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The Beauty of Production and Why YOU Should Be a Producer

The Beauty of Production and Why YOU Should Be a Producer

“Help, I need somebody, Help, not just anybody, HELP, you know I need someone, HEEEEEEELLLLLLP!!!!”

Ok, I got it my future islander, what help do you desire?

“I’ve been told by someone that I consume to much, but I love it so much that I do not want to stop. That someone told me that I have to produce stuff if I want to be truly happy. But why I don’t get it; it looks like so much work!

Well, my future islander, consumption won’t get you to the island, that’s for sure.

The wise person was right, you do need to produce to be truly happy. I don’t think he showed you the beauty of production. But not to worry, you’ll learn about the beauty of production here!

The first thing that you must understand is that without production, you can’t eat. And that’s a fact. So without production, there is no life. And that’s beauty already.

But you want beauty beyond just staying alive don’t you?

I thought so.

Here are the beauties of being a producer!

1. You Get to Help People at the Highest Level; everyone NEEDS you to survive and You’re the Hero

The Beauty of Production and Why YOU Should Be a Producer

You see, if you’re simply a consumer, you are just another guy walking down the street. You all have the same interests, but it’s not unique enough to develop a meaningful connection with them. You’re simply another small fish in the ocean.

But when you produce products and services, you are the shark. Everyone knows you and depends on you for their survival. You are the “go-to” guy for whatever you are selling. Everyone cherishes you and admires you for what you are doing. And they’ll even help you out in a way that is much more than how you are helping them out, which would still be a tremendous amount.

Essentially, you become Superman! Who doesn’t want to be Superman?!

Now, if you’re simply a consumer, you might impress your friends, they might think that you are cool, and you might have impressed enough people so that you can throw a party at your place after school or after work.

But that’s not enough for a legacy and indestructible wealth. Which, I’ll be honest, if you’re reading this blog, that’s what you really want, and if you don’t think so, you’re lying to yourself. And that is not beautiful. Liars make the world a scary and unpredictable place to be in.

But, if you are not lying to yourself, you are now the sunshine that is beaming on the mainland! And if that’s you, proceed to the second beauty of production.

2. You get to make more MONEY!

The Beauty of Production and Why YOU Should Be a Producer

Ok, this is the one that you would REALLY love to hear and it is true. Producers of products and services simply make more money. And a WHOLE lot more of it. And no research needs to back this up. It’s a fact of life.

You see, when you are in the mentality of simply having a job is good enough, you are limiting yourself to only one flow of income. That is DANGEROUS to your survival. Why? Because you can get fired at any time which could cut off that flow of income and you would have no other income to back you up in case that situation ever happens. And the worst part? If it’s a job, that is not your system. It’s someone else’s. So you are at risk 24/7.

But when you have multiple flows of income like stock market dividends, rental property income, and a side business, that changes. You aren’t at risk and you have plenty of reserves to support you. And you are in control of these systems, which is FANTASTICALLY great. And with systems that you control, you get to do something that is called scaling. With scaling, you can increase the amount of sales and production of your business without seeing a huge jump in costs and expenditures. In other words, you keep a lot of gold.

Now, I have nothing against having a job if you are producing or in the process of producing multiple flows of income, because let’s be honest, you need to eat and pay bills for some time. And that’s ok. However, you MUST have this understanding at all times that when you leave your job for the day, you are not done. Not even close to done. But the beauty will show up if you are persistent and consistently deliver value, I can guarantee you that.

3. You Get to be the Face of your Industry, Sector, or the World

The Beauty of Production and Why YOU Should Be a Producer

If you’re a consumer, the first thing that happens with your paycheck, at least for most people, is that it goes out the window on some new mainstream item that the producer is producing. In other words, if you’re a consumer, you are sacrificing your dream in exchange for instant pleasure that will wipe out immediately and you will be building someone else’s dream. Not good! And even the Pope agrees! No wonder you came in here singing like the Beatles!

And the exact opposite happens when you are the producer. EVERYONE gets to live your dream and if you keep producing and make people feel happy, they will keep coming and coming and coming to you like an endless herd of hyenas and you will become their idol and hence, the face of the business that you are in. In other words, you become a monopoly. You are first and the most highly coveted.

And everyone else is “secondary.” You become “primary.” Alpha.

How does that sound?! The mania is here and you are first in line for everything! Which brings us to beauty number 4 and really the most convenient one of them all.

4. You don’t have to wait for anything

The Beauty of Production and Why YOU Should Be a Producer

“Good god, what are we doing here? Oh could you please move out of my way? Look at me now! I’m supposed to be first class, why am I waiting? Oh my god!” If you’ve seen “Titanic” and you know who Caledon Hockley is, you can just imagine the tone and hysteria that’s taking place. In fact, I could just laugh all day long if I saw him saying that repetitively with that tone!

You can see him here if you want to get a laugh later!

However, if you are the consumer, that’s what you are doing, at least in your mind. While growing in irritability, impatience, and becoming selfishly obnoxious. While you are justified in that, most likely everyone will believe that you are intruding their space and that is not what you want. And that is certainly not beautiful.

So why not find a way out of that situation?

In a way that you own the space and you can come in and out however you like or if you’re on a vacation or a concert or something like that, you have the purchasing power to do that type of thing for the duration of the event. That’s more convenient isn’t it?

So you might be asking, and you’ve probably asked this to yourself the last time that you went on vacation, “Why the heck are those people able to afford that? Like, why am I stuck here?” Well, the reason that is so is because they are producing enough value in the world with their products and services in order to be able to afford that. And not to mention that their investments are producing significant passive income in a way that substantially builds them indestructible wealth. In short, that’s the answer.

And if you produce enough value in the marketplace, you will be able to do all of those things. I guarantee it.

So, what do I do now?

The Beauty of Production and Why YOU Should Be a Producer

So now you know the beauties of production that make up one BIG beauty of production!

Your next job is to make notes of the headings and key notes that excite you and write it all down and recite it to yourself numerous times. That way, it’ll stick in your head. And then, list all of the skills that you are great at or you can get great at and develop those skills so that you can start generating multiple flows of income.

Some skills that are in demand are programming, sales, closing, which is a skill that supplements sales and makes the deal come full circle in your favor, and copywriting, the art and science of selling with the written word.

Some useful resources to help you develop those skills include Learn Python the Hard Way for learning the Python programming language, a language in very high demand in the job market, Sell or Be Sold (which can be bought here with my affiliate link) and The Closer’s Survival Guide by Grant Cardone (which can be bought here with my affiliate link), two books that will help you develop those sales and closing skills necessary to bring your idea, product, and service to the marketplace, and Triggers by Joseph Sugarman to develop copywriting skills that will help you “control the mind” of your prospects and make them salivate to the thought of having your idea, product, and service.

Triggers can be bought here with my affiliate link.

Please note: I am an Amazon affiliate and I will receive a commission off of any purchase that you make from Amazon. However, the price that you pay will not change.

And don’t forget, take some skills that you might not know about like soft skills at your current job and use a track record of success at your job with those skills to develop some sort of consulting business to teach people and businesses how to use that skill at the workplace and in their businesses to garner more sales. Simply put, do anything that will provide value to people and make their lives easier. And make them feel like they are living on an island if you can; add some islander flair to it!

A lot of research ahead, but it’ll be a job well done and achieved with super high marks. Get to it my future islander, and may the force be with you.

Until next time,

This is Chief Islander Evan signing off.

Evan Cruz
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Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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