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Why You Should Not Procrastinate In Life Right Now and How to Quickly Stop Doing It

Why You Should Not Procrastinate In Life Right Now and How to Quickly Stop Doing It

Are you not sold on getting rid of procrastination?

If that’s you, then stick around for this post because I will show you the secret dangers of procrastination that will finally convince you to not procrastinate in life.

But first, let me tell you a story of SpongeBob SquarePants and the incomplete essay.

If you’ve seen SpongeBob SquarePants before, do you remember the episode where SpongeBob had to write an essay for Mrs. Puff and he kept delaying the essay until the last minute.

You can watch the episode here if you wish.

Do you realize why he kept stressing out at the end of the episode?

It’s because he procrastinated.

Talk about procrastinating from studying at its finest!

Now envision what you did in the past.

Did you ever wait until the last minute to finish something and you got stressed out at the last minute because you didn’t complete the thing that you needed to do?

If you peel through the layers, I know that you’ll find this was the case and that you waited until the last minute to do that thing.

Now ask yourself this question. Could you have improved your performance somehow?

I’m sure that the answer is yes.

Do you know how aside from logistics?

I’m sure it’s to stay more focused on what you needed to do.

Now if you require further convincing, read on to uncover the secret dangers that got you to read down here thus far.

You’ll Go Into Time Debt

Why You Should Not Procrastinate In Life Right Now and How to Quickly Stop Doing It

Understand this clearly: Procrastination is the process of delaying something for no good reason.

When you do this, you are unnecessarily trading your time for something that will not generate a positive return on investment (ROI).

That is something that you do not want to do.

What’s more is that when you give up this time, you need to spend more time later trying to achieve what you want to achieve.

This is like delaying a payment on something that you put on the credit card in that every time you keep missing the payment, you will end up having less time to pay it or with the interest, you’ll end up paying even more.

This is debt.

Time is money. And when you are spending that money on something that isn’t going to give you a positive return when you should be investing that money that will give you a positive return, you are wasting it and in a lot of cases, you will eventually be left with not enough time to pay the time requirement to make something work and hence, you go into debt like SpongeBob.

Not good.

As you can see with SpongeBob, your stress goes up, you panic, you don’t have a life, and you have to rush to finish that thing.

Now of course, if it’s an emergency, yes, you need to rush. You have no choice.

But when it comes to achieving a particular goal or learning something new to increase your value, there is no rush in that.

In fact, rushing it will reduce your comprehension and worsen your results.

You do not want to have to get to that point.

And the best way to avoid that point is to not procrastinate and just get the job done when you need to get it done, at your own pace, even with a deadline.

You’ll knock it out before you know it.

And worse case, you can ask questions and get feedback to improve your performance and still submit it by the deadline.

But at this point, you are taking control of your time and effectively using it to get things accomplished.

In fact, read this article right here about how not procrastinating leads to you controlling your time.

Imagine yourself taking control of your time and using it to accomplish more things and feel proud when they are done instead of panicking about a deadline.

Maybe you’re in school or at work or running your own business.

Regardless of your situation, how would it feel to you to not let time control what you do? Comment below with your responses.

If you feel excited about controlling your time, read this article here for an extremely useful hack to taking control of it efficiently and immediately.

Now if you are not convinced about not procrastinating, I will convince you otherwise, so read on for the hidden curse of procrastination.

You’ll Become Lazy

Why You Should Not Procrastinate In Life Right Now and How to Quickly Stop Doing It

Let me ask you a question and be honest with me. How many people have you come across in which the first thing that they said was “Let’s do this later. Let me go on Instagram.”

I’m sure that you see this every day.

Did you know that for the most part, these people have to take care of a lot of things in their life that they should be taking care of, but instead, they choose instant gratification to satisfy their needs?

And do you know where they end up in life?


I’m so certain that you do not want to be like them.

To not be lazy, all you need to do is say no to instant gratification like surfing on your iPhone, going out when you shouldn’t, being tempted by the “bros” to not do homework one day and just play ball, etc.

Yes, a lot of these people just want to bring you ion on the fun without tricking you out of your goals, but following their advice leads you down a slippery slide of doom that is very hard to climb out of.

If you’ve ever taken drugs, how hard is it to get out of that habit?


Once you are hooked, it’s extremely hard to get off.

The same thing with your goals.

You don’t want to indulge in this instant gratification or you’ll in essence be taking drugs whether you realize it or not.

Of course, I don’t necessarily mean physical drugs, but it’s the same idea.

Anything that gives you instant gratification which takes away time from achieving what you want to achieve.

You can read more about lazy little monsters here and here if you wish. I’m sure that they’ll be extremely insightful for you to see.

So what should you do now?

Make the commitment to not procrastinate at all costs and to stay 110% focused on what you want and NEVER look back.

If you got a lot out of this post and want more actionable content that will blow your mind and kick your life into extremely high gear, definitely subscribe to Join the Island, the world’s most kickass blog, so that every new blog post is sent straight to your inbox!

Until next time,

This is Evan signing off.

PS: Don’t forget to comment about how you would feel if you did not let time control you. It’d be great to know.

Evan Cruz
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Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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