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5 Easy Ways to Avoid Poor Decisions Starting Today

bomb over water

Are you someone who wants to know what a poor decision is and its causes and consequences?

Do you also want to know how to avoid them?

If so, then this post is for you.

You will learn what a poor decision is and what you have to do to avoid them.

With that said, let’s start with the definition of a poor decision.

What Is a Poor Decision?

question mark with a person

A poor decision is a decision that leads to an unfavorable outcome.

It is a result of poor logic, not following your intuition, and not using common sense to guide you.

That’s what it is in layman’s terms.

Now, you can know what it is, but it’s another thing to know how to avoid it.

The rest of this post will teach you how to avoid them so you never have to commit any of them.

Here we go with the first tip to avoid them.

Tip #1: Make Sense of Things

person with empty pockets

Most people don’t try this at all.

They guess, speculate, and hope for the best.

As a result, they come up with answers to problems that flat out don’t make sense.

Sometimes, an active effort to make sense of things simply means researching what it is you need to solve.

It could be reading a highly authoritative book on a subject or going to a class so you can learn something useful for what you need to do.

Or it could simply be a matter of talking to a friend or mentor who can guide you in the right direction towards finding a solution for your situation.

The bottom line is that in any situation, you need to be the one proactively thinking about your next step like a master chess player predicting the next 10 steps his/her opponent will make.

Otherwise, you’ll get hosed in life.

It’s what separates the good from the great.

To give you an example, let me discuss with you what it means to be a visionary.

A visionary is someone who can foresee the future in an informed way.

Many of the great business leaders foresaw the success and failures of many ventures through knowing every (or almost) detail of the current climate and how something did or didn’t make sense for a particular vision to be realized.

Tip #2: Don’t Try To Please Everyone

red sign

This is the biggest mistake of them all.

Pleasing everyone (who isn’t paying you money) will lead to depression and ultimately bad decisions.

This is why a lot of people go into debt to buy many of these luxury trap items.

They are too busy keeping up with the Joneses and as a result, they become depressed, they do things that they don’t like and they end up wasting their lives over really terrible decisions.

This is a catastrophic way to go through life.

Now, if someone pays you to do something, like a job or a client, that’s one thing.

You have to do as you are told.

But if someone is not paying you, don’t even worry about trying to please them.

You will end up in a BIG mess if you try to do something just to please them.

This is why girls do not like guys who please them for the sake of pleasing them without being their authentic selves.

Girls understand that if a guy tries to please her without being his authentic self, the guy is most likely insecure and is not sure enough of himself to warrant her attention.

Hence, the girl will not trust him, and hence, why you shouldn’t be needy around women if you are a guy.



Now, here’s the thing you MUST do at all times to avoid every bad decision on the planet.

Tip #3: Go With Your Gut

man celebrating

This is a must.

Any person who has achieved massive success through self-control went with their gut.

This is the case because your gut is an instinctive mechanism inside of your body that senses the environment around it and tells you what you should or shouldn’t do depending on the circumstances.

In a way, it’s a magic crystal ball that determines the future and puts the answers right in front of your face to see.

Many people in various occupations use their gut to guide them in their decision-making.

In particular, many business leaders use their intuition to make important decisions regarding where to take their business.

In the case of greats like Richard Branson and Oprah Winfrey, them going with their intuition led to great success in their endeavors, with Oprah saying that her listening to her gut led to all of the great decisions she made in life.

In real life, gut feelings saved the lives of many ordinary people who otherwise would be in significantly worse situations if they didn’t follow them.

I came across this article right here that showcases these stories in detail from one person claiming that they had to get out of a store immediately to a nurse who felt a need to follow a man who didn’t seem to have a problem but eventually did.

All of these people got out of their bad situations for one reason and one reason only:

They followed their gut.

Trust me when I say this, your gut feeling is WAY smarter than your brain.

Your brain overanalyzes things to the point where it recommends too many situations for you to pick and you have to try to make sense out of these recommendations.

With your gut, you are calm.

You have certainty.

You don’t have to think about it.

Sure, at times, it can be hard to read your gut feeling since you might not know if it’s your brain that’s talking or your gut.

But once you know the gut feeling, then that is the way to go.

Anything else will wind you up into trouble.


So, the takeaway is that whoever you are and no matter what occupation you pick and no matter what situation you are in go with your gut.

Your future self will thank you later.

Tip #4: Say NO To Drugs

bottle that says poison

Here’s the thing with drugs:

They impair you beyond belief when it comes to your decision-making.

Alcohol can negatively affect your judgment, especially if you drink too much.

Over time, it deteriorates brain structure and your ability to make effective decisions is impaired.

Multiple studies have shown that alcohol is worse for your brain than marijuana on top of the fact that it contributes more to violent behavior than marijuana.

Over time, these effects can significantly impact your life and your decision-making will be put in jeopardy as a result.

Of course, taking marijuana is bad as well so you should avoid that.

On top of this, because of the addictive nature of these drugs, you get caught up in a cycle of repeating their use, especially with tobacco due to nicotine.

As a result, when you sign up to take these drugs, you literally cannot stop taking them and you become dependent on them.

Since you become dependent on them, long-term health effects associated with them will ensue and you will suffer as a result.

And remember this:

Once you sign up for these drugs, it’s really hard to stop using them.

Hence, why there are “Say No To Drugs” campaigns.

The bottom line is that drugs negatively affect your decision making and if you take them, you bear the consequences of your actions in that regard.

So, please avoid them so you don’t get caught up in this cycle and if you do have an addiction, take the steps to get your situation resolved right now.

Don’t wait for another second to get the situation resolved.


Now here is another thing you need to know about why poor decisions are made and a simple trick you can take to avoid them.

Tip #5: Use Common Sense

brain lifting weights

This is the golden goose of this post.

Most people make terrible decisions since they did not use common sense to guide what they do.

Your gut is the primary driver of common sense since it takes information from the outside environment and makes a judgment on what to do based on its need to protect you.

And this is what common sense does.

Following it gives you protection from harm that the world might bring you.

When people don’t follow it, chaos happens in the world around them.

They know intuitively that it is what they should do, but they don’t do it.

Hence, why buildings collapse, why divorces happen, why people go into credit card debt, etc.

It’s not following what common sense tells them that gets them into these problems in the first place.

And this is a mistake that you should learn from others and not repeat yourself.

Just looking around, you might’ve seen some folks you know falter from this.

As a result, this gives you the historical perspective necessary to not repeat their mistake and to follow common sense so you can protect your interests and control the world the way you desire.

And that’s exactly what you should do in your life every step of the way.

Do what you can to control the world the way you want to control it.

And this is the message of Join the Island.

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I hope this post was instrumental in helping you achieve this goal. Leave a comment below with the results you got out of the post. 

It’d be great to see what you accomplished as a result!

Until next time,

This is Evan signing off.

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Evan Cruz
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Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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