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How to Be a Multitasking Person Today with Secret Tricks Revealed

How to Be a Multitasking Person Today with Secret Tricks Revealed

You’ve probably heard of the success stories with multitaskers from the valedictorian in your high school to the person who gets ahead at work.

You’ve probably wondered “What do they do to get ahead?”

Chances are, many of them say “I’m a multitasker. I’m a multitasking person.”

Have you ever questioned whether that statement is true or not?

Do you want to know the answer by the end of this post?

If so, then read on to this story of two dudes at the sushi conveyor belt to find out the answer!

Two Boobs at the Sushi Conveyor Belt

How to Be a Multitasking Person Today with Secret Tricks Revealed

I don’t know if you remember this show, but there was a show in the early 2000s called “Drake and Josh.”

There was an episode in which Drake and Josh won a sweepstakes in which the organizers told them to stay out of the house for 6 hours only to find out that the organizers stole their furniture!

Talk about a very bad day!

Anyway, to get the money to buy the new furniture, they got jobs working at a conveyor belt.

When they started the job, it wasn’t bad.

It was nice and slow and steady with plenty of time to do things one at a time.

But then, the sushi conveyor belt started to speed up and they were constantly asking the supervisor “Hey, can you slow it down a little?”

The supervisor stopped the conveyor belt to Drake and Josh’s comfort.

Until this clip here happened.

That was funny wasn’t it?

And this was just a TV show episode.

You wanna know how this occurs in the real world?

Keep reading and I’ll show you.

There was this time where I had an assignment for college in which we had to go on the street to count cars for 1 hour.

The cars were literally coming from 4 different directions and even if the cars were crossing the intersection at the same time, we still had to count them.

You might be asking in your brain “Well geez, why didn’t you get some technology to do the counts?”

For two things:

1.      I didn’t think of that until I was doing the counts.

2.      It still makes for a good story to show you an obvious secret.

Talk about a big fat mess right?

And do you know what exactly caused the mess at the sushi conveyor belt and caused me to lose track of numerous cars?

If it didn’t come to you, I’ll just say it:


You see, those high achieving people are lying to you when they say that multitasking is the secret to their success.

The title was misleading wasn’t it?

The secret is actually one step at a time combined with massive action.

Think about Drake and Josh at the beginning of that sushi conveyor belt scene.

They got the job done when they could get the rolls in the tray one at a time.

And on top of that, they did it while the conveyor belt was going slow.

Have you heard the phrase slow and steady wins the race?

That is true as demonstrated by how we humans are wired to perform.

Let me explain this in more detail so that you can see what I mean.

One Step at a Time

How to Be a Multitasking Person Today with Secret Tricks Revealed

There was one research study that says productivity can drop by 40% when we multitask.

That’s right, 40%.

You can confirm that for yourself here.

That’s confirmed with the fact presented by another study done by the University of California in which participants surveyed reported that they had “shorter attention spans” as a result and that multitasking can “condition us to self-interrupt.”

That’s pretty nasty!

You can read more about the findings here.

Now let e present you this scenario.

Imagine that you are at work and you are doing one thing, but then an email pops up on the side of your screen and you click to read that email.

You go back to what you were doing and you realize that you have lost all of your train of thought and you are clueless as to what you need to do.

This study was actually conducted at Microsoft in which they tracked workers performing certain tasks and measured their level of performance given the circumstances.

As you might have suspected, their performance dropped drastically.

You can read more about the study here.

You don’t want to hear it from the boss afterwards!

That’s not going to be a good conversation!

So you might be asking “How do I avoid multitasking and how can I do one thing at a time in order to accomplish everything that I need to do throughout the day?”

Here’s how.

Go all in on the task that you are doing until successful completion.

That’s it.

In other words, simply finish the task before proceeding to the next thing.

This concept is so simple, but so effective at the same time.

If you have a deadline to meet, hustle until the deadline and just do it.

That’s it.

Of course, take some breaks to let your mind freshen up so that you can put forth the best quality work possible.

But DO NOT start another task until you are finished with the task that you are completing.

Now you might be asking in front of your screen in your head “What about when my boss says to do this thing, but I’m following your advice?”

That’s one of those things where you are just going to have to do what they tell you to do.

But assuming that’s not the case and you are in the driver’s seat of your workday, just do this:


That is it.

I can give you countless testimonials of successful people in business, the workplace, Olympians, etc. saying that working on one thing at a time is one of the keys to their success.

You can click on a source right here for verification of that fact.

The fact that it’s on that list means something.

It’s true.

So embrace it for what it is.

And now comes the time for the most important part of this article:

Time to Take Action

How to Be a Multitasking Person Today with Secret Tricks Revealed


Look, all of the reading in the world with no action is just like sitting around all day playing video games.

It is a waste of time.

But, reading and taking action on what you read will get you very far in life.

So here’s what you should do after finishing this post:

Read it again.

That’s right.

Print it out and highlight it with your own words because it will be your own words that develops your own unique understanding and serves the foundation of true knowledge and true action.

Don’t be just another dude on the computer screen or another zombie on the computer in your pocket.

Change that today and just take action on what you read.

You will not regret it.

May the force be with you.

Until next time,

This is Chief Islander Evan signing off.

PS: If you got a lot out of this post, make sure to leave a comment with what you got out of it and subscribe to Join the Island below with your email. New posts will be sent to your email the moment that they are published.

Evan Cruz
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Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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