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6 Quick and Magical Things That Occur When You Don't Masturbate

6 Quick and Magical Things That Occur When You Don’t Masturbate

Have you been looking at articles about whether you should stop masturbating?

Do you want to know the cold hard truth about fapping easily and quickly?

You’re in luck because you will get it here.

But first, let me show you what happens when you jack off.

I want you to envision yourself being extremely passionate about what you are doing and absolutely crushing it.

Whether you are a waitress at a restaurant, a lawyer winning a case or just shooting videos on YouTube. Envision yourself just doing that thing.

Do you sound dominant?

Now try applying this to your real life in which you were passionate about something and you just couldn’t put that thing down.

Were you crazily obsessed?

Now let me ask you. Was that crazy obsession because of your head or was it because something was arousing you below?

Be honest with yourself.

Now think about the time when you masturbated and you approached that obsession.

Did you do it with the same energy and motivation?

Comment below with what happened.

I assume not.

The reason?

It’s because everything that we do is sex driven.

We are driven to do anything that we can to reproduce offspring and to accomplish anything that we need to accomplish in order to fulfill that.

When we masturbate, we lose that energy and we become demotivated to do anything and we become lazy as a result.

Do you want that?

I guess if you are a lazy guy or gal on the smartphone maybe, but if you read this, I’ll change your mind fast.

By now, I think that you are convinced that you shouldn’t masturbate, but if you are skeptical, here’s why you shouldn’t and here are the godly powers that not masturbating can give you.

You’ll Up Your Drive and Ambition

6 Quick and Magical Things That Occur When You Don't Masturbate

This is the great secret of all of the high achieving people of the world.

They use their sexual energy and direct it to what they want instead of the opposite sex.

In order to do this, you need all of your reproductive cells.

If you just jack off and expect to have the same level of motivation to achieve what you want, you are dead wrong.

It’s not going to happen.

I want you to read this article here about how sexual redirection will give you massive results in a relatively short period of time.

Are you convinced now?

Good. If you want to read into that concept further, you can purchase “Think and Grow Rich” here from Amazon and you can read my article on redirecting sexual energy to what you want here that will give you an activity to determine this want extremely fast.

And if you are not convinced, I encourage you to masturbate or think about a time when you did masturbate and the drop in energy that occurred as a result of that.

Were you performing or going about your day at your ultimate strength or were you begging to go home and sleep?

I think it was the last one.

Pretty clearly.

I guess that’s enough reason for you to stop fapping right?

Now here’s the next reason why you should not masturbate starting today:

You’ll Become a Badass

6 Quick and Magical Things That Occur When You Don't Masturbate

Let me define badass for you.

A badass is someone who unapologetically does what they want with no one’s permission whatsoever and has no shame in doing that thing.

Do you know someone who you just see and you are like “Damn, you are a f****** god/goddess?”

Well, the reason for that is because they do not fap.

And when they do not fap, they can be more of themselves.

And they feel like a god when they do that thing.

You can be that person as well, except you should be yourself and not replicate everything that the other people are doing.

With all of the increased energy that you will have, you’ll be more motivated to do what you want to do with the utmost confidence.

And the best part about it?

You will stop caring about what other people think.

If you are worried about what other people are thinking, then you need to get to that point fast in order to live the life that you want.

And getting to that point starts with no masturbation.

Believe me.

You’ll become the hunter instead of the hunted.

Oh, and if you are watching porn, stop that to.

That is the biggest waste of time on the planet.

You will not get anywhere in life if you just watch porn all of the time when you get the chance.

You will have no motivation to do anything and you’ll get hooked onto it like it’s a drug.

So stop that today.

Now for the next benefit, you might be shocked and one of the biggest myths of mankind will be debunked for good and you will be more free and more jacked up than ever to get going with whatever you want to do with your life.

Let’s get to it.

You Inner Genius Will Arise

6 Quick and Magical Things That Occur When You Don't Masturbate

Yes, you can be a genius if you want to.

But the key is to not be a genius. It’s to learn enough information to get what you want.

However, when you do not fap, you will experience large amounts of creativity that will make you say to yourself “DAMN IT! Why didn’t I do this earlier?!”

The reason for this is because your mind wants to achieve your desire so bad that it is literally scrambling inside if your head looking for ways to get the job done. It’s doing whatever it takes to get it done as quick as possible because it is driven.

That’s what no fap gives you. Drive, motivation, a take no prisoners attitude when it comes to my goal type of thing, a Darth Vader like approach to life that’ll make you a god in no time.

Let me ask you. Do you want to be more like Darth Vader or do you want to be more like the commander here.

I bet that’s an easy answer.

If you’re the commander, you are nervous as hell.

But if you are Darth Vader, you run the show.

No fap allows you to run the show.

So be that guy or gal.

And here’s the next benefit of no fap.

You Won’t Be Tempted to Sleep and You’ll Actually Sleep

6 Quick and Magical Things That Occur When You Don't Masturbate

Have you heard of studies that say that if you masturbate, you’ll fall asleep better?

If you have, I’m here to tell you something.

They’re not true.

The real thing to go to sleep is having a glass of water before you sleep because that will chill the body out and calm it down before bed without losing your sexual energy.

Read this for more.

You will sleep when you are tired and drink some water and you will get the full sleep that your body needs and you’ll be disciplined about it.

No tardies.

If you do masturbate, you will notice that you will go to bed later than usual and you will have a hard time disciplining yourself to go to sleep at bed time when you should.

Why is the case?

I don’t know, but that is what will happen.

And you know what happens when you are late for bed?

You hit that snooze button and you pay with less time later in the day and the opportunity cost of not waking up on time.

That will compound itself over time and you will regret it when it’s too late.

Guaranteed or I’ll send a $100 Amazon gift card to your house.

I hope that convinced you to stop fapping.

And if that didn’t, read on and you’ll see the true consequences of fapping that extend beyond just bumping up your drive.

You’ll Skyrocket Your Focus

6 Quick and Magical Things That Occur When You Don't Masturbate

Because you are now this driven, motivated, Darth Vader like man or woman and you have redirected your sexual energy to what you want in life, you can focus on what matters most:

What you want out of life.

Let me tell you something about this.

When you masturbate, especially throughout the day, your energy drops like a rock falling from the sky and it crashes onto the ground with an enormous impact that you immediately regret losing that energy.

Right after you masturbate, you feel extremely tired and all you want to do is sleep all day with no end in sight, even though it won’t put you to sleep.

As a result, you lose your productivity, you take too long to do things that should be done quicker and you simply don’t want to do anything in life.

That’s no fun friend.

You need to use the energy and channel it to your goals and dreams, not on some temporary shot of serotonin and dopamine, which brings me to my next point:

You Won’t Get Addicted To a Drug

6 Quick and Magical Things That Occur When You Don't Masturbate

Yep, you have that right.

If you masturbate, you will get addicted to a drug.

Why is it a drug?

Because if you do it often, you will depend on it for shots of dopamine and serotonin, which are your feel good neurotransmitters.

As a result of this overdependence, you are then forced to keep masturbating to receive these sensations, which in turn spirals into more dependence and to less creativity with what you want to accomplish.

That is a recipe for disaster in the making!

Have you ever experienced this feeling before? Comment below with your thoughts.

Have you ever heard the phrase “Say no to drugs?”

Well, it’s true.

Since overdependence on masturbating can get you addicted to it, you can’t do it.

End of discussion.

The cost simply outweighs the benefit.

Find out what you want, don’t fap, and watch yourself become a MONSTER!

Believe me when I say it. You won’t regret it.

If you got a lot out of this post and you want some more kick ass content sent straight to your inbox, definitely subscribe to Join the Island, the greatest blog on the planet, with your email right below. New posts will be sent to your inbox the moment that they are published!

And also comment below with what you’ll do as a result of this post along with any feeling of masturbation dependence and its negative side effects. It’d be great to see what you say!

Until next time,

This is Evan signing off.

PS: Read this for testimonials. You will be convinced if you aren’t.

Evan Cruz
+ posts

Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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