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Honestly, Be What You Want To Be Starting Today Because You Only Live Once

Honestly, Be What You Want To Be Starting Today Because You Only Live Once

Are you looking for ways to get ahead in life?

Do you want to instantly know the true secret for getting ahead in life?

If that’s you, then you’ve landed on the right post because I will tell you what that secret is right now.

Here’s the secret:

Be what you want to be, not what others want to see (in a bad and unnecessary way of course) and be independent of what everyone else thinks of you.

That’s right. It’s as simple as that.

Now, just because it’s simple, it doesn’t mean that it’s easy.

Read on for the full explanation on how to do this because it will take you a long time to figure it out otherwise. Save yourself all of that valuable time and get it now for free.

Don’t Follow the Crowd Just Because Everyone Is Doing It

Honestly, Be What You Want To Be Starting Today Because You Only Live Once

This one is the killer of your soul and it’s the biggest time waster in the world.

Usually what happens when you do this is you don’t become an independent thinker and your brain is heavily subjected to groupthink, which is something that you should never succumb to.

You can read more about groupthink here to know its true evil on your creativity and your authentic self.

Just think about this for a second. What would happen if you made a decision based off what the crowd thinks and you didn’t analyze the risks and consequences of the possible decisions that you could take?

You’ll fall off of the cliff without realizing that you are falling off of the cliff!

That’s insane!

I’ll give you a great example of this in real life.


Now I know, you might be thinking “Well, college is for everybody and you need it to survive. Why are criticizing college?”

Well, it’s not so much about college itself, which does have its flaws, but it’s more about the approach regarding how the college decision is made.

Let me explain.

The process in which people typically do when they go to college is they just go because everybody goes.

They pick a major without realizing the consequences of such choice and an extremely careful analysis of the labor market, their abilities and the importance of a strong business acumen prior to going to college.

As a result, the prospects for these people end up being extremely terrible and they don’t get the most out of college that they had initially hoped.

Not good.

You can see this video here for a complete story of what happens when you don’t do college correctly the first time around.

It’s pretty damn accurate if you ask me, especially if you were one of these people.

Comment below if that was the case and what you would do differently if you had a second go around with college.

Now the correct way to go about college goes something like this:

First, understand it for what it is. A business decision.

It must be used to improve your value in the marketplace while also helping you do what you want to do in life.

You must have both or it’s not worth it.

The next thing is you need to realize more critical facts of the situation. One of those facts is that in this world, experience is everything and if you don’t have it, you are dead in the water.

Even with a 4.0 GPA.

You need experience in some form related to what you want to do in life.

Whether it’s work experience or extracurriculars or research, you name it, you need it.

Realizing that alone before going to college combined with your drive to achieve what you want will put you in front of 95% of all college students who really don’t know what they are doing.

And that is the truth.

Another realization about college that is ABSOLUTELY essential is that college is a game.

Read that again if it pertains to you.

You must treat it as such and move the pieces around in a way that gets you what you want in life.

That means, you need to treat every class, every interaction and every extracurricular as a stepping stone to getting what you want out of college.


No ifs and buts about it.

You can read more about college as a game in the 5500 word article here to know everything that you need to know about how to use college or whatever educational path that you choose to achieve whatever goal that you have.

Now after reading that, would you want to go just because everyone else is going?


Absolutely not.

Of course, if it was for something like you need to evacuate for the hurricane, then yes you should evacuate like everyone else to achieve your goal of safety, likewise with, hopefully, everyone’s goal with college to use it to achieve a better life for themselves.

BUT, your approach to that evacuation should be a lot different.

I’ll give you this example so that this concept instantly clicks.

2 years ago as of this writing, in South Florida, we dealt with a storm named Hurricane Irma.

It was a category 4 storm when it struck the Florida Keys.

There was a frenzy to get out of Florida in light of the storm.

There was so much of a frenzy that the entire Florida Turnpike, the main toll road in Florida, was bumper to bumper all the way up to where it ended.

But there’s more.

The frenzy was SO large that it was bumper to bumper from Miami to Atlanta.

Not a joke.

You can read here to verify this.

Here’s where the independent thinking approach comes in.

You can think one of two options in this scenario:

  1. Stay in South Florida (which was what I did; the storm wasn’t a big deal here except for the Keys)
  2. Find a route out of Florida that can avoid all of the traffic

The second option existed in many ways.

There are crossroads out of Florida that even though they aren’t highways, barely anybody was going to use them since they didn’t realize they existed or they felt that it would take too long to get out of Florida as a result, when in reality, that wasn’t the case.

Notably, there were 2 crossroads out, US 27 and US 441.

Barely anybody used them during the evacuation and as a result, the people that took those routes from who I spoke to got out of Florida a lot quicker than those who took the major highways out.

That goes to show you the importance of thinking outside of the box and looking for different options when you need to.

If you follow the linear route of following the crowd, more often than not, you will see a big curve to your plans that will make it very difficult for you later on.

So watch out and think my friend!

Now here’s another thing to know if you desire to get the most out of your life.

Go For What You Always Wanted Since You Were a Kid

Honestly, Be What You Want To Be Starting Today Because You Only Live Once

This is the one that will convince you what you need to do.

Unless you have a physical impairment that impairs you from doing this, just do it somehow in your life.

Have you always wanted to be an astronaut?

Find a way to make it happen.

Have you always wanted to start a business?

Then do it.

Have you always wanted to (insert what you wanted since you were 5 years old and it never left)?

That’s what you should go for regardless of what the demand says right now because your passion for it will be the demand in the marketplace!

This is one of the key secrets to life.

The secret to basically every child prodigy is one thing:

Early curiosity.

What were they curious about when they were 5 years old?

Or even 2 or 3 years old for that matter?

Or as late as 10!

That’s an answer that you know deep down and chances are, that curiosity is still there.

Here’s what to do with that curiosity:

Unleash it somehow in discovery or some sort of project that you can do on your own to show the world how much you love it and know about it.

Believe me when I say this:

You will find success somehow when you do this.

It will happen.


Because you become a kid again and people cannot help but be around a great kid!

Which brings me to my next point.

Grow Up, Be Mature, but SCREW ADULTHOOD!

Honestly, Be What You Want To Be Starting Today Because You Only Live Once

Let me tell you something about adults in general.

They’re a bunch of clowns disguised as politically correct people.

Read that again and let it resonate with you because it is true.

That boss at work?

Chances are that he’s a clown.

Your coworkers who did not go after what they want and are stuck in a cubicle?

They’re clowns.

Clowns do silly stuff and silly stuff doesn’t cut it on this planet (unless that is your line of work or you are using it in your work, in which case that’s a different story).

Being stuck all day doing something that is completely against your will if you did not want to do it in the first place and you had the power to change that is utterly ridiculous and foolish.

You basically tied yourself into a knot without even needing to.

Who does that?


So don’t do that or you’ll waste a lot of time in life.

NOW, on the flip side, even though you should be a kid forever, we do live in an environment where you need to look at reality very closely and make the correct decisions for yourself.

That is where growing up and being mature takes place.

And believe me, what your coworkers are doing is FAR from mature.

Being mature means that you are not harming anybody in ways other than self-defense and you are approaching everything with great care and due diligence to the point where you realize the consequences of your decisions very thoughtfully.

That is the mark of a true leader.

This is an extremely critical concept in understanding your finances to knowing what to invest in and what not to invest in to what path you should choose in life, etc.

Maturity makes the world a better place.

And if it makes the world a better place, it can make your world a better place to.

Because let’s face it, you probably know this being in an office, it’s crazy.

Now I’ve never been in a cubicle before working for someone else, but from what I can tell, it’s crazy.


Because of a lack of maturity.


A lack of pure and genuine understanding from almost every there of the environment surrounding them and the consequences of those decisions.

And that is what you need in order to live life the way that you want to live life.

So be a grown up because there aren’t many of them out there.

Now here’s the next point of being a grown up that you must understand very clearly.

Be Yourself; don’t be a phony. Life Will Punish You For It

Honestly, Be What You Want To Be Starting Today Because You Only Live Once

Listen, I can rant on this all day long because 99% of people are fake blockheads. But I’ll tell it to you in a way that gets right to the heart of it.

No one can change who you are.

No one.

When you succumb to what someone wants you to be, you are lying to the world and you are being a disgrace to yourself.

As a result of doing this, you are missing out on showing the world the uniqueness in you and living your life to the fullest.

This is the truth that almost all people miss at some point in their life.

Have you ever come across someone who was trying to please you only to seek approval from you and not him or herself?

That must’ve been the most annoying person that you’ve ever met in your life right?

But what about someone who you felt deep down they were genuinely enthusiastic about what they were doing and they were not doing it to please people but instead, they were doing it since it was the calling in life that they discovered?

Didn’t you get a breath of fresh air when you met that person and wasn’t their energy so contagious that you could not help but tell them how much you admired them?

That’s exactly my point!

You should always stay true to yourself and NEVER deviate away from it!

I bet you that at least 98% of people working in cubicles are there because they were not true to themselves in the first place.

I guarantee you that.

And look at where it got them in life.

Nowhere except an office job.

Do you REALLY want that or do you REALLY want to keep doing that if you are there now?

I thought so.

So what do you need to do to start getting out of it?

Well, 2 things:

  1. Make the decision today to start living the way that you want to live according to who you are.
  2. Read the next section to find out the other thing.

Ask for Help When You Need It

Honestly, Be What You Want To Be Starting Today Because You Only Live Once

This is the most overlooked one of them all.

If you don’t ask for help, how do you expect to have anyone assist you in some capacity?

That is ludicrous!

Even the most successful people asked for help when they needed to!

Let me give you a great example of this.

You heard of Elon Musk right?

He explained in an interview one time that the way he learned aerospace engineering was by reading books AND, drumroll please

(insert drums picture when you are done)


That is correct. Even he needed help to achieve his goal.

Go to 6:15 in this video here for the full testimonial.

When you are asking people, you are receiving clarification on things or you are working on getting things to move forward.

That’s in essence asking for help.

I bet you with my money that his self-directed learning process is the same exact process that you would do to self-teach yourself any subject.

Now he might learn it faster than most people, but the process itself has to be the same.

It can’t be any other way considering that he was “raised by books” and barely anyone reads books.

Now you see the real answer to success.

Application, not “Oh my god, he’s a genius. He has some innate magical ability to do good shit.”

When you say that, you are limiting what you can do friend and how far you can go.

That is lying to yourself.

You CAN be more and you WILL be more if you get rid of that assumed constraint in your head.

You can read more about how to learn here if you want to get started right away on learning some of that cool stuff that you have always wanted to learn.

So that is everything that you need to know to be the thing that you want in life.

Your true authentic self.

No one telling you otherwise.

If you want to have more epic blog posts sent straight to your inbox the moment that they are published, definitely subscribe with your email below to Join the Island, the greatest blog on the Earth according to my true authentic self!

Have a blast!

Until next time,

This is Evan signing off.

PS: Comment below with how you will live your authentic self today. It’d be great to hear.

Evan Cruz
+ posts

Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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