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4 Astounding Reasons Why Consistency Is Extremely Important

Do you want to know the importance of consistency in life?

Do you want to know the benefits of consistency and how they can enhance any aspect of your life and help you achieve your goals?

If so, read on because I will answer these questions for you along with research to show you that the suggestions in this post will work for you if you implement them.

I will also provide you with an action plan to help you become more productive if you are someone who struggles with keeping a schedule and sticking to it.

With that said, let’s get right into the content.

Here’s the first reason why consistency is important.

You Remove Uncertainty

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Let unbreak consistency for what it is:

When you are consistent, you replicate what you are doing frequently.

You do the same things day in and day out.

You don’t change a thing unless that thing isn’t working for you.

When you are consistent with the thing that’s working, you develop a pattern.

And with patterns, you get to predict what will happen in the future.

Hence, you eliminate uncertainty in your life.

This is when you TRULY become confident.

And with confidence comes control over your circumstances.

This is why winning teams and winning players keep winning.

They know what works and they stick with what works until fruition.

Provided that they are disciplined with what they are doing, results are inevitable.

Let me prove to you with an example.

I was in university.

I did pretty well in school.

But I did astoundingly well the last 2 years in school.


Because I found a process that works.

And it could be replicated.

When I found and perfected this process, I became extremely confident academically.

During this time, the worst semester GPA I earned was 3.85.

A lot of students would BEG for that GPA.

My midterm exam score averages for my last 2 semesters of the university were 94.5% and 96%, respectively.

All capped off with performances like these:

email congratulating student

These performances were for a reason:

It was because I was consistent with a process that worked and was research-backed.

As a result, I removed the uncertainty of my results and predicted my future.

Do you understand where this is going here?

This is a replicable process that you can use in whatever line of work you choose to enter.

This is because of a concept called future self-continuity.

This is a process where you envision the future that you want and you take the steps required to achieve that future while avoiding the steps that can harm that future.

Plenty of research has been done on this concept.

Many highly successful people in their fields of work have used this concept to avoid bad habits and to create outcomes that are in line with their vision for what they wanted to become.

You can see a summary of this research here if you wish.

This is all because of consistency taking place.

And with consistency, you have this:

You Have a Better Shot of Success

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It doesn’t matter who you are or whether or not you have some magic gene attached to you.

If you are consistent, you have a better shot of success.


To prove this point, consider this:

I was researching sources for this article and I came across one post about Steph Curry, the famous basketball player for the Golden State Warriors.

This article here said that coaches said that as a scrawny basketball player in high school, he was too skinny to become a college basketball player.

But Steph Curry had other plans.

According to this article, he would practice the same shot again and again throughout every summer.

Sure enough, he qualified for a college basketball team and he got drafted by the Golden State Warriors.

His track record thus far?

He has won 3 NBA titles, 2 NBA MVP awards, an NBA Scoring Title, and 7 time All NBA among many other achievements.

What does he attribute his success to?

Hitting the same shot over and over again.

That’s the power of consistency.

Why makes consistency so powerful you might ask?

Well, the brain LOVES repetition like our body loves Nutella.

It can’t get enough of it.

When the brain repeats something, it becomes certain of what it’s doing instead of going into panic mode and guessing what it should or shouldn’t do based on the circumstances.

THIS is why people get stressed out.

They go off track too many times and as a result, there is no direction for their efforts.

Hence, they crash and burn.

With consistency and repetition, you don’t go through that tumultuous cycle.

You simply do what you have to do (provided what you are doing is working) and you keep at it day in and day out.

THAT’S what will help you achieve your goals.

So if you are someone who checks your email every 5 seconds, then you MUST do something to resolve this.

I would suggest getting into the habit of doing something you don’t want to do but have to in very short spurts instead of a full 90-minute sprint.

Say you have trouble focusing for 10 minutes straight.

Start by focusing on your unpleasant task for 5 minutes at first followed by a 2-minute break.

This way, your body warms up to become comfortable working in unpleasant conditions for a certain timeframe before moving up in the time requirements.

It’s kind of like going into a pool and the pool initially being cold before you gradually warm up to it until you become very comfortable in the water.

Same concept.

Your mind will get used to the nature of the situation over time.

After you get comfortable with 5 minutes, try doing an unpleasant task for 10 minutes.

Get used to that amount of time.

Then, go up to 20 minutes, 40 minutes up to the full 90-minute mark that research says you should work up to so you can experience optimal productivity in your work.

Once you get accustomed to what works and you do this thing consistently, your confidence will shoot through the roof and so will your shot at success in what you are doing.

And when you are consistent, this will happen:

You Feel Better About Yourself

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I can guarantee you this for sure.

When you work towards something you want and know the process for getting there, you become super satisfied with what you are doing and don’t hesitate to do it.

Day by day, you become prouder and happier with what you accomplished and you trust yourself more.

This is what you do to develop self-belief.

When you are confident in your skills, you feel like you can conquer the world and you feel like you can go out there and own your line of work for what it is.

Hence, you become a competent professional.

And your confidence will be visible to others when they approach you.

As a result, they will trust you more.

Let me prove it with this example.

If you saw someone with a mysterious face all the time at work and he or she is just sitting on the computer and looking confused, would you trust them?


Now envision this:

There is someone at work who performs his or her duties every day.

They turn in their work on time every day and they produce excellent results consistently.

They don’t complain, they don’t hesitate to take action when necessary, and they are never insecure about themselves.

Who do you think is more confident in themselves?

And who would you trust more with what you are hiring them for?


When you are consistent with what you are supposed to do, you feel strongly about your abilities and hence, you develop confidence that others see.

That’s what gets these people attracted to you.

If you are confident in your ability to deliver results, people want to hang with you because there is something in it for them to be with you.

Read that sentence again if you must. It’s really important if you want to build relationships with other people.

And here’s another thing with consistency:

If you are consistent with what you are supposed to do, you feel extremely confident in your ability to control your surroundings and get the results you want in life.

Hence, you become happier with yourself.

Confident people are shown to have high self-esteem.

And high self-esteem leads to happiness according to research.

Hence, there is a link between consistency and happiness.

To show you on a diagram, it’s like this:

Consistency → Confidence → Self-Esteem → Happiness

That’s the path to satisfaction.

If you haven’t, you should discover what would make you happy and pursue this ASAP.

I have written another post that you can access here if you want a step-by-step process on how to find what it is you want to do in life and the steps you need to take to make it a reality.

And last but not least,

You Move Towards Something (The REAL Importance of Consistency)

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Yep, when you are consistent, you make progress.

It might not be a huge step every day, but you are taking a step every day in the right direction.

And this is what matters most.

You go forward.

Consistency is the only way forward to your goals and it will always be that way until the end of time.

That’s the importance of consistency.

Eventually, you will get to where you want to go if you stay the course day in and day out.

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Until next time,

This is Evan signing off.

PS: Comment below with what you got out of the post. It’d be great to hear about your success as a result of the content! 

Evan Cruz
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Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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