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Bored? Start Something That Matters TODAY!

Bored? Start Something That Matters TODAY!

Are you struggling to do something with your life?

Do you want to know the secrets of what you have to do?

Well in this post, the massage is simple.

Do you know what it is?


That’s right!

You either make moves or make excuses.

Now what do I mean by this?

Well, I mean several things.

Let’s take a look at what you have in your life.

  1. A) A smartphone
  2. B) Your TV/Netflix
  3. C) If you do this, porn
  4. D) Random video games on the computer or video games in general
  5. E) Going out to dinner
  6. F) Sunday pleasantries

And I’m sure that there is stuff that I missed or don’t know about.

So do yourself a favor and don’t even touch those things today.

Or better yet, start with this:

Ditch Your Phone

Bored? Start Something That Matters TODAY!

This is the very first thing that I suggest that you do.

Don’t even sell that thing; just dump it in the trash like it’s a washed up banana peel on the street.

It’s that worthless.

Let me explain to you something that’ll the most profound thing that you have ever read.

How many minutes during the day do you just use your phone and nothing else?


How many of those minutes can be devoted to something way more productive for you future and for your health and well-being?

A lot of it.

So what is it safe to say?

It’s safe to say that you have wasted a great deal of your life on something that is practically worthless.

Does that bother you?

It should because if you didn’t put that time there, then you could be WAY more ahead in your life than you are now.

And that is the harsh truth to realize my friend.

That one thing that is consuming your life is a drug.

It is a drug that was designed to hook you in and keep running up on your time and taking it away.

The value that it gives you is entertainment, but that is to keep you trapped in there without letting you go do better and greater things.

That is the scam that no one talks about.

Now let me brief you in on the story of the man who is behind this.

His name is Steve Jobs.

You’ve probably heard of him.

Read this for an intro if you didn’t.

He was the genius who conceived the iPhone for you to get sucked into.

And that was part of his brilliant plan.

As you have already figured out, it worked.

The plan was to create something that has value (or bait value to keep you trapped without you recognizing that it’s a trap) to you that exceeds everything else and as a result, you would enjoy it and buy that product.

And because he successfully did that, he is a genius and you are not.

YOU need to do the same thing.

The simple answer to this problem is to start something and to stop sitting there like the baby whiner that you probably are and get off of your ass and get moving.

That what’s REALLY going to get you going.

You clicked on this link for reassurance after scrolling through different pages like a little child.


Because you already know what to do but you did not do it already when you know that you should have.

THAT is the biggest time waster right there.

And that’s a shame.

And you know it.

So what do you do to become the genius that you already knew that you were?

Well, start below (let this be the last page that you scroll through before you waste your entire life).

Find Out What You Truly Want

Bored? Start Something That Matters TODAY!

Do you want to learn something that matters?

Start here first and then I’ll explain this in detail.

What that post went through was the process of discovering what you truly want in life and then taking action on it.

And instead of thinking about stuff that doesn’t help you achieve that desire, you redirect the energy in your sexual body parts to that goal.

That way, you become sexually obsessed with it.

And that is the secret if all greatness and all genius on this planet.

Hard to believe right?

Well, that’s the truth and then some.

A sexual obsession with something can take you a very long way in life.

Most people just haven’t realized it yet.

If you are still not convinced, read this and you’ll see what I mean.

All great men of genius and achievement ranging from Albert Einstein, Mozart, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, Leonardo Da Vinci, Michael Jordan, LeBron James, Michael Jackson, Steve Jobs, etc., all utilized their sexual energy to achieve what they wanted to achieve.

They never talked about it in interviews nor books (to my knowledge) because it is the hidden secret that anybody can use to get what they desire.

If they shared it, then they would have competition to worry about and that’s not good for them.

Would you want competition?

I thought so.

So I would suggest that you follow that LOVE column activity to the tee and act on it with this post in your arsenal.

And then comes the final step which is the most obvious one of them all:

Go Do It

Bored? Start Something That Matters TODAY!

This is the one that everyone knows but will never actually do.

Everybody is too lazy and too entitled to go out and achieve anything.

And guess what?

That’s good news for you if you act on it!


Because there will be no competition.

Just a wide open road for you to travel.

And go FAST with no cops around!

That’s the great news!

But this only happens under 1 little condition:

Go do it and achieve it.

And the rest is history.

Good luck to you my friend and please subscribe on the bottom with you email if you want more content like this!

Of course, comment below with any questions. I’ll be more than happy to help.

Until next time,

This is Chief Islander Evan signing off.

Evan Cruz
+ posts

Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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