with what you are doing:

Be Responsible and Don’t Be Stupid

How To Make Important Decisions Starting Today


Here’s the clearly obvious one that is boggling everyone’s mind.

You might be asking “Should I quit my job to do what I want?”

The answer to this is:

If you don’t have the funds to support yourself, the answer is NO!


Because you will be forced to trade your time again for money to pay the bills and that will eliminate the time that you need to make your goal work.

So by the laws of physics, you need to stay at your job.

Science is against you.

Now, if you DO have the funds and you have cash flow coming in independent of your job, then you can do it.

Because you can utilize Newton’s first law against your employer to make it move out of your way.

Remember, money in this world is the dominant force that moves everybody and commands everybody to do certain things.

So if you have the money, you become the greater force in this world.

You can move anything that you don’t desire out of the way.

So don’t let ANYONE tell you that money doesn’t buy happiness.

Because in the vast majority of cases, it does.

People just don’t want to admit it.

If you take control of the money, you’ll take control of the world.

If you don’t take control of the money, the world will take control of you.

Specifically, everyone’s cash flow and reputation.

That’s why you go to work instead of going on that vacation to the Maldives.

Just something to think about.

And now here are some additional, but critical pointers for you depending on what your situation is:

Know THIS Well

How To Make Important Decisions Starting Today


Depending on your venture, there are some critical pieces of information that you need to know before you make the decision to do that venture.

I’ll list some common ones here and using this information, use it to create a criteria sheet for each venture for yourself:

1)      College

Here’s the criteria for college, which is no doubt one of the most important decisions in life:

A)     Don’t go into debt for it.

Explanation: That’s a scam. You can’t discharge it and your only source of cash flow is your job in which you can lose at any time. On top of that, you aren’t even guaranteed a job unless you plan it out correctly like I will show you here and based on your research.

B)     Know what you want before going

Explanation: Know exactly what type of job that you want and have several back up plans within the plan if it doesn’t work out for any reason. Do your networking with professionals and students BEFORE going and know everything about résumé writing and interviewing before you go so that you don’t waste time learning stuff when you could put that time to better use.

Know every extracurricular activity that you will participate in based on what will help you get the career that you want, not some random activity with no value like the beer pong club.

C)     Learn as much of the course material as you can before you go so that you don’t waste time

Explanation: If you aren’t aware already, college professors for the most part don’t teach the material. And not all college textbooks are created equal.

So what must you do?

Prepare before-hand.

For any subject that isn’t intuitive to you prior to going, you want to read ahead so that you understand what’s happening while you are there.

And in addition, if you do this, your chances of acing the classes go up and you can spend more time in college networking and participating in extracurriculars that can help elevate your profile to employers.

In other words, this will help you become more productive in college and help you develop the brand that you want to showcase to employers.

Oh and that’s another thing that came to my mind about college:

D)     Define your brand and what you want to be known as

This is critical because the vast majority of college students don’t know what they want prior to going and as a result, they have no direction.

The keys to a successful college venture is to have direction and to do activities that clearly reflect that.

If you have results, that’s a big bonus and you should strive for them at whatever non-academic cost.

But sometimes, even just starting might just be enough to get the job because nobody just starts.

They just drift in college and hence, they are eliminated from the “tournament.”

So you are already at an advantage if you just say what you want.

But, strive for more than just that to put yourself at the cream of the crop.

Now that’s college.

And as a bonus,

E) Double check if you even need college for what you want

Because the last thing that you want to do is waste time and money on something that could’ve been put to use in pursuing the career that you want that doesn’t require a degree.

So do that research and make sure of that fact.

If you do need college for what you want, I’ll say it again.

Don’t go into debt for it.

Don’t go into debt for it.

Don’t go into debt for it.

You’ve been warned.

And hopefully, this served you well in how to make a decision about a job that you want.

2)      Marriage

When in doubt, don’t get married.

Explanation: Ok, I know this one for sure. If you get this one wrong, your life will become a mess.

Let me explain.

A marriage is a business decision.

You have to make sure that you are both a fit for each other and that there is no suspicion of misconduct on either side.

This is what I mean.

When my father and my mother first met, they felt that there was they were the perfect fit in that they did not think that either side was going to harm the relationship.

They would just live fine.

But there’s more.

My father told me that he secretly had a plan to use the marriage to force my mother to pay all of his credit card debt.

He didn’t tell her at the time, but that was his real end goal without my mother knowing that he had set this up prior to the marriage.

8 years later, my mom finds about the plan and she immediately knew that she was being scammed throughout the entire marriage.

She was shocked to find out that my father successfully saddled her with his credit card debt and that my mom was now responsible for paying off all of his debt even though she didn’t incur it herself.

As a result, she had file for bankruptcy.

And of course, they got divorced.

But it didn’t stop there.

After the divorce, my father was still responsible for making the child support payments (which by the way if you are a man thinking about getting married, that is a responsibility of yours).

But, he continuously missed those payments and he tried again to trick my mother into having to not accept them and he also tried to redirect his credit card debt to my mother again.

Did it work this time?


But did it stem from my mother agreeing to marry my father without fully knowing him?


And that is exactly why if you have a single doubt of a partner, DON’T GET MARRIED!

This is what could happen!

Now you also lose opportunity because of getting married if you do it wrong.

Let me explain that.

One of my professors in college told the story of a woman that she was working with and that she turned down a full ride to MIT for doctorate research so that she could be with her husband at another university all because she loved him.

Now here come the big “WTF” moment.

As a result of her husband being at another university and her wanting to be there, she had to forgo the MIT scholarship and she was forced to pay full tuition at the other university that her husband was at.

Talk about a noble act.

But, that is the big price of marriage.

If you get married, you have to be ready to turn down big opportunities like that.

And sometimes, turning down big opportunities like that means turning down big money that could significantly affect your life.

So the big lesson here is to think twice before signing on the dotted line for marriage.

And for the guys, my father did give me one piece of advice that has stuck with me forever and that was

“Women are tricky.”

And he is goddamn right about that.

So take that one to heart.

And don’t have sex if you think something bad is going to come out of it.

Because chances are, something bad will come out of it and it will ruin you.

Trust me on that one.

3)      Kids

Simply put, if you don’t have enough coming in to pay for them in full before they are born, you can’t afford them.

And once you have them,

Better yet, if you aren’t wealthy in that your passive cash flow is indestructible and you have the skills to go get active cash flow if you need to, kids are a reckless choice.

So don’t do it if that’s you.

End of discussion on that.

4)      Starting a business

Here’s the deal with that one.

You can’t do it without demand for your products.

And you also can’t do it without intense interest in it or else you are going to fade out, regardless of what the demand is.

And this business should be based off of a skill that you have that can be delivered to the marketplace that you are good at, you have proven results yourself, and that the clients are saying “Can you do this for me please? I’ll pay you for it! Help!”

And that’s when you know that you have a business.

Otherwise, it’s just not there.

In addition, you can’t go into debt for it.

Read that again.

Because business has ups and downs and if it goes down and your cash flow is cut off, you have that bill without any cash coming in.

Now what?


No, you need your skills to save you and to get money coming in.

This is what I have learned from Dan Lok and Grant Cardone in that cash flow rules the world and if you can have a skill that you can go out and monetize at any time, you will never be without money and the cash will always come in.

If you just have cash, you will run out eventually and you are not in control.

What happens when you cut off the water?

You won’t get any and the water that you do have will exhaust itself out and you will die of dehydration.

So keep that in mind before starting a business.

And here’s another point for you:

Don’t make decisions out of desperation.

And avoid making drastic decisions at all costs unless it’s an emergency.


For your own well being.

Be thoughtful and have a reason for everything that you do.

Read this article here for more insight into that. It really explains it all too well.

Just something for you to think about.

And also, know this:

Be a genius.

Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

And if you do that, you’ll be far ahead in life.

Believe me when I say that.

If you don’t believe me, then read this article here and you will after. Guaranteed.

I hope that this post served you well in how to make the best decision for yourself and if you enjoyed this post, please subscribe to Join the Island, the greatest blog in the world, right at the bottom of this post with your email and more mind blowing posts will be sent to your inbox the moment that they are published.

And comment below with what you are going to do as a result of this post. It’ll make you remember to take action today as the title described.

Have a great one!

Until next time,

This is Chief Islander Evan signing off.

Evan Cruz
+ posts

Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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