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Why My Generation Sucks SO MUCH And What To Do To Fix It Fast

Why My Generation Sucks SO MUCH And What To Do To Fix It Fast

You’re stuck.

On your phone.

On your laptop.

On your, whatever it might be.

The reality is that you have a drug problem and you don’t even know it.

If you are in Gen Z or in the millennial generation, then chances are that this perfectly describes you.

You need to fix this and you need to do so now.

And if you are not a Gen Z or millennial, then chances are you agree with what I’ve said thus far.

In this post, I will give you everything that you need in order to fix your secret drug problem.

But first, let me explain something to you about why my generation sucks.

They’re Super Lazy

Why My Generation Sucks SO MUCH And What To Do To Fix It Fast

Let me just be flat out honest because that’s what’s warranted here.

My generation has to be some of the laziest people on the planet.

Many people would disagree with that, but that’s the truth.

I mean take a look around you.

With the exception of a handful of people, how many people my age (18-30) are actually doing anything productive with their lives?

Practically zero if not maybe one in an entourage.

Sure, they go to college, but the only reason that they do is because they were told to go in the first place and they go with absolutely ZERO direction whatsoever.

How is that for productive?

And are we REALLY going to have a great future as a country if that keeps happening?


What do they do all day?

They watch Netflix, they want to go home, they sleep in class, they don’t work outside of schoolwork, they want to remain with their parents for the rest of their lives, and the worst one of them all and the one that will kill us if we don’t resolve this together:

They Sit on Their Phone ALL DAY!

Why My Generation Sucks SO MUCH And What To Do To Fix It Fast

Take a look around you at every corner that you see.

What do you see people on?

Their smartphones.

Glued onto them all day even if they are at work or if they are at home or if they are eating, drinking, or doing what they are doing outside.

That’s just reality.

And that’s also why I think it’s safe to say that we now have a new drug epidemic involved with this thing called the smartphone and it is taking away all of our creativity, it is making us less brighter, it is leaving us with nothing but consumption at our disposal.

So what must we do to resolve that?

The answers are very simple:

  1. Throw the smartphone in the trash

That’s what I did when I was 20 and my mother made me pay for gas as a result.

It was a birthday present and she said that I didn’t understand the value of the dollar as a result.

But with what the smartphone really is, I say otherwise.

At least I don’t have to depend for gas, yippee!

This will wake everyone up to the fact that there is way more to life than just being on the screen all day.

I mean think about it, what planet do we live on?


We live on the one planet in the universe that can support life, nature, natural wonders, and serene beauty never before seen in the world.

And we are talking about going to Mars where we have no clue as to how we can survive there?

And hundreds of billions of dollars wasted?

Versus, just explore a little bit.

It’s been said that something like 95% of this planet hasn’t been explored yet.

Most of it is under water, but who cares?

It’s still this beautiful planet!

And that’s not the end of it.

I bet that you haven’t discovered at least 99% of this planet!

Do you have to work to do it?

Of course you do, nobody will let you explore for free!

But you can get to work in making that possible without spending a fortune in going to Mars where there’s nothing!

You can start here for some ideas.

  1. Introduce the concept of self-education

This is the critical one.

The only education that has been introduced to the vast majority of people is formal education, which is school.

Viewing that as the only form of education is enormously incorrect and a huge mistake.


Because if there isn’t a predetermined purpose and “why” for being there, people who go to school are going to be demotivated to do anything in there and will just be looking forward to the weekend like everyone else.

Everyone who does extremely well in school and in life all have 1 thing in common:

They ALL engaged in self education before commencing their endeavors.

Let me explain.

Self-education is the process of programming your mind with the correct mindset and specialized knowledge to achieve what you want to achieve.

This other form of education has been used for millenniums from every great man and woman on the planet that you can think of.

They used this to crush their enemies and to conquer the world on their own terms.

All of the successful people from successful students to successful businessmen to successful athletes etc. use this process to tap into their inner genius and to channel all of their energy, specifically their sexual energy, to the process of achieving the goal itself.

You can read more about this concept here.

And once one has found their LOVE, they go do this:

  1. Replace the smartphone with books

Books are the treasured source of our world.

They are the secrets to all of humanity.

However, what most of my peers don’t recognize is that every single person who has had any massive success all read books and took action on them.

That is the real key to any type of success.

But instead, they play all day with their Instagram shooting pretty pics at the mall, they are begging to go home from work, they are bored out of their minds so they go resort to their smartphone from boredom recovery, and they just become warm bodies.

And that’s a crying shame.

Now the books that the self-educated people read aren’t just any random books though. They are books that help them achieve what they want to achieve.

For instance, if someone wanted to be a rocket scientist, they would devote all of their time to studying everything about aerospace engineering to become familiar with the concepts required to successfully be a rocket scientist.

And that person would network with who they need to network with in order to successfully get to the top of the field.

Now you might be thinking that I’m talking about a particular person that we all might know and you are correct.

This nutshell process (of course, there’s more to the story) was what Elon Musk did in order to successfully launch SpaceX and advance in the field of aerospace engineering.

You can read more about what he did here.

As you can see, he went through the self-education process at an early age and then identified what he wanted and sought the correct specialized knowledge to supplement it and he worked really hard to achieve it.

Now like I said, there’s WAY more to the story, but in a nutshell, that’s it.

I’ll just go off of the record here from everybody else and say no, he isn’t a genius.

He got to where he is because he correctly utilized the self-education process which can be implemented by anyone on Earth.

Nothing more and nothing less.

And if you are in America and you have your parents paying for your stuff and you don’t have a learning disability, then doing this self-education thing is extremely easy.

You just have to get started somewhere.

Start with the LOVE letters in my Sexual Energy post and just work from there and browse on the internet for books related to your topic of interest.

You should find everything that you need in order to at least get started in your desired field or start exploring any fields that you are interested in.

And watch yourself go from there like Elon.

That’s how you solve the education problem.

Introduce self-education before exposing everybody to school.

Otherwise, they’ll see no use in school and rightfully so.

And they (or you) will continue using your smartphone and wasting your life.

I’ll give you another example to show you what I mean.

If you follow entrepreneurship, chances are you know who Grant Cardone is.

If not, you’ll definitely be fascinated by his story.

He started out in his teenage and college years as a drug addict addicted to cocaine, alcohol, partying, and he had absolutely zero direction in life.

He was a warm body just like many of my peers (or you if you are a Gen Z or millennial).

Grant was in and out of the rehab center and nobody believed in him.

One day when he realized that what he was doing was extremely unacceptable, he committed to changing himself and knowing what he needed to do in order to succeed at the sales job that he hated.

He immersed himself in books related to sales and self-improvement and as a result, he became the top salesperson in his company in a relatively short period of time.

He replaced one addiction with another and redirected his entire energy to his occupation instead of stupid shit like cocaine and drugs.

Many people do call him a genius, but that is FAR from the case.

He simply followed the procedures of the self-education process and, combined with a lot of hard work, ran with it.

That’s it.

In a nutshell, that’s all there is to it.

It’s simply get rid of the smartphone or any other stupid shit that you have and just redirect your entire time and energy into what is in demand/ what you are interested in and just diving head first into that field.

You’ll get to the top and enjoy life as a result without having to resort to Instagram to view pretty kittens all day.

So say no to drugs and say hello to obsession!

You can read Grant’s story full story written in detail himself right here.

Luck Yourself

Why My Generation Sucks SO MUCH And What To Do To Fix It Fast

And now the ball is in your court friend.

It is time to choose to luck yourself and to become extraordinary.

Don’t be ordinary like a warm body or a phone slave.

Be an obsessive monster that just rocks it in life.

And you’ll have everything that you need.

If you enjoyed this post, definitely leave a comment below with what you got out of it and what you’ll do as a result of this post.

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May the force be with you.

Until next time,

This is Chief Islander Evan signing off.

Evan Cruz
+ posts

Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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