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How to Develop a Tireless Work Ethic That’ll Make You the Very Best at What You Do

Do you want to know the secrets to developing a tireless work ethic that nobody in the world can stop regardless of who you are and what vocation you are in?

If so, then read on to know what they are.

1. Commit

How to Develop a Tireless Work Ethic That'll Make You the Very Best at What You Do

The first thing you need to do is commit to what it is you want to do.

Most people cannot do this first step and as a result, their heart is not in it and they don’t push to that next level in their careers.

However, a key component of knowing what you want to do is to do some soul-searching and discover who you are as a person and what makes you tick, what doesn’t make you tick, and what you outright dislike.

If you are struggling to find these answers, I encourage you to read a post I wrote a long while back titled “How to Redirect Sexual Energy to Become a God” where I talk about how you can use the same inner energy you would use to know who you are physically attracted to find out what activities really bring out your obsessed self.

This is the great secret of all of the geniuses of our time.

They channel their sexual energy to things that contribute to their goals instead of men or women they find very attractive.

That’s how they achieve all of those great things.

I can give you multiple examples of this, but 2 examples stick out amongst the rest when it comes to commitment and using your sexual energy to follow through on this commitment.

The first example is Kobe Bryant. Now this man was a killer in the NBA. Everyone literally feared him when he went on the court.

Now why did everybody fear him?

Because he was obsessively committed to beating Michael Jordan for being the best basketball player on the planet.

And he used his sexual energy to channel all of his desires to this one goal and this energy was unleashed in his efforts every day in practice and on the court.

As a result, he won 5 NBA championships, scored 81 points in 1 game and won an NBA MVP Award.

He was so committed to winning that he called his trainer at 3:30 am in the morning to assist him in working out.

You can read the full story here if you wish, but it really was amazing to read that.

But I can for sure tell you it’s because he directed his sexual energy to his goal. No question about it.

The second example is Elon Musk. I just saw a story of him yesterday as of this writing that he was about to put 2 astronauts into space to be sent to the International Space Station.

In fact, SpaceX is the first private aerospace company to have the opportunity to do this.

I mention him because to get to that point, this man was committed to his mission ever since he was a little boy in South Africa.

Instead of doing what typical kids his age would be doing, he indulged in books and computers and had an early fascination with getting to Mars.

Over time, he realized he had to get the financial capital necessary to make this vision a reality, so he got involved with PayPal and received $165 million dollars in the sale.

And now that he had the financial capital (and then some because he borrowed more money to do it), he worked relentlessly to making this dream a reality to the point where he was working 120+ hour work weeks.

Now that’s commitment if you ask me.

And as a result fast forward to 2020, he is about to launch a rocket with astronauts to the International Space Station.

And now once you are committed to what you want, you must fully do this:

2. Find Out What You Need To Know

How to Develop a Tireless Work Ethic That'll Make You the Very Best at What You Do

This is what’s known as specialized knowledge or knowledge for your specific situation.

What you’ll do in this situation is seek out the knowledge you need to accomplish what you want to accomplish.

This can mean going to school, reading books at the library, talking to mentors, etc.

Basically acquiring knowledge by any means necessary and you do so voraciously and with a heart and an attitude.

That is where your work ethic is going to be indisputable.

Let me allude back to the prior 2 examples I showed you.

Elon Musk did not go to school for aerospace engineering.

Although he went to school for Physics (which is VERY important for building rockets), he did not have sufficient knowledge to build his company when he graduated.

As an engineering graduate, I can say this because Physics alone is a foundation for you to apply in the real world to whatever you are working on.

Physics is not the only thing you need to know in order to create things.

And this is what Elon realized and combined with a no-excuses mindset, he sought out as much information as he could on the subject from reading textbooks and consulting with industry experts.

Interviewers were so shocked by this that they couldn’t believe he got all of this knowledge without going to school for it.

Personally, I was not surprised that he got the knowledge because classrooms aren’t a great place for learning material, just for clarifying points that were not clear in the lecture.

That’s why students who follow unconventional study strategies and methods get ahead; if the classroom was effective, everyone would be getting A’s and changing the world.

But that point aside, because Elon committed to his mission, he did whatever it took to get the knowledge he needed to know in order to successfully run SpaceX and Tesla.

Likewise with Kobe Bryant.

He did not know everything he needed to know about the game of basketball when he got started playing.

However, he was hungry for knowledge to the point where he would go to practice at 3:30 am in the morning to work on some shot he had a weakness at.

He would always go to those at the top at what they do to seek their advice on how to become a better basketball player at certain positions.

Because of his quest for knowledge, his willingness to seek out this knowledge, and the fact that he applied the knowledge with a sense of urgency, he was able to compete against 10-year-olds as a 6-year-old.

And he repeated the same process throughout his career to have the success that he had and to create a life for himself that he wanted to live.

That is how greatness is born and realized.

Now with the knowledge at hand, both of these men and everyone else who achieved massive success did this next point pretty darn well and that is to:

3. Get to Work and Work Like a Dog

How to Develop a Tireless Work Ethic That'll Make You the Very Best at What You Do

I mentioned earlier that Elon Musk worked 120 hour workweeks while building Tesla and SpaceX.

Let me tell you something about that:

Although I personally don’t recommend 120 hour work weeks because you have to sleep 8 hours per night, this is the true definition of working like a dog.

You see, massive success comes from putting in a lot of time and a lot of blood, sweat and tears into what you do.

And you also shouldn’t do it for the money once you get to a certain point in your life.

Elon Musk built those rockets because he has this internal desire to put people on Mars that stemmed from when he was a little boy, not because he’s getting a paycheck for it or because someone told him he should do it just because of some BS reason.

He did it because he acted on his gut to do it even when he was already loaded from the PayPal deal.

This instantly gave him everything that he needed to tirelessly pursue his mission because he knew he would get it if he just had his eyes on the prize and did not back down whatsoever.

Likewise with Kobe Bryant.

He was committed since he was very little to the mission of becoming this beast of a basketball player and this naturally led him to work voraciously towards his goal.

In fact, he would outwork everybody on his team that his fellow teammates would shy away from him and would feel intimidated around him (people said the same thing about Musk).

That’s how hard he worked in practice.

But in the end, he won the championships and he got everything that he wanted.

All from outworking everyone else playing the game.

It’s not a 40 hour per week ordeal to become the best at what you do.

It’s a way of life and it extends beyond just going to a job and doing what a boss tells you to do.

It’s controlling the circumstances of your situation and this is what you will learn in this next section:

4. Be Extremely Disciplined

How to Develop a Tireless Work Ethic That'll Make You the Very Best at What You Do

This is the key to everything at the end of the day.

When you are disciplined, you have consistency and certainty.

Without these things, you will burn out and will want to stop working.

I can definitely tell you that Musk and Bryant both developed discipline and as a result, they were able to maintain their habits to the point where they were automatic and a way of life.

Hence, they don’t get tired when they work.

This is the same all across the board for anyone who has achieved massive success in their life or are the best at what they do.

The habits they have are a product of discipline and this is what produces great people, great teams and great leaders.

Let me ask you, would you ever want to go into an environment with uncertainty and not knowing what you are doing?

Or do you want the proven system for success?

It’s an obvious choice, isn’t it?

The proven system always wins 100% of the time.

It’s the same thing when you are trying to develop a crazy work ethic so you can beat everyone else and get what you want.

Sometimes, you might have some excuses in your mind trying to tell you that you can’t do this and you can’t do that for XYZ reason.

If that’s the case, I encourage you to read this post about the 7 most common mental excuses and how to overcome them to become disciplined and head in the correct direction.

It’ll set you straight pretty quickly.

Now, here’s something else you can refer to if you want to reach success A LOT quicker.

Successful people have a 2nd bible that they consult with in order to achieve their goals.

It’s a book called “Think and Grow Rich.”

This book has been hailed as the book that got many successful people to become who they wanted to become since it provided them the blueprint required in order to become successful at what they do.

Many successful people testified to the book, claiming that it helped them becoming millionaires and citing it as the best business book of all time and THE book to consult if there is anything lacking in your life.

It is that powerful.

You can see a full list of testimonials here if you wish.

And if you are convinced, I encourage you to purchase “Think and Grow Rich” here from Amazon right now so you can start reaping all of the benefits from it!

Note: I am an affiliate for Amazon and I will receive a commission if you purchase “Think and Grow Rich” from my affiliate link.

However, the price you pay will not change.

If you got a lot out of this post and you are ready to take action today to a brighter future, definitely subscribe below with your email to Join the Island, the world’s greatest blog, and you’ll receive blog post after blog post about how to improve your productivity and how to increase your potential to get the life you want!

Until next time,

This is Evan signing off.

PS: Comment below with your thoughts about the post and what you plan to do to take action towards becoming more disciplined in your life. It’d be great to know.

Evan Cruz
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Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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