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How to Be Great Today and Beyond

How to Be Great Today and Beyond

Have you been searching for some guide on how to be great and you want everything that you need to know in one spot today?

If that’s you, then look no further than this post because this post will show you how to do just that.

Now before I begin, just do yourself this one favor, do this:

Know that you can do anything in this world.

Take the time to really understand that concept.

That is the truth of this universe.

This is the secret in how to become great at something.

And that is the basis for the first section of this post, which is:


How to Be Great Today and Beyond


To achieve true greatness in ANYTHING that you do, you must first BELIEVE that you CAN do it.

This is the most important step in getting what you want.

Because let me tell you something REALLY important.

If you don’t sell yourself on what you want, no one in the world is going to be sold on you.

Read that again so you can comprehend that clearly.

That’s just the truth.

You see, there are many people today who have the intellectual power to go as far as they want and they end up crumbling really badly in the world that we live in because they simply don’t believe that they can do what they want to achieve.

Now here’s the flip side of things that’s really amazing.

There are MANY dumb people on the planet who are underestimated by everyone that knows them and these so called “dumb” people are the ones that are the most successful in this world and are known to be some of the greatest minds of our time.

I’ll list some examples here to give you a clear picture of what I’m talking about.

Albert Einstein was once called “the dopey one” because he was slow in learning how to speak.

His parents were even concerned about his intelligence since he was slow to talk.

He was labeled as a “dumb” person.

Eventually, he got to be recognized as one of the greatest geniuses of our lifetime and the creator of the theory of relativity.

And the rest is history from there.

You can read more about his story right here if you want some deep insight into it.

Michael Jordan, the greatest basketball player of all time, was rejected by his high school basketball team in his sophomore year.

He wasn’t even close to being deemed the greatest at that time.

And now, he has 6 titles and is the most decorated basketball player in history.

And Grant Cardone, one of the top 10 most influential CEOs in the world, was once just another kid in the south playing around with cocaine and slacking off every chance that he got.

He had no direction in his early years.

Now, at age 61, he is perhaps one of the most accomplished salesmen of our time, he is closing in on becoming a billionaire, and he has a private jet, he’s ripped, he has a gorgeous wife, and has influenced millions of people around the world to achieve what they want to achieve.

Not bad for a former 23 year old crack addict who didn’t know what he was doing.

You can read more about him here.

What made these people who were at the bottom go all of the way to the top of their fields?


And execution.

But you can’t execute without self-belief.

Or otherwise, you will never work for anything that you want.

And that’s just reality.

And how do you make self-belief work you might ask?

You’ve got to do this:

Transmute Your Sexual Energy To What You Want

How to Be Great Today and Beyond


This is the secret within the secret of every successful person on this planet.

They become sexually aroused with what they want in life and as a result, they become extremely obsessed with achieving that desire.

When this happens, they block out everything else in their life and they just zone in on that 1 goal of theirs like there is no tomorrow.

And since that is their only focus, they get the most out of what they are doing.

They don’t diversify to other things because that will just delay progress in achieving their 1 goal.

That is when true greatness is born.

When they become these mad maniacs that the public portrays them out to be, people will always say “Is that guy crazy? Can he be normal? Can he just come back to Earth with the facts?” 

Unless there is a law that says that he has to come back to Earth, then that determined person is going to just keep going and keep going until his goal is achieved.

And who knows, because he won once, he’ll never stop winning and just keep on going.

And that’s when people on the outside become weak and the winner becomes a magnet for all the things that he wants.

THAT is where you need to go in order to achieve true greatness in this world.

Because it will NOT come to you any other way.

You have to become a monster.


Driven to the point that ambition is an understatement.

And you just have to make everybody in the world scared of you.

Let me ask you a question.

Would you want to compete with this:

How to Be Great Today and Beyond


Or this?

How to Be Great Today and Beyond


You need to become the latter one or else people will pull the latter one on you.

And also know this:

Know the number one rule of the streets.

Every man to himself.

Read that again so that completely sinks in.

That’s the truth my friend.

I’m sorry if it’s bitter, but that’s what it is.

Nobody gives a f*** about you, as much as they’d want you to believe otherwise.

And when you realize this reality, you’ll be better prepared to do the next step, which is

Just Kick Ass

How to Be Great Today and Beyond


And that is exactly what you have to do.

You have to go out there and just dominate to the point that people will leave when they see you.

You need to be like the strongest military on the planet about to invade a poor little country. Read why here.

People need to be scared of you.

How scared?

Watch this video here to see what I mean.

That was brutal.

That is exactly how the Jacksons were able to get to prominence.


Because their father made them do everything perfect or they would experience that great torture for the rest of their childhood.

As abusive as it was, it worked.

And you have to be that intimidating to everyone that comes across to you whether it’s through anger or even kindness in a way that you are irresistible (and no, I don’t mean slapping people like Joe Jackson did; that’s ridiculous).

To confirm that, listen to the clip of this interview of Michael Jackson here from 17:45-21:50 to see how the fact that Joseph Jackson was so abusive to his kids made them comply with his demands.

That should say it all.

You need to be feared, not have fear.

When people see you, you need to be like that alligator warning everybody to stay away from his presence or else, he will come and crush you.

It’s that simple.

It’s eat or be eaten.

And also have that sexual desire to achieve what you want achieve because you will not get anywhere in life without it regardless of what everyone tells you.

And here’s another tips that just came into my mind for you:

Imagine that you are an alligator in a lake and you see little bunnies crossing into your territory playing around.

They don’t even know that you are there and they don’t even know that it’s your territory.

The first moment that you see them, you make a move towards them.

And then,


You brutally beat them up and you CRUSH them in your sight.

They are dead that second.

Now let’s go to your life.

You have a task and it is unprepared to take on you and the task don’t even anticipate what your next move is.

And you know EVERYTHING about it.

When you get there, what do you do?

You strangle and make it shocked to see you do this.

To be great is to be misunderstood.

THIS will ensure that you win.

If at any point something doesn’t know anything about you and you know everything about it, catch it by surprise and just knock it out.

Make them unprepared for what they have to deal with and you are going to be feared before you know it.

And THAT’S how you kick some f****** ass in life.

Be brutal.

Be obsessed.

And have confidence with swag and, figuratively, a belt in your hand like an alligator is ready to attack on ANYONE that crosses into his territory.

I hope that post serves you well in your quest to become the best at what you do.

And always remember this:

If you are not first, you are last.

Understanding this is how to become great in life.

Thanks for taking the time to read this blog post and if you enjoyed this blog post and got a lot out of it, definitely don’t hesitate subscribing to the blog below with your email where more kick ass content will be sent straight to your inbox.

Also comment below if you got a lot out of this post. It’d be great to see who got this message loud and clear.

Until next time,

This is Chief Islander Evan signing off.

Evan Cruz
+ posts

Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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