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3 Secrets Behind The Meaning of Discipline To Become The Unstoppable Force In Your Field

3 Secrets Behind The Meaning of Discipline To Become The Unstoppable Force In Your Field

Do you want to know the meaning of discipline when it comes to achieving any goal you desire?

If so, read on to know the secrets of every successful person that will catapult you to the top of your field if you take action on these secrets daily.

Secret 1: You Are in Control

3 Secrets Behind The Meaning of Discipline To Become The Unstoppable Force In Your Field

Here’s the thing with discipline:

Circumstances don’t control you once you follow it.

Let me explain.

Discipline means following a set of standards for yourself that will lead you to success in the long term.

Since the program you are following will set you for success, following it means you guarantee yourself (provided nothing catastrophic happens) that you will become what you want upon completion of your program.

In fact, there was research done on successful individuals that was published in a book called “Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength” and the author listed 2 traits that were the most conducive to success.

Those traits were intelligence and self-control.

This means having the brain to accomplish what you want, but also resisting temptation to immediate gratification and, believe it or not, resisting the urge to continue working when you are supposed to be on a productivity break.

The talent can be developed. For intellectual tasks like doing well in school or applying your knowledge in a real world setting, I show you the research backed secrets to accomplish this here in this post.

Note: The post is primarily aimed at college students to succeed in classes, but the same techniques work in a real world setting for getting your work done faster and efficiently. Research does back that point up.

The self-control part is what separates the winners from the losers.

Sticking to a task and repeating the same things day in and day out is not something that everyone can do.

If everyone did it, everyone would achieve their goals.

The key is to simply train yourself to do the thing that you don’t feel like doing and be comfortable with it.

This means creating a schedule and saying to yourself “I will do this no matter what and I will not let anything stop me from doing this thing.”

And this means repeating the process over and over again.

Once you start this process, you will tend to repeat the process over and over.

The reason is because we humans tend to repeat what we do after a long period of time of not changing our routines.

Humans do not like changing routines and once you get on a good routine, you will never fall off from it.

As this process keeps on going, you will find yourself wining and winning all the time.

This is because you are taking a systematic approach to things and as a result, you don’t have to speculate as to what you are going to do.

You just do it and trust the process.

It’s like getting in the car and going to work every day. You know the successful route to work each day and you know what time you need to be in the car in order to get to work on time every day.

As a result, you accomplish your goal successfully.

What I encourage you to do to gain self-control is for whatever goal you are trying to achieve, find out the correct system to achieve that goal.

This might be from a book or a self-experimentation.

Then, once you know what you need to do, create a schedule for yourself to follow regardless of what anyone else tells you.

You should also implement the 90-30 rule, which is a research backed work break interval that allows you to perform at your very best with respect to how your brain operates. You can read about the research here.

Always make your schedules the night before so that by the next day, you are ready to go.

It’s as simple as that.

Now with following your system comes a truly remarkable benefit that you’ll definitely cherish and that benefit is:

Secret 2: You Can Relax

3 Secrets Behind The Meaning of Discipline To Become The Unstoppable Force In Your Field

I’m sure you want to do anything to relax, right?

Discipline is the closest thing that you can get to relaxing for free.

The reason why discipline leads to relaxation?

Because you know what you are doing and you know the outcomes of your labor. As a result, you don’t have to fear the unknown of losing and falling behind.

With the exception of being broke and needing to work 3 jobs to pay the bills (if this is the case, save my advice for later; go right through what you need to do without breaks), most people get stressed since they don’t stick to their program (they don’t study when they need to study, they don’t sleep when they need to sleep, etc.).

When you don’t stick to your program, you start to question yourself and this compounds itself to excessive losing, which you don’t want.

But when you stick to your program, there is predictability and you don’t fear since you know that nothing bad or punitive will happen to you.

Hence, you can relax.

So all-nighters when they are not necessary and/or avoidable?

No thank you. That will compound itself to the next day and you will be very disappointed with the results.

Now with discipline and following it, you can do this:

Secret 3: You Can Be Consistent

3 Secrets Behind The Meaning of Discipline To Become The Unstoppable Force In Your Field

Consistency is the key to all greatness.

Read that again.

Every great successful person you have heard of has stuck to their processes day in and day out and they did not deviate away from their own program.

Because of this, this is what you must do to win at everything that you do.

I would like to give you this analogy to depict my point:

Imagine you have 2 different roads to travel on.

The first road is a straight road and the second road is one with a bunch of damaged pavement, super slopes and a lot of turns.

Disciplined people say “Let’s go on the straight road so that we can ensure predictability in what we want to accomplish. It’s a long road, but if we stick to it until the end, we will get to our destination.”

As you might predict, they get to their destination at the time they wanted to (and earlier since there was no traffic).

Now on the other road, there’s a catch.

Everyone starts on the straight road, but undisciplined people find the other road interesting.

When they see it, it looks so cool and fun.

They’re like “Let’s take a detour and check out that road and where it leads!”

Even though this road doesn’t lead to their end destination, they take it anyway.

And lo and behold, they get lost.

Indeed, it had a bumpy pavement, the road led to someplace out in the middle of nowhere, they didn’t check their gas tank to see if it was empty, so they lost gas by surprise and they wasted a lot of time doing things they hated doing.

As a result, it’s 7 pm in the evening, the time they were supposed to arrive at their destination, and they are still there waiting to get gas since the gas station ran out of fuel and they have to pay to stay the night.


Talk about a costly experience and a lot of wasted time.

A full day back.

Does this sound familiar?

It’s a similar experience for most people who aren’t disciplined. They drive around and around doing “busy work” that really is an excuse to not do the things that are extremely important.

This results in companies losing money, people losing out on opportunities and people becoming really angry later on.

This is NOT what you want to do to stay in business.

Let me tell you something you might not already know (and could be the secret to you generating more business).

People do business with those that they TRUST.

They don’t do business with those who say one thing and deliver another.

Undisciplined people say one thing and deliver another since they can’t deliver the thing they promise.

Disciplined people deliver on what they say because they stick to the process of achieving the goal and as a result, they achieve the goal.

THAT is the formula for any winning organization or any winning team/individual. THAT is the meaning and importance of discipline.

Trust your own well-thought out process and you will come out on top of everyone else who don’t trust the process and, like the 76ers (an NBA basketball team), go into a soap opera of constant arguing and fall short of expectations.

Trust and believe in yourself on this one.

You are meant for more and you know it. You just have to seize the path taken by all of the other greats before you and replicate it.

As they say, history tends to repeat itself.

Why reinvent the wheel when you have a plethora of examples that have done the same thing that you can replicate?

That’s something to think about when you overthink something.

And when you achieve what you want to achieve, this is what will REALLY happen:


3 Secrets Behind The Meaning of Discipline To Become The Unstoppable Force In Your Field

Victory always feels good no matter which way you put it.

You worked and worked and worked and persevered and you got what you wanted.

It makes everything feel worth it.

But as you can see, getting this feeling requires many things, but one thing for certain:

Discipline is the main requirement for doing great in your domain.

Like I already mentioned, most people will not be disciplined and they will falter.

However, very few will keep on the course and persevere to the end.

Will you keep to the course until the very end?

I hope you do because if you don’t, there’s one guy who will.

And you’re going to pay big time if you don’t match his effort.

So get to it.

If you got a lot out of this post and you want more extremely insightful content that’ll blast your productivity and potential to the roof, subscribe to Join the Island, the world’s greatest blog, below with your email.

Until next time,

This is Evan signing off.

PS: Comment below with what you got out of the post and what you are going to do. It’d be great to know that.

Evan Cruz
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Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

2 thoughts on “3 Secrets Behind The Meaning of Discipline To Become The Unstoppable Force In Your Field”

  1. Pingback: 7 Research Backed Study Tips for College Students | Join the Island

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