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How to Create a Task List Planner for Beginners

How to Create a Fast and Easy Task List Planner for Beginners

Are you struggling to be productive in your day?

Do you want secret actionable tips on how to create a task list planner that can fix this problem fast and that can act as your daily planner day in and day out?

If that’s you, then you have landed on the right post.

In this post, I will share with you the hidden treasure of the to do list and I will show you how to go about it.

Believe me when I say this, it’s more simple than you think and it will get you results immediately with no wait whatsoever.

Well, not like you’ll get rich in one day over this, but it could help you get quick wins throughout the day starting today and set up an extremely strong foundation for the future that will help you achieve what you want if you stick with it.

Does that sound cool?

I thought so.

So let’s get right into this post right now!

The first thing that you need to do is this:

Grab Any Piece of Paper Or a Sticky Note

How to Create a Task List Planner for Beginners

Have you ever heard of the phrase if you don’t have it written down, it’s just a wish?

Or something along those lines (I can’t remember the exact quote)?

If you have, then that is exactly why this first point makes perfect sense when you are writing your to do list for the day and for the rest of the week.

When you write something down, you are committed to remembering it and you are committed to doing what you need to do in order to achieve the goal.

This is what is called a plan instead of a dream.

A dream just remains in your head and just drifts away, just like the rest of the dreams that you have every night.

But something that is written down and acted upon is a completely different animal in every sense of the word.

And on top of that, when you write something down, you will get to refer to what you have written down extremely often since it is at your disposal.

When you try to remember something (which you actually should try to do after you write it down), it gives your brain so much work to do that eventually, it’s going to get stressed out and you will end up forgetting it.

In other words, you are asking the brain to remember something without working for it.

Writing everything down on a sheet of paper will make your brain do the work needed to remember things.

After all, it is a body part like every other body part that needs to be worked out if you want to get it stronger.

This is exactly what the best planners do in order to get things accomplished in a short period of time.

So the bottom line is this:

Get a sheet of paper ready for what I’m about to tell you.

You can read more about why this works here if you wish.

And if you are ready to make the decision to act on this, read this for how to go about it.

And now the baby steps for what you need to do to make the task list for the day and the week:

Think of the Things That You Need To Do For the Day and The Week


How to Create a Task List Planner for Beginners

This will be a time saver later on throughout your day and throughout your week as you get going with it because you don’t need to scramble and find out what you need to do during the critical times that you need to know what to do.

When you get your events in order early on, you can just move and not stop to think about what you are doing.

You can just keep going.

And what’s more is that when you think of everything that you need to do before you begin your day, you will significantly reduce the chance of you procrastinating.

Now why does this reduce this possibility?

Because when you think of things that you need to do during the middle of the day, you are taking time away from your tasks in a bad way and you are basically sailing in an ocean with no direction headed into a category 5 hurricane.

That’s definitely not good!

From the get go of your day, you need direction and you need a sense of purpose with every task that you are doing because you will be extremely focused to complete the tasks in a timely manner.

In addition, you’ll actually complete them with your best effort since you will know what you want out of it.

And even more than that, when you think of what you need to do, it’s fresh in your mind and you won’t forget to write it down instantly so that you do it and accomplish something with it.

Because the last thing that you want is to remember something important and then forget it later in the day all because you didn’t act on it and/or you forgot to write it down.

So it does pay to plan out your day before hand.

In fact, take a look at this extremely informative article of the most successful people in the world and how planning affects their day.

Pretty neat right?

So it pays to plan it out the night before.

And write it down while it’s hot to.

Oh wait, that’s the next one, but let me explain more in depth as how this works.

How to Write it Down and Commit To It

How to Create a Task List Planner for Beginners

So this is what you do after you get the sheet of paper and you think of everything that you need to do:

Start with your earliest task and go all of the way down to the task that is the last one to complete.

That’s it.

That’s really all that you need to do.


Because you don’t overthink it, you don’t waste time with it, and you can just act upon it.

So just doing this on something like a sticky note and just attaching it to the face of your wallet will accomplish this task and it is extremely convenient to do.

You don’t even have to unnecessarily spend money on a binder and get lost in it.

You just need to discipline yourself to actually write down the list every day and just repeat the process.

That’s it.

So if there is anything that you should get out of today’s post is to go here on Amazon and just get a bunch of sticky notes and start doing this.

Note: I am an affiliate for Amazon and I do receive a commission off of your purchase, but the price that you pay will not change.

You can start today if you want.

It’s that cheap and convenient.

$9.99 for the opportunity to save time and money (and maybe earn more money if it helps you do that) versus not paying, but having the opportunity cost of your time, your money, and losing out on the day?!

I believe that’s a no brainer if you ask me because either way, you are going to make a decision.

The real question is whether you will make the decision to level up your life today or if you stick with the old.

It’s up to you my friend so choose wisely.

Have a great day and comment below with what you got out of this post. It’d be great to see your terrifically awesome results!

Until next time,

This is Chief Islander Evan signing off.

PS: If you want to be REALLY motivated to achieve your goals, then read this article here. You’ll be glad that you did.

PPS: If you found this post extremely useful, subscribe with your email below to receive more awesome content to your email the moment that it’s published!

Evan Cruz
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Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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