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YouTube As a Learning Tool Rules! Here's Why!

YouTube As A Learning Tool Rules! Here’s Why!

Are you looking at YouTube as a potential source of learning new information?

Do you want to know more about why it is one of the best ways to learn new information?

If that’s you, then you are in the right place because in this post, you will learn YouTube as a learning tool is perhaps the best in the business for those who prefer to learn visually and who are getting started on their learning journey.

You will also discover the hidden secret that compounds into more secrets behind the genius of every great man in history and how YOU can become one of them in a relatively short period of time as a result of reading this blog post.

So if you are ready for the wisest and most enjoyable read of your life, please continue on in this blog post where the mysteries of genius will be uncovered.

And if you are still not convinced and you are turned off by the tone of this blog post thus far, this is a quality post and let’s not forget that you value quality things like quality clothes and quality education (like this blog post) and a quality standard of living.

You will have to pay with your time and it’s a lot of time that you will have to put into reading it. This might be the same thing that happens when you read other things on the internet, but quality doesn’t come cheap in life and you should’ve known that before you got here.

I will take more of your time because I give more than what you pay for.

So I recommend to you to continue reading this blog post now so that you can start enjoying the benefits and opportunities of this blog post starting today!

Let’s go!

You’ll Comprehend More Information

YouTube As a Learning Tool Rules! Here's Why!


It has been proven many times over by Generation Z that learning via video does improve comprehension.

In fact YouTube’s convenience is so overwhelmingly evident that school districts and educators across the USA are now saying according to a study that I’ll post right here that 82% of school educators feel that video leads to “greater student achievement” and that 93% of teachers feel that “videos improve the learning experience.” 

That is a lot of evidence about the effectiveness of videos.

93% satisfaction rate?

Shoot, that’s already an A!

The real reasons for this is because the videos are more interactive friendly than books (even though that changes once you crack open a book after watching YouTube videos which I’ll talk about later in this post) and learners can actually see what happening instead of speculating what is happening when they read a book.

Additionally, the content creators on YouTube tend to be much more friendlier and sympathetic with the learner than authors of books, specifically textbook authors (in most cases).

As a result, learners are more motivated and inspired to learn new material and this is reflected in YouTube comments under these videos.

In fact I’ll give you an example of this.

If you are familiar with math YouTubers, you probably know who Professor Leonard is.

He publishes videos on calculus, differential equations, statistics, and algebra.

He is an extraordinarily great professor whose ability to explain the material trumps anybody on the planet.

You can read my review of his channel right here.

Many people in the comments section of his videos say that as a result of watching them, they have become inspired to learn and accomplish many new things as a result of these videos, with one person saying that they went into software development as a result and others saying that they continued their studies to become engineers as a result.

As for me, from Professor Leonard, I actually learned how to conceptualize ideas and to use them to create solutions. This helped go on to read a lot of books that initially weren’t understandable but now are understandable thanks to the training from Professor Leonard.

He really changes your mind intellectually.

Yes, there are other YouTubers that will do the same, but Leonard is the best example of this.

So as a result of these statistics, I can bet my entire life savings that you would be extremely curious to know more about learning on YouTube and you would want to go on YouTube and learn about anything right now.

If that’s you, then go for it right now and you can stop reading this post.

Comment below with your results. I’d be happy to know.

If you are still not convinced, then keep reading this post as I will show you how powerful YouTube can be for you and how you can become the ultra-super robot genius as a result of watching YouTube videos for learning. So stay tuned.

It Can Cater To Your Needs

YouTube As a Learning Tool Rules! Here's Why!


Looks nice doesn’t it?!

Let’s face it, not everybody likes to learn from reading words, and if that’s you, that’s probably the reason why you clicked on this post to look for another way.

If you are a visual learner, then look no further!

YouTube is as close as it gets to being a visual learning experience, while seeing this in motion!

Unlike books, you’ll get to see every step explained in real time and with a good path to see how every concept is related and executed.

So if you want a math problem done right now for instance, you can just pop open YouTube and your solution for a particular problem with the topic that you are doing will show up and all of the steps will be there for your convenience.

Look at this video here for example to see this in action.

That was clear wasn’t it?!

Note: The absolute value of any number, positive or negative, is ALWAYS positive.

Hence, why he set the equation to positive 8 and negative 8.

I believe that if you weren’t convinced of YouTube before this post, you are convinced now!

But wait, before you leave to explore the mysteries of creep in a beam on YouTube (oh I know where that is!), there are some secrets that will be shared here that’ll put you ahead of everyone in your generation if and when you read on, so stay tuned and don’t click out just yet!

It Can Develop The Curiosity in Any Learner to Then Go Read Books

YouTube As a Learning Tool Rules! Here's Why!


With the right instructor on YouTube, you will have the correct intellectual infrastructure in place to then go read books that were once out of your reach.

You will replace the smartphone with books as your favorite pastime.

Now why is this the case?

Well because the best YouTube instructors focus on concepts which are the keys to understanding any idea about any topic. And as a result, you won’t just be memorizing stuff, but rather questioning ideas and looking for other things to form solutions with.

Hence, you’ll become curious and hence, you will be driven to books that’ll take what you understand and expand upon it with new ideas to keep this intellectual pattern going.

In fact, this is the foundation of all of these so called “geniuses” on this planet.

They just simply redirected their attention to something that they were interested in and focused on that instead of traditional stuff like a smartphone.

Believe me, their brains are the same as yours.

It’s just a simple switch that you have to do to have that mental breakthrough like they did.

You can read more about it here.

If you watch a guy like Professor Leonard, you will know that this mental breakthrough will happen.

Now I know that I keep mentioning him over and over again and there are a lot of YouTubers that can have the same effect on you, but if you are looking for a mental breakthrough and you really want to know how to solve problems like a pro and not have to rely on your memory anymore, oh this is the guy for that.

He will fix your problem and if you are in school, he will fix all of your school problems and you will never fail a class or another test again.

Guaranteed or a $100 Amazon gift card will be sent to your doorstep.

Now YouTube is great as a start, but there is still one thing that needs to be acknowledged and that point will be coming up:

Bonus: There’s Still No Excuse

YouTube As a Learning Tool Rules! Here's Why!


Henry David Thoreau once said that books are the treasured wealth of the world.

That could not be any closer to the truth.

Until you add the fact that you have to take action on what you read.

But as for information alone, that is true.

The bottom line is that the internet and YouTube will only take you so far in what you need to know for your chosen field.

Every time that we go back in time before the internet days, and even up to today, all of the great geniuses and wealthy people of our time attributed their success in large part due to the information that they read in books.

If you polled every person who is a “genius” today and asked them where they got the information for their success, they will all tell you “Books.”

And if it isn’t always books, they will always say that books were at least a part of the success.

Even today, the vast majority of the top 1% of the world’s wealthiest people read books to gather new ideas and perspectives and to actually act upon that knowledge to acquire more assets and to find ways to grow their brand.

That’s just the reality.

But if you do what I said in this post, you will grow to love books instead of hate them like most people.

And that will help you tremendously in the long run since basically nobody else in your age group will do it.

If you are still not convinced by books though, I recommend reading this post right here and reading the following testimonials.

Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, attributes the majority of what he knows about aerospace engineering to textbooks about the subject, stating that he just “reads books.”

Yes, he went to mentors to further his knowledge about the subject, but that doesn’t work without reading books first to know what to ask and why he needs to ask those questions.

In short, there is no Tesla and SpaceX without books.

Warren Buffett, the world famous investor and one of the wealthiest men in the world, attributed his success to several books that he read at a very early age that have been the “bedrock” of his investing activities.

Not once did he mention anything outside of books aside from mentors.

You can read about some of his recommendations here.

Jeff Bezos, the world’s wealthiest person and the CEO of Amazon, attributes the majority of his success to reading books, ever since he was a kid fascinated by technology and up to his current occupation in entrepreneurship.

In fact, that what Amazon initially was, an online book retailer.

You can read some of his recommendations here.

The bottom line is this: Books plus taking action based off of what you read are the keys to achieving whatever it is that you want in your field.


Just take YouTube as a foundation for moving onto something that will benefit you even more in the long run.

YouTube is a piece to the puzzle, but it will not fill in the entire thing.

To see the secrets of the world and to benefit from them, you have to crack those books open!

To start, purchase this book right now here.

Don’t ask why and just do it.

I just have to mention that I am an affiliate and that I will commission off of your purchase if you buy through this link, but the price that you pay will not change.

But that’s it.

Everything else is inside.

Either way you will make a decision and you will have a price to pay and an obligation to fulfill.

The question is, are you going to stay with the old or are you going to upgrade your life today?

Your choice my future islander, pick wisely.

Have a great day.

Until next time,

This is Chief Islander Evan signing off.

PS: If you want to know the extremely best and the most elusive ways to make people like you that you can’t find on YouTube, buy this book now right here. You’ll thank me later. Again, this is also an affiliate link. 

PPS: If you want to know the secrets of how I got you to buy these books today, buy this book right now as well before you forget. It’s now or never since you will eventually forget and value exceeds the price so price really is an after-thought at this point. Like Warren Buffett said “Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”

And the value is at least 1000X the price if the book, so get it now right here! This is also an affiliate link and I will commission off of your purchase today.

Evan Cruz
+ posts

Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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