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7 Mouth-Watering, Kick Ass Ways to Study Faster to Crush Your Exams Like Superman as a Super Ninja!

7 Powerful Ways to Study Faster Starting Today

Do you want to know the 7 fastest and most effective ways to study to get instant and remarkably astounding results in less than a week?

Then read on to know what they are.

Once you learn these study secrets developed by me and the super elite college students of the country, you will go from being just another student on the street to being James Bond with his super hot girlfriend coming out of a hotel with a red carpet rolled out and then being escorted to their $10000 per night 5 star Ritz Carlton hotel suite in an ultra-luxurious Rolls-Royce coated with the finest top-grade, hand-selected seat leathers and the exquisitely exceptional brand new fresh out of the car dealer smell.

That’s how powerful these secrets are.

After all, they are free!

Let’s get started!

1. The Super-Duper Study Secret of the Super Elite Students

7 Mouth-Watering, Kick Ass Ways to Study Faster to Crush Your Exams Like Superman as a Super Ninja!

This one completely contradicts what everyone has told you about what studying should be.

Everyone around you might’ve told you that you need complete silence in order to study effectively.

To a degree, they are right.

But they are missing a very key point that can make all the difference in your grades.

They don’t talk about the possibility of your talking to yourself and studying at the same time.

That’s right, this super-secret strategy of successful students is called active recall and it is a time-tested strategy that they all use and one that I have used myself to do extremely well in college.

Here’s how it works.

When you are reading something, you close your eyes and you recite the material in your own words.

You are basically quizzing yourself as you go through the material.

For instance, let’s say I wanted to memorize the definition “Creative: The phenomenon whereby something new and somehow valuable is formed.”

What you would do is write the word and the definition down on a sheet of paper and you would read it once and then close your eyes and recite the word with the definition perfectly.

If it is not perfect, you would circle the word/definition up or underline the word/definition to retain the material in your head.

You repeat this over and over again and eventually, the definition will stick in your mind like Gorilla Glue.

You can also do this strategy for STEM classes in that you explain the material to yourself with your eyes closed and if need be, you would write your own definition down on a sheet of paper so you do not lose your train of thought with the concept.

This way, the ideas flow conceptually and you do not lose track of what you are doing.

In fact, Dartmouth University supports research justifying the use of this strategy on their blog, which you can access right here.

I encourage you to try the active recall strategy out when you study for your next test or even when you are reading a book (not just textbooks) and you are taking notes in the book.

Comment below with your results or if you have any questions about the strategy. I am more than happy to explain it to you or I can give you a free complimentary coaching session to guide you through it! Just comment below or email me at with the request.

Now here is another strategy that you and most students should be doing but you all are probably not doing:

2. Increase Your Test Scores by at least 20 Points with This Genius Strategy

7 Mouth-Watering, Kick Ass Ways to Study Faster to Crush Your Exams Like Superman as a Super Ninja!

And the genius strategy is:

Get a job.

“Really?” you ask.

Uh, no, but you should get a job or you won’t get a job when you graduate.

And even so, students who work actually do better in school because distractions go down so you are forced to manage your time properly.

However, this is the genius strategy:

Write your notes down on paper.

Yes, it’s obvious, but most people, at least in the classes I take, seem so keen on taking notes with the laptop and just reciting all of the notes from the laptop and nothing else.

Well, I have bad news if you are that boat and some good news if you are on that boat.

Taking notes with the laptop doesn’t work.

Exception: Anything where you have computer code or a Computer Aided Design class. But even still, you MUST write all of the code and procedures on a separate sheet of paper.

I have extremely critical research to prove this point to you.

Two psychologists did research on the effectiveness of hand writing notes when understanding concepts. They had 327 undergraduate students from UCLA and Princeton participate in the study where they watched a 15 minute TED talk and took a test on it afterwards.

There were 2 types of questions. There were simple factual questions and then there were conceptual questions (aka: the important ones).

The students were divided into two groups. One group took notes with the computer and the other group took notes with pencil and paper.

When the results for the factual questions came in, both groups performed similarly. Why? Because you simply needed to memorize the material and you were good to go.

However, when the conceptual results came in, the hand written notes groups greatly outperformed the laptop group as you can see in the study here.

Oh by the way, take a look at the picture of student in the lecture hall with their laptops. Quite amusing isn’t it? No wonder they ask “How is this guy or gal doing it?” when they see the person hand writing the notes get almost perfect scores on every test and everyone else scores in the 60s and the 70s!

But what does all of this data mean?

It means that when you are learning, do NOT use your laptop or tablet for that matter.

Always write down your notes on pen/pencil and paper for the best results.

You will be glad that you did this.

Mark my words when the next test rolls around and you get at least a 90.

Now here is another trick that most students don’t do but should:

3. Doing Your Homework Again

7 Mouth-Watering, Kick Ass Ways to Study Faster to Crush Your Exams Like Superman as a Super Ninja!

This is how to study a lot in a short period of time.

You might think that this a crazy idea and that it is a waste of time and many “experts” say that it is a waste of time.

But I argue otherwise and here’s why.

There’s an old cliché that goes like this: “Repetition is the mother of all learning.”

It is so true.

We humans are creatures of habit. So when we get into the habit of doing something, we don’t forget it.

It’s the same thing with learning something.

If you practice the same concept at least twice, you should have it in your brain to the point where you can recite it with ease.

So let’s take doing math problems for instance.

When you do a math problem of whatever concept you can think of, you have to follow a series of steps to solve the problem that rely on your understanding of the concepts behind it.

So let’s say you go through the problem set once and a week has passed and you need to make sure that you haven’t lost it.

What you would do is aside from reading into the concept again, you would start from scratch with your old problem set and you would go through each problem with all of the steps to ensure that the concepts and the procedural knowledge are absolute perfection with no misunderstandings whatsoever.

And since you have done the problems again correctly, you can assure yourself that you will not have any problems doing the procedure when it shows up on the test.

Now to prove my point as to why you should do your homework, take a look around you on campus.

How many students do you see not doing homework?

I bet it’s quite a bit.

Now what are the test score averages in those classes?

Pretty low.

Now observe those doing well in the classes. What are they doing right?

Aside from office hours and the study strategies I list in this post, it’s because they do the homework effectively.

Simply put, if you do the homework effectively as many times as it takes to get the concepts right and you keep filling in the knowledge gaps when you need to, there is no need to worry about any test. Guaranteed.

Now here is one strategy that a lot of students get wrong and it bites them in the butt later.

4. Stick With Your Study Routine

7 Mouth-Watering, Kick Ass Ways to Study Faster to Crush Your Exams Like Superman as a Super Ninja!

Have you seen any students playing video games anywhere on campus?

I bet you have and it looks amusing.

However, what isn’t amusing about it?

I’ll tell you the answer right now.

It’s because it is distracting.

And when you are distracted, you break off of your routine.

When you have a routine that works and you stick to it until the very end, you never lose.

That’s a fact.

Being disciplined is one of the key traits of every successful student.

They might not tell you about this, but it is true.

There is a schedule to keep, there are habits that must be followed and there is a sense of responsibility to uphold to those standards.

I can tell you that the number one reason students don’t get far is because they are not disciplined.

They work without a schedule and without set times to accomplish those goals.

What happens as a result is students start to procrastinate and they waste too much time to the point where they have to cram everything in one night and drink loads of Red Bull and coffee in order to stay awake (hence those all-nighters which you should avoid).

With a schedule that you follow and don’t deviate away from, you will NOT have this problem.

You will be extremely focused and you will be driven to accomplish what you are doing if you simply follow the schedule you have for yourself.

The schedule I follow when I study is called the 90-30 rule where I study for 90 minutes straight with no distractions nor interruptions. Then, I take 30 minute breaks away from the material to let my brain process the material and have a clear mind for the next session (I take an hour for lunch and dinner).

The results: Fantastic.

I scored at least 90 on every test (at least 85 if the professor is really not fair or if it was a really challenging class) and scored at least a 3.85 GPA the last 2 years of college when I got my study system perfected.

Everyone comes asking me “We have to work in groups to figure this stuff out, but you can figure it all out on your own? That’s impressive.”

The key to it?


Of course, I was not doing this to get attention from other classmates, but I wanted to prove a point to you because if they are coming to me asking me to study with me and how I am doing what I’m doing, then its proof that my methods are working.

And you can do the same if you just stay disciplined. It’s amazing how far you can go and how confident you become once you commit to this concept fully.

Now here is an extremely powerful technique that I use and it really makes you less uncertain about what you are doing once you do it.

5. Review Prior Material at the Beginning of Each Study Session

7 Mouth-Watering, Kick Ass Ways to Study Faster to Crush Your Exams Like Superman as a Super Ninja!

This is the student magician’s secret and elusive playbook on how to study well and fast.

Here’s what you do:

In the first 15 minutes of the new study session, you will go back to either the material you studied in the prior study session, or other material in the class, and you will review that material first.

For instance, let’s say you are studying Calculus II and you are in Chapter 7, the Integration Techniques chapter (if you haven’t taken this class, just bear with me; I’m going to prove my point as simply as possible).

Let’s say your next session will cover the Partial Fractions section, but you feel like you need to review trigonometric integrals first.

What you’ll do is study the trigonometric integrals first and the techniques associated with them like you need to break it down to cos2x in order to make the U-substitution for the cos3x integral.

When you do this, you are refreshing your brain on those concepts when you just learned and practiced them and as a result, they are going to stick in your brain as you continuously do this.

If you are still confused, I heavily recommend that you watch this video right here from by far my favorite math professor (seriously, if you are taking any math class, watch his videos) and Professor Leonard will explain how to do this strategy effectively. Start at 7:40 to watch the section where he talks about the strategy.

If you do this, you can kiss all of the forgetting good bye and watch yourself waltz into your final exams like Hulk Hogan ready to take down his challenger with a SUPER LEG DROP!

Mark my words with that!

Now here is one that might come as a surprise, but you’ll realize that thinking about your next Spring Break in Cancun with margaritas, women (or guys if you are a girl) and beautiful and luscious Sunny skies might be your ticket to acing your next midterm, so read on to know why.

6. Think of Something Fun When You Are Studying

7 Mouth-Watering, Kick Ass Ways to Study Faster to Crush Your Exams Like Superman as a Super Ninja!

When I took Calculus II, I would go down to the Florida Keys every month for mini staycations because it is absolute paradise.

From the lovely sound of palm trees to the luscious views of the turquoise waters to the most divine feeling that anyone can ever imagine, I would always feel recharged and ready to go for the next month of study after a retreat down there.

Surprisingly enough, I found a way to relate the concepts in the class to many different parts of the Florida Keys from relating partial fractions to driving on the Overseas Highway and combining it with music I would listen to often when I was down there.

In turn, I made the class fun in a way and I made it so that I was going on vacation when I was doing the problems.

Normally, what happens in students (particularly Calculus II) is they freak out over horror stories of people failing the class and as a result, they look at the problems and they think “I can’t do it. I’ll switch to business and party with the bros.”

You will not have this when you think of something fun when you study.

What will happen is you will associate the concepts instantly to the fun thing in your head and the thoughts will flow extremely easily.

To give you another example, I used this technique to get an A in Dynamics, which is a notoriously difficult engineering class.

I associated portions of the course material to a combination of various 1980s movie characters, the song “Rebel Yell” by Billy Idol and an electronic song that reminded me of going to space.

As a result of associating the problems with this cultural stuff that I liked, I was able to do the problems in a way that made a movie in my head that I could enjoy.

And I turn, I became engaged in doing the homework problems for the class and I was able to understand the concepts better.

Of course, I pulled off other tricks for that class like slowing objects down in my mind so I can visualize the problems better, but it was relating the material to things that I liked that sealed the deal and got me the A.

And you can do the same for your other classes.

All you have to do is find some things that you like and conceptually relate them to the material you are studying while you are studying.

In short, when you think of a concept, automatically think of, say, your favorite Netflix TV Show.

Comment below with what your results were and any questions you might have. I am more than happy to assist you with this.

Now here’s the granddaddy study tip of them all:

7. Know Your Goal

7 Mouth-Watering, Kick Ass Ways to Study Faster to Crush Your Exams Like Superman as a Super Ninja!

This one is the main driver of them all.

What is your goal?

Why are you doing what you are doing?

Where will it get you and will it make you happy in life?

These are the questions that will hopefully drive every action that you do and then some.

Your motivation needs to be so strong and so powerful that no one can break that force inside you that drives you to achieve whatever it is you want to achieve.

This is what will make you unstoppable in life.

Everyone will question “Can you stop and just relax?”

Guess what? The answer should be no.


Because when you relax (in a bad way), you get lazy and you become part of everyone else.

This is not good.

Most people are going nowhere in life because they just don’t get what they need to do and/or they are not following their gut.

Do you want to be part of that group or do you want to be in a league of your own untouched by everyone else?

I think the answer is obvious isn’t it?

If you are not convinced, let me tell you a story that will convince you.

Do you know who LeBron James is?

If you don’t know, he is perhaps the greatest basketball player on the planet.

Here’s one case of his greatness as a result of knowing his goal.

In 2012, he and the rest of the Miami Heat just lost at home to the Boston Celtics in Game 5 of the Eastern Conference Finals to go down 3-2 in the series.

They would be playing Game 6 in Boston in order to stay alive in the series or they would be eliminated.

Most teams who have to go on the road lose in the NBA playoffs.

Everyone (including me) said that the Heat would lose in Game 6 because they are playing on the road with a SUPER hostile crowd rooting against them.

LeBron knew that if he did not win this game, not only would he not be able to ever win a title, he would have ruined his quest to become the greatest basketball player ever.

So LeBron took the matter into his own hands and just crushed everybody.

Watch these highlights here to see what I mean.

Wow, right?

Just look at the stare and you will see for yourself what it means to know your goal and go after it.

That’s exactly the way I approach taking my tests.

I basically destroy them with no remorse whatsoever.

I set my mind to getting 100 on each test and I bulldoze it and cater every study session towards accomplishing those goals.

I study to the point where I get each concept perfect without a single misstep and as a result, I defeat everybody in my classes.

I always approach it and everything that I do like LeBron did when he balled out that night in Boston. With extreme vengeance, ruthlessness, nastiness and pure dominance to achieve everything that I want and then more.

And you can do the same if you make the switch in your mind.

I do encourage you to read this post on redirecting your sexual energy where I lay out Superman action steps you can do starting today to get your mind to envision what it is that you want and taking proactive steps to achieve those goals.

After reading that post, you will mentally have the formula that you need to go from lazy brain to having a six pack in your brain with a hot blonde on your shoulder and a Ferrari under your $30 million Star Island mansion on the Bayfront.

It is a cool way of saying “You are going to become REALLY smart and REALLY unstoppable super-fast.”

Now if you are not entirely sold on what I say in the post, I also recommend getting the book “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill which is the success bible for every successful person in the world.

If you read and do what it says, you are pretty much guaranteed to be the real life version of Zeus on Mount Olympus in that you become the world’s god and everything goes through you.

All of the power and the influence in your life? You become in control of them when you take action with this book.

You want to take that vacation to that Ritz Carlton in Aruba with all of the luxurious amenities you can think of? This book will help you get there.

If you want to permanently free yourself from the fear of having to worry about your career path potentially being ruined and free from your bills not being paid every month, this is the book for you.

You can pick up your copy here from Amazon. Note, I am an affiliate for Amazon and I will receive a commission when you buy through my link.

If you are still on the fence, don’t delay any further because you will eventually forget and you will miss out on ALL, I repeat, ALL of the benefits the book has to offer you so get it while its hot and you won’t regret it!

Closing the Game Out

7 Mouth-Watering, Kick Ass Ways to Study Faster to Crush Your Exams Like Superman as a Super Ninja!

Those are the 7 ways to study faster guaranteed and the 7 ways that will lead to incredible results when you apply them.

The takeaway is this: Do them and you will get where you need to go academically or don’t do them and you will remain where you are.

It really is up to you as to what you do with the material, but don’t sit around if you are suffering.

It’s time to get to work and right the ship if you are not doing things correctly right now.

So get to it.

If you enjoyed this post and got a lot out of it, definitely subscribe with your email to receive new blog posts from the greatest blog in the world when they are published that will force you to get the most out of every area of your life to accomplish your goals (even if they are not academic).

Also, definitely comment with your thoughts on anything related to this post (or anything in general; a great conversation is always great).

Until next time,

This is Evan signing off.

PS: You must’ve thought that I was trying to sell you things in this post correct? Well, I was. But if you bought and you found my offer attention getting, do you want to know how I did it?

Subscribe now to find out in a subscribers only post that will be released in the future in a data I don’t know and will only be available for 4 hours upon release, so subscribe now to get all of the benefits of the sales secrets!

Evan Cruz
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Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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