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What is a Great Song to Listen To When You Want To Just RELAX After a LONG Day?

What is a Great Song to Listen To When You Want To Just RELAX After a LONG Day?

Have you been asking yourself “What is a great song to listen to when I get home from work and I just want to getaway from all of the tyranny of the real world; what could help me do so even though I don’t have the money to go to Bora Bora and tell my boss to leave me alone?”

Well, if you said yes, I don’t just have a great song to present to you today.

I have 3.

And all 3 of these songs can REALLY get you to take action on what you want to do rather quickly.

So, if you have an earning desire to quit your job and to go to Bora Bora or you just want to make a major decision that has major implications, or if you just want to relax from a long day of work, this post is for you and it will give you the songs that can give you the tricks to pull those decisions off in your way.

So without further ado, let’s get into the 3 songs that will get you to relax and pretty much anything that you want!

Here comes the first song!

Perfect Moment by Peter White

What is a Great Song to Listen To When You Want To Just RELAX After a LONG Day?

I guess the title says it all does it?!

This is absolutely my favorite song to relax to.

It has got a tranquil guitar solo that puts your mind on a vacation when you listen to it.

From the opening beat, it takes you from being in the mountains of stress to sitting on a beach in Hawaii planning your future and how you are going to make it your own Perfect Moment.

All throughout the song, that guitar takes you along the journey of envisioning what is possible from actually seeing yourself achieve it.

If you have a nasty boss, the last thing that you’d want to do is to think about him or her and just decompress and dream and plan what you are going to do in the future, whether it’s to quit your job, go on that vacation, start that business, buy that house, etc.

If you ever wanted to realize how you can picture up what you want and/or just getaway from the realities of the real world, this song absolutely does the trick for you.

If you just want to go to sleep, you’ll be in a dream in a flash with this song!

It’s that powerful and it is genuinely a great listen.

Listen to the song below.

Human Nature by Michael Jackson

What is a Great Song to Listen To When You Want To Just RELAX After a LONG Day?

If you are a Michael Jackson fan, you have definitely heard this song from his famous album “Thriller.”

This is one of those songs, especially the accompaniment, that lets you go to a happy place and relax from a stressful day at work.

Just the opening alone lets you unwind like you are at a relaxing cabana ready to settle down under the sunset and decompress fro the day.

And then, during the rest of the song, it’s like you are sailing on a boat for a relaxing ride on smooth seas with no worry in the world whatsoever.

That bass guitar REALLY does hit the spot when you just want to chill.

It’s like you are in a different world!

Yes, the lyrics are ALL ABOUT New York, but believe me, when you turn on the accompaniment and just listen to it, you are really sailing in a nice tropical location with no traffic in sight and only 2 things around you:

1) Peace


2) The sea

No traffic, no congestion, no angry bosses, just peace and quiet.

Heavenly indeed.

Listen to it right below if you wish.

What better?

Well, that depends on the circumstances.

And if that’s the case, this next song might just do the trick for you.

Here it comes!

Summer Madness by Kool and the Gang

What is a Great Song to Listen To When You Want To Just RELAX After a LONG Day?

This one is an all time classic and if you haven’t listened to this one, you are truly missing out on a masterpiece.

When you get home from a long day of work, the next thing that you tend to do is think about the day and what your future will be like.

This song gives you the freedom to interpret it anyway that you want so that when you get home from work, you can think about many things like the following:

A) What happened during the day

B) What you accomplished during the day

C) What your dreams are for the future

D) Reality itself

E) The work that it will take to accomplish your dreams

F) A sense of what the journey to achieve what you want will be like and that you should be prepared for it

When you sit down to listen to this song and you blend it with your thoughts, it really does set in the reality of what you can accomplish and/or what you have done wrong and the consequences of it.

In short, the accompaniment of this song brings impact to your thoughts and it makes you REALLY realize what it is.

And once you finish listening to it, you feel compelled to take action on whatever it is that you desire.

You honestly feel like a god once you finish listening to it.

All of the instruments resemble something in the piece.

The bass guitar is like an old papa telling you “What are you doing man? Why are you down? You should be doing bigger and better things with your life; it’s not meant to be in a cubicle all day!”

Or he would be like “Young man, do you realize what you have done? You’ve done something remarkable son!”

Or he would be like “Son, you did something wrong. And you have to pay the price.”

And that POWERFUL and FORCEFUL violin that shows up randomly throughout the piece could be anything from the circumstances hitting in to your dreams to what you’ve accomplished.

And the trumpet solo that shows up towards the end of the piece and occasionally throughout the piece just slaps everything right into your face as to what the magnitude of your thoughts are.

It really tells you the answer to all of your questions and solves the mystery for you.

Depending on your situation, it could be saying “Go for it!” or “Don’t do it!” or “You blew it! Wake up son!” or “You did man! YOU DID IT MAN!” or “Good luck my friend!” or “Start dreaming, start doing!”

This is the power of a freeform piece that this is.

A piece where you can let go of your subconscious and just let the piece express the answers for you.

I really can’t think of another piece of music that does that.

It’s that unique.

And when you listen to it again, it’s not like you are listening to the same thing over and over again. It has a new meaning every time and it has new answers for you every time that you listen to it.

In fact, this was the song that appeared in “Rocky” when he arrived home from a fight towards the beginning of the movie. At the end of the scene with the song, he looks at his younger self and he reflects on his past and how he got up to the point that he is in life.

This is where he says in his mind “This is who I am?”

And the song tells him “Yes, this is who you are.”

And it strikes him about the reality of himself and that he really messed himself up to that point in his life.

And the song tells him just that.

You can see the scene right here if you wish.

And of course, the rest is history with Rocky Balboa.

And it could do the same for you when you listen to “Summer Madness.”

And here is the song right here:

When you get home from work or wherever you come home from, pop open this song and really use it to reflect on what it is that you want and desire to accomplish or reflect on the reality of your situation.

Do this, it’ll work wonders for you guaranteed or your money back, even though you haven’t paid a dime to me, and a $100 Amazon gift card sent to your doorstep.

Comment below with what you got out of the post and how listening to “Summer Madness” treated you today. Your comments are highly valued here.

And if you got a lot out of this post and you want to see more from Join the Island, I invite you to read this post right here and subscribe with you email at the bottom of this page to receive more mind blowing posts sent straight to your inbox from the greatest and most fascinating blog in the world, Join the Island.

Thank you for reading and have a lovely day.

Until next time,

This is Chief Islander Evan signing off.

Evan Cruz
+ posts

Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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