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How To Be the Boss: The Updated Guide for 2019

How To Be the Boss: The Updated Guide for 2021

Are you tired of losing?

Do you know that you want more out of life but you still have not found the answer as to how to get it?

Do you want to know how to be the boss of your life in 2021 and beyond?

Then look no further because this guide will give you the no bullshit guide on how to do just that.

Now before we proceed, I want to let you know that this blog post will be very uncensored and it might offend you if you are not mentally prepared to hear what I am about to tell you.

This blog post is extremely honest and it is not going to be nice.

I am not going to be polite in this post and it is not generous.

There is no sugarcoating in this blog post.

If you are offended by vulgar language and you cannot stand reading uncensored material, then this blog post is not for you and you should leave.

No hard feelings.

However, if you are okay with the discretions above and you are prepared to become a mental beast and accomplish everything that you set out to accomplish, then this blog post is for you and you should continue.

And if you continued, congratulations. You have made the wisest and the most mind opening investment of your life. Get ready to be transformed forever.

Over the history of this world, one thing is known to be true.

You have to eat or be eaten.

In other words, you have to attack your challenges or you will become a victim of circumstance forever.

That is not what you want.

That is the sign of mediocrity.

You need to become the attacker, the emperor, the king, the god, the almighty lord of the world that everyone responds to.

Because if you don’t have it any other way, you will lose.

Read that again so that it is clear to you.

Now how do you become the attacker in this world and the almighty conqueror of the universe?

It boils down to several things that I will explain in this post.

The first is this:

Own Yourself and Who You Are

How to Be the Boss: The Updated Guide for 2019


This is the ultimate one because if you don’t know this, you can’t do everything else in this post.

You have to know exactly what you want and WHY you want it.

Now why this step?

Because this will dictate your mindset and you will have no apologies for doing what you want to do.

You will become sexually motivated to do what you desire after this step.

And when you are sexually motivated, you will become the best at what you do because you want it so BADLY LIKE A MADMAN that nothing can stop you from achieving what you want to achieve.

You simply cannot lose when this happens because you will internally die if you do not achieve what you set out to achieve.

People will think that you are crazy and that you are nuts for doing what you are doing.

They will think that there is something wrong with you and they’ll come up with some lame recommendation like “You need to go see a psychologist.”

Well to hell with them because they’re average (and average sucks; you know that already) and they are not achieving what they want to achieve.

They’ll always be stuck where they are.

But not you.

You have committed to be greater and to achieve more than what the average person achieves.

Now you might have to be surrounded by these “average people” for some time because they might control something that you doesn’t like living expenses.

And if they have control over it, then that sucks.

That’s something that you have to fix as soon as possible so that you can have the leverage to control what you want to do.

And that brings me to my next point:

Know Your Environment

How to Be the Boss: The Updated Guide for 2019


You have to know exactly what you need to do in order to get the most out of your circumstances.

You also have to know what you can control and what you cannot control.

Because let’s face it, you don’t have control over everything at this time (not to offend you).

That can change in the future though.

But you have control over many different things that you don’t even realize.

For instance, you can educate yourself on the things that you have to do specifically to accomplish what you want to achieve and to move out of your parent’s house or quit your job, wherever you are at right now.

Additionally, you can find ways to boost your income in the meantime to make enough to get out and go blaze your own path.

You can read about ideas on how to make extra cash in the meantime here.

And of course, there’s always some good old-fashioned networking that will greatly assist you in getting ahead in your line of work.

These are just some ideas for you to get started.

But the bottom line is to just start.

Because you are either going to make moves or make excuses.

Don’t be the latter.

You’ll regret it.

And also remember this fact:

Staying still costs you money since inflation is going to devalue your money and reduce the amount of money (and time) that you have.

So that should be enough to convince you to get moving or get losing.

And this brings me to my next point.

Take No Prisoners

How To Be the Boss: The Updated Guide for 2019


Figuratively, not literally, you gotta kick the living shit out of the people who are not helping you achieve what you want to achieve.

In other words, if they are not helping you, you have to get the power to get them out of your life (fire them) and replace them with those who will help you achieve what you want.

You gotta fire fast and hire with thought.

If it doesn’t make you money, they gotta go.

If it makes you more money than you are paying them, they can stay.

View everything this way:

Everything that is of service to you (provided that you pay or add value to them somehow) is an employee.

They work to serve your needs (the company).

Examples of employees to put this into perspective for you could be your parents if they support you or help you out, a training program if they are helping you get more knowledge, an attorney if they are helping you resolve a legal issue, an advisor who is guiding you on what to do, etc.

Anyone that serves you somehow IS an employee.

You have the vision and do the grunt work and THEY provide you the tools to build your dream.

And in some cases, they actually BUILD your dream.

That’s how companies are structured so that the employees build the dream on behalf of the owner(s), provided that the owner gives enough value to the employees to motivate them to want to keep on building the dream.

So my point is that already, whether you know it or not, you are a business owner, an entrepreneur, and a salesman.

In fact, everybody is.

So don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

You need to provide so much value to other people so that they are intrinsically obligated to want to serve you.

Otherwise, this is what they think of you: “F*** that guy, he’s a nobody.”

And that’s really what is going on in their heads.

Your job is to get rid of that thought in their minds and make them say “I love that guy, I want to do what I need to do to get a job at his company/to help him out!”

Now if you are young, you are at an advantage because people love helping young people and the fact that you are extremely young (about 11-19 years old) will most likely than not be enough for them to think that you are extremely special and that just showing up is enough value for them to help you out.

And that’s my point of starting ow because as you get older, your value drops.

Inflation will eat you up alive.

So take control now and fire underachievers to your dream.

And this brings me to my next point:

Dump the Poor/Middle Class Mentality

How To Be the Boss: The Updated Guide for 2019


Let me elaborate on this further so that you understand:

I’m going to distinguish how the poor, the middle class, and the wealthy think.

The poor think like this: They want to do no work and they want to slack off all day and do nothing.

Their only way of making money is by winning the lottery and betting horses at the race track, in which they are not using their abilities to make money, but rather, a lot of luck.

And when they get the money, they don’t invest it in something that will make more money, but they waste it on junk.

And they keep repeating the cycle and that’s why they are broke.

The middle class think like this: They do want to work and they do have a sense of responsibility, but their minds are programmed in a way that they think that the only way to earn money is to be an employee.

In addition, they think that the only way to improve yourself is to go to college and nothing else.

No books (outside of textbooks and those in their profession), no self-education, no training programs, nothing.

And when they get their paycheck, they spend the money on liabilities that will not produce anymore money in return.

Examples of these expenditures are vacations, cars, dining out, houses, kids toys, etc.

In other words, they live beyond their means, so that’s why they go into debt and they buy things that they can’t afford.

Now the wealthy think like this: They want to work, they have a sense of responsibility, and they are focused on investing in things that will generate a spectacular ROI and they work vigorously towards their goals.

They live on less than they make and they buy things that they can afford.

In addition, they do not spend money on things that will not generate more money in the long run. In other words, great investments.

College is seen as a form of specialized knowledge to achieve a particular goal instead of a requirement like the middle class views it.

When the wealthy invest in something and it’s not generating more than what they spent to get it, those things are fired IMMEDIATELY.

And the wealthy do not let anything stand in the way of their success.

They just take it at whatever cost.

No settling and no holding back.

And time is valued very much.

Very much.

Read that sentence again so that you comprehend this point.

The bottom line is that time is your most precious asset and that it should be sacred to you.

And if whoever is not making your time sacred, they must be fired.

End of discussion.

You can’t sugarcoat it in this world.

It’s not fantasyland where you get the nice treatment.

To get the nice treatment, fight VIGOROUSLY and become the best, which brings me to my next point.

Demand the Best And Nothing Less

How To Be the Boss: The Updated Guide for 2019


That’s right, high quality in everything.

Nothing that is underwhelming or underachieving.

You want to invest in assets that are going to produce you the BEST ROI for what your dream or goal is.

You don’t want to invest in anything that is not working to accomplish that goal.

Everybody will tell you to settle down and to be comfortable with your circumstances and to “take it easy.”

Your employees might just tell you to “calm down” and if they tell you that it’s impossible and you know that what they’re saying is f****** bullshit, then you FUCKING TAKE DOWN THEIR ASS!



Did you get that?

Read it all again for you to sink it in.

Anyone who tells you that your dream sucks and that you are a loser is to be taken down like the military arrived and that they are going to invade an enemy territory.

You have to be RUTHLESS and you have to be SHAMELESS in the pursuit of what you want.

Act like a little kid if that is what it takes because everyone will notice that you want it and they will keep thinking about you and they will not ignore your greatness.

Read this post if you still have any doubts about this concept. You will be straightened out after this post.

You have to commit and you have to become a freakin’ animal to get anything.

You literally have to be obsessed with being the best.

Anything else just doesn’t cut it in this world and that’s why all of the people that surround you are just warm bodies and don’t go anywhere and have the same bills and the same complaints after work and they always question why they got nowhere.

Well, this post tells you that answer.

Luckily, you don’t need to have the same fate.

You can have an even better life than them.

But you’re gonna have to work for it.

And school alone won’t make the cut.

And you are going to have to be a f****** animal to get the job done.

And then some.

If you are still not convinced, then let me show you this.

What’s your choice?

I figured.

The answer is simple.

And do you know what you are going to have to do in order to achieve the last one?


So get to it and become the best.

Your future depends on it.

And please don’t wait in line.

Just go get it.

Until next time,

This is Chief Islander Evan signing off.

Evan Cruz
+ posts

Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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