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13 Things That Mentally Strong People Avoid

13 Things That Mentally Strong People Avoid

Can I ask you a question?

An honest question?

Have you ever asked yourself what winners do that you wish you knew that you could do?

If so, then let me ask you this.

Do you want to know what those things are right now for free and you don’t have to give anyone a penny?

If you said yes to that, then you are in luck because you will get that today.

You will find out the 13 things that mentally strong people avoid in order to achieve success in any of their endeavors.

Now before we get right into things here, it’s time to do one thing.

If you are reading this on a laptop, turn off all of your other windows and turn off your phone.

If you are reading this from a phone, turn off your other windows on that phone and the other apps on the phone and focus your time and energy onto this post for however long that you need in order to comprehend what I’m about to tell you right now in this post.

The information in this post is the most priceless information that you’ll ever receive in your life and it’s information that you wish you could keep to yourself (which luckily, you can).

So pay close attention (get a paper and pen if you need to) to this post and do everything that it says because if you do, you will be greatly rewarded for it in the future.

So let’s get to it.

They Avoid Mindless Distractions

13 Things That Mentaly Strong People Avoid

This one is a common factor amongst all strong people.

They don’t get distracted by shiny objects when it’s time to focus on something that needs to be accomplished.

For instance, when it’s time to study something or build their business, they will not use the phone when the task does not involve using the phone.

They will just focus on their goal(s) and that’s it.

Read more about what happens when you use the phone recreationally right here.

You’ll be surprised and mind blown by what happens.

Believe me.

In short, don’t use that smartphone of yours when it’s not the time.

In fact, if it is too distracting, simply throw it away.

It’ll make your life better.

Guaranteed or a $100 Amazon gift card will be sent to your doorstep.

They Avoid Junk Food

13 Things That Mentally Strong People Avoid

Strong people eat what is healthy for them and that’s it.

They don’t go out to McDonald’s and buy the 49 cent hamburger all day long.

They eat things that are productive to the body and the mind, free from any processed items if possible.

The strong people only eat the most natural ingredients available.

That’s why they are productive every day and they do not suffer from hunger and starvation (unless they’re flat broke, in which case that’s a different story).

If there is anything that you should take away from this post, it’s that you are what you eat.

What you eat will define what you do. Scientifically proven right here if you want to see.

You can’t doubt the science my friends!

You are welcome in advance!

Now here’s an important one.

One that separates the winners from the losers:

They Avoid Negativity

13 Things That Mentally Strong People Avoid

This one may seem very obvious, but not so obvious at the same time.

Let me explain.

Naturally, when you lose, you will experience some resentment and some sort of self-doubt.

That’s just a natural feeling that comes to you.

Now how you respond from that and how you’ll get over that will matter most to you.

Say that you just failed a test in college and suddenly, you blame the professor for your shortcomings.

That’s pretty much happened to any student I’d imagine.

But the key factor in that is saying to yourself “How can I fix my problem and resolve the situation and do better next time” versus “I can’t do this. I give up.”

In this scenario, you channel positive thinking and proactivity into your routine and all of a sudden, you start to find answers instead of more problems and more questions that confuse you.

And that’s what counts in life.

Do you have the answers to the problems and most importantly, how do you create those answers from what you’ve internalized?

And that is the key to true understanding and true genius.

Trust me when I say this: You will NEVER get to the point of true genius until you become a positive thinker and eliminate the negativity.

So if you are reading now and you are a negative thinker, flip the switch and start asking the “How can I’s” and watch your life change FAST!

And here’s something that being a positive thinker makes strong people do:

They Avoid Pointless TV

13 Things That Mentally Strong People Avoid

This one is the real life saver if you ask me.

Pointless TV is the killer of all dreams.

You cannot believe how much of a waste of time that this is when you start to look at the surface of it.

At one moment, you might think “Oh, an hour of TV isn’t so bad.”

And then you watch an hour of TV.

And then you say “Oh another hour. We’ll be fine.”

And then you watch another hour of TV.

And then you repeat the cycle over and over and over again until one day you say “Oh shoot, where did my life go?”

And that’s when you realize the whole thing behind what TV was created for you to do.

To be trapped with seemingly great “stuff” to keep you in there running up the bills of opportunity costs and wasted time.

Now of course, if you create something like this, you might be onto something (just help people though or otherwise you will pay for it later on).

But if you consume it, you are in a heap of trouble.


Because you are trading your life for nothing.

And that is really bad.

So don’t watch any pointless TV.

And note the word pointless.

By that I mean any TV that doesn’t contribute to your education (formal or self) or any TV that doesn’t involve you knowing what you need to know for a particular day.

If you watch TV to see how the traffic is going to be like for the day to determine your route to work without getting sucked into anything else that’s not related to your intended purpose to watch that program, then it’s fine since you are investing your time to find out what is the best route to go to work.

And now for the one in which you probably know about, but many people (including you if this is you) do not know about:

They Avoid Drugs

13 Things That Mentally Strong People Avoid

And every drug unless prescribed by a doctor for a legitimate treatment (not your plastic surgery to make your boobs bigger for the sake of making your boobs bigger).

When you take drugs recreationally and not under a doctor’s supervision, then you have signed your life away.

Strong people do NOT sign their lives away like that so easily.

They look at the situation and if it is the correct move based on certain circumstances, then they do it.

Not just off of feelings.

Now you might have been smoking for some time prior to clicking on this link.

Your smoking was probably done out of feeling.

Let me tell you something, it’s time to quit.

Or at least making progress to quitting.

For you, it might take some time, but you have to conquer the beast my friend or you are going to continue going down a path with no point of return.

And you will pay dearly in the end with both your health and your intellect.

And you certainly do not want to do that.

So, I challenge you to research what you need to do to quit that nasty habit.

Because you can.

And you MUST.

So quit that.

And speaking of intellect, here’s what strong intelligent people do:

They Don’t Mindlessly Follow the Crowd

13 Things That Mentally Strong People Avoid

This one is perhaps the hardest one to suck up to but in my book, the most crucial.

Listen, there’s this thing called peer pressure and there’s this thing called intellectual judgment.

Peer pressure is when you conform to what other people are saying with no consideration whatsoever to what you want and you do so with a fear that something bad will happen to you if you don’t do it.

Now unless there’s a fire in the building or a shark is in the water, doing this peer pressure thing is flat out wrong.


I want you to read that again so that you clearly understand what’s going on here.

Got it?

Strong people don’t do that.

Strong people exercise intellectual judgment before doing anything.

Did you hear me?

And what I mean by that is that they look at the facts behind everything and then they act based on those facts and, coming down to things that they desire, they do what they want to do.

Not what mom and dad wants them to do.

And that is all that you have to do.

You have to do what you want to do after looking at everything that there is in reality.

You know, there is this movie called the Shawshank Redemption, which is an all time classic.

In the movie, the main character Andy Dufresne is wrongly convicted of murder and he attempts to get out of prison (doing his own thing).

His prison mate Red Redding tells him that it’s a bad idea to believe in that and that he should just settle for reality.

Andy clearly resists and he lays out everything that he will do in this scene right here.

Believe me, this scene is a classic. Sit down and watch it before proceeding with the rest of the article.

It’s the most important movie scene in your life.

And that will set the stage for the next thing that strong people don’t do:

They Don’t Sit Around All Day

13 Things That Mentally Strong People Avoid

They move.

They get stuff done.

They don’t ask for permission.

They just do it.

If they make a mistake, they’ll correct it.

But they’ll just keep moving.

And the they’ll get what they want.

Just sit there and you’ll get nothing.

You’ll lose.

And then that’ll be it.

And you get no rewards.

So make moves or make excuses.

And speaking of excuses, here’s another thing that mentally strong people don’t do:

They Don’t Point the Finger at Other People

13 Things That Mentay Strong People Avoid

There is something called personal responsibility.

Accepting blame for the defeat and not pointing the finger at anyone else but themselves.

Because let’s be honest, if you did something, you owned it.

And if you own it, it is a reflection of your activities and your judgment.

So if you put the blame on others, you can’t improve and your future will become black instead of full color.

When you ask yourself the questions necessary to improve, you will find that you get into the details as to why you failed and how you can prevent it next time.

And when you do that, you actually learn something and improve.

And you don’t fail on that matter again.

You just keep kicking butt and conquering in life.

And that’s the sign of a great leader in life.

And that brings me to my next point here, which is this:

They Don’t Unnecessarily Get Depressed

13 Things That Mentally Strong People Avoid

Yes, it’s one thing if mom or dad died. That’s a big blow.

But it’s another thing if you are getting depressed over something like you forgot your phone at home.

If you get depressed over that, then you really need to have a self-reflection of what your priorities are.

Unless it’s a chronic life event, becoming depressed is a CHOICE!

You chose to be the victim in the matter and you set yourself up that way.

Strong people don’t do that.

They’ll get over it.

Weak people drown in negativity and then they dwell on the past instead of improving for the future and hence, they become miserable and their performance in life suffers as a result of that.

And that’s what happens when you become a victim of circumstance instead of the RULER OF CIRCUMSTANCES!

Remember, YOU own your life, not someone else!

YOU choose where you want to go when you die, not the government, not mommy, not daddy, and certainly not the economy.

Just remember that and comment below when you benefit from that one line.

You’ll remember that line when you get there.


However, with a self-controlling destiny, there is a cost involved. And that is why strong people don’t do this next item on the list:

They Don’t Ask for Anything to be Free

13 Things That Mentally Strong People Avoid

You know what’s fascinating?

When someone is given something for free, they almost always don’t put any pride of ownership into it and it just gets thrown away.

But when someone pays for something (in cash; no credit card), all of a sudden, something switches in their brain and they say “I paid for it. I own it. I better do something great with it.”

And then they do.


Because there is extreme value in paying for something and having internal pride about it.

Hence, they put in more effort.

And that’s what strong people do.

They pay and put the effort in.

Not just get something and do nothing with it.

So understand that and when you want something, pay for it in cash.

Not with a credit card.

Which brings me to my next point on this list.

They Don’t Procrastinate

13 Things That Mentally Strong People Avoid

This one sounds obvious, but not so obvious at the same time.

When was the last time that you said that you were going to do something, but you didn’t do that thing or you waited too long before you started doing it?

Exactly my point.

Strong people do not unnecessarily wait for things to happen.

They make it happen.

And they achieve success when they do make it happen.

And that’s the point that you need to understand right now if you want to achieve something.

You need to do what you MUST in order to make it happen.

Don’t say no to yourself.

Just find a way.

Because when there’s a will, there’s a way.

Read that sentence again please for your own understanding and permanent comprehension.

And while you are at it, here’s another thing that strong people don’t do:

They Don’t Abuse People (both verbally and physically)

13 Things That Mentally Strong People Avoid

This one deserves its own spotlight here.

When you violate this principle, it’s game over and the other side wins.

There is something in this world called the law of reciprocity.

When you do good to something, the universe will reward you with something good in exchange in proportion to the magnitude of your good deed.

However, when you do bad to someone, the universe will punish you with something bad in proportion to the magnitude of your sin.

Now why is this the case? Because the world operates on everything being even and no advantages on either side of the exchange.

Let me put it to you this way: If you pay me money for a book (say for $9.99) and I deliver value in the book equivalent to $9.99, then we have exchanged in a way that we each receive equal value for what we have traded.

Now let’s say that you pay $9.99 for a book of mine and I deliver $1000 worth of value in exchange for your money.

In this case, this is an uneven exchange.

You received more than what you gave up, so to balance the playing field, the universe will secretly force you to do something to reward me more.

That could be in the form of a book review or a testimonial to your friends.

Likewise, if I gave you nothing in return, you would criticize me since that will bring me back down to the playing field.

That might just be a business example, but the same law applies to dealing with people.

If you complement someone, they will complement you back to get even.

If you abuse someone, the world somehow will abuse you back to get even again.

So the morale of the story is don’t abuse someone or you will pay.

Pay now and get paid later, not the other way around.

And now for the grand finale!

They Avoid Anything that Might Sound Stupid

13 Things That Mentally Strong People Avoid

This one is the easiest one to follow of them all.

If something does sound really stupid, then don’t do it.

It really is that simple ladies and gentlemen.

Stupidity lies with a fool, not with a wise man.

A wise man will always win. Hands down.

So I don’t think that this one needs further explanation since it’s extremely intuitive to say the least.

So do yourself a favor and follow it.

Thank you.

What will YOU do?

13 Things That Mentally Strong People Avoid

And that really is the question for you my friend.

What will YOU do to become a strong person as a result of this blog post?

Comment below with what YOU will do to become a strong person and do yourself a favor and start acting the part TODAY.

You will be glad that you did.

Don’t forget to subscribe at the bottom of this web page for the greatest content on the planet from the greatest blog on the planet!

May the force be with you.

Until next time,

This is Chief Islander Evan signing off.

Evan Cruz
+ posts

Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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