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The Everlasting Value of Reading Books and Why They Are CRUCIAL For Your Success and Soul

The Everlasting Value of Reading Books and Why They Are CRUCIAL For Your Success and Soul

Have you debated the value of reading books?

Have you gotten bored out of your mind out of them?

If that’s you, your concern is completely understandable.

Most books do suck and are extremely boring.

But what if I told you that there are books out there that have a hidden spell in them that instantly makes you a superstar and a natural prodigy in whatever you pursue?

Well my friend, that is the case and today, I am going to show you that spell and I am going to articulate the value of reading books and why they are crucial for your success and soul.

Now before we continue, I want you to do yourself a favor and do the following:

A)     Go into a room in private

B)     Turn the light off in that room

C)     Lock the door

And when you do that, you are ready to read this post because this is the most elusive stuff that you will ever read and if you are one of the very few who knows this, nobody will light a candle to you.


It would make your friends jealous and extremely envious of you.

So let’s get into the hidden treasure chest that you’ve been looking for so long!

You Become a Genius

The Everlasting Value of Reading Books and Why They Are CRUCIAL For Your Success and Soul


Let’s face it. Barely anybody reads seriously nowadays for intellectual advancement.

They just read for pleasure or to get by in their classes (students don’t read the textbook) and maybe post their stuff on social media for their friends to see.

That’s just how it is.

But how does it benefit YOU?

A lot.

You see, Henry David Thoreau once said that books are the most treasured wealth of the world.

They contain everything that you need to know in order to learn anything that you desire.

Now that’s not to disrespect YouTube or the internet because the internet has given us a magical ability to learn anything at the click of a button without having to visit the library.

And that is a special thing.

But there is still something to be said about reading a book for intellectual advancement because it contains so many things and so many different perspectives that you can’t find elsewhere.

Where else are you going to find hidden secrets at such a dirt cheap prices (or even for free in some cases)?

Nowhere else.

And that is a fact.

And these secrets cannot be found in traditional textbooks that cost $350 and are poor quality.

Do you know what secrets lead to?

They lead to intense curiosity and then they lead to an understanding of different concepts and perspectives and then they lead to developing something, and hence, a genius.

I am going to share with you the secret of a genius’ on the planet.

And when I tell you this secret, it’s all going to make sense and you’ll find that you’ll be able to do it to.


Here they come.

The Secret: Redirect Attention To a Craving Curiosity

Have you ever seen a kid become fascinated with something and they just can’t put it down?

And have you ever been obsessed with something and you wanted to know more about it and you just couldn’t put that thing down?

If yes, then this is going to totally make sense.

Unless you have a learning disability, everybody is born with the same brain.

And with that brain, you have a super advanced computer that can perform tasks extremely quickly.

The thing with most people is that they direct their attention onto things that are not geared towards intellectual advancement like playing on their phone and going on Instagram and consuming content. As a result, they become extremely advanced at that since they learn all about it.

Unfortunately, those activities alone have little to no value in the marketplace.

Now with high achievers that you might’ve seen in school, they have the same brain as you, but the difference is that they took their attention off of the stuff that people normally pay attention to and put it towards things that satisfied an intense learning curiosity and actually had value in the marketplace.

And a big part of that is replacing TV and phones with books.

You can read more about it here.

And these books gave these high achievers the knowledge to get ahead in what they do and amongst their peers.

Let’s look at an example.

Grant Cardone, a world-renowned entrepreneur and real estate investor, started out before he turned 25 as an unmotivated person who had no desire to learn.

He would always struggle in the classroom and focus his attention on things that were not productive and would not get him ahead in life like cocaine, sleeping, partying, etc.

He was lost.

He has the same brain as pretty much every normal human being on the planet.

At 25 years old, he said to himself enough was enough and he made a change in his life.

That change was an intense and burning commitment to learning about anything and everything that he set his mind to, in his case being sales.

The result: Perhaps the greatest salesman on Planet Earth today.

An absolute genius.

Now he did utilize a great deal of resources to learn aside from books, but I bet you that the secrets that he has never publicized have come from the books.


He has written books on the subject that are great and he has a whole sales training university that teaches people how to sell effectively and close more deals, but I bet you (I could be wrong) that he doesn’t share an exclusive bunch of techniques in those programs or those books that are his secret weapons to propelling him to astronomical heights.

Because like they say, a good magician never reveals his secrets.

And would I blame Grant for hiding the true secrets?

Of course not.

In fact, he should.

You can read more about his story here where he elaborates more on it.

Now here’s an external study that will convince you about becoming a genius with books.

In this study, it’ll show you the 4 hidden keys that you will unlock when you crack open a book and put down the smartphone.

And by the way, in case you haven’t heard already, that smartphone is probably the biggest threat to your success than any other thing on the planet, even cocaine believe it or not.

Do you want to know why?

Oh my friend, read this and find out! You’ll be mind blown by what you see!

Did you read them?

Are you convinced now?


Now stay tuned as I share with you the 2 other secrets of reading books that’ll allow you to command your circumstances, day in and day out!

You Become Worlds Ahead

The Everlasting Value of Reading Books and Why They Are CRUCIAL For Your Success and Soul


You literally become ahead of your times as a result of reading books for intellectual advancement.

And no, I’m not talking about Harry Potter.

I’m talking about any book in a field that you are interested in that will enhance and grow your knowledge in that space and help you become the best at it.

Let me give you another example of this in the works.

You’ve heard of Elon Musk right?

He’s the entrepreneur who wants to go to Mars and is the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX.

He has been very open about his secrets that frankly I am shocked that he revealed them to the public.

You wanna know what the secret to his knowledge is?

He reads books.

And yes, some are textbooks here because for a subject like Aerospace Engineering, which does require textbooks and textbooks in the engineering field regardless of what branch it is requires a very thorough explanation of the topics involved that traditional books do not cover.

So don’t get my comment about textbooks earlier out of whack.

That comment was referred to subjects in which they are pretty useless like marketing for instance where traditional books are better for that.

And guess where those books led Elon Musk to?

The very top of the industries that he’s in.

You can read more about the books that Musk himself recommends right here.

You’ll definitely be fascinated by the list.

Another guy who got ahead as a result of reading books is another entrepreneur named Damian Prosalendis who currently runs the largest Amazon consulting firm in the world at a very young age.

He stated here in a testimonial on his website (which I highly recommend that you read) that 12 books in particular greatly assisted him in getting to the position that he is in now and that reading books is the single biggest difference in achieving what you want versus not achieving what you want.

And when you click on the link below to receive the 12 books that he recommends, you will also see who else contributed their success to reading books AND implementing them.

Click here to access that list and the secret mystery behind it.

I hope that you clicked through it and you saw the mystery (please don’t continue until you got through that list).

If you read through the list, you must’ve seen that there was another successful person that attributed their success to books.

That was Warren Buffett.

And I am dead sure that you know who he is.

He was about age 10 or 11 when he read the entire library’s collection.

That should raise an eyebrow about his obsession over the stuff.

Ironically though, it’s not as remarkable as it seems as you will see here.

The book that Buffett read clearly says in that article that it is a simple redirection of attention along with the correct educational vehicle that will allow you to get ahead in anything that you want.

There is no such thing as genius as many other people want you to believe.

And once you realize that, you will be worlds ahead.


And here’s why you’ll be worlds ahead:

The Knowledge is Evergreen

The Everlasting Value of Reading Books and Why They Are CRUCIAL For Your Success and Soul


Assuming that the material that you read is not limited to a certain time period, the knowledge that you will have will work for as long as you live.

I mean come on, will the laws of physics change?


Once you know it, you have it forever and it will never change.

So that means it is knowledge that can be applied to any applicable scenario forever.

And that makes you powerful.

And as long as you don’t tell anybody these secrets and you use these secrets to your benefit, nobody will touch you and you’ll be invincible like this guy was.

Please note about Jackson: Yes, the allegations have been brought up again, so if you are offended that his music is on here, I apologize for any inconvenience. He is still not guilty as indicated by the 2005 case so his music will still be up unless he is proven to be guilty.

And oh believe me when I say it: He was invincible when he was prominent!

So do yourself a favor and get your knowledge up with the task that follows below!

Action Step: Buy a Book

The Everlasting Value of Reading Books and Why They Are CRUCIAL For Your Success and Soul


Or go to the library if you have to. That works fine to.

But the bottom line is this:

You have to take action and you have to start today.

Because putting it off for later will only make you procrastinate and you will eventually never do it and become a ghost.

You don’t want to become a ghost don’t you?

I thought so.

Now, what book you should buy?

I won’t give away too much, but I will tell you this:

You can start right here and you can start right here with “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill (no, not Napoleon Dynamite or Napoleon Bonaparte, but you can watch the battle here; it’s hilarious) and right here with “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie.

These are 2 of the must reads of the 21st century. And note, these are affiliate links and I will make a commission off of your purchase if you do buy through them, but they won’t change you overall price.

And I’ll also tell you this:

If you want to know the hidden elusive books to your success in any endeavor, subscribe to Join the Island below with your email and every time a blog post is published, it will be sent straight to your inbox.

And you’ll realize why the island is the elusive place to be.

Because trust me when I say this, there is a BIG party here waiting for you.

We want you here to join the fun.

The big question is, will you join us?

Only you can answer that.

And it starts now.

Make the wisest decision of your life today.

Have a great day.

Until next time,

This is Chief Islander Evan signing off.

Evan Cruz
+ posts

Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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