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7 Reasons Why You Need To Dominate Everything

7 Reasons Why You Need To Dominate Everything

You are looking for answers.

You want to know the secret to achieving what you want in life.

What if I told you that with a little free insight and consistent daily action, you can get those things?

If this sounds interesting to you, then read on to know the secrets to dominate your life.

The first secret is to understand this reality very well.

Everyone Else Gets Nothing

7 Reasons Why You Need To Dominate Everything

It is true.

The winner is the one who gets all of the glory, all of the attention and all of the press.

The winner is the one who gets to dictate the world.

Let me put it to you this way.

Imagine you are applying for a job and that job has 1000 applicants.

Only one person gets the job.

This means, if you are a generic candidate who answers the interview questions in the same way everyone else does, you’re out.

How would that feel to you?


You need to come up with a different angle for doing this.

How do you do this?

First, decide that you will dominate so you will keep your eye on the prize and understand that if you get anything less, it’s a disappointment.

Second, look around you at everyone who has lost, even those that came in second.

What are they doing?

Sure, maybe some got their act together and dominated, but for the most part, they are still looking for a job and they are still not getting anywhere with their life.

That sucks.

That’s what happens when you get nothing.

And when you lose?

You get nothing.

You should be lucky that you are a human because in the non-human animal kingdom, if you don’t win, you get eaten alive.

And when that happens?

It’s game over.

You don’t want to get a game over.

Now when the reality of losing sinks in, the next thing you need to do is look at what strategies it takes to win.

This can be the correct education and looking over your competitor’s mistakes and even your mistakes to see what can be improved.

Oh and also, don’t blame anyone else but yourself for any loss because if you blame others, you will never look within to improve.

Always say, even when you win, “I didn’t do my best. I need to improve.”

And when you do this, the next thing will happen and that is:

You Can Take Advantage of Everyone’s Laziness

7 Reasons Why You Need To Dominate Everything

Do you always hear from everybody, even those that lost, the phrase “I did my best.”

Mark that down because this is the biggest lie that they tell themselves.

If they did their best, they would win.

This is great for you because you know they will not look from within to improve and they will keep going in the repetitive cycle, giving them the same results over and over again and more losing over and over again.

Of course, don’t underestimate them, but do understand that because they are not doing their homework, they are lazy and you can take advantage of this.

So if you see something that other people are not doing and it’s clear that this thing can give you an advantage, definitely do it because you will be on the top of everyone’s mind when you do this thing and you’ll position yourself as the authority when you have to sell something or interview with a company or pitch a client or if you are in a sport, take advantage of a mishap from the other team.

And also know another thing.

Most people will simply be more than happy to resort to their phones all day long and play in the amusement park that’s known as the internet, particularly social media.

This closes the door for their ability to improve themselves and they waste time as a result.

You can definitely take advantage of this in whatever field that you are in since they are on their phones consistently. And when they are supposed to be working, not only can you just work and show up, but you can execute whatever strategy you have with very little competition.

And combined with a lot of knowledge that you get from studying your opponents and what the market wants, you can virtually position yourself to the point where when they wake up to get what they want, you are already established and they will have an extremely difficult time trying to beat you since you know who they are and what they do and your market is not familiar with them.

That’s what happens when you do not trap yourself.

You are greatly rewarded.

And it all starts with believing you can do it in the first place.

And do you know what happens when you believe in yourself?

You Know You Will Have a Chance

7 Reasons Why You Need To Dominate Everything

When you believe that you will win, you always have a chance provided that you take action on that desire.

Now why is this the case?

Because this mindset of already believing that you will win motivates you to show up and it motivates you to keep on going even if the times are tough.

Let me tell you what happens with most people when they show up to whatever they are doing.

The main priority of most people is to go home and watch Netflix or whatever their favorite festivity is.

They are happy that they don’t need to go to work at all.

These people live for the weekend.

They get in the car and they go to work.

They complain that they are in traffic.

The next thing on their mind is they want to go home for the day and catch up on sleep.

Do you think that they are focused on winning like you?

That’s right; they are not.

They don’t even want to compete for crying out loud!

And that’s the great thing for you since nobody else has an incentive to take initiative on what they want.

You can just eat them up alive without them even realizing that you are kicking their asses.

How does that feel to you?

Now let me tell you the story of the seemingly bad guy who is really the good guy.

The bad guy gets up at the time that works best for him to perform, whether that’s 5 am or 8 am, and he maintains a consistent schedule every day focused on one thing: getting what he wants.

He reads every day instead of watching TV (unless you’re in sports where you watch film but you still read) and he studies his opponents’ weaknesses and strengths and determines the best strategy for winning.

He is also cognizant of what the market wants because the big beast with cash is ready to give a big fat pay day if the good guy can give him or her what he or she wants provided that the good guy can deliver the goods.

The big beast also knows that only one person can do the job and he or she does not have time to pay everybody.

Since you see this, you do everything that you need to do to position yourself to get the big pay day and to blast everyone else.

You work consistently with your process and everyone might work one day, but then they are clueless and they are tired and they go back to their phones where they retreat from the reality that is the real world.

Because you were consistent and because you stuck with your process and you read up on everything, you don’t feel any pressure since you are confident in what you are doing and as a result, you win.

And everybody boos you when they get the chance.

And this is what happens when you put your mind to it combined with consistent daily action and a consistent system and process that works for you:

You get results and you dominate.

And something else happens when you keep on winning and you don’t reveal why you win and that is:

You Can Get Everyone Confused

7 Reasons Why You Need To Dominate Everything

Everyone becomes mystified as to why you are winning to the point where they don’t focus on seeing patterns of mistakes that you might be making. They are in the woods as to why nothing is working for them and why everything is working for you.

This is a great enough reason alone to just dominate your space and to go full throttle the whole time without taking your foot off of the gas.

This is how everyone becomes extremely concerned to the point where they have nothing to throw at you and you can anticipate every one of their moves and knock them out accordingly.

I’ll give you an example to illustrate my point.

If you are a football fan, chances are you have heard about Bill Belichick, the head coach of the New England Patriots.

Every time a coach gets on the field to coach against him, they always come out on the other side confused as heck that they needed to be on the field that night.

It’s because every time Bill Belichick goes against an opponent, he literally dissects every little piece of information that he can get from film on the other team and he creates a unique game plan specifically for that opponent to throw them off and to get them to focus on what he is doing right instead of viewing the situation differently and saying “How can we exploit him?”

It works almost every time.

In fact, take a look at this article here about the tricks that he has played on other opponents to secure the victory.

He is a pretty clever one.

And that’s what you need to be.

Clever enough so you can confuse the hell out of everybody and not let them take your spot away.

That’s true dominance.

If you go through press conference after press conference, you will find almost every coach complaining that the game was too hard because they were competing against Bill Belichick and that he is just the better coach and it’s an excuse to lose against him.

That’s when you know your competition is ignorant of their own flaws and when you have it in the bags.

And when you do this combined with your supreme, ultra-mighty, confidence,

You Become Unbreakable

7 Reasons Why You Need To Dominate Everything

Being consistently dominant and knowing your opponents extremely well is what gets you to this point.

When you become unbreakable, your opponents cannot penetrate you.

When your opponents cannot penetrate you, you eliminate all of the competition immediately.

They get stressed, they get freaked out and you just crush them like the giant that you are.

In a way, you can predict the results ahead of time with a lot of accuracy and you become extremely relaxed in whatever occasion you might be in, allowing you to proceed with your game plan with the very little chance that it will get derailed.

When this happens, you become invincible and you can control the outcome, allowing you to control your game and your life.

When you have competition, this doesn’t happen because competition eliminates the predictability of what you are doing and it gets you frazzled.

You don’t want that.

You want to get to the point where you have a sense of calm and you go off of it in everything that you do.

Sure, at the beginning you are learning and you will make mistakes and it will take you time to become dominant, but knowing that you will get to the point where you are dominant is the key because you will learn from your mistakes instead of complaining about them just like everyone else.

And as a result, you will get better and mature into a HUGE BEAST that everyone doesn’t want to take on!

And this is what happens when you implement this entire post:

You Get Everyone Scared

7 Reasons Why You Need To Dominate Everything

Believe me, no one wants to go against you when you are extremely dominant like this.

Instead of being the follower, you in a way become the government of the scene in that what you do become the law and the law is so confusing to the point where everybody is scrambling for answers.

And when they scramble for answers, they exploit all of their mistakes.

When they exploit their mistakes, you get to win right then and there like the champ that you are.

Your years of dedication and commitment to perfecting your craft will pay off and you will be the leader in your space that no one wants to fight.

Oh and by the way, your confidence will be super obvious and you will feel a lot better about yourself.

This entire blog post just showed you the general blueprint for how true champions are built.

I hope that you follow and prosper from it.

You just have to make the decision to start what you want to do in life.

And as for the 7th tip, if you are a man reading this, this next one applies to you big time.

For Men: That’s How You Get the Hot Girlfriend

7 Reasons Why You Need To Dominate Everything

I know what you want.

You want that hot girlfriend that you keep looking at on the internet wishing that you were dating her and having a lot of fun with her.

Guess what?

Just staring at the computer will not lead her to you.

In fact, she shouldn’t come to you if you are staring at the screen all day.

You MUST go out and do something and dominate that space in order to get girls.

The hot girls that you seek only want guys who are confident in what they do, are true to themselves and just flat out kick ass.

That’s it.

When you do those things, you only have one part of the equation down.

You then need to go genuinely appreciate this woman somehow and prove that you are indeed yourself, not necessarily to provide for her (you’d want to avoid those women, regardless of their looks).

Get to know her without having anything to prove to her.

And if you genuinely like each other, you will feel it within your heart and in your enjoyment that she could be someone worth dating.

And if you both genuinely like each other and there are no issues, everything will fall into place.

Yes, you’ll get nervous when you approach her, but if you want the girl, you need to man up and make the move because even if you are successful, she is not coming to you.

Remember, confidence wins the game.

If you are not confident, you will have uncertainty and uncertainty makes you scared and you lose.

Don’t let it be that way my man.

Go get what you freaking want in life and OWN IT!

If you got a lot out of this post, please make sure that you subscribe to Join the Island, the greatest blog alive, with your email in the action box below.

Also comment with what you will do as a result of this post and if any results came out of it. It would be great to see what you do.

Now go get’em!

Until next time,

This is Evan signing off.

Evan Cruz
+ posts

Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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