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This New Secret Power Can Be Yours Today When You Understand The Difference Between Positive vs Negative Thinking

Do you want to know the drastic difference between positive thinking vs negative thinking and how understanding and incorporating this difference in your life will lead to championship success that you could only dream of?

If so, read on to know the complete difference and to become a champion starting today.

Here’s the first characteristic of positive thinking that will let you understand the process of becoming a champion at everything that you do.

Positive Thinking Is Time-Tested

This New Secret Power Can Be Yours Today When You Understand The Difference Between Positive vs Negative Thinking

There has been a lot of research on millionaires and how they think.

They have a lot of habits that make you say “Oh, it’s really that simple?”

One of these habits is adapting a positive attitude towards life.

A study was done on millionaires and the author of that book concluded that 79% of millionaires believed that they would become millionaires.

What does this mean?

This means that by simply believing that you’ll become a millionaire, you have an almost 4 in 5 chance of becoming one.

Think about that for a second.

An almost 4 in 5 chance of becoming a millionaire by simply believing that you can and will become one.

Of course, once you visualize and believe that you can achieve a goal, you have to go out and accomplish it.

But thinking that you will do it is the first step in the process and that is proof of it.

There’s more to the story though.

The same author also polled these millionaires and 54% of these millionaires said that positive thinking was “critical” to their success.

Meaning, positive thinking was absolutely essential in order to accomplish their goal.

These are extremely eye-opening findings if you are someone who thinks you can’t do it and all you need is a little confirmation that you can do it.

Millionaires saying that one little trick increases your chances of becoming a millionaire along with taking action to get there?

That’s like “Really? Let’s get to it!”

You can see a summary of the study here if you wish.

Now there are even more findings that will open your mind to new possibilities, so keep reading to see what they are.

A study was done on those that think positively and the researchers concluded that the people who think positively are protected from mental damage associated with stress.

The specific damages can be seen in the article here, but this evidence enough should convince you that if you have any negativity in your life, you really have to get rid of it because if you don’t, fear will eat you up alive and let me tell you, when fear eats you up, all hell breaks loose with you.

You literally become incapacitated and your ability to make effective decisions goes down the drain for as long as you keep this negative thinking up.

And negative thinking sends you down 20000 leagues under the sea because of this:

Negative Thinking Makes You Dwell

This New Secret Power Can Be Yours Today When You Understand The Difference Between Positive vs Negative Thinking

Let me ask you something and be honest with your answer:

When was the last time you dwelled on something?

And when you dwelled on something, what happened?

Were you happy?

Were you excited?

Or did you feel like you can’t do anything?

I thought so.

Let me tell you a story about sports teams who lose a championship game.

Once upon a time, there was a football team in the early 2000s by the name of the Miami Hurricanes who dominated all of college football with their rough play and aggressiveness.

Every program and fan in the country HATED them.

They were despised, the media made them look like the bad guys and they played downright nasty on the field (just look at the scores of their games).

In 2003, they competed against the Ohio State Buckeyes in the BCS National Championship Game.

It was a 4th down in overtime and Ohio State needed to convert or they would lose the game.

The quarterback throws the pass and the referee called the pass incomplete.

The game was over and Miami won.

Or was it?

Shortly thereafter, as Miami players and coaches took the field to celebrate, another referee threw a flag on the field.

Everyone from the Miami bench had to go back to the sidelines.

The referee called a pass interference on the Miami cornerback.

After review, everyone agreed that it was a bad call and that Miami was robbed the championship.

From that moment on, the Hurricanes were shocked and they let the negativity dwell in their heads for the rest of their game.

Eventually, Ohio State won the game in overtime and hence became the national champions.

From that season on, with the exception of maybe the following year where they won a major bowl game, they were a completely different team.

They never had the same fight as before, they were always mediocre and they even got involved in a nationally publicized scandal that took the world by storm.

In short, they became crooked.

And this is what happens when you let negative thinking get the best of you.

You dwell on stuff you can’t control and can’t change.

And it hurts.

You can see the entire story here.

I’ll give you another story that’ll convince you of negative thinking leading to dwelling.

An NFL team called the Atlanta Falcons made the Super Bowl in 2017.

Guess what their lead was in the 3rd quarter?


Guess what the final score was?

34-28 in favor of New England.

Ever since that game, the Atlanta Falcons have only made the playoffs once and in the 2019 season, they arguably had one of the worst defenses ever, getting exposed every game, up to the point where a player from another team called them out for running the same plays again.

Now why has this been happening even though they have some of the most talented players the NFL has ever seen?

Dwelling on something that they can no longer control.

You can see this article here for verification.

I don’t think there is much else to convince you that negative thinking will cause you to go through some terrible experiences where your imagination is stolen from you and you literally can’t think for yourself.

In short, this is a recipe for failure.

And in a way to make it super entertaining, I invite you to watch NBA head coaches get ejected for letting their negative thoughts get the best of them:

Now you gotta admit, THAT was funny!

If that doesn’t make you laugh, I don’t know what will, which leads to my next point:

Positive Thinking Makes You Less Stressed

This New Secret Power Can Be Yours Today When You Understand The Difference Between Positive vs Negative Thinking

They say laughter is the best medicine.

It truly makes you happier (and less stressed).

Look, when you are a positive thinker, you don’t let the bad stuff get to you.

You let in all of the sunshine that each day presents and as a result, you lose yourself in it.

In fact, there is research that supports my point.

Research shows that optimists are more productive and events beyond their control don’t stress them out.

As a result, they don’t sweat the small stuff and they move forward, improving and trying again and, ultimately, succeeding at what they do.

This is the key to succeeding at anything.

Most people think “Ah, that’s for smart people, let’s do the easy stuff.”

If you think that way, stop.

You CAN do it.

You just have to change your attitude about it.

Remember this, changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes.

Changes your position about things and your attitude will change for the better.

You’ll thank yourself in no time.

And if you don’t change your position for the better, this next event is bound to occur:

Negative Thinking Causes Arguments

This New Secret Power Can Be Yours Today When You Understand The Difference Between Positive vs Negative Thinking

Have you ever seen reality TV shows where you can’t help but laugh at multiple people arguing over some bullshit?

This is one of the reasons why most people find them super entertaining.

In fact, let me tell you a story to prove my point.

So I was eating lunch one day and there were these building inspection people arguing over protocol.

They seemed indecisive, obsessed with taking about a million regulations that needed to be followed and they clearly wanted to get out of there.

People in the room that were watching this agreed with me.

Why did they argue?

They did not think about how to get the job done.

They thought about the millions of regulations they needed to follow and they just complained about them.

I think it’s safe to say that these people had more arguments and they got in trouble with their bosses.

And when you get in trouble with the boss, well, you know what happens.

The bottom line is this:

Arguments are the root of something.

This something is a negative thought about something that wasn’t addressed.

And this negative something leads to massive disarray and a windstorm of failure.

That’s why, from experience, be selective with the people you work with in life.

Depending on who you select, working with people can be the greatest thing in the world.

Other times, it can be the worst thing that has ever happened to you.

You don’t want negative people who bring arguments upon arguments for reasons that they caused themselves.

Only bring aboard positive people who understand you and actually work with you to either serve their needs appropriately if they are paying you money or to serve your needs if you are paying them money.

And also remember, communication is everything.

Make everything clear from the start of the relationship (whether it’s business or personal) and make sure you and everyone in the relationship is held accountable to those terms and everyone understands the parameters of the relationship to prevent arguments.

And I say this because from personal experience, the best argument is no argument.

Sometimes, they are unavoidable because, let’s face it, we are still dealing with people who have smiling faces and hidden agendas.

These people need to be dealt with right when you see they are working against you when they agreed otherwise.

But for the most part, they are avoidable.

All that needs to be done is establish the terms of the relationship, what everyone’s role is and make sure everyone follows the protocol established.

And this is the foundation for my next point.

Positive Thinking Wins Championships

This New Secret Power Can Be Yours Today When You Understand The Difference Between Positive vs Negative Thinking

It really does.

Any great executive in business or any great coach in any sport will tell you that positive thoughts translate to success combined with great execution.

You can read these testimonials here and here for validation.

The bottom line is this:

Positive thinkers do NOT make excuses for their shortcomings nor for the things that didn’t do correctly.

This is the root for winning championships and for doing great in every aspect of your life.

You commit to a process that works (not a process that doesn’t work like the 76ers) and you follow it consistently with the vision of you achieving your goal and working towards that goal until its successful completion.

You do this repetitively without stopping and staying disciplined in the process.

If you follow this simple recipe successfully, from experience, you will eventually achieve what you want.

I promise you that.

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Until next time,

This is Evan signing off.

Evan Cruz
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Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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