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How Can I Start to be Healthy INSTANTLY and EASILY in a Way that'll SAVE MY LIFE?

How Can I Start to be Healthy INSTANTLY and EASILY in a Way that’ll SAVE MY LIFE?

How can I start to be healthy INSTANTLY and EASILY in a way that’ll SAVE MY LIFE?

Well, that’s the question that has led you to this blog post today.

And the, shh, “secrets,” will be revealed to you today in this blog post! Otherwise known as the FREE BREAKING NEWS that YOU have been YEARNING to receive NOW!

No pun intended 🙂

Now I must admit something to you before I share with you the “secrets” today.

This isn’t a post just about getting rid of the worst food in your life.

This post goes beyond that.

This post dives deep into your habits and into your thinking.

When you finish reading it, you will become an unstoppable god in whatever you are doing and when you finish implementing everything that you get out of this post, people will NOT and I repeat NOT see you the same way again.

Those people that would dismiss you as some other guy or gal will now be BEGGING for your help and they will do ANYTHING to steal these “secrets” of becoming healthy INSTANTLY away from you.

So do yourself a very big favor, and make it a duty for yourself for as long as you live.

Keep this post as a secret to yourself and don’t share it with anyone.

That’s right.

Don’t share this post on social media and do NOT share this post with ANYBODY ELSE!

Who else tells you NOT to share a blog post on social media?

If people find out your new secrets, you will have more enemies than friends and your life will become miserable like Hades in hell. I promise you that 100% or I’ll send a $100 Amazon gift card to your front door step.

Let this be the most exclusive blog post that you have ever read in your life because it is.

This post is the most exclusive blog post of ALL TIME.

So Rule 0 is that you can’t share this with anyone and you HAVE to do what it says.

If you do, you will never have to read a self-help book again nor any other motivational post again.

Is all of this clear to you?

No really, is all of this clear to you?

If it’s not, I would like you to think of this as if you were Biff Tannen from Back to the Future and you were given the Grey’s Sports Almanac that had the results of every sports event until the end of the century.

Watch the video below and you will then see.

Are you clear NOW?

OK, let’s dive into the “secrets” of becoming healthy INSTANTLY right NOW!

Cut the Junk Food (And it’s NOT Just Food)

How Can I Start to be Healthy INSTANTLY and EASILY in a Way that'll SAVE MY LIFE?

Yep, that doesn’t just go for the 49 cent hamburger at McDonald’s!

That goes for that phone of yours as well!

That thing is literally taking your life away and you don’t even know it.

“My life is being taken away? How can that be?”

If that’s you, I highly suggest that you take a read at another post that I wrote that describes why using your smartphone is possibly the costliest decision of your life.

You can read that post right here right now. Do it now before it’s too late. You’ll thank me later.

Now that that mini rant is over, I think that you know that being healthy is obvious.

But the real question is this:

Do you REALLY know if you are healthy or not?

That is, do you REALLY know if you are doing what you have to do to achieve your goals whether they are career, health goals, business goals, money goals, etc.

AND that you are away from anything that can distract you from them?

THAT is the sign of truly being healthy since that signifies that you are focused.

I want you to write down on a sheet of paper right now with a pen (not a pencil) the following:

A) What are your goals?

B) What are you doing to achieve them now?

C) What do you need to do to achieve them?

D) How will you cut the distractions and do what you need to do to get the job done (above and beyond of course)?

The answers in this activity might just surprise you when you do it.

I bet that you will say “WOW, I am really wasting my time and not being healthy.”

Trust me, it’ll be mind-blowing when you do it.

Comment below with your thoughts about the activity and write down what you’ll do to fix your situation.

Hold yourself accountable and put it for the world to see if you so choose.

In fact, if you are not convinced, here’s a study that will prove that assertion incorrect right now.

Click here to access it.

You won’t regret reading it.

I bet that you’ll be motivated as heck once you read it.

Cut Out Your Negativity

How Can I Start to be Healthy INSTANTLY and EASILY in a Way that'll SAVE MY LIFE?

That’s right.

You’ve heard this one a million times and it’ll ring true a million times and more.

However, the real question is do you really get it?

Do you really understand the nature of cutting out your negativity?

Or is it like a broken record day and day out?

You know, you talk about wanting to do something, but you don’t do it like trying to do what you can to quit that day job to not have to be in that horrendous traffic jam in the morning?

Your inaction is a direct result of some negativity that has you trapped in your little internal prison. And hence, stuck in your spot.

Probably, and most likely, it’s an excuse that has brought you to your position today.

Some make believe justification for not doing something.

You talking on the phone to complain about your day to your friend or just wanting to watch TV.

You might not know it already, but that is laziness in disguise.

No one wants to be the lazy person because the lazy person NEVER gets what they want.

Sure, that guy might look lazy, but he is NOT lazy.

That guy is producing something of value to the marketplace that will serve the needs of many people who buy his product or service in order to solve their problem.

And in exchange, that person gets the ultimate score.

The money.

With laziness, the money goes out and you can’t get that back.

Yes, you can get dollar money back, but do you know the money that I’m referring to that is the real money that controls dollar bills?


Your time is your most precious asset.

Don’t waste it on some garbage activity that is useless and will not produce any value.

Just think of time as spending it on something valuable or spending it on garbage.

Invest it or waste it; it’s YOUR choice captain!

And I know for a fact that that captain does not want the ship to sink!

So don’t let it or a Jolly Roger will fire your ship 20,000 leagues under the sea.

In other words,

Don’t be a Lord Beckett and just sit there.

Do something about it.

At least this woman agrees.

By the way, I highly recommend that you check out Michelle’s post on the subject of not making excuses and getting ahead in life.

It is truly a REMARKABLE post and so REMARKABLE that it’s worth sharing on here on Join the Island.

DEFINITELY, check it out now and come back to this post and it’ll make a lot more sense.

It all starts with YOU not making any “fake” doubts in your head about what you can and cannot do.

And THAT is the path to becoming truly healthy.

You can’t go to the gym if you don’t believe.

You can’t eat healthy if you don’t believe.

You can’t have a private jet if you don’t believe.

If you don’t believe in yourself and in your abilities, you have already lost the war.

Granted, that belief must be followed through with A LOT of action.

But if you don’t believe, then you are just wasting yourself.

And if you thought that none of this post nor Michelle’s post woke you up, then I’ll let this guy give you the breaking news that you need:

So take note.

And now for one of the best ways to become healthy INSTANTLY!

Walk Outside

How Can I Start to be Healthy INSTANTLY and EASILY in a Way that'll SAVE MY LIFE?

Yes, this one is particularly useful and you’ll realize it when you do it.

When you take a walk outside, your mind will automatically destress from all of the tyranny that has been going on all day and you will relax.

As a result, you will have clarity in your vision on whatever you are thinking about and you will perform at your best every time that you come back from your walk.

In fact, you can read this article right here if you wish in which you will learn how walking outside can prevent lung cancer and how it can prevent memory loss.

You definitely need that memory muscle for your next big endeavor!

Preferably, if you can, I would suggest walking outside where there is water, like nearby a lake or nearby the ocean or a river, because when you walk outside near the water, you can relax even more since the water provides such a SOOTHING effect on your mind when you see it and you immediately begin to eliminate all of your stress and anxiety from the day.

You can read more about it here if you wish in which I talk about how your mind is teleported to a different reality once you look at the water.

You DEFINITELY can’t miss that post and I highly suggest that you check it out right now!

Go for it, check it out!

How Will YOU Become More Healthy Today?

How Can I Start to be Healthy INSTANTLY and EASILY in a Way that'll SAVE MY LIFE?

So now I challenge YOU my future islander!

How will YOU become more healthy today?

How will you get rid of your unnecessary anger, your bad habit, your junk food, negativity, excuses (please read her post; its brilliant), AND just start doing and achieving?

How will YOU do it?

Ask yourself that and then write it down either in the comments below or with yourself if you desire privacy.

And please, jot down here what you achieved as a result of this post.

Pat yourself on the back for others to see and you might just inspire yourself to greater things.

Have fun with this and do this!

Or else,

Well, let these guys explain it to you.

Until next time,

This is Chief Islander Evan signing off.

Evan Cruz
+ posts

Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

2 thoughts on “How Can I Start to be Healthy INSTANTLY and EASILY in a Way that’ll SAVE MY LIFE?”

  1. Excellent advice where people will start seeing health benefits happen almost immediately. Opting for real food over fast food, being positive over negative, and definitely turning to nature hikes are going to be the first steps in anyone’s journey toward a healthier lifestyle. I tell people to give this a chance for twenty-one days and I guarantee they’ll see immediate benefits. After 21-30 days, they’ll never look back.

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